General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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8 SECTION 50 - R36 - LABOR, LICENSING AND REGULATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF 9 10 50.1. (LLR: Fire Marshal - Authorization to Charge Fees for Training) The Fire Academy of the State Fire Marshal Division may 11 charge participants a fee to cover the cost of education, training programs and operations. The revenue generated may be applied to the 12 cost of operations, and any unexpended balance may be carried forward to the current fiscal year and utilized for the same purposes. 13 50.2. (LLR: Real Estate - Research & Education Program Funds) Any funds on deposit with the State Treasurer for research and 14 education programs of the Real Estate Commission shall be remitted to the General Fund of the State. 15 50.3. (LLR: Real Estate - Research & Education Projects) All funds appropriated, in this section, for Research and Education projects 16 shall be funded wholly, out of the Real Estate Commission authorized allocation of five dollars from each annual renewal fee. All funds 17 appropriated in this section, for Research and Educational projects shall be expended for the purpose designated. 18 50.4. (LLR: Real Estate - News Publication) The South Carolina Real Estate News, published at least quarterly by the Real Estate 19 Commission, shall be exempt from Section 11-25-690, SC Code of Laws, (1976, as amended). 20 50.5. (LLR: Real Estate - Special Account) Revenue in the Real Estate Appraisal Registry account shall not be subject to fiscal year 21 limitations and shall carry forward each fiscal year for the designated purpose. 22 50.6. (LLR: S.C. Building Code Council) All funds received by the Building Codes & Regulatory Services for the S.C. Building Code 23 Council which exceed the total amount of expenditures for operating expenses of the Council shall be deposited in the General Fund of the 24 State. 25 50.7. (LLR: POLA - 110%, Other Funds) The Professional and Occupational Licensing Agencies Offices in Program "IV. II.F. 26 Professional and Occupational Licensing Offices", within the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, must generate revenue at 27 least equal to 110% of their expenditures with 10% deposited to the General Fund must remit annually, 10% of the expenditures to the 28 General Fund. The Contractor's Licensing Board must remit all revenues above their expenditures to the General Fund, which includes the 29 10%. 30 50.8. (LLR: Fire Marshal Fallen Firefighters Memorial) The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations - Division of the State 31 Fire Marshal is authorized to erect a memorial on the South Carolina Fire Academy grounds in honor of the South Carolina Firefighters 32 who have died in the act of duty. In order to carry out the purpose of this section, the Department's State Fire and Safety Division is 33 authorized to establish a special account and accept gifts or grants of services, properties or monies from individuals or public and private 34 organizations. The Department shall cooperate with the S.C. State Fire Chiefs Association as to design, selection and construction of the
SECTION 50 - R36 - LABOR, LICENSING AND REGULATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF PAGE 462 1 monument to be erected and shall be authorized to use such funds as necessary. All excess monies collected are to be placed in a fund for 2 upkeep and maintenance. Any later contributions are to be used for upkeep and maintenance. 3