Senators GIESE, HAYES, J. VERNE SMITH and THOMAS proposed the following Amendment No. 21 (JIC\5875HTC.95), which was tabled:
Amend the report, as and if amended, Part II, Section 67, page 577, by striking Section 12-21-2804(B) on lines 3, 4, and 5, and inserting:
/(B) (1) No person who maintains a place or premises for the operation of machines licensed under Section 12-21-2720(A)(3) may advertise in any manner for the playing of the machines nor may a person offer or allow to be offered any special inducement to a person for the playing of machines permitted under Section 12-21-2720(A)(3).
(2) Machines licensed pursuant to Section 12-21-2720(A)(3) may not be located in any place or premises the public entrance of which is within fifty feet of another place or premises in which such machines are located. This distance must be measured by following the shortest route of pedestrian travel from public entrance to public entrance./
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator GIESE argued in favor of the adoption of the amendment.
Senator GIESE moved that the amendment be adopted.
Senator LAND moved to lay the amendment on the table.
The "ayes" and "nays" were demanded and taken, resulting as
Cork Courtney Elliott
Ford Glover Holland
Jackson Land Lander
Matthews McConnell McGill
Mescher Moore O'Dell
Passailaigue Patterson Peeler
Rankin Reese Richter
Rose Saleeby Setzler
Short Smith, G. Stilwell
Alexander Bryan Courson
Drummond Giese Gregory
Hayes Leatherman Leventis
Martin Russell Ryberg
Smith, J.V. Thomas Waldrep
The amendment was laid on the table.
Senators DRUMMOND and J. VERNE SMITH proposed the following Amendment No. 132 (PFM\7449BDW.95), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part II, Section 69, page 580, by deleting lines 15 - 18.
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator DRUMMOND explained the amendment.
Senator DRUMMOND moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part II, page 583, line 24, item (2), by adding after the word /Circuit/ the following:
/and Family/.
Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part II, page 583, lines 26 and 27, by striking item (3) in its entirety.
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator COURTNEY argued in favor of the adoption of the amendment.
Senator COURTNEY moved that the amendment be adopted.
Senator BRYAN proposed the following Amendment No. 5 (GJK\21793SD.95), which was tabled:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part II, Section 85, by striking Section 20-7-1410 of the 1976 Code, as contained in item (5) beginning on page 600, and inserting:
/"Section 20-7-1410. The General Assembly shall elect a number of
Family Court Judges from each judicial circuit as follows:
First Circuit Two Judges
Second Circuit Two Judges
Third Circuit Three Judges
Fourth Circuit Three Judges
Fifth Circuit Four Judges
Sixth Circuit Two Judges
Seventh Circuit Three Judges
Eighth Circuit Three Judges
Ninth Circuit Four Judges
Tenth Circuit Three Judges
Eleventh Circuit Three Judges
Twelfth Circuit Three Judges
Thirteenth Circuit Four Judges
Fourteenth Circuit Three Judges
Fifteenth Circuit Two Judges
Sixteenth Circuit Two Judges
In the following judicial circuits at least one Family Court Judge must be a resident of each county in the circuit: fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, twelfth, thirteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth. In those judicial circuits made up of three or more counties at least one Family Court Judge must be a resident of one of the counties which does not have the largest population in the circuit.
No county in the sixth circuit shall have more than one resident Family Court Judge.
In addition to the above judges authorized by this section, there must be
three additional Family Court Judges elected by the General Assembly from the
State at large for terms of office of six years. These additional Family Court
Judges must be elected without regard to county or circuit of residence, and may
be assigned by the Chief Justice to serve in the Family Court of any circuit of
this State. Each office of the at-large
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator BRYAN argued in favor of the adoption of the amendment and Senator LAND argued contra.
Senator LAND moved to lay the amendment on the table.
The amendment was laid on the table.
The PRESIDENT took up the Point of Order raised by Senator BRYAN that Pt. II, Section 56, was out of order inasmuch as it was not germane to the Bill.
Senator LEVENTIS raised a Point of Order that the Point of Order raised by Senator BRYAN was out of order inasmuch as it came too late.
Senators LEVENTIS and BRYAN spoke on the Point of Order.
The PRESIDENT stated that Senator BRYAN had raised this Point of Order on April 27, 1995, and overruled the Point of Order.
The PRESIDENT overruled the Point of Order raised by Senator BRYAN.
Senator O'DELL proposed the following Amendment No. 33A (DKA\3979CM.95), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part II, on page 601 after line 31, by
adding a new section to read:
Article 1, Chapter 25, Title 57 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
(B) A person erecting a bus shelter shall obtain a permit for each shelter location from the Department of Transportation. The permit shall cost twenty-five dollars. Permit fees must be placed in the department's trust fund and used for public transportation purposes."/
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator O'DELL argued in favor of the adoption of the amendment.
Senator GIESE spoke on the amendment.
Senator GIESE moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators WALDREP and LEVENTIS proposed the following Amendment No. 48 (DKA\3976SD.95), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part II, on page 601 after line 31, by
adding a new section to read:
The 1976 Code is amended by adding:
"Section 59-63-26. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 59-63-20, 59-65-10, and other applicable provisions of law, the State Board of Education shall develop criteria to allow attendance in the public kindergartens of this State for children who are ready to undertake formal schooling who attain the age of five after September first but on or before November first. The criteria shall include guidelines for notification of parents. Local boards of trustees shall develop procedures based on state board criteria to identify children ready to undertake formal schooling and
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator WALDREP explained the amendment.
