Approved and Respectfully Submitted:
/S/ Senator J. Verne Smith, Chm.
/S/ Senator Nikki G. Setzler
/S/ Senator Kay Patterson
/S/ Senator McKinley Washington
/S/ Representative Michael L. Fair
/S/ Representative Heyward G. Hutson
/S/ Representative Bessie Moody-Lawrence
/S/ Representative Harry C. Stille
Mrs. Leslie Harrison
/S/ Ms. Tippi Craig
/S/ Mr. Jarvis Klapman
/S/ Mr. L.R. Perry
The 1994-95 legislative years have seen the Committee make notable advancement in legislation. The challenge of keeping abreast of the activities of various State divisions and their interrelationships was met enabling South Carolina to further its goals in relationship to meaningful alcohol and drug legislation and programs.
For 1994-95 the Committee emphasis has focused on a number of major alcohol and drug related issues and proposals.
At the Annual Meeting..
Members were instrumental in the passage of major legislative proposals as follows:
H. 3567 -- Rep. Quinn: A bill to amend Section 61-1-95, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to beer, wine, and alcoholic beverage permits and licenses, so as to delete the prohibition on the issue of a permit or license following suspension or revocation to any person within the third degree of kinship to the person whose permit or license was suspended and to delete the prohibition on issuing a permit or license following suspension or revocation to a partner or person with a financial interest in the premises of the establishment for which the permit or license was suspended. Rec'd 1st, Referred to H-LCI, Fav. with amendment, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to Senate, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Favorable Report, Rec'd 2nd, Notice general amendments, Amended, Carried Over, Rec'd 3rd, Enrolled (R151), Unsigned by Governor (6-13-95), ACT 143
H. 3613 -- Reps. Wilkins, Huff, Delleney, Knotts, Townsend, Limehouse, Keegan, Witherspoon, Fleming, Marchbanks, Tripp, Felder, Lanford, Herdklotz, Easterday, A. Young, Hallman, Law, Limbaugh, Cotty, Thomas, Harrell, Sandifer, Sharpe, Fair, Haskins, Richardson, Fulmer, J. Young, Chamblee, Riser, Cain, Jaskwhich, Beatty, R. Smith, Simrill, Walker, Robinson, Rice, Dantzler, Stille, Stuart, Wofford, Wells, Trotter, Mason, Clyburn, Harrison, Klauber, Cato, Vaughn, Martin, Davenport and Kirsh: A bill to enact the South Carolina family independence Act of 1995 so as to establish the welfare policy of the state; to, among other things, require the state department of social services to expand its employment assistance services and to expand
H. 3630 -- Reps. Kelley, Keegan, Worley, Martin, Trotter, Witherspoon and Thomas: A bill to amend Section 61-3-990, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to restrictions on sales by retail dealers of alcoholic beverages, so as to authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages in sealed containers of two ounces or less for consumption in commercial aircraft engaged in interstate commerce.Rec'd 1st, Referred to Ways and Means, Favorable Report, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to Senate, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Favorable Report, Rec'd 2nd, Gen. amendment, Rec'd 3rd, Enrolled (R157), Unsigned by Governor (6-13-95), ACT 103
H. 3758 -- Reps. Cotty and Kinon: A bill to amend Section 1-3-480, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, so as to authorize the governor, with the consent of congress, to enter into compacts and agreements for the deployment of the national guard with governors of other states concerning drug interdiction and related activities; and by adding Section 1-3-490 so as to adopt the national guard mutual assistance counterdrug activities compact to provide for mutual assistance and support among the party states in the utilization of the national guard in drug interdiction, counterdrug activities, and demand reduction activities.Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Fav. Report, Amended, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to Senate, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Amended, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Returned to House with Amendment, Sen. concurred, Enrolled (R169), Unsigned by Governor (6-13-95), ACT 113
H. 3787 -- Reps. Richardson, Cotty, Rice, Cobb-Hunter, Keyserling, J. Brown, Worley, S. Whipper, Limehouse, Moody-Lawrence, Byrd, Shissias, Herdklotz, Lloyd, D. Smith, Wilkes, Mason and Thomas: A bill to amend Section 12-33-210, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to alcoholic beverage licenses for purposes of the alcoholic beverage control act, so as to provide for prorated licenses; to
H. 3808 -- Reps. Law, Wofford, Kirsh, Dantzler and Williams: A bill to amend the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 12-21-735 so as to provide for payment of the license tax on cigarettes and tobacco products by the reporting method rather than by tax stamps; and to repeal Sections 12-21-720, 12-21-730, and 12-21-820, relating to cigarette license tax stamps.Rec'd 1st, Referred to H-LCI, Fav. Report, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to Senate, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Finance, Amended, Rec'd 2nd, rec'd 3rd, returned to House with amendment, concurred, Enrolled (170), Signed by Governor (6-7-95), ACT 114
H. 4008 -- Reps. Govan, Cave, Cobb-Hunter, Stuart, Rhoad and Sharpe: A bill to amend Act 346 of 1975, relating to the tricounty commission on alcohol and drug abuse, so as to revise the composition of the commission; to delete the requirement that the chairmanship must rotate; to add additional powers and duties; to provide additional distribution of copies of the commission audit report; and to provide that all members currently serving on the commission continue to serve until the expiration of their current terms.Rec'd 1st, Placed on calendar without reference, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to Senate, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Medical Affairs, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Enrolled (R181), Signed by Governor (6-12-95), ACT 122
The Committee has continued to research and study the problems of alcohol and drug related issues with deliberate concern and effort. Interaction with citizens' action groups and various state agencies was substantial and furthered the Committee's awareness of needed legislation.
