General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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22 SECTION 44 - R12 - ACCIDENT FUND, STATE 23 24 44.1. (SAF: Medical Claims Penalty Clause) Medical claims against the State Accident Fund shall not be subject to the 30 day 25 penalty clause as set forth in Section 17 of Act 148 of 1981 as amended by Part II, Section 9, of Act 466 of 1982, until such claims are 26 approved by the Workers' Compensation Commission and received by the Fund. 27 44.2. (SAF: Volunteer Fire/Rescue Squads Coverage) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, voluntary firemen of organized 28 volunteer fire units and members of organized volunteer rescue squads are covered under workers' compensation by the county governing 29 body unless the governing body of the county opts out of the coverage. 30 44.3. (SAF: Educational Seminar Revenue) The State Accident Fund is authorized to set and collect fees for educational seminars. 31 All revenue earned from educational seminars shall be retained by the agency and used for supplies, materials, and other expenses relating 32 to the seminars. 33 44.4. (SAF: Buy Out of Workers' Compensation Claims) DELETED 34 44.5 (SAF: Earnings on Investment) Beginning July 1, 1998, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Accident Fund
SECTION 44 - R12 - ACCIDENT FUND, STATE PAGE 460 1 must transfer to the General Fund $3,000,000 from the interest earned or accruing on monies in the State Accident Fund. This 2 transfer is for Fiscal Year 1998-99 only. 3