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February 21, 2019
S. 80
S. Printed 2/21/19--H.
Read the first time January 30, 2019.
To whom was referred a Joint Resolution (S. 80) to amend Section 3 of Act 289 of 2018, relating to the South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission, to provide for the membership of the commission., etc., respectfully
That they have duly and carefully considered the same and recommend that the same do pass with amendment:
Amend the resolution, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:
/ SECTION 1. SECTION 1 of Act 289 of 2018 is amended to read:
"SECTION 1. There is hereby created a South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission, which shall have the authority and responsibility to plan and execute, insofar as authorized and funded by the General Assembly, a proper observance of the Sestercentennial of the American Revolution in South Carolina, and in cooperation with the South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust; a national organization, if any; and other similar commemorative organizations in other states. This proper observance of the Sestercentennial must include the role of persons of African-American descent in the Revolutionary War."
SECTION 2. SECTION 3 of Act 289 of 2018 is amended to read:
"SECTION 3. (A) Membership of the South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission shall consist of thirteen fifteen persons as follows:
(a) the Governor, ex officio, or his designee;
(b) the Lieutenant Governor, ex officio, or his designee;
(c) the Chairman of the Archives and History Commission, ex officio;
(d)(c) the Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, ex officio;
(e)(d) four three members to be appointed by the President of the Senate from the membership of the Senate, at least one of whom must be of African-American descent;
(f)(e) four three members to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the membership of the House of Representatives, at least one of whom must be of African-American descent; and
(g)(f) four three members to be appointed by the Governor, at least one of whom must be of African-American descent, who shall serve initial terms of one, two, and three years, respectively, and whose successors shall serve for terms of four years.
(B) Any member who was appointed by the Lieutenant Governor shall be deemed to have been appointed by the President of the Senate and may continue to serve on the commission."
SECTION 3. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor. /
Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.
LEON HOWARD for Committee.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. SECTION 3 of Act 289 of 2018 is amended to read:
"SECTION 3. (A) Membership of the South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission shall consist of thirteen fifteen persons as follows:
(a) the Governor, ex officio, or his designee;
(b) the Lieutenant Governor, ex officio, or his designee;
(c) the Chairman of the Archives and History Commission, ex officio;
(d)(c) the Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, ex officio;
(e)(d) four three members to be appointed by the President of the Senate from the membership of the Senate;
(f)(e) four three members to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the membership of the House of Representatives; and
(g)(f) four three members to be appointed by the Governor who shall serve initial terms of one, two, and three years, respectively, and whose successors shall serve for terms of four years.
(B) Any member who was appointed by the Lieutenant Governor shall be deemed to have been appointed by the President of the Senate and may continue to serve on the commission."
SECTION 2. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
This web page was last updated on February 21, 2019 at 2:47 PM