The following Bill was taken up.
Rep. H. BROWN made a statement relative to the Bill.
Rep. H. BROWN moved that the General Appropriation Bill be considered section by section, beginning with Part 1A then taking up Part 1B and then Part II, which was agreed to.
Rep. H. BROWN moved that while debating the General Appropriation Bill, he be allowed to note a motion daily to reconsider each section adopted, which was adopted.
Section 3A was adopted.
Rep. SHARPE proposed the following Amendment No. 4 (Doc Name L:\h- wm\legis\amend\DC.1).
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 3B, House, Page 0008, Line 37, Opposite /unclass. Leg. Misc (P)/ by decreasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /250,000/
Amend further, Page 0008, Line 38, by decreasing the FTE's in columns (5) and (6) by /(5.00)/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. SHARPE explained the amendment.
Rep. P. HARRIS moved to table the amendment, which was not agreed to.
Rep. P. HARRIS spoke against the amendment.
Rep. MARCHBANKS spoke in favor of the amendment.
Rep. TUCKER spoke against the amendment.
Rep. P. HARRIS moved to adjourn debate upon the amendment, which was adopted.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 3B, House, Page 0009, by inserting in columns (5) and (6) a new item appropriately lettered after line 18 to read:
/___AGING COMMITTEE. . . . .80,409
UNCLASS. LEG. MISC. (P). . . . .(2.00)
(PPT). . . . . (1.00)/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. P. HARRIS explained the amendment.
Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to table the amendment.
Rep. McABEE demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Allison Bailey Brown, H. Brown, T. Cain Cato Cooper Cotty Dantzler Delleney Easterday Fair Fleming Fulmer Gamble Hallman Harrell Harrison Harwell Herdklotz Huff Hutson Jaskwhich Jennings Keegan Kelley Keyserling Kirsh Klauber Knotts Koon Lanford Law Limbaugh Limehouse Littlejohn Marchbanks Mason Meacham Quinn Rice Richardson Riser Robinson Sandifer Sharpe Sheheen Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stuart Thomas Tripp Trotter Vaughn Walker Wells Whatley Wilkins Witherspoon
Wofford Worley Wright Young, A. Young, J.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Anderson Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, J. Byrd Carnell Cave Chamblee Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cromer Elliott Govan Harris, J. Harris, P. Hines Hodges Howard Inabinett Kinon Lloyd McAbee McCraw McMahand McTeer Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Rogers Scott Shissias Spearman Stille Tucker Waldrop Whipper, L. Whipper, S. White Wilder Wilkes
So, the amendment was tabled.
Reps. P. HARRIS, J. HARRIS, CARNELL and SHISSIAS proposed the following Amendment No. 1 (Doc Name L:\h-wm\legis\amend\TMR.1), which was tabled.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 3B, House of Representatives, Page 9, Line 11, By inserting a new item /Joint MH/MR Committee/
By increasing the line in columns (5) & (6) by /95,165
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. P. HARRIS explained the amendment.
Reps. SHISSIAS, CARNELL and J. HARRIS spoke in favor of the amendment.
Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to table the amendment.
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Allison Bailey Brown, H. Cain Cato Cotty Dantzler Delleney Easterday Fair Fleming Fulmer Gamble Hallman Harrell Harrison Herdklotz Huff Jaskwhich Keegan Kelley Kirsh Klauber Knotts Koon Lanford Law Limbaugh Limehouse Littlejohn Marchbanks Mason Meacham Quinn Rice Richardson Riser Robinson Sandifer Sharpe Sheheen Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stuart Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Wells Whatley Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Worley Wright Young, A. Young, J.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Anderson Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, T. Byrd Carnell Cave Chamblee Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cooper Cromer Elliott Harris, J. Harris, P. Harwell Hines Howard Inabinett Jennings Kennedy Keyserling Kinon Lloyd McAbee McCraw McMahand McTeer Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Scott Shissias
Spearman Tucker Whipper, L. Whipper, S. White Wilder Wilkes
So, the amendment was tabled.
Debate was resumed on Amendment No. 4, by Rep. SHARPE.
The question then recurred to the adoption of the amendment.
