I have previously submitted a statement, which I think is part of my Personal
Data Questionnaire, and I would invite the committee to review it as well.
Thank you.
THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Geathers. Mr. Elliott, questions?
MR. ELLIOTT: Yes, sir. Thank you.
Q. On your Personal Data Questionnaire, it shows that you were an attorney for
the Department of Labor, and I guess that was the South Carolina Department of
Labor, when you first got out of law school?
A. That's correct.
Q. For a brief period of time?
A. That's correct.
Q. I guess I was interested in it because it mentioned that you resolved cases,
and that was the term you used, resolved, involving businesses in violation of
occupational, safety and health standards. What did resolve mean?
A. Basically, it was our position to try to settle cases prior to hearings, and
that's what I meant by resolve. I was there such a short period of time, I did
not get to actually participate in any hearings. But I did write a brief for
one particular hearing that Chief Counsel Sharon Dantzler had been lead counsel
on, had been working on, but she was out on sick leave at that particular time,
so I did have to fill in the gap in that regard.
Q. You've done a lot of study, but it appears that you have not been involved in
any litigation; is that correct?
A. That's correct.
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: John Fantry, please. If you'd raise your right
hand, sir.
JOHN JOSEPH FANTRY, JR., having been duly sworn, testified as follows:
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: Have you had a chance to review the Personal Data
Questionnaire Summary?
MR. FANTRY: Yes, I have.
MR. FANTRY: It is correct to my knowledge. The only change that I would make
would be my expenditures in this campaign since filing in March. At this
particular time, I've spent $800 on this campaign.
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: Would you submit a list of that to us?
MR. FANTRY: It has already been submitted --
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: It's already been submitted.
MR. FANTRY: -- to the committees.
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: Is there any objection to making this Summary a part
of the record of your sworn testimony?
MR. FANTRY: I have no objection.
1. John Joseph Fantry, Jr.
Home Address: Business Address:
102 Marion Avenue 1310 Lady Street, #600
Winnsboro, SC 29180 Columbia, SC 29201
2. He was born in New York, New York on August 28, 1949. He is presently 44 years old.
4. He was married to Catherine H. Fantry on December 26, 1970. He has one child: Regan Christine, age 13.
5. Military Service: N/A
8. Legal/Judicial education during the past five years:
In the past five years he has attended in excess of 12 hours per year of CLE
courses as well as non-certified courses. These have covered such topics as
legal ethics, personnel and employment law, rules of court, jury trials,
environmental law, utility law, and economic development and municipal
9. Taught or Lectured: He has taught courses in Trustee Liability and Directors' and Officers' Liability under the Business Corporation Act.
12. Legal experience since graduation from law school:
After graduation in 1974, he served as staff attorney to the SC Electric
Cooperatives Association until 1979, when he became General Counsel, working
primarily on matters relating to state and federal regulatory law and
analysis, and drafting and interpretation of legislation. In 1985, he went
into private practice and in 1986, he joined the law firm with which he is
now associated. His practice primarily deals with civil and administrative
and regulatory law.
13. Rating in Martindale-Hubbell:He is not rated, but he is listed as of 1992 in that the law firm he is associated with chose not to list until 1992.
14. Frequency of appearances in court:
Federal - None
State - Approximately every 60-90 days
Other - Appearance on an as-needed basis before the SC Tax Commission,
DHEC, PSC, WCC, Labor Department, Coastal Council, and Ethics
15. Percentage of litigation:
Civil - 90%
Criminal - 10%
Domestic - 0%
17. Five (5) of the most significant litigated matters in either trial or
appellate court:
(a) Duke Power Co. v. PSC, Bd. of Public Works of the City of Gaffney,
and Broad River Electric Coop., 387 S.E.2d 241 (1989), clarified the
principles of the requirement of a Certificate of Necessity and
Convenience under SC Code Section 58-27-1230.
(b) Broad River Electric Coop. v. PSC, Bd. of Public Works of the City of
Gaffney, Duke Power Co., Saluda River Electric Coop., Thomas R.
Lipscomb, and the SC Dept. of Consumer Affairs, established the
right of the PSC to order the removal of lines built by a municipality
without a Certificate of Necessity and Convenience. This case was the
first time the PSC was not able to certify electric lines after
construction and the municipality was ordered to disassemble the
(c) Miles v. Town of Ridgeway, 92-CP-20-90, pending Supreme Court,
challenged the statutory at-will employment powers of a mayor under SC
Code Section 5-9-30.
(d) Hamilton v. Oswego Water Co., 92-CP-43-349, was the first South
Carolina case testing the 1988 Business Corporation Act's inclusion of a
non-profit corporation, or more specifically, the interpretation of SC
Code Section 33-20-103 (1988).
(e) Chambers of SC v. City Council of Lee County and Mid American Waste
Systems, Inc., 434 S.E.2d 279 (1993), tested the applicability of
the SC Procurement Code to a county which failed to adopt a code within
the prescribed statutory period, and its effect on contracts negotiated
without such a code.
