These experiences along with his 11 years of practice in all areas of Family Court as a lawyer and Guardian ad Litem adds to the knowledge necessary for the many complex, sensitive and personal issues in Family Court.
47. Five (5) letters of recommendation:
(a) Thomas H. Richardson, Vice President
First Union
P. O. Box 728, Columbia, SC 29202
(b) John E. Montgomery, Dean
University of South Carolina School of Law
Columbia, SC 29208
(c) Dan B. Maultsby, Dean
Wofford College
Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663
(d) The Reverend Robert C. Wisnewski, Jr.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
115 Tram Road, Columbia, SC 29210
(e) John O. McDougall, Esquire
Weinberg, Brown, McDougall & McMillan
P. O. Drawer 1289, Sumter, SC 29151-1289
2. Positions on the Bench:
Part-time Municipal Judge; Irmo, South Carolina; October, 1991 to present
10. Extra-Judicial Community Involvement:
He is a member of St. Mary's Episcopal Church and the Columbia Kiwanis Club.
He has not used his judicial office to further these interests.
The Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline reports that no formal complaints have been filed against you. The Judicial Standards Commission has no record of reprimands against you. We've checked with the records of the applicable law enforcement agencies, Richland County Sheriff, Columbia City Police, SLED and FBI, and all those are negative.
The Judgement Rolls of Richland County are negative. The Federal Court records are negative. We do have one complaint that we have received and one witness who is present to testify today.
Prior to turning you over to Ms. McNamee for questioning, I'll give you the
chance to make an oral statement or you may provide a written summary, if you'd
like, to be included in the record.
MR. WILLIAMS: I'll be glad to waive that.
THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. Ms. McNamee.
Q. Good afternoon, Mr. Williams.
A. Good afternoon.
Q. Mr. Williams, you are a -- or have been a Municipal Court judge for the town
of Irmo; is that correct?
A. That's right, for a little over two years now.
Q. And you're also in private practice?
A. That's correct.
Q. How do you do juggle those two kind of roles?
A. Well, just from scheduling purposes, let me explain to you that my role as
town judge in Irmo, I hold court twice a month. We have night court on
Wednesdays every week. Mickey Epting is the other town judge in Irmo. He takes
-- he's responsible for two weeks of the month and I am responsible for the
other two weeks. We alternate weekend as far as those responsibilities, signing
arrest warrants, setting bonds and anything else that might come up with the
Clerk and officials in Irmo.
As far as how I handle it in my practice, I found having served as the judge of Irmo to have been very helpful in the sense, it's been a great learning experience. I think Mr. Dennis indicated earlier I think he felt sort of the same way.
When I first began as town judge in Irmo, I'm not sure I had quite the appreciation for judges of any level whether they were Municipal, Magistrate, Family Court, Circuit Court or any level as to their particular roles. But once I put on the robe in Municipal Court, I felt a great weight in the sense that I learned that the roles are quite different from that which you must follow as an attorney, as an advocate for someone.
As a judge, I've learned that you have to sit and listen and show your
patience and try to make a good decision based on the information that's
presented to you and it's a role where you have to be the person in the middle
and appear and, in fact, act fairly on the information that you hear. So I
handle it in the sense that during this period of my practice, if anything else,
it's given me a greater appreciation of the judiciary and their roles. And it
does not appear -- does not create any conflicts. I don't handle those matters
in Irmo, so it doesn't create a conflict.
Q. And what are your -- what do you think are the most important traits of good
judicial temperament? Is there a model of a judge sitting on the Federal or the
State bench that you emulate?
A. Well, I'll answer the second question first. I've heard you ask that
question and had the opportunity to sit and think about that and I've been very
fortunate, I've seen so many good judges in Family Court, in particular, because
that's been my primary area of practice over the last 12 years. And I guess if
I wanted to try to credit my life, put different bits and pieces of judges
together as far as things I found to be complimentary to them, from my days of
practice beginning in 1982, I've always thought that Judge Rickborn, who retired
in Lexington County, was a wonderful judge. Judge Burnside, Judge Byars, whose
name you've heard before. I don't want to slight any of them by not mentioning
them. Those are just some that I could pick out things about all the judges.
