(1) the applicant currently holds a valid beer or beer and wine permit; or
(2) the applicant has had a criminal history background check conducted by the State Law Enforcement Division within the past thirty days.
(B) A temporary beer or beer and wine permit issued pursuant to subsection (A) is valid until a permanent retail beer or beer and wine permit is approved or disapproved by the department, but in no case is it valid for longer than one hundred and twenty days.
(C) Notwithstanding subsection (B) the department may revoke a temporary retail beer or beer and wine permit if the applicant fails to proceed with obtaining the permanent retail beer or beer and wine permit in a timely manner, as set forth by the department in regulation.
(D) The department shall collect a fee of twenty-five dollars for each temporary beer or beer and wine permit sought. The funds generated by this fee must be deposited in the general fund of the State."/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. HASKINS explained the amendment.
The amendment was then adopted.
Rep. RICHARDSON moved that the House do now adjourn.
Rep. BOAN demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Anderson Beatty Farr Haskins Jaskwhich Marchbanks McElveen Richardson Riser
Robinson Rudnick Smith, D. Snow Trotter Wofford
Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Allison Askins Bailey, G. Baker Barber Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, H. Brown, J. Byrd Cato Chamblee Cobb-Hunter Cooper Cromer Davenport Delleney Fair Gamble Gonzales Govan Harrell Harrelson Harris, J. Harris, P. Harrison Harvin Harwell Hines Hodges Holt Houck Huff Hutson Inabinett Jennings Keegan Kennedy Kinon Kirsh Klauber Law Littlejohn Martin Mattos McAbee McCraw McKay McTeer Meacham Neal Neilson Phillips Quinn Rhoad Rogers Scott Sharpe Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, R. Spearman Stille Stoddard Stuart Thomas Vaughn Waites Waldrop Walker Wells White Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkes Wilkins Williams Witherspoon Worley Wright Young, A.
So, the House refused to adjourn.
A. Chapter 1, Title 6 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
"Section 6-1-80. From the funds appropriated to the State Treasurer for `other operating expenses' on line 35, page 47, Section 10, Part IA of the general appropriations act for fiscal year 1994-95, the State Treasurer shall use five hundred dollars to develop procedures to collect and shall proceed to collect from a county or municipality any revenues raised from a county or municipal tax or fee on any transaction subject to a state imposed tax or fee including, but not limited to, sales of real property; retail sales; beer, wine, and alcoholic beverage licensing and permitting; and furnishing accommodations. The county or municipality shall pay over the revenues in the manner provided by the State Treasurer. The county tax or fee revenues collected by the State Treasurer must be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the State."
B. This section takes effect July 1, 1994./
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. KELLEY explained the amendment.
Rep. RUDNICK raised the Point of Order that Amendment No. 380 was out of order as it was not germane.
The SPEAKER overruled the Point of Order.
Rep. BOAN moved to table the amendment, which was agreed to.
Debate was resumed on Amendment No. 267, by Rep. QUINN.
Rep. QUINN explained the amendment.
Rep. RUDNICK moved to table the amendment.
Rep. QUINN demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Cobb-Hunter Farr Felder Gamble Govan Keegan McElveen Rudnick Stuart
Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Allison Anderson Askins Bailey, G. Baker Barber Baxley Breeland Brown, G. Brown, J. Byrd Cato Chamblee Cooper Cromer Davenport Delleney Fair Gonzales Graham Harrell Harris, J. Harrison Harvin Haskins Hodges Holt Hutson Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Kelley Kinon Kirsh Klauber Koon Littlejohn Marchbanks McCraw McKay McLeod McMahand Meacham Neal Phillips Quinn Rhoad Riser Robinson Scott Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, R. Snow Spearman Stille Stone Sturkie Thomas Trotter Vaughn Waites Waldrop Walker Wells Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkes Wilkins
Williams Witherspoon Wofford Worley Wright Young, A.
So, the House refused to table the amendment.
The question then recurred to the adoption of the amendment, which was agreed to.
Rep. STILLE proposed the following Amendment No. 321 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\JIC\5740HTC.94), which was ruled out of order. Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part II, Permanent Provisions, by adding a new SECTION, appropriately numbered, to read:
Section 9-11-525 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 658 of 1988, is amended to read:
"Section 9-11-525. Beneficiaries receiving benefits under the Police Insurance and Annuity Fund shall receive a fifty dollar a month increase in their monthly benefits effective July 1, 1988 1994."/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. STILLE explained the amendment.
Rep. BOAN raised the Point of Order that Amendment No. 321 was out of order as it was not germane.
The SPEAKER sustained the Point of Order and ruled the amendment out of order.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 3A was adopted was taken up.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 3B was adopted was taken up.
Rep. BOAN moved to table the motion to reconsider.
