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Whereas, it is with great pleasure that the South Carolina Senate honors individuals who freely give of their time and resources for the good of others; and
Whereas, Gus Manos of Lexington County has contributed valuable public and community service to the citizens of Lexington County and is thereby worthy of praise; and
Whereas, at the tender age of twelve, the young Gus Manos came to the United States from Greece to make a better life for himself. He arrived in New York City without knowing a word of English and took the train to Columbia to stay with an uncle. Having received his American citizenship, he served in the Army after high school; and
Whereas, today, six days a week, Gus arrives at 6:30 a.m. at Zesto of West Columbia, continuing a habit he has practiced since 1961 when he and a partner purchased Zesto. In 1982, Gus changed West Columbia forever by making it home to the largest ice cream cone in the Midlands. He is assisted in his labors by his wife of forty-eight years, Sherry, who also works at Zesto and, like Gus, has been with the business since day one; and
Whereas, through hard work, dedication, and a good team, Gus has transformed Zesto into a fried-chicken empire. He attributes as the keys to his success these three Qs: quality product, quality service, and quality employees. For his first twenty-five years, he worked sixty to ninety hours a week, and he didn't take a vacation for fifteen to twenty years. Today, Zesto owns eighty percent of the block, has six thousand square feet of space, serves two thousand to three thousand people a day, and employs more than sixty people; and
Whereas, away from his popular restaurant, Gus is a Carolina Gamecock fan and has served for thirty-eight years on the Springdale Town Council, currently as mayor pro tempore. He walks around the neighborhood daily, and if you've been to his house, you know he spends a great deal of time working in his yard. He is also a strong believer in American principles and his Christian faith; and
Whereas, Gus is known not only for his chicken but also for his kindness and readiness to help people. Over the years, he has proved a fine mentor to his employees, many of whom come back to thank him for the work ethic he instilled in them. This proud father has also been an effective mentor to his son, Pete Manos, who is now his business partner, husband of Anastasia, and father of Melina, Gus and Sherry's grandchild; and
Whereas, for his contributions to the prosperity of his community, Gus Manos was honored by the West Metro Chamber of Commerce with its 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award; and
Whereas, the members of the Senate recognize that the success of the State of South Carolina, the strength of its communities, and the vitality of American society as a whole depend, in great measure, upon the dedication of individuals like Gus Manos who use their talents and resources to serve others. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate:
That the members of the South Carolina Senate, by this resolution, recognize and honor Gus Manos of Lexington County for his many years of outstanding public and community service and his contributions to the prosperity of West Columbia business.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be provided to Gus Manos.
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