Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter
The House assembled at 10:00 a.m.
Deliberations were opened with prayer by Rev. Charles E. Seastrunk, Jr. as follows:
Our thought for today is from Jeremiah 1:9: "Then the Lord put His hand and touched my mouth."
Thank you, Spirit of Truth, for giving us leaders unafraid to speak the truth. Ever present God, give us eyes of faith to see Your hand in our lives. Help us to make wise decisions that honor You and Your creation in us and around us. Guide and direct these servants of Your people that through the next several weeks we may prepare ourselves for service in the year ahead. Send us forth in peace and safety. Hear our prayer, O God. Amen.
Pursuant to Rule 6.3, the House of Representatives was led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America by the SPEAKER.
After corrections to the Journal of the proceedings of yesterday, the SPEAKER ordered it confirmed.
Rep. J. BROWN moved that when the House adjourns, it adjourn in memory of Mary Lee Howell of Hopkins, which was agreed to.
The House stood in silent prayer for Summerville Patrolman William Boland Bell and Berkeley Deputy Gene Wright who were killed in the line of duty while helping a stranded motorist.
The roll call of the House of Representatives was taken resulting as follows:
Altman Anthony Bailey Bales Barfield Battle Bingham Bowers Branham Breeland Brown, G. Brown, J. Brown, R. Cato Ceips Chellis Clark Clemmons Clyburn Coates Cobb-Hunter Coleman Cooper Dantzler Davenport Delleney Duncan Edge Emory Freeman Frye Gilham Gourdine Govan Hagood Hamilton Harrell Harrison Haskins Hayes Herbkersman Hines, J. Hines, M. Hinson Hosey Howard Huggins Keegan Kennedy Kirsh Koon Leach Lee Lloyd Loftis Lourie Lucas Mack Mahaffey Martin McCraw McGee McLeod Merrill Miller Moody-Lawrence Neal, J.M. Neilson Ott Owens Parks Perry Phillips Pinson Pitts, E. Pitts, M. Rhoad Rice Rivers Rutherford Sandifer Scarborough Scott Sheheen Simrill Sinclair Skelton Smith, D.C. Smith, F.N. Smith, G.M. Smith, J.E. Smith, J.R. Smith, W.D. Snow Stewart Stille Talley Taylor Thompson Toole Townsend Tripp Trotter Umphlett Vaughn Viers Walker Whipper White Whitmire Wilkins Witherspoon Young
I came in after the roll call and was present for the Session on Wednesday, November 20.
Bill Cotty Karl Allen Joseph Neal H.B. "Chip" Limehouse Alex Harvin David Weeks
The SPEAKER granted Rep. EASTERDAY a leave of absence for today due to being in court.
The SPEAKER granted Rep. RICHARDSON a leave of absence due to illness in the family.
The SPEAKER granted Rep. LITTLEJOHN a leave of absence due to work.
The SPEAKER announced the following Standing Committee Appointments:
George H. Bailey Harry L. Ott
Robert L. Brown Phillip D. Owens
Marty W. Coates Robert S. Perry, Jr.
Jeffrey D. Duncan Michael A. Pitts
Eldridge R. Emory Thomas N. Rhoad
Mary Beth Freeman John J. Snow
Marion B. Frye James E. Stewart
Amos L. Gourdine Thad T. Viers
Dwight A. Loftis William D. Witherspoon
Karl B. Allen James M. Neal
Kenneth G. Clark Joseph H. Neal
Jo Anne Gilham Lewis E. Pinson
Jesse E. Hines B.R. Skelton
Walter P. Lloyd Donald C. Smith
Joel Lourie Harry C. Stille
Becky R. Martin Ronald P. Townsend
Vida O. Miller Robert E. Walker
Bessie Moody-Lawrence William Whitmire
John G. Altman III R. Thayer Rivers, Jr.
Alan D. Clemmons J. Todd Rutherford
Creighton B. Coleman John L. Scott, Jr.
F. G. Delleney, Jr. Vincent A. Sheheen
Michael Easterday J. Gary Simrill
Jerry N. Govan, Jr. Phillip K. Sinclair
Benjamin A. Hagood Fletcher N. Smith, Jr.
James H. Harrison G. Murrell Smith
Gloria A. Haskins James E. Smith, Jr.
Douglas Jennings, Jr. Scott F. Talley
James H. Lucas J. Adam Taylor
Walton J. McLeod Jackson S. Whipper
James H. Merrill
Jimmy C. Bales Chip Huggins
Liston D. Barfield Robert W. Leach, Sr.