Rep. R. SMITH demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Allison Askins Bailey Brown, H. Cato Cooper Cotty Dantzler Delleney Easterday Elliott Fair Fleming Gamble Hallman Harrell Harrison Harwell Herdklotz Huff Hutson Jaskwhich Keegan Kelley Kirsh Klauber Koon Law Limbaugh Limehouse Littlejohn Marchbanks Mason Meacham Rhoad Rice Richardson Riser Robinson Sharpe Sheheen Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stuart Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Wells Whatley Wilder Witherspoon Wofford Worley Young, A. Young, J.
Anderson Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, T. Byrd Cain Carnell Cave Chamblee Cobb-Hunter Felder Govan Harris, J. Harris, P. Hines Howard Inabinett Kennedy Kinon Knotts Lanford Lloyd McAbee McCraw McMahand McTeer Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Phillips Quinn Scott Shissias Spearman Townsend Tucker Whipper, L. Whipper, S. White Wilkes Wilkins Wright
So, the amendment was adopted.
Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 3C was adopted.
Section 3D was adopted.
Section 3E was adopted.
Section 3F was adopted.
Rep. KIRSH moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 3H was adopted.
Section 4A was adopted.
Section 4B was adopted.
Rep. MARCHBANKS proposed the following Amendment No. 6 (Doc Name L:\h- wm\legis\amend\DC8), which was adopted.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 5, Administrative Law Judges, page 29, line 13, by inserting a new item /Non-Recurring Appropriation - Judges Training/ and by increasing the amount in columns (5) and (6) by /$10,775/.
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. MARCHBANKS explained the amendment.
The amendment was then adopted.
Rep. SHEHEEN moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 6A was adopted.
Rep. HODGES moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 6C was adopted.
Section 6D was adopted.
Rep. KIRSH moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 8 was adopted.
Section 9 was adopted.
Rep. MARCHBANKS proposed the following Amendment No. 7 (Doc Name L:\h- wm\legis\amend\DC9).
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 10, State Treasurer's Office, page 0042, after line 12, by inserting a new item: /Non-Recurring Appropriation - Computer Upgrades/ and by increasing the amount in columns (5) and (6) by /$65,950/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. MARCHBANKS explained the amendment.
Rep. WHITE moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Rep. McABEE proposed the following Amendment No. 14 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\JIC\5532HTC.95).
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Section 11, Attorney General's Office, Page 0045, line 5, opposite /Death Penalty/ by striking in Columns (5) and (6) /43,718/.
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. McABEE explained the amendment.
Rep. L. WHIPPER moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Rep. TUCKER moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 13 was adopted.
Section 14 was adopted.
Section 15 was adopted.
Section 16 was adopted.
Section 17A was adopted.
Rep. BAXLEY moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Rep. HARWELL moved to reconsider the vote whereby Amendment No. 4 to Section 3B was adopted and the motion was noted.
Section 17C was adopted.
Section 17D was adopted.
Section 17E was adopted.
Reps. KIRSH and HARVIN proposed the following Amendment No. 16 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\PT\1775DW.95).
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, SECTION 17F, B & C-EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, Page 0089, Line 32, by increasing the amount in Column 5 by /10,800,000/ and inserting in Column 6 /10,800,000/
Renumber sections & amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. KIRSH explained the amendment.
Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to table the amendment.
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Allison Brown, H. Cain Cato Chamblee Cooper Cotty Dantzler Davenport Easterday Fair Fulmer Hallman Harrell Harrison Herdklotz Huff Hutson Jaskwhich Keegan Kelley Klauber Koon Lanford Law Limbaugh Limehouse Littlejohn Marchbanks Mason Meacham Quinn Rice Robinson Sandifer Sharpe Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stuart Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Wells Whatley Wilkins Wofford Wright Young, A.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Anderson Askins Bailey Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, G. Brown, J. Brown, T. Byrd Carnell Cave Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cromer Delleney Elliott Govan Harris, J. Harris, P. Harvin Harwell Hines Hodges Howard Inabinett Jennings Kennedy Keyserling Kirsh Knotts Lloyd Martin McCraw McElveen McMahand McTeer Moody-Lawrence Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Riser Rogers Scott
Sheheen Spearman Stille Thomas Townsend Tucker Whipper, L. Whipper, S. White Wilder Wilkes Witherspoon Young, J.