Referred to Committee on Ways and Means.
Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
The following Bill was taken up.
H. 4647 -- Reps. Vaughn, Rice, Easterday, Littlejohn, Allison, Anderson, Herdklotz, Loftis, Haskins, Cato, McMahand, Wilkins, Tripp, Wells, Jaskwhich and Lanford: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 55-11-230, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE CREATION OF AN AIRPORT ENVIRONS AREA AND SUB-AREA WITHIN THE GREENVILLE-SPARTANBURG AIRPORT DISTRICT, SO AS TO FURTHER PROVIDE FOR THE
Rep. HASKINS proposed the following Amendment No. 1, which was tabled.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words, and adding:
/Section 55-11-230 is repealed in its entirety./
Amend title to conform.
Rep. HASKINS explained the amendment.
Rep. ANDERSON moved to table the amendment, which was agreed to by a division vote of 12 to 6.
Rep. D. SMITH proposed the following Amendment No. 2 (Doc Name P:\amend\PT\2280DW.96), which was tabled.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after enacting words and inserting:
/ SECTION 1. Section 55-11-230(B)(4) of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 100 of 1995, is amended to
"(4) By January 31, 1996, the Airport Environs Planning Commission shall develop a uniform land
use plan and uniform building performance standards for the airport environs area, submit them for review
and comment to the governing body of each political subdivision represented on the Airport Environs
Planning Commission, as well as the South Carolina Department of Commerce and the Federal Aviation
Administration, conduct public hearings pursuant to Article 3, Chapter 29, Title 6, on the proposed
uniform plan and standards. After receiving comments and conducting hearings, the Airport Environs
Planning Commission shall adopt a land use plan and building performance standards to be effective
throughout the airport environs area and enforced fully and without amendment by each political
subdivision represented on the Airport Environs Planning Commission. However, any land use plan
developed by the commission is not effective unless it has received approval by a two-thirds vote of each
of the governing bodies of Greenville and Spartanburg Counties voting separately on the question.
The Airport Environs Planning Commission, by majority of all voting members, may extend the January
31, 1996, deadline for a reasonable period of time not to exceed beyond March 31, 1996, for the
completion of these tasks. Each political subdivision shall enforce the uniform plan
SECTION 2. The date of March 31, 1996, which is the date to which the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport Environs Commission may extend the deadline for completing the tasks necessary to develop and adopt a uniform land use plan provided for in Section 55-11-230(B)(4) of the 1976 Code may be further extended not to exceed beyond forty-five days of the effective date of this act.
SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. /
Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.
Rep. D. SMITH explained the amendment.
Rep. VAUGHN spoke against the amendment and moved to table the amendment.
Rep. VAUGHN demanded the yeas and nays, which were not ordered.
The amendment was then tabled by a division vote of 12 to 5.
Rep. WALKER moved to adjourn debate upon the Bill until Tuesday, March 5.
Rep. VAUGHN moved to table the motion, which was agreed to by a division vote of 12 to 5.
The question then recurred to the passage of the Bill on second reading.
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Anderson Cato Easterday Haskins Jaskwhich Lanford McMahand Rice Tripp Vaughn Wilder Wilkins
Those who voted in the negative are:
So, the Bill was read the second time and ordered to third reading.
Rep. VAUGHN asked unanimous consent that the Bill be read a third time tomorrow.
Rep. WALKER objected.
The following Bill was taken up.
Rep. H. BROWN moved that the General Appropriation Bill be considered section by section, beginning with Part IA then taking up Part IB and then Part II, which was agreed to.
Rep. H. BROWN moved that while debating the General Appropriation Bill, he be allowed to note a motion daily to reconsider each section adopted, which was agreed to.
Rep. H. BROWN made a statement relative to the Bill.
Section 3A was adopted.
Rep. MARCHBANKS proposed the following Amendment No. 7 (Doc Name P:\amend\dc.10), which was adopted.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 3b, House of Representatives, page 9, line 31, opposite /Approved Accounts/ by increasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /116,885/;
Amend further, page 9, line 38, opposite /Telephone Expense/ by decreasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /15,000/;
Amend further, page 11, line 32, opposite /Misc. Gen. Oper./ by decreasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /13,461/;
Amend further, page 12, line 2, opposite /Employer Contributions/ by decreasing the amounts in columns (5) and (6) by /88,424/
Renumber sections and amend totals/title to conform.
Rep. MARCHBANKS explained the amendment.
The amendment was then adopted.
Rep. ROGERS moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 3C was adopted.
Section 3D was adopted.
Section 3E was adopted.
Section 3F was adopted.
Section 3G was adopted.
Section 4A was adopted.
Section 4B was adopted.
Section 5 was adopted.
Rep. HODGES moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 6B was adopted.
Section 6C was adopted.
Section 6D was adopted.
Section 7 was adopted.
Section 8 was adopted.
Section 9 was adopted.
Section 10 was adopted.
Rep. ROGERS moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 12 was adopted.
Section 13 was adopted.
Section 14 was adopted.
Section 15 was adopted.
Section 16 was adopted.
Section 17A was adopted.
Section 17B was adopted.
Section 17C was adopted.
Section 17D was adopted.
Section 17E was adopted.
Section 17F was adopted.
Section 17G was adopted.
Rep. HODGES moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 18B was adopted.
Section 18C was adopted.
Section 18D was adopted.
Section 18E was adopted.
Section 18F was adopted.
Section 18G was adopted.
Section 18H was adopted.
Section 18J was adopted.
Section 18KA was adopted.
Section 18KB was adopted.
Section 18KC was adopted.
Section 18KD was adopted.
Section 18KE was adopted.
Section 18KF was adopted.
Section 18KG was adopted.
Section 18KH was adopted.
Section 18L was adopted.
Section 18MA was adopted.
Section 18MB was adopted.
Section 18MC was adopted.
Rep. ROGERS moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Rep. ROGERS moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Rep. ROGERS moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 21 was adopted.
Section 22 was adopted.
Section 23 was adopted.
Rep. SPEARMAN moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 25 was adopted.
Section 26 was adopted.
Section 27 was adopted.
Section 28 was adopted.
Section 29 was adopted.
Section 30 was adopted.
Section 31 was adopted.
Rep. TUCKER moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 33 was adopted.
Rep. ROBINSON moved to adjourn debate upon the section, which was adopted.
Section 35 was adopted.
Section 36 was adopted.
Section 37 was adopted.