Boan Courson Fair Hayes Lander Martin Peeler Reese Richter Russell Setzler Thomas Waldrep Wilson
The amendment was laid on the table.
Senator RANKIN, with unanimous consent, proposed the following Amendment No. 219A (4600R247.LAR), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part III, Section 1, page(s) 664, by striking lines 1 through 2 and inserting:
/(12) Department of Commerce
Advisory Coordinating Council for Economic Development
. . . . .4,770,000/
Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part III, Section 1, page 665, after line 5 by adding an appropriately numbered item to read:
/( ) Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Authority
. . . . .230,000/
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator RANKIN explained the amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators PASSAILAIGUE and McCONNELL proposed the following Amendment No. 10 (4600R533.ELP), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part III, Section 1, page 664, by striking lines 28 through 29 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
/(19) Budget & Control Board - Division of Operations
Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund. . . . .6,691,101/
Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part III, Section 1, page 665, by striking lines 4 through 5 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
/(23) Budget and Control Board - Division of Executive Director
Charleston Redevelopment Authority. . . . .300,000/
Senator PASSAILAIGUE explained the amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Senator PEELER proposed the following Amendment No. 47 (904.DGJ), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part V, Section 2, page 668, by striking lines 16 through 17 and inserting:
(11) Department of Health & Enviromental Control
EQC Permit Process 1,429,266
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator PEELER explained the amendment.
Senator PEELER moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Senator PEELER proposed the following Amendment No. 46 (905.DGJ), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part V, Section 2, page 670, after line 18 by adding an appropriately numbered item to read:
/(_) Department of Health & Environmental Control
Cherokee County Health Department--Roof Repair $174,400
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator PEELER explained the amendment.
Senator PEELER moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Senator SETZLER proposed the following Amendment No. 23 (SBD\97.009), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part V, Section 4, page 670, by striking lines 28 through 31.
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator SETZLER moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators HOLLAND, RANKIN, McGILL and ELLIOTT proposed the following Amendment No. 30 (JIC\5923HTC.96), which was tabled:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, in Part VI, Additional Supplemental Appropriations, page 671, SECTION 1, by inserting immediately before line 12:
/ (1) State Election Commission
Poll official pay 207,690/
Renumber remaining items to conform.
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator RANKIN explained the amendment.
Senator DRUMMOND moved to lay the amendment on the table.
The amendment was laid on the table.
Senators RANKIN, McGILL, ELLIOTT, HOLLAND, MOORE, GREG SMITH, HAYES and PEELER desired to be recorded as voting against the motion to table the amendment.
Senator J. VERNE SMITH proposed the following Amendment No. 212 (731.VRC), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page 671, line 23, after item (4) Governor's Office - OEPP School for the Arts, by adding the following:
Funds appropriated for this purpose shall be retained and not expended until an equal amount in private sector match funds has been pledged or is available for expenditure. When the governing board of the Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities certifies that four and one-half million dollars in private sector match funds is available for expenditure, the agency shall disburse four and one-half million dollars of the state appropriations for this project. When the governing board of the Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities certifies that the remaining four and one-half million dollars in private sector match funds is available
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator J. VERNE SMITH explained the amendment.
Senator J. VERNE SMITH moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Having voted on the prevailing side, Senator WALDREP asked unanimous consent to make a motion to reconsider the vote whereby Amendment No. 228 (4600R409.JVS) proposed by Senator J. VERNE SMITH was not adopted.
Senator ROSE argued in favor of the motion.
The motion to reconsider was adopted.
On motion of Senator ROSE, with unanimous consent, the amendment was perfected as follows and adopted.
Senator J. VERNE SMITH proposed the following Amendment No. 228A (4600R409.JVS), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part II, by adding a new section to read:
A. Chapter 27, Title 6 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
"Section 6-27-55. From funds distributed to the county pursuant to Section 6-27-40, a county council shall provide a reasonable amount of funds for all county offices of state agencies for which the council is required to provide funding by state law."
B. This section takes effect upon approval of the Governor./
The amendment was adopted.
Senator GIESE proposed the following Amendment No. 134 (913.DGJ), which was tabled:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page 672, after line 36 by adding an appropriately numbered item to read:
/( )University of South Carolina
Columbia-Electrochemical Engineering Program500,000
Amend the bill further, as and if amended, page 672, lines 37 & 38, by:
STRIKING: (23) University of South Carolina
Columbia Arena2,500,000
INSERTING: (23) University of South Carolina
Columbia Arena2,000,000
Amend sections, totals and titles to conform.
Senator SETZLER spoke on the amendment.
Senator SETZLER moved to lay the amendment on the table.
The amendment was laid on the table.
Senator SALEEBY proposed the following Amendment No. 68 (4600R005.EES), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page(s) 673, after line(s) 2, by adding a new item (26) to read:
/(26) Department of Natural Resources
Cashua Ferry Boat Landing150,000/
Renumber remaining items to conform.
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator SALEEBY explained the amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators McGILL and O'DELL proposed the following Amendment No. 76A (4600R246.WHO), which was adopted:
/( ) The Citadel
Thompson Hall Replacement8,376,000/
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator O'DELL explained the amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators THOMAS, SETZLER and HAYES proposed the following Amendment No. 174 (4600R605.DLT), which was tabled:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page(s) 673, line(s) 26, by striking /1,000,000/ and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator SETZLER spoke on the amendment.
