South Carolina General Assembly
126th Session, 2025-2026
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H. 4082
Concurrent Resolution
Sponsors: Reps. Gagnon, Alexander, Anderson, Atkinson, Bailey, Ballentine, Bamberg, Bannister, Bauer, Beach, Bernstein, Bowers, Bradley, Brewer, Brittain, Burns, Bustos, Calhoon, Caskey, Chapman, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Collins, B.J. Cox, B.L. Cox, Crawford, Cromer, Davis, Dillard, Duncan, Edgerton, Erickson, Forrest, Frank, Garvin, Gatch, Gibson, Gilliam, Gilliard, Gilreath, Govan, Grant, Guest, Guffey, Haddon, Hager, Hardee, Harris, Hart, Hartnett, Hartz, Hayes, Henderson-Myers, Herbkersman, Hewitt, Hiott, Hixon, Holman, Hosey, Howard, Huff, J.E. Johnson, J.L. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kilmartin, King, Kirby, Landing, Lawson, Ligon, Long, Lowe, Luck, Magnuson, Martin, May, McCabe, McCravy, McDaniel, McGinnis, Mitchell, Montgomery, J. Moore, T. Moore, Morgan, Moss, Murphy, Neese, B. Newton, W. Newton, Oremus, Pace, Pedalino, Pope, Rankin, Reese, Rivers, Robbins, Rose, Rutherford, Sanders, Schuessler, Sessions, G.M. Smith, M.M. Smith, Spann-Wilder, Stavrinakis, Taylor, Teeple, Terribile, Vaughan, Weeks, Wetmore, White, Whitmire, Wickensimer, Williams, Willis, Wooten and Yow
Document Path: LC-0190VR-JAH25.docx
Introduced in the House on February 25, 2025
Introduced in the Senate on February 27, 2025
Adopted by the General Assembly on February 27, 2025
Date | Body | Action Description with journal page number |
2/25/2025 | House | Introduced, adopted, sent to Senate (House Journal-page 18) |
2/27/2025 | Senate | Introduced, adopted, returned with concurrence (Senate Journal-page 4) |
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A concurrent RESOLUTION
to congratulate and honor Jeff Wilson, upon the occasion of his retirement after forty-seven years of outstanding service to the state of south carolina, and to wish him continued success and happiness in all his future endeavors.
Whereas, it is altogether fitting and proper that the members of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina should pause in their deliberations to express their gratitude to Jeff Wilson for his significant contributions to West Carolina Telephone Cooperative (West Carolina); and
Whereas, the members of the General Assembly have learned that Jeff Wilson will begin a well-deserved retirement on Thursday, February 27 after forty-seven years in the telecommunications industry, the last twelve of which have been as a distinguished and highly regarded chief executive officer at West Carolina; and
Whereas, born in Homedale, Idaho, on January 10, 1959, he is the son of Harold and Mary Wilson and graduated from Homedale High School in 1976. In his retirement, he plans to enjoy spending many happy hours with his family; and
Whereas, grateful for his many years of distinguished service to West Carolina, the members of the South Carolina General Assembly take great pleasure in extending best wishes to Jeff Wilson as he transitions to a richly deserved retirement and the leisurely, unhurried pace of the days ahead. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:
That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, congratulate and honor Jeff Wilson, upon the occasion of his retirement after forty-seven years of outstanding service to the State of South Carolina, and wish him continued success and happiness in all his future endeavors.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Jeff Wilson.
This web page was last updated on February 25, 2025 at 1:00 PM