Kenneth A. Bingham Brenda Lee
William K. Bowers Olin R. Phillips
Grady A. Brown Becky D. Richardson
Harry F. Cato William E. Sandifer III
Converse A. Chellis III Wallace B. Scarborough
Thomas M. Dantzler Michael D. Thompson
Glenn L. Hamilton Daniel L. Tripp
Michael A. Anthony Leon Howard
Lester P. Branham David J. Mack III
Floyd Breeland Joseph G. Mahaffey
Joe E. Brown J. Anne Parks
Catherine C. Ceips Edward H. Pitts
Jackie E. Hayes McLain R. Toole
William G. Herbkersman C. David Umphlett
Mack T. Hines W. David Weeks
Lonnie Hosey W. Brian White
James A. Battle, Jr. Larry L. Koon
William Clyburn Harry B. Limehouse III
Gilda Cobb-Hunter Lanny F. Littlejohn
Daniel T. Cooper E. DeWitt McCraw
Bill Cotty James G. McGee
G. Ralph Davenport Denny W. Neilson
Tracy Edge Richard M. Quinn, Jr.
Robert W. Harrell, Jr. Rex F. Rice
C. Alex Harvin III J. Roland Smith
Shirley R. Hinson Teddy N. Trotter
Thomas G. Keegan Lewis R. Vaughn
Kenneth Kennedy Annette D. Young
Herb Kirsh
Floyd Breeland Thomas N. Rhoad
Glenn L. Hamilton Donald C. Smith
Mack T. Hines
Marion B. Frye Robert W. Leach, Sr.
Gloria A. Haskins Vida O. Miller
Herb Kirsh
John Graham Altman III Joseph H. Neal
Grady A. Brown Denny W. Neilson
Converse A. Chellis III Robert S. Perry, Jr.
Marty W. Coates J. Gary Simrill
Jo Anne Gilham Daniel L. Tripp
Jerry N. Govan, Jr. Robert E. Walker
Larry L. Koon W. Brian White
Dwight A. Loftis
The following officers were elected:
William Witherspoon, Chairman
Robert S. Perry, Jr., 1st Vice Chairman
Marty W. Coates, 2nd Vice Chairman
Amos L. Gourdine, Secretary
Thomas N. Rhoad, John J. Snow, Chairmen Emeriti
The following officers were elected:
Ronald P. Townsend, Chairman
Robert E. Walker, 1st Vice Chairman
Jesse E. Hines, 2nd Vice Chairman
The following officers were elected:
Becky Richardson, Chairman
J. Roland Smith, Vice Chairman
Michael E. Easterday, Secretary
John L. Scott, Jr., Treasurer
The following officers were elected:
Mack T. Hines, Chairman
Glenn L. Hamilton, 1st Vice Chairman
Floyd Breeland, 2nd Vice Chairman
Donald C. Smith, Secretary
Thomas N. Rhoad, Treasurer
The following officer was elected:
Robert W. Leach, Sr., Chairman
The following officers were elected:
James H. Harrison, Chairman
G. Murrell Smith, Jr., 1st Vice Chairman
Vincent A. Sheheen, 2nd Vice Chairman
The following officers were elected:
Harry F. Cato, Chairman
Thomas M. Dantzler, 1st Vice Chairman
Brenda Lee, 2nd Vice Chairman
The following officers were elected:
Joe E. Brown, Chairman
Leon Howard, 1st Vice Chairman
Floyd Breeland, 2nd Vice Chairman
Jackie E. Hayes, 3rd Vice Chairman
W. Brian White, Secretary
The following officers were elected:
Lewis R. Vaughn, Chairman
Thomas G. Keegan, 1st Vice Chairman
Becky R. Martin, 2nd Vice Chairman
Lanny F. Littlejohn, Secretary/Treasurer
The following officers were elected:
Converse A. Chellis III, Chairman
J. Gary Simrill, Vice Chairman
The following officers were elected:
Robert W. Harrell, Jr., Chairman
Larry L. Koon, 1st Vice Chairman
Thomas G. Keegan, 2nd Vice Chairman
Rex F. Rice, 3rd Vice Chairman
Herb Kirsh, Secretary/Treasurer
Rep. GOVAN moved that the House do now adjourn, which was agreed to.
At 10:30 a.m. the House, in accordance with the motion of Rep. J. BROWN, adjourned in memory of Mary Lee Howell of Hopkins.
This web page was last updated on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 3:30 P.M.