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Whereas, the members of the South Carolina General Assembly wish to pause in their deliberations to congratulate Guatemala for its courageous decision to move their embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This decision has been made amidst much international controversy and undeserved condemnation. The brave choice to proceed on this politically charged and moral issue illustrates the solidarity and friendship not only between Guatemala and Israel, but between the United States and Guatemala as well, as we stand side-by-side to reinforce our relationships and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel regardless of the voice of underserved international dissent; and
Whereas, on December 24, 2017, President Jimmy Morales announced that Guatemala joins the United States in announcing its plans to move their embassy to Jerusalem, Israel's indivisible capital, making it the second country to announce this bold decision; and
Whereas, President Morales' decision continues a long standing friendship between Guatemala and Israel as Guatemala has been a long-standing ally of Israel, supporting the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan and was one of the first countries to officially recognize the Jewish state after its declaration of independence; and
Whereas, President Morales stands alongside the United States as a testament that undeserved international pressures will not prevent the countries from doing what they believe to be moral and just; and
Whereas, South Carolina expresses its gratitude to its close trading partner and national friend, Guatemala, and President Morales for joining the United States in its affirmation of Israel's national legitimacy and sovereignty; and
Whereas, the ongoing support of Israel by President Morales and the citizens of Guatemala creates a strengthened friendship of cooperation and mutual respect with Guatemala and South Carolina and the United States as a whole. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:
That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, recognize and honor President Jimmy Morales.
This web page was last updated on February 7, 2018 at 1:53 PM