Journal of the House of Representatives
of the Second Session of the 111th General Assembly
of the State of South Carolina
being the Regular Session Beginning Tuesday, January 9, 1996

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| Printed Page 4590, May 29 | Printed Page 4610, May 29 |

Printed Page 4600 . . . . . Wednesday, May 29, 1996

(B) Water that is completely surrounded by land owned by the applicant and has no connection to other water is excluded from the setback requirements outlined in this chapter.

Section 47-20-130. (A) Clemson University, in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Agriculture and the department, shall create a training and certification program for owners or operators of animal feeding operations which shall include, but is not limited to, understanding relevant regulations, issues, standards, principles, and practices regarding siting and management of an animal feeding operation and land application of animal waste; testing for toxic metals, organic materials, and other elements; use of antibiotics; implementing emergency procedures; and spill prevention protocols including testing and inspection of dikes.

(B) An operator of an animal feeding operation and waste utilization area must be certified on the operation of animal waste management under the program created in subsection (A).

Section 47-20-140. (A) For an animal feeding operation which has the capacity of more than 160,000 pounds of normal production animal live weight at any one time and is seeking to construct or expand an established animal feeding operation, the department shall publish a notice of intent to construct or to expand an established animal feeding operation governed by this chapter in a local newspaper of general circulation, notify persons residing on adjoining property, and notify the relevant county commission and water supply district at the expense of the animal feeding operation applicant. Proof of notification of neighboring land owners and residents must be supplied by the applicant. This notice shall contain instructions for public review and comment to the department on the proposed construction and operation of the facility. The notice shall allow for a minimum thirty-day comment period.

(B) The department shall conduct a public hearing and shall provide notice of the public hearing in accordance with the notice requirements provided for in subsection (A) in any case in which the department receives at least twenty letters requesting a public hearing.

Section 47-20-150. (A) Permits for animal feeding operations covered under this chapter must be renewed every seven years. However, subsequent to the issuance of a permit, if the animal feeding operation is not in operation or production for two consecutive years, the permit is not valid and a new permit must be obtained.

(B) The department shall determine the appropriate fee for permit renewals.

Section 47-20-160. (A) The department shall promulgate regulations for this act by January 1, 1998, and submit a report on its progress by

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January 1, 1997, in consultation with representatives from: the South Carolina Poultry Federation, South Carolina Pork Producer's Association, South Carolina Dairyman's Association, South Carolina Cattlemen's Association, South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, South Carolina Wildlife Federation, South Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club, South Carolina Coastal Conservation League, League of Women Voters, Clemson University, South Carolina State University, Natural Resource Conservation Service, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Shrimpers' Association, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Land Resources Division, and the South Carolina Association of Conservation Districts. Each organization may appoint one member to consult with the department regarding this chapter, regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter, and the chapter's implementation. The department shall consult with representatives in meetings which must be conducted by the department, upon the call of the director of the department or the director's designee or upon request to the department of any three members. Representatives from these organizations may not receive mileage, per diem, or subsistence.

(B) The department shall promulgate regulations for siting and managing animal feeding operations with a capacity of 160,000 pounds of normal production of animal live weight or less at any one time, including land application of waste. The regulations must be at a minimum as protective as the department's current guidelines.

Section 47-20-170. Any violation of the provisions of this chapter is punishable as under the Pollution Control Act."

SECTION 2. Section 46-45-30 of the 1976 Code, as amended by Act 442 of 1990, is further amended to read:

"Section 46-45-30. (A) No established agricultural facility or any agricultural operation at an established agricultural facility is or may become a nuisance, private or public, by any changed conditions in or about the locality of the facility or operation if the facility or operation has been in operation for one year or more. The provisions of This section do does not apply whenever a nuisance results from the negligent, improper, or illegal operation of an agricultural facility or operation."

SECTION 3. This act takes effect July 1, 1996./

Renumber sections to conform.

Amend totals and title to conform.

Rep. MARTIN explained the amendment.

Rep. SHARPE moved to table the amendment.