The Study Committee continues to assign highest priority to exercising every opportunity to gain personal understanding of information revealing new and innovative efforts to reduce alcohol and drug abuse. The Committee accepts its responsibility to organize and develop this information to promote appropriate legislation aimed at controlling and
The following is a Legislative Status Report of bills introduced during the 1994-95 Legislative Session. Those bills that have passed are indicated by an ACT number. Any legislation not enacted will be pending in the 1995-96 Legislative Session.
Senate Bills
S. 11 -- Senator Giese: A bill to amend the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 56-1-285 so as to provide for a six-month's suspension of the driver's license of a person under the age of twenty-one operating a motor vehicle who has a blood alcohol content in excess of five one-hundredths of one percent, to provide that licensed drivers under twenty-one have consented to be tested, to limit testing to incidents in which a person has been arrested for a traffic offense, to prescribe the method and procedures for testing and require an automatic six-month's suspension for refusal to be tested, to provide that the suspension begins immediately upon the officer taking possession of the license, to provide for an administrative hearing on the suspension at the driver's request, and to provide that a person whose license is suspended is not required to file proof of financial responsibility. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Transportation
S. 20 -- Senator Giese: A bill to amend Section 56-1-746, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the suspension of the driver's license of persons convicted of certain driver's license and alcohol-related offenses, so as to provide that the license of a person accepted into a pretrial intervention program on being charged with one of these offenses may be suspended as if the person was convicted and to require the circuit solicitor to report the person's acceptance into the program to the department of transportation. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Transportation
S. 47 -- Senator Jackson: A bill to amend Section 44-95-20 of the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to places where smoking is prohibited, so as to prohibit smoking in the public areas of the state house. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Medical Affairs
S. 78 -- Senator McConnell: A bill to amend Section 44-53-370, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to trafficking in cocaine, so as to provide for a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment without parole, work release, or supervised furlough. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
S. 82 -- Senators McConnell, Rose and Wilson: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section 15, article I of the constitution of South Carolina, 1895, relating to bail, cruel, unusual and corporal punishment, and detention of witnesses, so as to provide for the offenses for which and the circumstances under which bail may be denied. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to House, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
S. 92 -- Senators McConnell, Rose, Elliott and Wilson: A bill to amend Section 17-15-10, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the release of a noncapital offender on his own recognizance, so as to provide for the offenses for which and the circumstances under which bail may be denied and to define violent crimes.Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to House, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
S. 111 -- Senator Peeler: A bill to amend Section 3-9-10, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to federal surplus property, so as to authorize the division of general services to enter into agreements with federal agencies to conduct and direct the disposal of excess or surplus
S. 119 -- Senator Rose: A bill to amend title 44, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding chapter 54 so as to create the south carolina drug impaired infants act, to amend Section 20-7-290, relating to the rendering of health services to minors without parental consent, so as to provide that a physician providing care for a newborn child may order testing for alcohol and other drugs without the consent of parents under certain circumstances, to amend Section 20-7-510, relating to the requirement that certain persons report instances of child abuse or neglect, so as to add subsection (d) to provide the circumstances under which persons are required to report positive results of drug or alcohol testing performed on a newborn, to amend Section 44-7-260, relating to hospitals,
S. 128 -- Senator Rankin: A bill to amend Section 56-1-460 of the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to penalties for driving while license is canceled, suspended or revoked, so as to decrease the period of incarceration from sixty to thirty days for a second offense, when the suspension is not pursuant to Section 56-5-2990, relating to suspensions for driving under the influence. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Transportation
S. 140 -- Senator Wilson: A bill to amend the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 56-5-70 so as to provide for the issuance and cost of a distinguishing decal to indicate that the person in control of a motor vehicle consents to its search for illegal drugs and provide for the search. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
