South Carolina General Assembly
126th Session, 2025-2026
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H. 4121
Concurrent Resolution
Sponsors: Reps. Wooten, Caskey, Calhoon, Kilmartin, White and Forrest
Document Path: LC-0206CM-GT25.docx
Introduced in the House on March 4, 2025
Currently residing in the House
Date | Body | Action Description with journal page number |
3/4/2025 | House | Introduced (House Journal-page 10) |
3/4/2025 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions (House Journal-page 10) |
3/27/2025 | House | Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions (House Journal-page 3) |
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Committee Report
March 27, 2025
H. 4121
Introduced by Reps. Wooten, Caskey, Calhoon, Kilmartin, White and Forrest
S. Printed 3/27/25--H.
Read the first time March 4, 2025
The committee on House Invitations and Memorial Resolutions
To whom was referred a Concurrent Resolution (H. 4121) to request the Department of Transportation place appropriate markers or signs from the 220th block to the 460th block of Cedarcrest Drive in Lexington County containing, etc., respectfully
That they have duly and carefully considered the same, and recommend that the same do pass:
DENNIS MOSS for Committee.
A concurrent RESOLUTION
to request the Department of Transportation place appropriate markers or signs from the 220th block to the 460th block of CedarCrest Drive in Lexington County containing the words "Dedicated in the Honor of the Veterans of Lexington County."
Whereas, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) is a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the nation's active, guard, and reserve forces; and
Whereas, the VFW traces its roots back to 1899 when veterans of the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902) founded local organizations to secure rights and benefits for their service. Many arrived home wounded or sick. There was no medical care or veterans' pension for them, and they were left to care for themselves; and
Whereas, in their misery, some of these veterans banded together and formed organizations that would eventually band together and become known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW). After chapters were formed in Ohio, Colorado, and Pennsylvania, the movement quickly gained momentum. Today, membership stands at more than 1.4 million members of the VFW and its auxiliary; and
Whereas, the VFW Lexington Post 8738, whose membership stands at four hundred fifty-seven, recently was named a 125th Anniversary Post by the VFW national organization, the first post in the Palmetto State to receive this award; completed 3,106 community service hours averaging 621.2 hours per year over the last five years; donated $42,960 to Lexington County veterans and their families over the last five years; and awarded scholarships totaling $1,030 to Lexington County students over the past five years; and
Whereas, this year, Lexington Post 8738 for the third year in a row will be named an All-State and All-American Post for its continued efforts in community service, financial assistance to veterans and their families, and supporting Lexington First Responders, students and teachers through its post scholarship program; and
Whereas, it would be fitting and proper to recognize VFW Lexington Post 8738's commitment to the Lexington community by dedicating a portion of Cedarcrest Drive in Lexington County in honor of the veterans of Lexington County. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:
That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, request the Department of Transportation place appropriate markers or signs from the 220th block to the 460th block of Cedarcrest Drive in Lexington County containing the words "Dedicated in the Honor of the Veterans of Lexington County."
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Department of Transportation.
This web page was last updated on March 27, 2025 at 3:07 PM