General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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11 SECTION 41 - L46 - MINORITY AFFAIRS, COMMISSION ON 12 13 41.1. (CMA: Private Contributions and Sponsorship) Monies derived from private sources for agency research, forums, training and 14 institutes may be retained and expended by the Commission for the said purpose. Any remaining balance may be carried forward and 15 expended for the same purpose. 16 41.2. (CMA: Carry Forward Registration Fees) Revenue derived from registration fees received from training and institutes may be 17 retained and carried forward for the purpose of conducting future training and institutes. 18 41.3. (CMA: Carry Forward Grant Awards) Revenues pooled from public and private sources for the purpose of awarding grants to 19 address problems in the minority community may be retained and carried forward by the Commission. 20