Further I would bring excitement, enthusiasm and stability to the Court. In other words, I have the strong desire to help mold and lead our judiciary. And also being elected at the age of 37 would give me the opportunity to have a long lasting and committed impact to the well-being of our Court.
As to the experience aspect, I was appointed as Master in Equity, which I'm sure as you're aware, is the equity side, or a division of the Circuit Court system, back in 1989. And at that time I was the youngest judge in the state of South Carolina. And I will admit to you that there were some who had uncertainty as to whether someone who was 31 years old could stand in judgement of others in complicated disputes in litigation. Well, I certainly stand on my record on that point.
First, hundreds of lawyers across the upstate endorsed my candidacy for the Supreme Court. Lawyers of all ages and experience levels have taken the time to see what I have done, they've come to trust my decision making capability and just as important, the reasons I make those decisions. And with a race of six other well-known judges, they felt strong enough to publicly support me.
And I've also, as I'm sure you're aware, been asked by our State Supreme Court since 1989 to act as a special Circuit Court Judge in Greenville as most other counties and I can assure you that a task would not fall to someone our Supreme Court did not trust with that position.
I also want to make sure that this committee and the record reflects the nature of the type cases that I routinely hear. I do not have the luxury of having a 12-member panel called a jury assist in the cases I decide. In every case I hear, I must analyze the facts, apply the law and render a decision and I don't think that any judge in this state would or could argue the point that this is not the most complicated and demanding work that any judge can do, but it's exactly what one would also do on the Supreme Court.
And I suppose another true benchmark of judicial competence would be the record that you possess on appellate review. I have checked on this and over 90 percent of all cases that I have decided that have been reviewed by our Supreme Court or Court of Appeals have been affirmed. In other words, they have agreed with the decision and the conclusion that I have reached.
Finally, I do want to comment, this has been a very interesting process for one to go through. At times I have felt somewhat like a young child who gets dressed up in his best clothes on Sunday morning and does his
The most important aspects of this position in my opinion are character, fairness and commitment to excellence. And what I hope to convey is the fact that my record and my background make me uniquely qualified for a seat on the Supreme Court. Further, my age is a tremendous asset to the Court if the court is to be a truly representative group of our lawyers.
Finally, lawyers and litigants know that when they walk into my courtroom, I'm well prepared. I will listen to them. I respect them and I will then make the decision that I feel compelled to make that is fair and in as impartial a manner as possible. They may not, of course, agree with the decision or conclusion I reach, but that comes with the job. But they will leave knowing they were treated fairly and they will leave respecting the judicial system. I think that is the highest call that any judge can aspire to.
So now that I've made those comments, I will be glad to entertain any
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: The Senate is going into Executive Session and we're
now locked in here. The only escape would be out the window, so if anyone needs
to go, we need to know about it. Are all of our candidates present? Have we
looked around -- is there anyone not present that might not be able to get in?
All right. Proceed, Steve.
MR. ELLIOTT: Thank you.
Q. Judge, you touched on many of the things we wanted to talk about, but we
may touch on them again in a little different kind -- a little different way.
First of all, just sort of some record keeping matters. Several questions on
your Personal Data Questionnaire ask about your experience for the preceding
five years. When we look at that, is that your experience as a Master in
A. Yes, sir.
Q. It is? I've -- one year as a practicing attorney or --
A. No, sir, I finished law school in 1982 and served as a law clerk to Judge Vic
Pyle and then was in private practice in Greenville up until to 1989 when I
assumed my current position on the bench.
Q. So the date we have is for your time as a Master in Equity?
A. Yes, sir.
Also, I clerked as I mentioned for Vic Pyle, a Circuit Court judge and had a lot of hands-on criminal experience in that point. And since I have been on the bench, I have held any number of terms of PCR Court, Post Conviction Relief, where you are in effect acting in an appellate position, applying the substantive criminal law to an earlier trial.
And also I've heard any number of drug forfeiture cases, where you also
involve substantive, criminal issues. So I -- while it has not been the
majority of my experience on the bench or in private practice, I certainly have
had substantial experience with it and feel very comfortable with it.
