General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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4 SECTION 24 - P24 - NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF 5 6 24.1. (DNR: County Funds) Funds belonging to each of the counties of the State, now on hand or hereafter accruing to the counties, 7 shall be expended on approval of a majority of the respective county delegation, including the resident senator or senators, if any. An 8 annual accounting for all such funds and expenditures shall be furnished by the Department to each member of each county delegation; it 9 being the intent of the General Assembly that the appropriations made in this section are conditioned upon compliance with this 10 requirement. In addition to the annual accounting required above, the Department shall make a proposal for expenditures of such funds in 11 the succeeding fiscal year in each county to the members of the respective county legislative delegation, including the resident senator or 12 senators, if any; and upon approval thereby shall proceed with the use of such funds in compliance with the finalized and approved plan as 13 approved by each legislative delegation. If no plan is approved, the expenditure of such funds is to be administered as determined by the 14 various legislative delegations. 15 24.2. (DNR: County Game Funds/Equipment Purchase) Any equipment purchased by the Department from county game funds on 16 approval of a majority of a county delegation, including the resident senator or senators, if any, shall remain in that county upon the request 17 of a majority of the respective county delegation, including the resident senator or senators, if any, and if sold by the Department, the 18 proceeds of such sale shall be credited to such county game fund. Expenditures from the County Game Fund and the Water Recreation 19 Resource Fund which have the approval of the county delegation shall be exempt from the provisions of Act 651 of 1978, as amended. 20 24.3. (DNR: Armed Forces Fishing/Hunting License) Any member of the armed forces of the United States who is a resident of South 21 Carolina stationed outside of the state, shall upon presentation of his official furlough or leave papers, be allowed to fish or hunt without 22 purchasing a fishing or hunting license. 23 24.4. (DNR: Fisheries) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 50-9-460, one-half of all proceeds from the sales under 50-9-460 24 shall be allocated to the Department for the propagation and conservation of fisheries resources. 25 24.5. (DNR: Publications Revenue) For the current fiscal year all revenue generated from the sale of the 'South Carolina Wildlife' 26 magazine, its by-products and other publications, shall be retained by the Department and used to support the production of same in order 27 to allow the magazine to become self-sustaining. 28 24.6. (DNR: Casual Sales Tax Collection) The Department of Natural Resources shall continue to collect the casual sales tax as 29 contained in the contractual agreement between the Department of Revenue and Taxation and the Department of Natural Resources and the 30 State Treasurer is authorized to reimburse the Department on a quarterly basis for the actual cost of collecting the casual sales tax and such 31 reimbursement shall be paid from revenues generated by the casual sales tax. 32 24.7. (DNR: Temporary Transfer of Conservation Officers) Without expending additional personal service funds, conservation 33 officers may be temporarily transferred for a period not to exceed six months, to counties requiring additional law enforcement manpower. 34 When a conservation officer is transferred under the authority of this provision, any county game funds which are expended for the
SECTION 24 - P24 - NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF PAGE 445 1 acquisition of supplies and equipment must be expended from the game fund of the county to which the officer is transferred. 2 24.8. (DNR: General Assistance County Appropriation) The appropriations in this section for "Aid To Conservation Districts" shall 3 be used by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts for general assistance to the district's program. No district shall receive any funds 4 under this provision unless the county or counties wherein the district is located shall have appropriated no less than three hundred dollars 5 to the district from county funds for the same purposes. 6 24.9. (DNR: Proportionate Funding) Each of South Carolina's 46 Soil and Water Conservation Districts shall receive a proportionate 7 share of funding set aside for Aid to Conservation Districts up to $8,000 per district for general assistance to the district's program. 8 Available funding above $8,000 for each district will be apportioned by the Department of Natural Resources based upon local needs and 9 priorities as determined by the Board. No district shall receive any funds under this provision unless the county or counties wherein the 10 district is located shall have appropriated no less than three hundred dollars to the district from county funds for the same purposes. 11 24.10. (DNR: Carry Forward - Contract for Goods & Services) If any funds accumulated by the Department of Natural Resources 12 Geology Program, under contract for the provision of goods and services not covered by the Department's appropriated funds, are not 13 expended during the preceding fiscal years, such funds may be carried forward and expended for the costs associated with the provision of 14 such goods and services. 15 24.11. (DNR: Revenue Carry Forward) The Department may collect, expend and carry forward revenues derived from the sale of 16 goods and services in order to support aerial photography, map services, climatology data and geological services. The Department shall 17 annually report to the Senate Finance and Ways and Means Committees the amount of revenue generated from the sale of these goods and 18 services. 19 24.12. (DNR: Clothing Allowance) The Department of Natural Resources is hereby authorized to provide Natural Resource 20 Enforcement Officers on special assignment with an annual clothing allowance (on a prorata basis) not to exceed $400 $600 per officer for 21 required clothing used in the line of duty. 22 24.13. (DNR: Pagers Service Fee) Upon the request of a county delegation, the Department of Natural Resources shall pay the 23 minimum monthly service fee for pagers issued to the Department of Natural Resources law enforcement officers from the funds expended 24 by the Department of Natural Resources for operating expenses. 25 24.14. (DNR: Richland County Water Recreational Resources Fund) Of the funds allocated to the Water Recreational Resources Fund 26 for Richland County and upon the approval of the county delegation, $60,000 from the county's Water Recreational Resources Fund shall 27 be used for renovation of the Lake Murray Tourism Visitors Center. 28 24.15. (DNR: Commissioned Officers' Physicals) The Department is authorized to pay for the cost of physical examinations for 29 department personnel who are required to receive such physical examinations prior to receiving a law enforcement commission. 30