Rep. SCOTT demanded the yeas and nays, which were not ordered.
The motion to reconsider was tabled by a division vote of 54 to 29.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 11 was adopted was taken up and agreed to.
Rep. GAMBLE proposed the following Amendment No. 199 (Doc Name L:\h- wm\legis\amend\VC.027), which was adopted. Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 11, AG, Page 49, Line 5, opposite /Classified Positions/ by increasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /206,242/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Section 11 as amended was adopted.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 17E was adopted was taken up.
Rep. BOAN moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 17S was adopted was taken up and rejected.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 18J was adopted was taken up.
Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider.
Rep. WOFFORD demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Anderson Askins Bailey, J. Baker Barber Baxley Beatty Boan Breeland Brown, G. Brown, J. Byrd Cobb-Hunter Delleney Fair Farr Felder Govan Harrell Harrelson Harris, J. Harris, P. Harvin Harwell Hines Hodges Holt Houck Inabinett Jaskwhich Keegan Kennedy Keyserling Kinon Law Marchbanks Mattos McAbee McCraw McElveen McLeod McMahand McTeer Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Richardson Rogers Rudnick Scott Sheheen Snow Spearman Stille Stuart Trotter Waites Waldrop Whipper White Wilder, J. Williams Worley
Those who voted in the negative are:
Allison Bailey, G. Brown, H. Cato Chamblee Clyborne Cooper Cromer Davenport Gamble Gonzales Harrison Haskins Hutson Kelley Kirsh Klauber Koon Littlejohn McKay Meacham Quinn Riser Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stoddard Stone Sturkie Thomas Vaughn Walker
Wells Wilder, D. Witherspoon Wofford Wright Young, A.
So, the motion to reconsider was tabled.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 33 was adopted was taken up and rejected.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 34 was adopted was taken up and agreed to.
Rep. QUINN proposed the following Amendment No. 284 (Doc Name L:\h- wm\legis\amend\CJ.055), which was adopted. Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 34, DPS, Page 320, Line 22, opposite /Classified Pos/ by decreasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /$700,000/
Amend further, Page 320, Line 23, by decreasing the number of FTEs in columns (5) and (6) by /30/
Amend further, Page 320, Line 26, opposite /Other Operating/ by decreasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /$700,000/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Section 34 as amended was adopted.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 35 was adopted was taken up and agreed to.
Rep. GAMBLE proposed the following Amendment No. 198 (Doc Name L:\h- wm\legis\amend\VC.029), which was adopted.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 35, DSS, Page 329, Line 5, opposite /Classified Positions/ by decreasing the amount in columns (5) and (6) by /206,242/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Section 35 as amended was adopted.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 49 was adopted was taken up and agreed to.
Rep. ASKINS proposed the following Amendment No. 306 (Doc Name L:\h- wm\legis\amend\DC.065), which was adopted.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 49, PRT, Page 0404, by inserting a new line entitled /Ron McNair Memorial/ and inserting in columns (5) and (6) /$50,000/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Section 49 as amended was adopted.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 54 was adopted was taken up and agreed to.
Reps. HOLT and J. BAILEY proposed the following Amendment No. 224 (Doc Name L:\h-wm\legis\amend\VC.033), which was adopted. Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 54, Old Exchange Building, Page 415, Line 4, opposite /Other Operating Expenses/ by increasing the amount in column (5) by /$112,944/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
The amendment was then adopted by a division vote of 60 to 20.
The motion of Rep. HALLMAN to reconsider the vote whereby Amendment No. 55 was tabled was taken up.
Rep. BOAN moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.
Section 54 as amended was adopted.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 69A was adopted was taken up and agreed to.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 69A, Aid to Subdivisions - CG, Page 0490, After Line 33, by inserting a new line entitled /Lee County Memorial Hospital/ and inserting in column (5) /$286,000/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Section 69A as amended was adopted.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 128 was adopted was taken up.
Rep. BOAN moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.
The motion of Rep. BOAN to reconsider the vote whereby Section 3 was adopted was taken up.
Rep. BOAN moved to table the motion to reconsider.
Rep. DAVENPORT demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Askins Bailey, G. Bailey, J. Barber Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, J. Byrd Cato Cobb-Hunter Cromer Delleney Felder Gonzales Govan Graham Harrell Harrelson Harris, J. Harris, P. Harrison Harvin Hines Hodges Holt Houck Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Keegan Kennedy Keyserling Klauber Koon Law Marchbanks
Mattos McAbee McCraw McElveen McKay McTeer Moody-Lawrence Neal Phillips Quinn Richardson Riser Rogers Scott Sharpe Sheheen Shissias Snow Spearman Stoddard Stuart Sturkie Thomas Waites Waldrop Whipper White Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkins Williams Witherspoon Worley Wright