General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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18 SECTION 50 19 20 TO AMEND TITLE 2 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, BY ADDING CHAPTER 75 SO 21 AS TO ESTABLISH THE JOINT LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ON TAX AND REVENUE POLICY AND PROVIDE FOR 22 ITS MEMBERSHIP, POWERS, AND DUTIES; AND TO REPEAL CHAPTER 41 OF TITLE 2 RELATING TO THE TAX 23 STUDY COMMISSION. 24 25 A. Title 2 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: 26 27 "CHAPTER 75 28 29 Joint Legislative Committee 30 on Tax and Revenue Policy 31 32 Section 2-75-5. There is established the Joint Legislative Committee on Tax and Revenue Policy composed of ten members, three 33 appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate from the membership of the Senate, three appointed by the Speaker of the House of
PART II PAGE 573 1 Representatives from the membership of the House, and four nonlegislative members, two each appointed by the President Pro Tempore 2 and the Speaker. Members shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority. Legislative members serve ex officio. 3 4 Section 2-75-15. The joint committee shall: 5 (1) make a detailed and careful study of the revenue laws of the State, together with all other laws of the State which have a bearing 6 upon the study of the revenue laws, and make recommendations to the General Assembly; 7 (2) provide for the revision of revenue laws so as to provide a more easily understandable and workable system of revenue laws for 8 the State; 9 (3) recommend changes in the basic tax structure of the State and in the rates of taxation, together with predicted revenue effects of 10 the charges together with proposed alternate sources of revenue, to the end that our revenue system may be stable and equitable, and yet so 11 fair when compared with the tax structures of other states, that business enterprises and persons would be encouraged by the economic 12 impact of the South Carolina revenue laws to move themselves and their business enterprises into the State; 13 (4) recommend study of alternate sources of revenue found in the tax structures of other states, and particularly in the other 14 southeastern states, and make a report of the economic impact of the South Carolina tax structure upon the business enterprises of various 15 types of industry, as compared with those of other southeastern states; 16 (5) make recommendations for long range revenue planning, and for future amendments of the revenue laws of South Carolina; and 17 (6) make a detailed study of the state's use of federal and other funds' and make findings and recommendations to the General 18 Assembly. 19 20 Section 2-75-25. The joint committee may: 21 (1) hold public hearings; 22 (2) receive testimony of any employees of the State or any other witnesses who may assist the commission in its duties; and 23 (3) call for assistance in the performance of its duties from any employees or agencies of the State or any of its political subdivisions. 24 25 Section 2-75-35. Professional and clerical services for the joint committee must be made available from the staffs of the General 26 Assembly, the Department of Revenue, and other state agencies and institutions. 27 28 Section 2-75-45. The joint committee shall make reports and recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor. These 29 findings and recommendations must be published and made available to the public." 30 31 B. Chapter 41, Title 2 of the 1976 Code is repealed. 32 33 C. This section takes effect July 1, 1998.