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April 18, 2000
H. 4960
S. Printed 4/18/00--H.
Read the first time April 18, 2000.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. A committee was created pursuant to Act 449 of 1998 to study the feasibility of creating a mass transportation system for the State of South Carolina. Furthermore, the committee was to determine appropriate measures to implement practical forms of mass transportation to enhance the economic opportunities of all South Carolinians. As a result of the input received by the committee, the following findings and recommendations are made.
SECTION 2. The committee finds that mass transportation is vital to the well-being of many South Carolinians. Mass transportation is instrumental in getting people to and from necessary services, reducing air pollution, and offering a viable means of traveling to economically disadvantaged citizens who cannot afford the expenses of private automobiles.
The committee also finds that mass transportation is grossly underutilized in all areas of the State. Whether due to a lack of vehicles, drivers, or planning, many South Carolinians, who are either inadequately served or not served at all, are deprived of the very basic service of transportation.
The committee further finds that all state agencies involved in transportation must improve transportation services. Private providers must also be encouraged to improve the state's mass transportation system.
Finally, the committee finds that its recommendations must be given immediate and sincere consideration in order for mass transportation to be improved as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
SECTION 3. The committee's recommendations are as follows:
(1) compliance with existing performance reporting requirements for all transportation providers receiving funds administered by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) should be enforced;
(2) SCDOT should explore the advantages and disadvantages of transferring non emergency Medicaid (Title 19) transportation to the SCDOT;
(3) SCDOT should encourage and promote more efficient and modern passenger vehicles for current transportation demand and facilitate air quality improvement strategies;
(4) SCDOT should update the inventory portion of the report, "South Carolina Specialized Needs Assessment and Statewide Coordination Plan", completed by CGA Consulting Services in 1992;
(5) all agencies involved in transportation should support an Executive Order by Governor Hodges for the creation of a Transportation Council composed of the heads of agencies providing passenger-transportation resources or services with the oversight and direction to be provided by SCDOT;
(6) all agencies involved in transportation should support the proposal to include transportation providers as active participants with the county First Steps' offices;
(7) all agencies involved in transportation should support a proposed study by the Legislative Audit Council of the allocation of resources by state agencies for passenger-transportation services;
(8) all agencies involved in transportation should promote mass transportation services that demonstrate cooperation and creativity in addressing the transportation needs of residents and visitors;
(9) all agencies involved in transportation should support a legislative initiative to protect the use of state gas tax revenues for highway purposes;
(10) SCDOT should emphasize multimodal transportation alternatives in the transportation planning process;
(11) SCDOT should identify opportunities for new or improved passenger intermodal facilities and services, or both;
(12) SCDOT should partner with transportation providers, mass transportation users, and community leaders in exploring practical options for developing a statewide mass transportation system;
(13) the South Carolina Code of Laws should be amended to provide the authority to public mass transit providers to collect user fees and other sources of revenue as provided in House Bill 3993 of 1999 to support mass transit operations;
(14) SCDOT should require, where appropriate, future transportation planning studies to include considerations of all options in addressing transportation needs;
(15) SCDOT should evaluate operational policies, facility, and vehicle designs, and other related factors that would address the image, security, and convenience issues associated with mass transportation;
(16) SCDOT should establish procedures by which transit system complaints brought to its attention can be examined for substance, evaluated for reasonable remedies, and addressed as needed;
(17) SCDOT should develop a statewide system for locating and tracking mass transportation vehicles, including identification of desired routes, fare management, and the most efficient location of stops; and
(18) SCDOT should encourage a more equitable disbursement of federal gas tax funds in order to ensure that South Carolina does not continue to be a "donor" state.
SECTION 4. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
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