Senator WALDREP moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
By previous action of the Senate, the time certain of 8:56 P.M. had arrived and Amendment No. 167A was taken up for immediate consideration.
Senator MOORE was recognized.
Senator SETZLER spoke on the amendment.
Senator SETZLER asked unanimous consent to make a motion to take up for immediate consideration Amendment No. 191 and upon resolution of the instant amendment, the Senate would proceed to a consideration of Amendment No. 192; and upon the resolution of Amendment No. 192, the Senate would proceed to a consideration of Amendment No. 193; and upon the resolution of Amendment No. 193, the Senate would proceed to a consideration of Amendment No. 194; and upon the resolution of Amendment No. 194, the Senate would proceed to a consideration of Amendment No. 130.
Senator CORK spoke on the motion.
Senator CORK raised a Point of Order that the amendments were violative of Section 59-103-35, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976.
Senators McCONNELL and LEATHERMAN spoke on the Point of Order.
The PRESIDENT overruled the Point of Order.
On motion of Senator SETZLER, with unanimous consent, Amendment No. 191 was taken up for immediate consideration.
Senators SETZLER, McGILL, McCONNELL, PASSAILAIGUE, COURSON, WILSON, O'DELL and ROSE proposed the following Amendment No. 191 (EDUC\014.SD), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 18C, The Citadel, page 0104, by inserting a new line immediatedly after line 14:
Women's Leadership Institute 1,400,0001,400,000
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator SETZLER explained the amendment.
Senator SETZLER moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators CORK and GLOVER desired to be recorded as voting against the adoption of the amendment.
On motion of Senator SETZLER, with unanimous consent, Amendment No. 192A was taken up for immediate consideration.
Senators SETZLER, McGILL, PASSAILAIGUE, McCONNELL, COURSON, WILSON, O'DELL and ROSE proposed the following Amendment No. 192A (EDUC\013.SD), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 18A., page 418, line 15, by adding a new proviso to read:
\18A. (Formula Funding for Converse Women's Leadership Institute) Of the funds appropriated for the higher education formula, one million four hundred thousand dollars shall be allocated to The Citadel for the Women's Leadership Institute at Converse College when a female leadership program has been approved as in compliance with the federal district court order. This contract will in no way make Converse College subject to the Commission on Higher Education's purview. Funds shall be transferred to Converse College for students enrolled in Women's Leadership contract program on the same per student basis as the per student state appropriation for cadets at The Citadel as determined under
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator SETZLER explained the amendment.
Senator SETZLER moved that the amendment be adopted.
The "ayes" and "nays" were demanded and taken, resulting as
Alexander Bryan Courson
Courtney Drummond Elliott
Giese Gregory Hayes
Holland Land Lander
Leatherman Leventis Martin
Matthews McConnell McGill
Mescher Moore O'Dell
Passailaigue Peeler Rankin
Reese Richter Rose
Russell Ryberg Saleeby
Setzler Short Smith, G.
Smith, J.V. Stilwell Thomas
Waldrep Washington Williams*
Cork Ford Glover
*This Senator was not present in the Chamber at the time the vote was taken and the vote was recorded by leave of the Senate, with unanimous consent.
The amendment was adopted.
On motion of Senator SETZLER, with unanimous consent, the Senate agreed that, when it proceeded to a consideration of H. 3690, the Supplemental Appropriation Bill, the following Amendment No. 195 would be adopted:
Senator SETZLER asked unanimous consent to take up Amendment No. 195 for immediate consideration.
There was no objection.
Senators McCONNELL, McGILL, PASSAILAIGUE, SHORT, O'DELL and ROSE proposed the following Amendment No. 195 (3362R238.GFM), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 18 A, Commission on Higher Education, page 96, after line 9, by inserting:
WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP PROGRAM 2,000,000 2,000,000
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator SETZLER explained the amendment.
Senator McCONNELL spoke on the amendment.
Senator PASSAILAIGUE spoke on the amendment.
Senator McCONNELL moved that the amendment be adopted.
The "ayes" and "nays" were demanded and taken, resulting as
Alexander Bryan Courtney
Drummond Elliott Gregory
Hayes Holland Lander
Leventis Martin McConnell
McGill Mescher O'Dell
Passailaigue Peeler Rankin
Reese Richter Rose
Russell Saleeby Short
Printed Page 2349 . . . . . Thursday, May 4, 1995
Smith, G. StilwellThomas
Waldrep Williams* Wilson
Cork Courson Ford
Giese Glover Land
Leatherman Matthews Moore
Patterson Ryberg Setzler
Smith, J.V. Washington
*This Senator was not present in the Chamber at the time the vote was taken and the vote was recorded by leave of the Senate, with unanimous consent.
The amendment was adopted.
On motion of Senator SETZLER, with unanimous consent, Amendment No. 193B was taken up for immediate consideration.
Senators McCONNELL, PASSAILAIGUE, SHORT, McGILL and O'DELL proposed the following Amendment No. 193B (3362R240.GFM), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 18C, Citadel, page 418, after line 25, by adding after line 25 the following new proviso:
18C.___. (Women's Leadership Program) The funds appropriated in Part 1A,
Section 18C, of this Act and any other funds appropriated in any other
appropriation act for the Women's Leadership Program must be used exclusively
for the support of the Women's Leadership Program. Provided further that no
funds may be expended if the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals renders a decision
which would prevent the
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
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