General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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10 SECTION 60 - E16 - TREASURER'S OFFICE, STATE 11 12 60.1. (TREAS: Nat'l. Forest Fund - Local Govt. Compliance) In order to conform to federal requirements local governments 13 receiving distributions of National Forest Fund revenues are required to report annually to the State Treasurer indicating compliance with 14 authorized purposes. 15 60.2. (TREAS: STARS Approval) Decisions relating to the Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) which 16 involve the State Treasurer's Banking Operations and other functions of the State Treasurer's Office shall require the approval of the State 17 Treasurer. 18 60.3. (TREAS: Investments) The State Treasurer may pool funds from accounts for investment purposes and may invest all 19 monies in the same types of investments as set forth in Sections 11-9-660. and 11-9-661. 20 60.4. (TREAS: General Reserve Fund Transfer) The State Treasurer's Office is authorized to transfer $3,373,537 $7,269,750 of 21 General Funds to the General Reserve Fund on July 1, 1997 1998, to comply with Article III, Section 36 of the Constitution. This amount 22 of General Funds must be replaced as the first priority of any FY 1996-97 1997-98 surplus. 23 60.5. (TREAS: Management Fees) The State Treasurer is authorized to charge a fee for the operating and management costs 24 associated with the Local Government Investment Pool, and the Deferred Compensation Program, and is further authorized to retain and 25 expend the fees to provide these services. The fees assessed may not exceed the cost of the provision of such services. 26