18. Five (5) civil appeals:
(a) Broad River Electric Coop. v. PSC, Bd. of Public Works of the City of
Gaffney, Duke Power Co., Saluda River Electric Coop., Thomas R.
Lipscomb, and the SC Dept. of Consumer Affairs, appealed to Supreme
Court, appeal dropped, presently in Circuit Court for contempt.
20. Judicial Office: He was appointed a hearing officer for the SC Department of Revenue and Taxation Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Division to serve in the interim period from 7/1/93 to 2/28/94.
21. Significant Orders or Opinions:
In light of the short time which he has served and the limited scope of
authority, he does not feel any of his rulings warrant elaboration.
20. Public Office:
Gubernatorial appointment to SC Rural Water & Sewer Grants Advisory
Commission, 1980-1986
Presidential appointment, board member, District 50 Selective Service System,
1986-present; elected Board Chairman 1988-present
Lexington County Council appointment, board member, Richland/Lexington
Council on Aging, 1979-1983
Lexington County Council appointment, Chairman, Lexington County Economic
Advisory Council, 1977-1983
28. Financial Arrangements or Business Relationships (Conflict of
With the exception of his ownership interest in Lewis, Rogers & Lark,
P.A., he is not aware of any financial arrangement or business relationship
which in any way would constitute or create a possible conflict of interest
in the position he seeks. This would be corrected by the sale of his
interest in the firm. He has represented certain electric cooperatives,
municipalities, and water companies before DHEC, PSC, Tax Commission, and the
Labor Department. For one year, he would recuse himself from cases involving
a former client; thereafter, he would recuse himself from any matter he had
worked on involving a former client.
35. Lobbyist or Lobbyist Principal:
He was registered as a lobbyist for the Electric Cooperatives of South
Carolina, Inc. from 1975 through 1984.
39. Expenditures Relating to Candidacy:
3/3/94 Three long distance calls to references; $ 3.60
3/4/94 Printing letters and envelopes announcing candidacy to legislators;
3/8/94 Postage, folding, stuffing and labeling letters; $ 84.30
TOTAL: $245.90
44. Bar Associations and Professional Organizations:
South Carolina Bar Association; American Bar Association; Richland County Bar
Association; Fairfield County Bar Association
45. Civic, charitable, educational, social and fraternal organizations:
Toastmasters International - Area Governor for SC; Fairfield Country Club -
Board of Directors, 1987-1989; Fairfield County Education Foundation - Vice
President, 1989-1990
47. Five (5) letters of recommendation:
(a) Lisa M. Shoemaker, Branch Manager
Columbia Teacher's Federal Credit Union
2320 Washington Street, Columbia, SC 29201
(b) Honorable Marion C. Smith
Magistrate - District 2
Fairfield County Summary Court
P. O. Box 423, Winnsboro, SC 29180
(c) C. Pinckney Roberts, Esquire
P. O. Box 694, Columbia, SC 29202
The Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline reports that no
formal complaints or charges of any kind have ever been filed against. The
records of the applicable law enforcement agencies: Fairfield County Sheriff's
Office are negative; Winnsboro City Police Department are negative; SLED and FBI
records are negative. The Judgment Rolls of Fairfield County are negative.
Federal court records are negative. No complaints or statements were received
and no witnesses are present to testified. Would you like to make a statement
before we proceed?
MR. FANTRY: At this particular time, I would choose not to make a statement and
rely on my previous statement. Thank you.
REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER: Thank you, sir. Go, ahead, Steve.
Q. We're going to incorporate the testimony, so we haven't really thought
about it, but is it your intent that we incorporate your statement from the
previous time?
A. That's quite all right. No, it is. Not to --
Q. If you're elected as an Administrative Law Judge, what will be your policy
about taking something of value from an attorney?
A. In taking something of value, you have to take a look at the ethics procedure
itself and it says anything of value, no matter how de minimis, if there is an
inference that it might be given for the purposes of influence in some nature.
And, therefore, the first, as people have used before me, bright line test would
be as to my perceived intent of the giver.
There are some other distinctions as to things of value which might be
calendars, of business items, things that you may receive through contacts with
individuals of a de minimis value. I believe $10 is what they're talking about
that depending on the circumstances and the appearance as long as it's not
judicial in nature that I might receive. There, again, it would depend upon my
perception of the reason for the gift and the fact that the item -- any item was
less than $10 in value.
In magistrate matters, so many times it is the application of the law rather
than the constitutional interpretation of it. And for that particular reason, I
have felt very comfortable in working with the citizens and magistrate to lay
the best foundation should either side decide to appeal that decision.
Q. Well, I ask it mostly in the context of the ex parte communication situation,
and I wasn't clear from your answer. Then, for example, when you call back to
say I think I told you incorrectly about this and you're talking to the judge.
How do you view that?
A. Oh, in that particular context, the communication, the statute that I used, a
copy of that was provided to the counsel on the other side along