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March 15, 2007
H. 3621
S. Printed 3/15/07--H.
Read the first time March 6, 2007.
Amend Title To Conform
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. In accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 36(B)(2) and (3), Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, and Section 11-11-320(C) and (D) of the 1976 Code, there is appropriated from the monies available in the Capital Reserve Fund for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 the following amounts:
(1) Department of Education
Governor's School for Science
& Mathematics
Phase II Construction 14,926,031
(2) Department of Education
Instructional Materials 14,715,659
(3) Department of Education
Technology Initiative 11,000,000
(4) Department of Education
Governor's School for the Arts
Residential Hall Reconfiguration 3,500,000
(5) S.C. School for the Deaf and the Blind
Safety/Accessibility/ADA 1,690,742
(6) S.C. School for the Deaf and the Blind
Multi Handicapped School Construction
Herbert Center Renovation 7,758,977
(7) Medical University of South Carolina
College of Dental Medicine Renovations 7,500,000
(8) University of Charleston
Randolph Hall 2,000,000
(9) Citadel
Stevens Barracks 1,600,000
(10) Lander University
Renovation Needs 425,000
(11) State Board for Technical
Comprehensive Education
Tri County Tech Occupational Center 6,067,200
(12) Department of Agriculture
Farmers Market 19,000,000
(13) State Museum
OPT-Observatory, Planetarium,
Theater 500,000
(14) State Museum
Chapman Cultural Center 3,000,000
(15) Department of Health and Environmental
Facilities Improvements 2,500,000
(16) Department of Mental Health
Bryan Renovation for Crisis Capacity 4,000,000
(17) Department of Mental Health
Community Mental Health Center
Deferred Maintenance 1,925,000
(18) Department of Mental Health
Inpatient Buildings
Deferred Maintenance 2,250,000
(19) Department of Disabilities and
Special Needs
Camp Spearhead 500,000
(20) State Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation
Lyman Center 1,500,000
(21) Department of Alcohol and Other
Drug Abuse Services
LRADAC - New Building 5,150,000
(22) Department Mental Health
Richland County Mental Health
Commission Building Projects 50,000
(23) Department of Probation, Parole, and
Pardon Services
GPS Monitoring 62,604
(24) Department of Consumer Affairs
Media Center 200,000
Total 111,821,213
SECTION 2. The Comptroller General shall post the appropriations contained in this joint resolution as provided in Section 11-11-320(D) of the 1976 Code. Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this joint resolution may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purpose.
SECTION 3. This joint resolution takes effect thirty days after the completion of the 2006-2007 fiscal year in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 36(B)(3)(a), Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, and Section 11-11-320(D)(1) of the 1976 Code.
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