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Rep. MARTIN demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 51; Nays 49

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bailey               Boan                 Brown, G.
Brown, H.            Cain                 Carnell
Cave                 Chamblee             Cooper
Cromer               Dantzler             Delleney
Felder               Fleming              Fulmer
Gamble               Inabinett            Kinon
Kirsh                Klauber              Knotts
Koon                 Lee                  Littlejohn
Lloyd                Loftis               McCraw
McTeer               Phillips             Quinn
Rhoad                Rice                 Riser
Robinson             Sandifer             Sharpe
Smith, D.            Spearman             Stoddard
Townsend             Tripp                Trotter
Vaughn               Waldrop              Walker
Wilder               Wilkes               Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wofford              Wright


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison              Anderson             Baxley
Beck                 Breeland             Brown, J.
Brown, T.            Byrd                 Canty
Cato                 Clyburn              Cotty
Davenport            Govan                Hallman
Harrell              Harris, J.           Harvin
Hodges               Howard               Hutson
Jennings             Keegan               Kelley
Keyserling           Lanford              Limehouse
Martin               Mason                McElveen
McMahand             Meacham              Moody-Lawrence
Neal                 Neilson              Richardson
Rogers               Scott                Seithel
Sheheen              Shissias             Smith, R.
Stille               Tucker               Wells

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Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.          Young


So, the amendment was tabled.

Rep. MEACHAM moved that the House do now adjourn.

Rep. YOUNG-BRICKELL demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 24; Nays 71

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Breeland             Canty                Carnell
Chamblee             Cooper               Cotty
Govan                Hallman              Harris, J.
Howard               Keegan               Martin
McMahand             Meacham              Moody-Lawrence
Neal                 Rogers               Scott
Shissias             Stille               Townsend
Tucker               Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison              Bailey               Baxley
Beck                 Brown, G.            Brown, H.
Brown, J.            Cain                 Cato
Cave                 Dantzler             Davenport
Delleney             Felder               Fleming
Fulmer               Gamble               Harrell
Harvin               Hodges               Hutson
Inabinett            Jennings             Kelley
Keyserling           Kinon                Kirsh
Klauber              Knotts               Koon
Lanford              Law                  Lee
Limbaugh             Limehouse            Littlejohn
Lloyd                Loftis               Mason
McCraw               McElveen             McTeer
Neilson              Phillips             Quinn

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Rhoad                Rice                 Riser
Sandifer             Seithel              Sharpe
Sheheen              Smith, D.            Smith, R.
Spearman             Stoddard             Stuart
Tripp                Trotter              Vaughn
Waldrop              Walker               Wells
Wilder               Wilkes               Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wofford              Wright
Young                Young-Brickell       


So, the House refused to adjourn.


Rep. LAW moved to reconsider the vote whereby Amendment No. 10A was tabled.

Rep. SHARPE moved to table the motion to reconsider.

Rep. MEACHAM demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 53; Nays 50

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bailey               Boan                 Brown, G.
Brown, H.            Cain                 Carnell
Cave                 Chamblee             Cooper
Cromer               Dantzler             Delleney
Felder               Fleming              Fulmer
Gamble               Harvin               Inabinett
Kinon                Kirsh                Klauber
Knotts               Koon                 Lee
Limbaugh             Littlejohn           Loftis
McCraw               McTeer               Neilson
Phillips             Quinn                Rhoad
Rice                 Riser                Robinson
Sandifer             Sharpe               Smith, D.
Spearman             Stoddard             Stuart
Townsend             Tripp                Trotter
Vaughn               Waldrop              Walker

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Wilder               Wilkes               Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wright


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison              Anderson             Baxley
Beck                 Breeland             Brown, J.
Brown, T.            Byrd                 Canty
Cato                 Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter
Cotty                Davenport            Govan
Hallman              Harrell              Harris, J.
Hodges               Howard               Hutson
Jennings             Keegan               Kelley
Keyserling           Lanford              Law
Limehouse            Lloyd                Mason
McElveen             McMahand             Meacham
Moody-Lawrence       Neal                 Richardson
Rogers               Scott                Seithel
Sheheen              Shissias             Smith, R.
Stille               Tucker               Wells
Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.          Wofford
Young                Young-Brickell       


So, the motion to reconsider was tabled.

Rep. QUINN proposed the following Amendment No. 12A, which was tabled.

Amend the bill as and if amended by striking paragraph (B.)

Rep. QUINN explained the amendment.


Rep. RICHARDSON raised the Point of Order that Amendment No. 12A was out of order in that it was inartfully drafted.

Rep. QUINN argued contra the Point.

The SPEAKER stated that there was only Section B and he overruled the Point of Order.

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Rep. MOODY-LAWRENCE moved to table the amendment.

