CHAIRMAN: The next candidate is Joseph B. Rosen. Mr. Rosen, please stand as you are sworn.
JOSEPH B. ROSEN, being duly sworn, states as follows:
CHAIRMAN: You'll be answering questions by counsel.
MR. DAVIS: Mr. Rosen, good morning.
A: Good morning.
Q: Real quickly, with regard to the personal data questionnaire and statement of economic interests that
you submitted, do you affirm that the answers provided are true and correct?
A: Yes, sir, they are true and correct.
Q: And is there anything you'd like to add to these materials that you have submitted?
A: No, sir.
Q: And, finally, have you sought pledges from members of the General Assembly in violation of the no
pledge rule as provided by law?
A: No, sir, I have not.
CHAIRMAN: Any members of the Committee have questions of Mr. Rosen?
REP. JOHN L. SCOTT: Joe, having known you for so many years ... If you are elected to
the Employment Security, the nature of what you do as a business, will your time allow you to be a
full-time representative of the Commission, or will you be part-time?
A: Yes, sir, I anticipate full-time. I have been working, as I am President of Rosen Appraisal
Associates, with someone else to possibly take over. In addition, my father is semi-retired and would do
the duties that I have been doing of operating the company. So, we would add probably additional staff to
the company, but I do have less than a fifty percent ownership in the business, so we would have staff
there and I would not be involved.
CHAIRMAN: Any other questions from the panel? Do you have a statement that you'd like
to make for the record, Mr. Rosen?
A: I would just like to have the opportunity to serve the people of the State of South Carolina. I'm a
third generation South Carolinian and my family's been here a little over a hundred years. To the best of
my knowledge, nobody in my family has ever attempted to do anything other than run a business and take
care of their families, and
Mr. John J. "Bubba" Snow
Home Address:
Route 1, Box 192
Hemingway, SC 29554
1. He is married to Ms. Penelope Grainger Snow. They have three children: Penelope, Sallie, and John.
2. EDUCATION: USC, 1948; Clemson 1954, B.S. in Agronomy.
3. EMPLOYMENT: Self-employed farmer, 1956 - Present.
4. PUBLIC OFFICES HELD: November, 1976 to November, 1994, Member, SC House of Representatives.
5. CORPORATE OFFICERSHIP AND OWNERSHIP: Director, Pee Dee Farm Credit, Agricultural Lender.
6. PROFESSIONAL & CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS: SC Farm Bureau, Wellman Country Club, American Legion, Lions Club.
7. FIVE (5) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Mr. J. Wesley Kennedy, Reverend Olyn D. Shytle, Mr. W. E. Jenkinson, III, Mr. William H. Chandler, and Mr. William W. Doar, Jr.
JOHN J. SNOW, being duly sworn, states as follows:
CHAIRMAN: Bubba, would you please answer any questions our counsel might
A: Yes, sir.
MR. DAVIS: Do you affirm that the answers provided on the personal data questionnaire
and the statement of economic interests are true and correct?
A: I do.
Mrs. Carole C. Wells
Home Address: Business Address:
104 Spring Valley Drive 530-D Blatt Building
Spartanburg, SC 29301 Columbia, SC 29211
1. She is married to Mr. John Eldred Wells. They have three children: John Lee Wells, Eric Todd Wells, and William Allen Wells.
2. EDUCATION: Attended Spartanburg Methodist College, Spartanburg, SC, Fall 1990 - Spring 1991, Part-time student - Night School.
3. EMPLOYMENT: 1978-1980, Real Estate Agent, Piedmont Realty; 1977-1978, Co-owner, Springfield Texaco; 1983-1987, Co-owner, Wells' Products; 1984-1985, Professional Interviewer, Department of Commerce; 1984 to approximately 10/85, Department of
4. PUBLIC OFFICES HELD: 11-86 to Present, Elected to SC House of Representatives.
5. MONEY SPENT FOR CANDIDACY: $24.00, Paper and Envelopes, June 1995; $54.40, Postage, June 1995.
6. PROFESSIONAL & CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS: Appalachian Council of Governments, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), 1995, Membership Committee; Women in Government, Washington, D.C.; National Order of Women Legislators (NOWL), 1995, Vice President, 1993-1994, Secretary, 1991-1992, Regional Director; Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce, 1990-Present, Board of Directors; Governor's Committee for Childhood Immunizations, 1995, Chair. American Red Cross, Volunteer; Spartanburg Christian Womens' Club; South Carolina PTA; First Monday Club; Republican Women's Club; STOP Drugs Now; Arts Council Advisory Board.
7. FIVE (5) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Jake Greer, Mr. Adger Earnhardt, Mr. Houston Miles, Mrs. Ann B. Ring, Ms. Constance D. Antonsen
CAROLE WELLS, being duly sworn, states as follows:
CHAIRMAN: Our counsel has some questions.
A: All right.
MR. DAVIS: Do you affirm that the answers provided on the personal data questionnaire
and statement of economic interests are true and correct?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: And do you have anything that you'd like to add to these materials?
A: No, sir.
Q: Finally, have you sought pledges in violation of the no candidate rule?
A: No, sir.
CHAIRMAN: Any questions from any members of the Committee? Ms. Wells, if you have
any statement you'd like to make for the record, please do so at this time.
CHAIRMAN: The Clerk has a statement to make.
MR. CAGGIANO: The Committee wishes the record to reflect that Adrian Enzastiga, W.
