H. 4657
General Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2010-2011
As Ratified by the General Assembly
Provisions not vetoed by the Governor took effect June 9, 2010, and generally apply for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010. To see those items vetoed by the Governor, see the Governor's veto message which follows. To determine which vetoes were sustained and which vetoes were overridden, refer to the Journal of the House of Representatives for June 16, 2010, and the Senate Journals for June 17 and 29, 2010.
SECTION 73 E04-LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR'S OFFICE TOTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS I. ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICE: LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR 46,545 46,545 (1.00) (1.00) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 159,238 159,238 (4.30) (4.30) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 15,750 15,750 _____________________________ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 221,533 221,533 (5.30) (5.30) OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 68,125 68,125 ============================= TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 289,658 289,658 (5.30) (5.30) ============================= II. OFFICE ON AGING A. SENIOR SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 2,108,434 809,773 (46.00) (27.40) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 64,325 64,325 (1.70) (.95) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 24,816 2,765 _____________________________ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE 2,197,575 876,863 (47.70) (28.35) OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 1,554,259 157,477 SPECIAL ITEM: SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATURE 13,500 13,500 HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED MEALS 1,600,000 1,600,000 _____________________________ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 1,613,500 1,613,500 _____________________________ TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 5,365,334 2,647,840 (47.70) (28.35) ============================= B. OFFICE ON AGING ASSIST SPECIAL ITEMS: ALZHEIMERS 130,000 130,000 GERIATRIC PHYSICIAN LOAN PROGRAM 35,000 35,000 _____________________________ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 165,000 165,000 CASE SERVICES: CASE SERVICES 500,000 _____________________________ TOT CASE SRVC/PUB ASSIST 500,000 DISTRIB TO SUBDIVISIONS: ALLOC OTHER STATE AGENCIES 60,000 ALLOC OTHER ENTITIES 28,133,204 AID TO OTHER ENTITIES 1,100,207 1,100,207 _____________________________ TOTAL DIST SUBDIVISIONS 29,293,411 1,100,207 _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICE ON AGING ASSISTANCE 29,958,411 1,265,207 ============================= TOTAL OFFICE ON AGING 35,323,745 3,913,047 (47.70) (28.35) ============================= III. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS C. STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIB EMPLOYER CONTRIB 689,407 301,188 _____________________________ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 689,407 301,188 ============================= TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 689,407 301,188 ============================= LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR'S OFF TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 36,302,810 4,503,893 TOTAL AUTH FTE POSITIONS (53.00) (33.65) =============================
Provisions not vetoed by the Governor took effect June 9, 2010, and generally apply for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010. To see those items vetoed by the Governor, see the Governor's veto message which follows. To determine which vetoes were sustained and which vetoes were overridden, refer to the Journal of the House of Representatives for June 16, 2010, and the Senate Journals for June 17 and 29, 2010.
This web page was last updated on Friday, October 8, 2010 at 4:05 P.M.