General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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19 53.1. (DOT: Expenditure Authority Limitation) The Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to expend all cash balances
20 brought forward from the previous year and all income including all Federal Funds, unexpended General Funds and proceeds from bond
21 sales accruing to the Department of Transportation, but in no case shall the expenditures of the Department of Transportation exceed the
22 amount of cash balances brought forward from the preceding year plus the amount of all income including Federal Funds, General Funds
23 and proceeds from bond sales.
24 53.2. (DOT: Special Fund Authorization) The Department of Transportation with the approval of the State Treasurer, is hereby
25 authorized to set up with the State Treasurer such special funds out of the Department of Transportation funds as may be deemed advisable
26 for proper accounting purposes.
27 53.3. (DOT: Secure Bonds & Insurance) The Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to secure bonds and insurance
28 covering such activities of the Department as may be deemed proper and advisable, due consideration being given to the security offered
29 and the service of claims.
30 53.4. (DOT: Statewide Cost Allocation Plan) The Department of Transportation shall pay into the General Fund of the State the sum
31 of $4,879,223 as its proportionate share of the cost of Administration of central service agencies as follows:
33 Statewide Cost Allocation Plan:
34 Collection of Highway Revenue $ 3,069,811
35 Central Service Agency Recoveries 1,103,894
1 Other Indirect Cost Recoveries 705,518
3 Subtotal $ 4,879,223
5 The sum of $362,093 is also transferred for the support of the Highway Patrol and Motor Vehicle Licensing Division which was transferred
6 during restructuring. If fees generated by Title 56 for motor vehicle licenses exceed the BEA Fiscal Year 1996-97 forecast, the amount
7 transferred may be reduced proportionately.
9 Highway Fund Transfer $ 362,093
11 Total Remittance $5,241,316
13 53.5. (DOT: Benefits) Employees of the Department of Transportation shall receive equal compensation increases, health insurance
14 benefits and employee bonuses provided in this Act for employees of the State generally. The amount will be funded from Department
15 of Transportation funding sources.
16 53.6. (DOT: Document Fees) The Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to establish an appropriate schedule of fees
17 to be charged for copies of records, lists, bidder's proposals, plans, maps, etc. based upon approximate actual costs and handling costs of
18 producing such copies, lists, bidder's proposals, plans, maps, etc.
19 53.7. (DOT: Commissions Per Diem, Subsistence, Mileage) Members of the Department of Transportation Commission shall
20 receive such per diem, subsistence and mileage for each official meeting as is provided by law for members of boards, commissions and
21 committees.
22 53.8. (DOT: Employ Legal/Support Staff) The Department of Transportation shall have the authority with the approval of the
23 Attorney General to employ, within existing authorized positions, necessary legal and support staff to represent the Department in legal
24 matters, including condemnation proceedings and other litigation; such representation shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the
25 Attorney General.
26 53.9. (DOT: Contract Mass Transit System) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Transportation is hereby
27 authorized to directly contract mass transit funds with any private operator of a mass transit system to provide service to the general public;
28 provided, that a plan of service has been established and approved by the local general purpose government which has jurisdiction for
29 the area to be served, and approved by the Department, the Transportation Commission and the federal government.
30 53.10. (DOT: Relax Design/Construction Standards Authority) In recognition of budgetary restraints, the Department of
31 Transportation, its Commission, officers and employees, are herewith granted the discretionary authority to relax design and construction
32 standards for the current fiscal year, with respect to highway projects in the secondary State highway system, and the exercise of such
33 discretionary authority to relax design and construction standards shall not give rise to any liability on the part of the Department, its
34 Commission, officers and employees.
1 53.11. (DOT: Accounting Functions Transferred to Comptroller General and State Treasurer) The Department of Transportation
2 shall transfer $471,500 to the General Fund for the purpose of servicing the accounting and payroll functions of the Comptroller General's
3 Office. The Department of Transportation shall transfer $123,546 to the General Fund for servicing the functions of the State Treasurer's
4 Office.
5 53.12. (DOT: Employee Bonus) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Transportation shall be allowed to
6 spend monies to provide selected employees a one-time lump sum bonus not to exceed $1,000, based on objective guidelines established
7 by the Budget and Control Board. This payment is not a part of the employee's base salary and is not earnable compensation for purposes
8 of employee and employer contributions to respective retirement systems.
9 53.13. (DOT: Restructuring-Maintenance Activities) The Department of Transportation shall begin restructuring operations so as
10 to reduce maintenance activities performed with Department personnel and equipment. This restructuring shall be completed no later than
11 June 30, 1998. As part of this restructuring effort, the Department shall endeavor to use private contractors for: bridge replacements;
12 surface treatment (Class A surfacing/seal coating); thermo-plastic striping; traffic signals; fencing; and guardrails whenever possible.
13 53.14. (DOT: Coordinate Transportation Funding and Resources) The Department of Transportation shall continue to carry out and
14 enhance the coordination planning and demonstration process for public transportation funding and resources established during the prior
15 fiscal year. Progress reports shall be submitted to the General Assembly at two intervals using the fiscal year--an interim progress report
16 no later than January 15, 1998, and a follow-up report of progress and plans for the upcoming year no later than May 15, 1998. The intent
17 of this proviso is to improve access and delivery of transportation services, especially in rural areas. In planning and developing
18 mechanisms for increasing coordination of funding streams and resources at both the state and local levels, the Department of
19 Transportation shall work with each agency that provides funding for transportation and assure input in the process from major local
20 providers of transportation services to the public, including current providers of coordinated public service.
21 Any agency, local government or other entity, including non-profit organizations, using state funds or state-administered federal funds
22 for the purpose of transporting private citizens on a regular basis, 1) must provide input and information as requested by the Department
23 of Transportation in a timely manner and in a format specified by the Department of Transportation in order to update data on
24 transportation resources for planning purposes and; 2) show evidence of progress toward the development of or participation in a
25 coordination plan. The Department of Corrections, the Department of Education, school districts and institutions of higher education are
26 exempt from the requirements of this section. No transportation funds may be provided to any entity not in compliance with the
27 requirements of this section.
28 53.15. (DOT: Payroll Deduction for Uniform Rental) The Department of Transportation, upon the written request of an employee,
29 shall make deduction from the employee's compensation for payments for work related uniform rental.
30 53.16. (DOT: Greenville Transit Authority) The Department of Transportation shall transfer $100,000 above the normal allocation
31 of mass transit funds to the Greenville Transit Authority.