Part II, Section 64, page II-65, -Insurance Fraud - I am vetoing Section 64 because it eliminates a resource directed to support investigation and prosecution of insurance fraud.
Part II, Section 79, pages II-73 and II-74, -Qualifications for 4% Assessment Ratio - I am vetoing Section 79 because it was passed in other, separate legislation.
Part II, Section 84, pages II-76 and II-77, -Greige Mills Machinery and Equipment Tax Exemption - I am vetoing Section 84 because it was passed in other, separate legislation.
Part II, Section 101, page II-85 and II-86, -County Delegation Payments in Lieu of the Provision of Office Space - I am vetoing Section 101 because the question of local governments providing office space for local legislative delegations is addressed in current law.
For these reasons, I veto these items.
David M. Beasley
Part IA, Section 17B, B&C-Division of Operations, page 67, line 40, -OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE 30,000.
Rep. FELDER explained the veto.
The question was put, shall the item become a part of the law, the veto of his Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Those who voted in the negative are:
Allison Baxley Beck Boan Brown, G. Brown, J. Byrd Cain Cato Cave Chamblee Clyburn Cotty Easterday Felder Gamble Govan Harrell
Harris, J. Haskins Herdklotz Hines, M. Hodges Hutson Keegan Kelley Kinon Kirsh Knotts Koon Lanford Limehouse Littlejohn Lloyd Loftis Marchbanks Mason McAbee McCraw McKay Meacham Neal Phillips Rhoad Rice Richardson Riser Robinson Scott Seithel Sharpe Sheheen Simrill Smith, R. Spearman Stuart Tripp Trotter Vaughn Wells Whatley White Wilder Wilkins Witherspoon Wright Young-Brickell
So, the veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.
I was not in the Chamber when the vote was taken on Veto 1 of the Appropriations Act, Part IA, Section 17B, Page 67, Line 40. Had I been in the Chamber, I would have voted to sustain the veto.
Part IB, Section 11, Attorney General's Office, page 407, proviso 11.10.
The question was put, shall the item become a part of the law, the veto of his Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Allison Anderson Baxley Beck Boan Brown, J. Byrd Cain Cato Cave Chamblee Cotty Davenport Delleney Easterday Felder Gamble Hallman Harrell Hines, M. Hodges Hutson Keegan Kelley Kinon Kirsh Knotts Koon Lee Limbaugh Littlejohn Lloyd Loftis Marchbanks Mason McAbee McKay McTeer Meacham Rhoad Rice Richardson Robinson Seithel Sharpe Simrill Smith, R. Spearman Stuart Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Wells Whatley Wilder Wilkins Witherspoon Wright Young Young-Brickell
So, the veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.
Part II, Section 64, page II-65, -Insurance Fraud
Rep. FELDER explained the veto.
The question was put, shall the item become a part of the law, the veto of his Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Allison Bailey Baxley Beck Boan Breeland Brown, G. Brown, H. Brown, J. Byrd Cain Cato Chamblee Clyburn Cooper Cotty Cromer Davenport Delleney Easterday Felder Gamble Govan Harrell Harris, J. Hines, M. Hodges Howard Hutson Inabinett Keegan Kelley Keyserling Kirsh Koon Law Limbaugh Limehouse Littlejohn Lloyd Loftis Marchbanks McAbee McCraw McElveen McKay McMahand Meacham Neilson Rhoad Rice Richardson Riser Robinson Sandifer Scott Sharpe Sheheen Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Spearman Stuart Townsend Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Wells Whatley Wilder Wilkins Witherspoon Wright Young-Brickell
So, the veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.
I would like to be recorded as voting to sustain Veto 3 on H. 4600. I was unable to do so because of a malfunction with my roll call key.
Part II, Section 79, pages II-73 and II-74,
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Those who voted in the negative are:
Bailey Baxley Beck Boan Breeland Brown, H. Brown, J. Byrd Cain Cato Cave Chamblee Clyburn Cooper Cotty Davenport Delleney Easterday Felder Gamble Govan Harrell Harris, J. Harris, P. Haskins Hines, M. Hodges Howard Hutson Keegan Kelley Kennedy Keyserling Kinon Kirsh Knotts Koon Law Lee Limbaugh Limehouse Loftis Marchbanks Martin McAbee McCraw McElveen McKay Meacham Neal Neilson Phillips Rhoad Rice Robinson Sandifer Scott Seithel Sheheen Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Spearman Stuart Townsend Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Whatley Wilder Wilkins Williams Wofford Wright Young-Brickell
So, the veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.