Q. While we are talking about your experiences as a special Circuit Court judge,
what type of cases have you heard and could you kind of quantify and qualify
that experience for us?
A. As a general rule, when I hear the special Circuit Court cases, it is
substantially the same as what I do day in and day out, normally, civil, except
for the weeks of PCR, and it may range from trials to weeks of motions, so it's
really all over the board. I may hear a week of nonjury motions and hear on
average 30 or 40 motions a day for a week or I may have a case that runs a full
week. So it's just -- it's hard to, I guess, quantify exactly what it is other
than generally it's something that I do about a week a month in Greenville as
well as any other number of counties.
Q. That's a week a month on a 12-month basis?
A. Yes, sir. That's been my experience probably since 1989.
Q. You might -- just for those who will read this record later on, you might
want to distinguish some between the Master in Equity and the
As well as I hear any number of appeals from Workers' Compensation
Commission, Employment Security Commission, Magistrate's Court or City Court,
and any number of other agencies I never knew existed until I saw an appeal come
across on my desk, so I have handled -- and I haven't looked at numbers, but I
feel safe in saying hundreds of appeals from the so-called inferioral --
inferior court or tribunals or whatever label you want to attach to it.
Q. Well, the General Assembly tried to reduce the number of agencies you would
hear appeals from last year. In your materials you indicate that you believe
it's very important for judges to contribute to the well-being of the
A. Sure.
Q. I think you characterize it as a responsibility?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Please tell the committee how you see the role of the judge in society.
A. Number one, it is an awesome task that should not be entered into lightly. I
think the emotional stress, the physical stress and the spiritual stress are
three critical factors that must be addressed by each individual judge. But
what I have observed over the years is that it's becoming more and more of an
isolation position and I don't think that's good for the judge because the judge
then is detached from the real world, so to speak.
And I also I think it's important that the community see that this person, this judge that they read about in the papers, these decisions they see, it comes from a real person. It comes from a human. And they need to understand that. They need to have that confidence that, yes, it's
I was always raised where you need to give back more than you take out. And
I just think it's a real danger to isolate yourself.
Q. Have you found that it is difficult to find time for community activities as
a Master in Equity?
A. It is. Sure, but you try to make yourself available when you can and try to
work your schedule around it. Most things I'm involved in now, it maybe a lunch
meeting or an after-work meeting and it's scheduled at a sufficient time to
where I can work my schedule around it.
That is one luxury of not having any jury to have to contend with because
you're more fluid with your schedule. So you put in the same amount of court
time, but you simply have a little more flexibility.
Q. What do you understand the ethical constraints to be about your community
A. I cannot be involved in any type of fund-raising and I tell the boards that
ask me to serve with them up front, I will be glad to -- if it is something I
believe in, I will be glad to work with you, but I can't be involved in any type
of fund-raising, can't do anything political or anything that approaches me
taking any type of position.
And I've been involved with the Big Brother/Big Sister's program, the
Pendleton Place Home for abused children up in Greenville. I'm also involved
currently with the Greenville Zoo. I've also been on the chair of the
Paralegal Advisory Committee of Greenville Technical College. So all of them
are good groups that as far as I can see they're very noncontroversial and as
well as serving on the session in our church and working with young people
Q. They are not groups that end up in court a lot, are they?
A. I hope not.
Q. One of the letters of recommendation you provided was
from an attorney, and I think was a former law partner?
A. Yes, sir. Cecil Nelson?
Q. Cecil Nelson?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Is he an attorney who would appear before you with any kind of frequency as a
Master in Equity?
A. Mr. Nelson does primarily real estate now. We used to be in a firm that
split several years after I left. Occasionally, he does come in front of me and
I guess we've been apart from each other almost six years and what I did with
former lawyers, or the lawyers in my former firm, I imposed a six-month rule
that I wouldn't hear any cases involving them,
After I've ruled against some of my former partners on some close questions
fairly early, I think any concern about my impartiality was resolved. In fact,
they accused me of going too far the other way.