Senator MOORE moved to lay the amendment on the table.
The "ayes" and "nays" were demanded and taken, resulting as follows:
Boan Courtney Drummond Elliott Fair Ford Glover Holland Land Leventis Martin Matthews McConnell Moore O'Dell Passailaigue Patterson Peeler Rankin Reese Richter Russell Saleeby Smith, J.V. Waldrep
Alexander Bryan Cork Courson Hayes Jackson Lander Mescher Rose Setzler Smith, G. Thomas Washington Wilson
The amendment was laid on the table.
Senator LEVENTIS, with unanimous consent, proposed the following Amendment No. 53A (4600R248.PPL), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page(s) 673, by striking lines 28 through 29 and inserting:
/(34) Department of Commerce
Airport Improvements2,830,000
Of the funds appropriated for this item, 300,000 is for Oconee Airport matching funds, 175,000 is for Chester Airport renovations and 400,000 is for Union Airport Renovations./
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator LEVENTIS explained the amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Senator McCONNELL proposed the following Amendment No. 179 (4600R550.GFM), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking subsection (A.) of the new SECTION added by amendment number 5C bearing adoption number 21 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
/A. There is established effective July 1, 1996, the Performance Audit Steering Committee consisting of twelve members. The Speaker of the House and President of the Senate each shall appoint two members and each must appoint one from the private sector. The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee each shall appoint two members, and each must appoint one from the private sector. The executive directors of the Budget and Control Board, the Legislative Audit Council, and the State Reorganization
Amend the bill further, as and if amended by striking subsection (C.) of the new SECTION added by amendment number 5C bearing adoption number 21 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
/C. The committee shall supervise and coordinate the work of the contractor and produce an audit report which must be submitted to the General Assembly and the Governor no later than the committee's termination date. The committee shall utilize the staff of the House and the Senate as directed by the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore. The committee may also utilize the staffs of the ex-officio members listed in subsection A to coordinate work as directed by the committee.
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator McCONNELL explained the amendment.
Senator McCONNELL moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators ALEXANDER and MARTIN proposed the following Amendment No. 34 (711.VRC), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page 676, after line 18 by adding an appropriately numbered item to read:
/( ) State Department of Education
Lovaas Educational Method for Autistic Children Pilot Project50,000/
These funds shall be provided to the Pickens County School District for a pilot project to teach the Lovaas method to autistic children in the Pickens County School District during the 1996-1997 school year. The purpose of this pilot is to help mainstream these children back into the classroom and to reduce or eliminate future long term care costs.
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator ALEXANDER moved that the amendment be adopted.
The amendment was adopted.
Senators MATTHEWS, PATTERSON, WASHINGTON, FORD, GLOVER and JACKSON proposed the following Amendment No. 73 (718.VRC), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Additional Supplemental Appropriations, Section 1, page 676, after line 18 by adding an appropriately numbered item to read:
/( ) S. C. State University
Fine Arts Center 2,102,897/
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator MATTHEWS explained the amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Senator ROSE proposed the following Amendment No. 130 (4600R604.MTR), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page(s) 676, after line(s) 17, by inserting the following:
/South Carolina Hurricane Evacuation Plan 250,000/
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
Senator ROSE explained the amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Senator COURTNEY proposed the following Amendment No. 218 (210.RDY), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part VI, Section 1, page 676, after line 17 by adding an appropriatly numbered item to read:
/(_) Judicial Department
Judges Salary Increases$100
Amend sections, totals and title to conform.
The amendment was adopted.
At 9:30 P.M., Senator SALEEBY requested a leave of absence until 10:00 A.M. Friday, May 3, 1996.
Senator LAND proposed the following Amendment No. 89 (GJK\22777CM.96), which was adopted:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 4A, JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, page 0021, line 31 by:
. . . . .COLUMN 7. . . . .COLUMN 8
. . . . .(7.00). . . . .(7.00)
INSERTING:. . . . .(4.00). . . . .(4.00)
Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 4A, Judicial Department, page 0021, line 29 by:
. . . . .COLUMN 7. . . . .COLUMN 8
. . . . .(6.00). . . . .(6.00)
. . . . .(9.00). . . . .(9.00)
Part IA, Section 4A, Judicial Department, page 0021, by inserting new items after line 25, by adding:
. . . . .COLUMN 7. . . . .COLUMN 8
/Staff Attorney. . . . .163,095.. . . . .163,095.
. . . . .(5.00). . . . .(5.00)
Legal Secretary. . . . .72,000.. . . . .72,000.
. . . . .(4.00). . . . .(4.00)/
Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Part IA, Section 4A, Judicial Department, page 0022, line 37 by striking opposite /LAW CLERKS/ in columns (7) and (8) /469,008/;
Amend further, page 0022, line 38, by deleting in columns (7) and (8) /(9.00)/;
Amend further, page 0023, line 9, opposite /OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES/ by striking the amounts in Columns 7 and 8 /403,760/ and inserting /520,716/;
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