Part II, Section 84, pages II-76 and II-77,
The question was put, shall the item become a part of the law, the veto of his Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Those who voted in the negative are:
Bailey Baxley Beck Boan Brown, G. Brown, H. Brown, J. Byrd Cato Cave Chamblee Clyburn Cooper Cotty Dantzler Davenport Delleney Easterday Felder Gamble Hallman Harrell Harris, J. Harris, P. Haskins Herdklotz Hines, J. Hines, M. Hodges Hutson Inabinett Keegan Kelley Keyserling Kirsh Knotts Koon Lanford Law Limbaugh Limehouse Lloyd Marchbanks Martin Mason McAbee McCraw McElveen McKay McMahand Meacham Neilson Phillips Rhoad Rice Richardson Riser Robinson Sandifer Sharpe Sheheen Simrill Smith, R. Spearman Stuart Townsend Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Wells Whatley Wilkins Williams Witherspoon Wofford Wright Young-Brickell
Part II, Section 101, page II-85 and II-86,
Reps. BAILEY and SHEHEEN spoke against the veto.
Rep. HUTSON spoke in favor of the veto.
Reps. G. BROWN and BAILEY spoke against the veto.
The question was put, shall the item become a part of the law, the veto of his Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Anderson Bailey Baxley Breeland Brown, G. Brown, J. Byrd Cave Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Dantzler Govan Hallman Harris, P. Hines, J. Hines, M. Howard Inabinett Keyserling Kinon Lanford Law Lloyd Martin McAbee McElveen McMahand McTeer Neal Neilson Richardson Scott Seithel Sheheen Whatley Whipper, L. Whipper, S. White Williams Wofford Young-Brickell
Those who voted in the negative are:
Allison Beck Boan Brown, H. Cain Cato Chamblee Cooper Cotty Delleney Easterday Felder Gamble Harrell Harris, J. Haskins Herdklotz Hodges Hutson Jennings Keegan
Kelley Kirsh Knotts Koon Limbaugh Limehouse Littlejohn Loftis Marchbanks Mason McCraw McKay Meacham Phillips Rhoad Rice Riser Robinson Sandifer Sharpe Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Spearman Stuart Townsend Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Wells Wilder Wilkes Wilkins Witherspoon Wright Young
So, the veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.
Dear Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
I am hereby returning without my approval H. 4717, R. 524, an Act:
This Bill would exempt persons who wish to construct a short-term structural landfill from the requirement that the landfill be consistent with applicable solid waste plans. The South Carolina Solid Waste Policy and Management Act of 1991 required the State and every county, either alone
For the above reasons, I am vetoing H. 4717, R. 524.
David M. Beasley
Rep. SHARPE spoke against the veto.
The question was put, shall the Act become a part of the law, the veto of his Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Bailey Baxley Beck Boan Brown, G. Brown, H. Brown, J. Cain Cato Chamblee Clyburn Cooper Cromer Dantzler Davenport Delleney Easterday Felder Gamble Govan Hallman Harrell Harris, J. Haskins Herdklotz Hines, J. Hines, M. Hodges Howard Hutson Jaskwhich Jennings Keegan Kelley Keyserling Kinon Knotts Koon Lanford Law Lee Limbaugh Limehouse Littlejohn Lloyd Loftis Marchbanks Mason McAbee McCraw McElveen McKay McMahand McTeer Meacham Neilson Phillips Rhoad Rice Richardson Riser Robinson Sandifer Scott Seithel Sharpe Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, R. Spearman Stuart
Townsend Tripp Trotter Vaughn Waldrop Walker Whatley Whipper, L. Wilder Wilkes Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Wright Young Young-Brickell
Those who voted in the negative are:
So, the veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.
In accordance with Section 8-13-700(B) of the S.C. Code, I abstained from voting on the below referenced bill or amendment because of a potential conflict of interest and wish to have my recusal noted for the record in the House Journal of this date.
Bill #: 4717 General Subject Matter: Landfill and Trash Facilities - on the vote to override permitting the Governor's veto
The reason for abstaining on the above reference legislation is:
A potential conflict may exist under S.C. Code Section 8-13-740(C) because of representation of a client before a particular agency or commission by me or an individual or business with whom I am associated within the past year. I abstained because my law partner advises he has a client purchasing land with intent to seek permits from state and counties for operating a construction debris landfill.
Rep. WHITE made a statement relative to Reps. McTEER, RICHARDSON and KEYSERLING's service in the House.