South Carolina General Assembly
125th Session, 2023-2024

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H. 3628


House Resolution
Sponsors: Reps. Felder, Oremus, Trantham, Erickson, Alexander, Calhoon, Anderson, Atkinson, Bailey, Ballentine, Bamberg, Bannister, Bauer, Beach, Bernstein, Blackwell, Bradley, Brewer, Brittain, Burns, Bustos, Carter, Caskey, Chapman, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Collins, Connell, B.J. Cox, B.L. Cox, Crawford, Cromer, Davis, Dillard, Elliott, Forrest, Gagnon, Garvin, Gatch, Gibson, Gilliam, Gilliard, Guest, Guffey, Haddon, Hager, Hardee, Harris, Hart, Hartnett, Hayes, Henderson-Myers, Henegan, Herbkersman, Hewitt, Hiott, Hixon, Hosey, Howard, Hyde, Jefferson, J.E. Johnson, J.L. Johnson, S. Jones, W. Jones, Jordan, Kilmartin, King, Kirby, Landing, Lawson, Leber, Ligon, Long, Lowe, Magnuson, May, McCabe, McCravy, McDaniel, McGinnis, Mitchell, J. Moore, T. Moore, A.M. Morgan, T.A. Morgan, Moss, Murphy, Neese, B. Newton, W. Newton, Nutt, O'Neal, Ott, Pace, Pedalino, Pendarvis, Pope, Rivers, Robbins, Rose, Rutherford, Sandifer, Schuessler, Sessions, G.M. Smith, M.M. Smith, Stavrinakis, Taylor, Tedder, Thayer, Thigpen, Vaughan, Weeks, West, Wetmore, Wheeler, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis, Wooten and Yow
Document Path: LC-0010VR-RM23.docx

Introduced in the House on January 12, 2023
Adopted by the House on January 12, 2023

Summary: Rick Fulmer, service


Date Body Action Description with journal page number
1/12/2023 House Introduced and adopted (House Journal-page 303)

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TO EXPRESS THE APPRECIATION OF the South Carolina House of Representatives to Richard P. "Rick" Fulmer for his many years of committed public service, TO congratulate him on serving this great State with consistenT excellence for a quarter-century, and TO wish him much success IN HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.

Whereas, the South Carolina House of Representatives is pleased to salute Richard P. "Rick" Fulmer, staff counsel for the Education and Public Works Committee, for a career of distinguished service to his State that has spanned twenty-five years. Since 2008, Rick has served as staff counsel to the House Education and Public Works Committee, but his state service began long before he took up his duties in that post; and

Whereas, Rick embarked on his state service in 1987 as a staff attorney for the South Carolina Supreme Court. Over the years, he also worked for the House Education and Public Works Committee (this earlier service for the committee being from 1988 to 1998), as well as for the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, where he served as a legislative liaison. In addition, he has served as an attorney in private practice and as a lobbyist; and

Whereas, in preparation for his career, Rick earned an associate degree at Greenville Technical College, a bachelor's degree from Furman University, and a law degree from the University of South Carolina School of Law; and

Whereas, in carrying out his work with the House Education and Public Works Committee, Rick Fulmer has served as staff attorney for the Transportation Subcommittee, Motor Vehicle Subcommittee, and Public Safety Subcommittee for many years. He has provided the entire membership of the education-related subcommittees with detailed summaries of the impact and definition of bills under review by the members. Further, he has consistently provided help and information to constituents concerning their transportation and motor vehicle issues and has assisted them in getting their issues resolved; and

Whereas, with much admiration, the House takes great pleasure in commending Rick Fulmer for his dedicated labors on behalf of this body, and the members extend to him their deepest gratitude for his loyalty, integrity, and high order of service to the State of South Carolina. Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:

That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, by this resolution, express the appreciation of the South Carolina House of Representatives to Richard P. "Rick" Fulmer for his many years of committed public service, congratulate him on serving this great State with consistent excellence for a quarter-century, and wish him much success in his future endeavors.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Richard P. "Rick" Fulmer.


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