Rep. CROMER demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 72; Nays 31

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison              Anderson             Boan
Breeland             Brown, G.            Brown, H.
Brown, J.            Brown, T.            Byrd
Cain                 Canty                Carnell
Cave                 Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter
Cotty                Dantzler             Davenport
Delleney             Fulmer               Gamble
Govan                Hallman              Harrell
Harris, J.           Harvin               Hodges
Howard               Hutson               Inabinett
Keegan               Kelley               Keyserling
Kinon                Kirsh                Klauber
Knotts               Koon                 Lanford
Law                  Lee                  Limehouse
Lloyd                Martin               McElveen
McMahand             McTeer               Meacham
Moody-Lawrence       Neal                 Richardson
Riser                Rogers               Sandifer
Scott                Seithel              Sharpe
Sheheen              Shissias             Spearman
Stille               Townsend             Tucker
Wells                Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.
White                Wilkes               Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wofford              Young-Brickell


Those who voted in the negative are:

Bailey               Baxley               Beck
Cato                 Chamblee             Cooper
Cromer               Felder               Fleming
Jennings             Littlejohn           Loftis
Mason                McCraw               Neilson
Phillips             Quinn                Rhoad

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Rice                 Robinson             Smith, R.
Stoddard             Stuart               Tripp
Trotter              Vaughn               Waldrop
Walker               Wilder               Wright


So, the amendment was tabled.

Rep. MEACHAM spoke against the Senate amendments.


Rep. KNOTTS moved that Rule 3.9 be invoked. The motion was seconded by ten members and the SPEAKER ordered that the absent members be sent for.


Rep. FELDER moved to rescind Rule 3.9, which was agreed to.

Rep. MEACHAM continued speaking.

Rep. SHARPE moved immediate cloture on the entire matter.

The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 50; Nays 49

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bailey               Boan                 Brown, G.
Brown, H.            Cain                 Cato
Chamblee             Dantzler             Delleney
Felder               Fleming              Fulmer
Gamble               Kinon                Kirsh
Klauber              Knotts               Koon
Law                  Lee                  Limbaugh
Littlejohn           Loftis               Martin
McCraw               Neilson              Phillips
Quinn                Rhoad                Rice
Riser                Sandifer             Sharpe
Smith, D.            Spearman             Stoddard
Stuart               Townsend             Tripp

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Trotter              Vaughn               Waldrop
Walker               Wilder               Wilkes
Wilkins              Witherspoon          Wofford
Wright               Young-Brickell       


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison              Anderson             Baxley
Beck                 Breeland             Brown, J.
Brown, T.            Byrd                 Canty
Cave                 Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter
Cotty                Davenport            Govan
Hallman              Harrell              Harris, J.
Hodges               Hutson               Inabinett
Jennings             Keegan               Kelley
Keyserling           Lanford              Lloyd
Mason                McElveen             McMahand
McTeer               Meacham              Moody-Lawrence
Neal                 Richardson           Robinson
Rogers               Scott                Seithel
Sheheen              Shissias             Smith, R.
Stille               Tucker               Wells
Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.          White


So, having failed to receive the necessary vote, immediate cloture was not ordered.


The SPEAKER granted Reps. CANTY and T. BROWN a leave of absence for the remainder of the day.

Rep. MEACHAM continued speaking.

Rep. FLEMING moved to continue the Bill.

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Rep. COBB-HUNTER demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 18; Nays 80

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Brown, H.            Chamblee             Felder
Fleming              Harvin               Kinon
Koon                 Loftis               Phillips
Rhoad                Rice                 Robinson
Stoddard             Tripp                Trotter
Vaughn               Waldrop              Wilder


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison              Anderson             Bailey
Baxley               Beck                 Boan
Breeland             Brown, G.            Brown, J.
Byrd                 Cain                 Carnell
Cato                 Cave                 Cobb-Hunter
Cooper               Cotty                Cromer
Dantzler             Davenport            Delleney
Fulmer               Gamble               Govan
Hallman              Harrell              Harris, J.
Hodges               Howard               Hutson
Inabinett            Jennings             Keegan
Kelley               Keyserling           Kirsh
Klauber              Knotts               Lanford
Law                  Lee                  Limbaugh
Limehouse            Littlejohn           Lloyd
Mason                McCraw               McElveen
McMahand             McTeer               Meacham
Moody-Lawrence       Neal                 Neilson
Quinn                Richardson           Riser
Rogers               Sandifer             Scott
Seithel              Sheheen              Shissias
Smith, D.            Smith, R.            Spearman
Stille               Stuart               Townsend
Walker               Wells                Whipper, S.
White                Wilkes               Wilkins

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Witherspoon          Wofford              Wright
Young                Young-Brickell       


So, the House refused to continue the Bill.

| Printed Page 4590, May 29 | Printed Page 4610, May 29 |

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