And if I am successful in being elected and lucky enough in that sense, I would
hope that I could put together my experience to -- or from my experience that I
would hope to put together the proper traits and proper demeanor in the
I think that serves a good purpose and when people leave the courtroom, they
feel good about our judicial system, they feel good about the people who they're
representing and I hope that I can continue to do that. And I think that would
be a proper thing to do for someone appearing in Family Court needs to feel that
way when they leave.
Q. Well, since you have a mainly Family Court background and I guess that --
does that include all the things we've ticked off before, you have handled
custody matters, contested custody matters, TPR, adoption, equitable
distribution, juvenile matters and I'm probably leaving something out?
A. The answer to all those would be yes and even the ones you may have left out.
I think I've done everything there is to do in Family Court.
Q. Well, with that experience, if you became a Family Court judge, are there any
innovations in Family Court that you would like to institute? What things might
you do differently?
A. I guess as far as innovation, the only thing I -- I focus on this because
I've always been actively involved with young people in high school days,
working with young children in depressed areas and now I work with high school
students at Columbia High in some volunteer work that I do. And I guess
innovations I would want and could see would depend on what's -- what would be
available to make some innovations.
As far as what's there, what I want to do is to show that a judge does have the time to sit and listen to every one who comes in that courtroom, so they don't feel like they've been hurried through the system. I would want, if it ever becomes available, for there to be ways either through government provided or through privately provided alternatives for young people who appear in that court.
I think you've talked a great deal today about the juvenile issues and there are some, the Marine Institute, which are alternatives for Family
So I think the innovations would be in looking at ways where the government
may be able to offer, but also what private individuals could offer to the court
on a voluntary basis, to offer those alternatives in the community, so I guess
in that sense that would be some innovation, trying to look at as many other
people to participate in our system on a volunteer basis, to assist the Family
Court, and give these people some alternative versus institutionalization in
certain kinds of cases.
Q. Are you aware of juvenile arbitration programs; is that one thing --
A. I know in Lexington, there is -- they've done that a great deal and to some
extent the program they do in Richland County, the Mentor Program accomplishes
the same goal. They will -- before the child ever gets to the Family Court, the
Solicitor will make a decision as to what the alternative program might be, so
whether it be arbitration where they deal with individuals or victims of crimes,
I know that's been used in Lexington County. It's been very successful and
certainly, I would be a proponent of that.
I've used it myself in representation of some of my own clients in Lexington
County, so I would think that that would be another alternative certainly that
the Court should consider.
Q. And just to be complete, would you tell us about the hours of your usual
workday and the way that you handle the myriad of jobs that you have to do,
cases that you handle, et cetera?
A. Well, I usually wake up around 5:30 in the morning or so. If I have work that
needs to get done and sometimes I will start working early in the morning to get
some things done before my family wakes up. My family usually wakes up a little
later than that. And at that point, I try to assist my wife as best I can, and
sometimes I do a good job and sometimes I don't, but I try to assist her in the
children getting ready for school.
The reason I get up so early is I like to get some work done before they get
up. My normal practice is that I take my oldest child who is six years old to
school and it allows me to get to the office around 8:00 o'clock in the morning.
You also asked the question about Friday afternoons, I think that is also
true of my practice that I have done that, so I don't think that that practice
would change. I don't mind working and have done that my whole career.
Q. What is your experience with giving back to the legal community in terms of
bettering it? Do you -- by that, I mean, do you participate in the presentation
of CLE's? Do you write articles for Bar magazines? Do you head any important
sections of the Bar, that sort of thing?
A. As far as writings and participation in CLE's, no, I haven't participated on
that level. I am participating in the planning of a CLE for the Trial Lawyers
Association's coming convention. I'm Chairman of the Family Law Section of the
Trial Lawyers and have been active in it. I think that would answer your
Q. Do you participate in other extrajudicial organizations that you might have
to curtail your participation in if you became a Family Court judge?
A. I think you notice on my questionnaire, the only other activity other than
church is my involvement in my Kiwanis and my involvement there deals with --
primarily with my high school group of Columbia high.
