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March 30, 2017
H. 3297
S. Printed 3/30/17--H.
Read the first time January 10, 2017.
To whom was referred a Bill (H. 3297) to amend Section 56-1-3350, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the issuance of special identification cards and drivers' licenses that, etc., respectfully
That they have duly and carefully considered the same and recommend that the same do pass with amendment:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:
/SECTION 1. Article 1, Chapter 1, Title 56 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
"Section 56-1-151. An applicant for a new, renewed, or replacement South Carolina driver's license may apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a veteran designation on the front of his driver's license. The department may place the designation on the driver's license of a person who presents a:
(1) United States Department of Defense discharge certificate, also known as a DD Form 214, that shows a characterization of service or discharge status of 'honorable' or 'general under honorable conditions' and establishes the person's qualifying military service in the United States Armed Forces . A DD Form 214 indicating medical retirement that meets the characterization of service requirements will be valid for purposes of this section. However, a DD Form 214 received solely from participation in training activities will not be valid for purposes of this section; or
(2) National Guard Separation Report, also known as a NGB Form 22, that shows a characterization of service or discharge status of 'honorable' or 'general under honorable conditions' and establishes that the person has served for twenty or more years."
SECTION 2. Section 56-1-3350 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 275 of 2016, is further amended to read:
"Section 56-1-3350. (A) Upon application by a person five years of age or older, who is a resident of South Carolina, the department shall issue a special identification card as long as the:
(1) application is made on a form approved and furnished by the department; and
(2) applicant presents to the person issuing the identification card a birth certificate or other evidence acceptable to the department of his name and date of birth.
(B) An applicant for a new, renewed, or replacement South Carolina driver's license may apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a veteran designation on the front of his driver's license by providing a:
(1) United States Department of Defense discharge certificate, also known as a DD Form 214, that shows a characterization of service, or discharge status of "honorable" or "general under honorable conditions" and establishes the person's qualifying military service in the United States Armed Forces; and
(2) payment of a one dollar fee that must be collected by the department and placed by the Comptroller General into the State Highway Fund as established by Section 57-11-20, to be distributed as provided in Section 11-43-167. (Reserved.)
(C)(1) The fee for the issuance of the special identification card is five dollars for a person between the ages of five and sixteen years.
(2) An identification card must be free to a person aged seventeen years or older.
(D) The identification card expires five years from the date of issuance.
(E) Special identification cards issued to persons under the age of twenty-one must be marked, stamped, or printed to readily indicate that the person to whom the card is issued is under the age of twenty-one.
(F) The fees collected pursuant to this section must be credited to the Department of Transportation State Non-Federal Aid Highway Fund."
SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. /
Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.
MERITA A. ALLISON for Committee.
Explanation of Fiscal Impact
Introduced on January 10, 2017
State Expenditure
The bill allows the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue a driver's license with a veteran's designation to a qualifying member of the National Guard. The applicant must provide a National Guard separation report, also known as an NGB Form 22 that shows a characterization of service or discharge status of honorable or general under honorable conditions and establishes the applicants qualifying military service in the National Guard. DMV currently issues driver's licenses with veteran designations to qualified members of the United States Armed Forces.
Department of Motor Vehicles. Since the agency currently issues driver's licenses with veteran designations to qualifying members of the United States Armed Forces, we do not expect adding National Guard members to those who may request this designation to have an expenditure impact on the general fund, other funds, or federal funds.
State Revenue
The bill allows the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue a driver's license with a veteran's designation to a qualifying member of the National Guard. The applicant must provide a National Guard separation report, also known as an NGB Form 22 that shows a characterization of service or discharge status of honorable or general under honorable conditions and establishes the applicants qualifying military service in the National Guard. The fee for the veteran designation is $1 and must be allocated to the State Highway Fund. DMV currently issues driver's licenses with veteran designations to qualifying members of the United States Armed Forces for a $1 fee.
The Adjutant General's Office indicates there are approximately 13,000 active National Guard Members in South Carolina. The number of former members of the National Guard would be in addition to the figure provided by the Adjutant General's Office. Based upon data from DMV, there are approximately 17,000 veteran designations on driver's licenses for qualifying members of the United States Armed Forces pursuant to Section 56-1-3350(B). The number of National Guard members that may choose to have the veteran designation placed on their driver's license is unknown. Therefore, the increase in revenue for the State Highway Fund is undetermined.
Frank A. Rainwater, Executive Director
Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. Section 56-1-3350(B) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 275 of 2016, is further amended to read:
"(B) An applicant for a new, renewed, or replacement South Carolina driver's license may apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a veteran designation on the front of his driver's license by providing a:
(1) United States Department of Defense discharge certificate, also known as a DD Form 214, or a National Guard separation report, also known as an NGB Form 22, that shows a characterization of service, or discharge status of 'honorable' or 'general under honorable conditions' and establishes the person's qualifying military service in the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard; and
(2) payment of a one dollar fee that must be collected by the department and placed by the Comptroller General into the State Highway Fund as established by Section 57-11-20, to be distributed as provided in Section 11-43-167."
SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
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