General Appropriations Bill H. 4700 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998
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16 3.1. (SDB: Physician Services) The School for the Deaf and the Blind is authorized to contract for the services of a physician and
17 to provide office space for the physician to be used to treat both students of the school and private patients; the School shall charge the
18 physician a fair market rental value for the office space.
19 3.2. (SDB: Student Activity Fee) The School for the Deaf and the Blind is authorized to charge to the parents of students at the school
20 a student activity fee, differentiated according to the income of the family. The required student activity fee shall not exceed $40.00. Such
21 revenue may be retained and carried forward into the current fiscal year and expended for the purpose of covering expenses for student
22 activities.
23 3.3. (SDB: Weighted Student Cost) The School for the Deaf and the Blind shall receive through the Education Finance Act the
24 average State share of the required weighted student cost for each student newly admitted into the multi-handicapped school with the
25 recommendation of the local school district. The estimated State share shall come directly from the State Board of Education at the
26 beginning of the fiscal year to be adjusted at the end of the fiscal year. This shall include any students admitted into the Reeducation
27 program for emotionally handicapped students.
28 3.4. (SDB: Admissions) Deaf, blind, multi-handicapped and other handicapped students identified by the Board of Commissioners
29 as target groups for admission to the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind may be admitted by the School either through direct
30 application by parents or on referral from the local school district. The Board of Commissioners shall define the appropriate admissions
31 criteria including mental capacity, degree of disability, functioning level, age, and other factors deemed necessary by the Board. All
32 placement hearings for admission to the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind shall be organized by the School. The South
33 Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind shall obtain information from the local school district concerning the needs of the student and
34 shall prepare an Individualized Education Plan for each student admitted. All parents applying for admission of their children must sign
35 a statement certifying that they feel the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind is the most appropriate placement which
1 constitutes the least restrictive environment for the individual student, based upon needs identified in the placement meeting and the
2 Individualized Education Plan. The decision concerning placement and least restrictive environment shall be reviewed annually at the
3 IEP Conference.
4 3.5. (SDB: Adult Vocational Program Fees) The School for the Deaf and the Blind is authorized to charge appropriate tuition, room
5 and board, and other fees to students accepted into the Adult Vocational Program after July 1, 1986. Such fees will be determined by the
6 School Board of Commissioners, and such revenue shall be retained and carried forward into the current fiscal year and expended by the
7 School for the purpose of covering expenses in the Adult Vocational Program.
8 3.6. (SDB: Mobility Instructor Service Fee) The School for the Deaf and the Blind is authorized to charge a fee for the services of
9 a mobility instructor to provide service on a contractual basis to various school districts in the state, and such revenue shall be retained
10 and carried forward into the current fiscal year and expended by the School for the purpose of covering expenses in the Blind School.
11 3.7. (SDB: Cafeteria Revenues) All revenues generated from cafeteria operations may be retained and expended by the institution
12 for the purpose of covering actual expenses in cafeteria operations.
13 3.8. (SDB: School Buses) The school buses of the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind are authorized to travel at speeds
14 up to 55 miles per hour, not to exceed posted limit. No funds appropriated herein for equipment shall be used for the purchase of governors
15 for school buses of the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind.
16 3.9. (SDB: USDA Federal Grants) All revenues generated from U.S.D.A. federal grants may be retained and expended by the SCSDB
17 in accordance with Federal regulations for the purpose of covering actual expenses in the cafeteria/food service operations of the school.
18 3.10. (SDB: By-Products Revenue Carry Forward) The School for the Deaf and the Blind is authorized to sell goods that are by-
19 products of the school's programs and operations, charge user fees and fees for services to the general public: individuals, organizations,
20 agencies and school districts, and such revenue may be retained and carried forward into the current fiscal year and expended for the
21 purpose of covering expenses of the school's programs and operations.
22 3.11. (SDB: Pee Dee Resource Center for the Deaf and the Blind) From the funds provided herein, the School for the Deaf and the
23 Blind shall provide $100,000 for the establishment of a Pee Dee Resource Center for the Deaf and the Blind in Conway, S.C.