S. 155 -- Senator Lander: A joint resolution to appropriate from fiscal year 1993-94 surplus revenues three hundred fifty thousand dollars for a replacement seven county regional rehabilitation facility for alcohol and drug abuse treatment located in newberry county. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Finance
S. 165 -- Senator Hayes: A bill to amend Section 44-95-20, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to places where smoking is prohibited under the clean indoor air act of 1990, so as to provide that local school district boards are not prohibited from making school district
S. 242 -- Senator Gregory: (Companion Bill H.3112) A bill to amend Section 56-5-2950, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the implied consent to chemical breath tests to determine the presence of alcohol or drugs in operators of motor vehicles, so as to increase from ninety to one hundred eighty days the time a driver's license must be suspended for refusal to submit to a chemical breath test. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
S. 246 -- Senator Martin: A bill to amend Section 56-5-6240, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to forfeiture, confiscation, and sale of certain motor vehicles, so as to provide for such forfeiture upon a second or subsequent, rather than a fourth or subsequent, violation of dus (driving under suspension) and upon a second or subsequent, rather than a fourth or subsequent, violation of dui (driving under the influence), and to provide for such forfeiture upon a second or subsequent violation within the last ten years of knowingly operating an uninsured motor vehicle subject to registration in this state or knowingly allowing the operation of an uninsured motor vehicle subject to registration in this state. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
S. 247 -- Senator Passailaigue: A bill to amend Section 61-9-312, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to special permits for off-premises consumption and disposition of revenue, so as to provide that such revenue will be credited to the general fund of the state to be appropriated in proportionate shares to the south carolina department of public safety and the county general fund in the county in which the revenue is generated for construction and repair of infrastructure and to define infrastructure; to amend Section 12-21-1120, relating to beer and wine license taxes, so as to provide that the revenue collected from special permits under Section 61-9-312 shall be credited to the general fund of the state to be appropriated in proportionate shares to the south carolina department of public safety and the county general fund in the county in which the revenue is generated to be used for construction and repair of infrastructure; and to amend Section 12-21-2720, relating to licenses for coin-operated devices or machines, so as to provide that the revenue generated from the licensing of certain coin-operated devices shall be credited to the general fund of the state to be appropriated in proportionate
S. 264 -- Senators Stilwell, Moore, Rose and Jackson: A bill to amend Section 1-3-220, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the governor filling vacancies in an office of the executive department by appointment under certain conditions, so as to exclude the office of lieutenant governor because the manner in which vacancies in this office are filled are provided for in other provisions of law; Section 1-3-240, as amended, relating to the removal of state and county officers, by the governor, so as to revise a reference to the department of revenue and taxation and its commission; (ABBREVIATED) - Technical amending and restructuring of house version. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Amended, Rec'd 2nd, Rec'd 3rd, Sent to House, Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary, Fav. w/ amendments, Recommited, Recalled, Conf. Comm. - S=Jackson, Stilwell, Moore H=Harrison, Hodges, Huff
S. 284 -- Senator Mitchell: A bill to enact the "criminal justice refinement and planning act of 1995"; to amend the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding chapter 27 to title 24 so as to provide for community corrections incentive, including providing, among other things, that the department of corrections and the department of probation, pardon and parole jointly shall develop and implement criteria to assist the courts in identifying offenders who would be suitable candidates for commitment and referral to a community corrections facility;.....ABBREVIATED Rec'd 1st, Referred to Corrections and Penology
S. 326 -- Senators Hayes and Wilson: A bill to amend Section 44-53-520, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to forfeitures of property arising from controlled substance violations, so as to delete the separate minimum amounts of controlled substances which must be involved in the offense to give rise to the forfeiture of trailers, aircraft, motor vehicles, and watergoing vehicles. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
S. 328 -- Senator Hayes: A bill to amend Section 44-53-445, as amended, code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to distribution of a controlled substance within proximity of a school, so as to make this crime a separate criminal offense. Rec'd 1st, Referred to Judiciary
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