Harold Graves, Robert H. Joseph, Harold Langbehn, Jr. and Robert McArver all received the necessary
and appropriate materials as well as schedules for the proceedings of this committee, but did not show up
today and are not present, and have not been present for the screening. The Committee wishes all of the
candidates to know and understand that the record of the Committee remains open until it completes its
work on the screening of the candidates for the Employment Security Commission. It wishes to admonish
all the candidates that they remain under oath for the purposes of any future or further screenings, should
they become necessary. And to admonish the candidates that they are not to seek pledges in violation of
the applicable
The Committee finds the following persons qualified:
John E. Bonaparte, Jr.
C. D. Chamblee
Samuel R. Foster
J. William McLeod
Kathleen Riley
Joseph B. Rosen
John J. Snow, Jr.
Carole C. Wells
Respectfully submitted,
/s/Senator Edward E. Saleeby, Chairman
/s/Rep. Lewis R. Vaughn, Vice Chairman
/s/Senator Larry A. Martin
/s/Senator Darrell Jackson
/s/Senator John R. Russell
/s/Rep. John L. Scott, Jr.
/s/Rep. William D. Smith
/s/Rep. Daniel T. Cooper
TO: Candidates for Vacancies on the S.C. Employment Security Commission
FROM: Edward E. Saleeby, Chairman
Lewis R. Vaughn, Vice Chairman
Pursuant to Chapter 19 of Title 2 of the 1976 Code of Laws, the attached Employment Security Commission Screening Report is being filed today with both Houses of the General Assembly. All candidates are advised that, for purposes of contacting members of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 8-13-930 (attached), this report will be considered as published effective 12:00 Noon, Thursday, November 9, 1995.
If there are any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The following were received and referred to the appropriate committees for consideration.
Document No. 1840
Promulgated By Commission on Higher Education
Student and Institution Assistance
Received By Speaker September 28, 1995
Referred to House Committee on Education and Public Works
120 Day Review Expiration Date May 8, 1996
Document No. 1876
Promulgated By South Carolina Law Enforcement Division
Sex Offender Registry
Received By Speaker October 10, 1995
Referred to House Committee on Judiciary
120 Day Review Expiration Date May 8, 1996
Document No. 1878
Promulgated By Department of Transportation
Spacing Limitations for Outdoor Advertising Signs
Received By Speaker August 15, 1995
Referred to House Committee on Education and Public Works
120 Day Review Expiration Date May 8, 1996
Document No. 1883
Promulgated By Department of Health and Environmental Control
Underground Storage Tank Control Regulations
Received By Speaker August 24, 1995
Referred to House Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
120 Day Review Expiration Date May 8, 1996
Document No. 1892
Promulgated By Budget and Control Board
The Repeal of R. 19-440 Installment Purchase Program
Received By Speaker January 4, 1996
Referred to House Committee on Ways and Means
120 Day Review Expiration Date May 8, 1996
Document No. 1894
Promulgated By Department of Health and Environmental Control
Repeal of Certain Environmental Quality Control Regulations
Received By Speaker December 5, 1995
Referred to House Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
120 Day Review Expiration Date May 8, 1996
On motion of Rep. QUINN, with unanimous consent, the following were taken up for immediate consideration and accepted.
April 11, 1995
The Honorable Rick Quinn
Chairman, House Invitations Committee
503-A Blatt Building
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Carolinas Associated General Contractors would like to host a reception for the members of the General Assembly and staff on January 23, 1996, from 6:00 until 8:00 P.M. at the Adams Mark Hotel in Columbia.
Stephen P. Gennett
Executive Vice-President
April 25, 1995
The Honorable Rick Quinn
Chairman, House Invitations Committee
503-A Blatt Building
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Dear Rep. Quinn:
The South Carolina Cable Television Association would like to request your permission to again host a Legislative Reception in 1996. We have tentatively scheduled this event for Wednesday, January 31, from 6:30 - 9:00 P.M. at the Capital City Club.
It would be most appreciated if you would check the official House Calendar for the evening of January 31 and assuming it is open, officially place our reception on your Calendar.
Chairman Quinn, we look forward to hearing from you and to personally greeting you, members of the House and their staffs at our reception next year.
Nancy Horne
Executive Director
June 16, 1995
The Honorable Rick Quinn
Chairman, House Invitations Committee
503-A Blatt Building
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Dear Rep. Quinn:
The National Guard Association of South Carolina extends a most cordial invitation to the members of the House of Representatives to our Seventeenth Annual Legislative Appreciation Reception on Tuesday,
Please present this invitation to the House Invitations Committee for their consideration.
As always, the National Guard Association is looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to hosting the members of the General Assembly.
J. Edward Hall
Executive Director
August 18, 1995
The Honorable Rick Quinn
Chairman, House Invitations Committee
503-A Blatt Building
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Dear Rep. Quinn:
The South Carolina Association of Christian Schools would like to invite the members of the House to attend our sixteenth annual Legislators' Breakfast. The breakfast will be on Wednesday, January 31, 1996, from 7:45 - 8:45 A.M. at the Holiday Inn City Center just across from the Coliseum. We have appreciated the excellent participation we have received through the years and we look forward to hosting this exciting event again in 1996.
It is my understanding that this date is being held open pending your receipt of my letter and that the Senate will be notified by your office as well. Please let me know if I need to follow up with an additional letter to the Senate.
We would like to ask that this invitation be made part of the official Calendar. If approved, individual invitations will be sent out from this office. Our member schools will also be contacting their particular legislators to let them know of the event.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely in Christ,
Reece Yandle
Executive Director