Q. Key Club?
A. Key Club. And Keywanette which is two distinct clubs who have been very
successful over at Columbia High and they've have been voted the best clubs --
service clubs in the last 20 years. I'm very proud of them and I've been
involved for the last ten.
I would hope that I would not have to give up my involvement in community
work with those young people. I just got back from a convention two weeks ago
where I chaperoned 12 young men in Greenville with the teacher who is involved
and I would hope that I would not have to give that up. I don't think that
would create any conflict.
Q. Have you ever been disciplined by a court that you've appeared before?
A. No, I have not.
Q. If you were elected a Family Court judge, Mr. Williams, would you hear a case
if Mr. Trotter, one of your former partners, is one of the counsel in it? At
what point might you --
On many instances, I have been able to talk to legislators and express my
interest, tell them who I am, but I understand that I could not seek a
commitment and have not sought any commitments. It's been more of trying to let
the legislature know who I am and, in particular, about my experience of Family
Q. Are you aware of any letters that have been sent out on your behalf by --
A. I'm not aware of any.
Q. And mediation, I just wanted to ask that question, what do you think about
the use of mediation?
A. I think mediation is good. We know the docket in Family Court is crowded. I
think lawyers can be good mediators and lawyers should be encouraged to be good
mediators in settling disputes. That should be their role as much as being an
advocate in many cases. I think that the
There are two theories of thought. Some say that mediation should be at the very beginning of the case when it first comes to court, get it out of the court system and send it to the mediation. That could be very costly to the litigants. Not only do they now have lawyer's fees, they have mediation fees to pay for. I think the judge has to carefully weigh which cases they send to mediation, especially at that point in time. I've also seen judges use mediation near the end of the case where the parties have done a good job in resolving most of the issues and it maybe just one or two issues left and then use mediation at that point on a limited basis.
There is a certain limited cost involved. I think -- over the years of my practicing law, most people who go to Family Court are not wealthy people. And I think that needs to be a factor in what other alternatives we consider.
So if mediation is an alternative, I think we need to weigh those cost
factors to them. In some cases, it would work and save them a lot of money in
relation to lawyer's fees. In other cases, it could be a tremendous cost to
them. And it needs to be evaluated thoroughly.
THE CHAIRMAN: Questions from the Committee Members? All right. Thank you, Mr.
Williams. We do have someone who is hear to testify. I'll ask you to sit down
and you'll have a chance to respond.
A. Thank you.
THE CHAIRMAN: Ms. Burnette, if you'd come forward please. Would you raise your
right hand.
MARTHA BURNETTE, having been duly sworn, testified as follows:
THE CHAIRMAN: Ms. Burnette, we were reviewing, or I've reviewed your letter and
also the documents you provided, I believe I have the court order and Ms.
McNamee will ask some questions of you. I'll ask you is -- I don't think you
were here in the morning session, but we asked the witnesses to try to confine
themselves to the issues before us and that, in this instance, is Mr. Williams'
involvement in the case that you were involved in. And I apologize if I try to
redirect you, but if you get on a tangent that I think is inappropriate for that
hearing, I may interrupt you to do that. Ms. McNamee.
MS. MCNAMEE: Thank you.
Q. Good afternoon, Ms. Burnette.
A. Good afternoon.
I don't know legally exactly what a guardian ad litem is supposed to do, but based on what I would have expected one to do in the process, I really had three areas in which I was concerned about Mr. Williams' participation.
The first was that I feel he was very indecisive. His -- when he was asked
for his recommendation in court, he said, and this is in the court transcript,
let me see if I can find it. He did address the judge. He said, "I think
in the end you will see I'm not going to have an ultimate recommendation. I'm
going to let the court make that ultimate decision which the court indicated in
the beginning is probably what you were going to do anyway no matter what I
said." So he did not have a clear-cut recommendation to the Court and I
consider that to be quite indecisive and I was very surprised by that more than
Q. And your other two?
A. The second area is that I felt in his questioning me and in his trying to
address some of the issues that were being brought up in court, some of the ways
that he worded things indicated to me that there was some presuppositions there
that I could not go along with and that I think will make it hard for him to
make unbiased decisions about things and I have