Q. In your Personal Data Questionnaire regarding gifts and social hospitality,
you say it's the better rule to avoid any appearance of impropriety and maintain
a completely professional relationship with attorneys. What do you mean by
completely professional relationship?
A. I will give you an example. There are still -- there is still a law firm in
Greenville that I don't think fully understands -- I think it's three
Christmases ago. They sent over a couple of very large boxes of chocolate at
Christmastime and it was certainly meant with no strings attached, I'm sure, but
I called them back and said, "I'm sorry, I just can't accept," and I
think I offended them.
But I just think it's the better rule that you just keep it professional. If
I go out to lunch with a lawyer, I pay for my own food. If it comes
Christmastime and whatnot, I -- don't even send it anymore, please. No, it's
not -- it is not going to be accepted. And, again, is it going to influence my
decision? No. It may put a little more weight around my middle, but it's not
going to influence us, but you have to be so careful nowadays with the
appearance things are given and I've just been very sensitive about that.
Q. Do you hear any landlord tenant disputes?
A. Occasionally, on appeal from the Magistrate's Court, I do.
Q. And I notice from your Personal Data Questionnaire that you have some rental
property; is that correct?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. How do you avoid a bias in favor of the landlord in a situation like that? I
mean, you've got to be familiar with the trials of being a landlord?
A. Well, knock on wood, my vast holdings are two properties, I believe, and one
tenant has been in there the eight years I've owned the house and the other one
is a duplex and I've never had any problems, so I've never had any problems
related to it.
The only time I ever see a landlord tenant dispute is on appeal and generally
it's on something that the Landlord Tenant Act, but it's fairly straight
forward, so it -- it's never been a concern that it'd ever come up.
Q. Is there an area in which you think there would be any potential bias on your
part and if so, how would you guard against that?
If they leave being mistreated, if they leave feeling I didn't listen to them, if they leave thinking that the other side had an in with me because of the position of one lawyer, then they leave not trusting the entire system. So my opinion, and my belief, has been that you treat people fairly, you respect them.
You listen to them and then you make the decision that you need to make and
anything beyond that, you know, you don't need to be involved in.
Q. If you're elected to the Supreme Court, what will you consider it to be your
duty as far as preparing for those cases that are not preassigned to you?
A. Do what I do now on every single case I have, get the file and sit down
before the hearing and review it. I think that's part of my job. If I walk
into a courtroom unprepared, then it makes me look bad, it makes the court look
bad and it slows things down. So I would think that with any case, I would
want to have at least a good working knowledge of it, of the facts and of the
law before I try to step into it.
Q. What's your view of dissents? Should you work to avoid dissents?
A. I think if you look at our US Supreme Court, you see the danger of dissents
because for those of us who are down in the pits, so to speak, and for the
practicing lawyer, I'm not sure how to square what's going on up there at the US
Supreme Court.
There are times when I think you have to dissent. The mere fact that you have
five individuals together, you're going to have dissents, but I think that
unless it is a strong reason that you should try to come up with a
Q. If you have any kind of financial interest whatsoever in a case, what would
be your practice about hearing that case?
A. I would recuse it. Well, I would recuse -- I would state to the lawyers
ahead of time, if I knew it, through a conference call. As a matter of fact a
few days ago, I was looking at my court docket and saw
If they want to, fine, but I just think it puts undue pressure on them, so I
did initiate it in that sense, but I have not had any direct involvement as far
as what has gone on beyond that point.
And the only thing that I did was talk with several friends in the Greenville
area, who are lawyers, and discuss different possibilities and different ways to
be effective, if you will, down here and they said well, how about if we do
this. And I said, well, that would be fine, but I'm not going to directly get
involved in that, for the reasons I've just stated.
Q. So far as you know they have not made any contacts with members of the
General Assembly?
A. Oh, no. Absolutely none. No, sir. I've been very zealous about that.
Q. Okay. Thank you.
A. Thank you.
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: Anything else? Thank you so much.
A. Okay, can I leave?
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: Yes, sir, if they'll let you out the door.
A. Am I still locked in with the Senate?