South Carolina Legislature


Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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H*4463 (Rat #0317, Act #0527 of 1992) Joint Resolution, By Haskins, Alexander, B.O. Baker, Cato, J.G. Felder, R.C. Fulmer, S.E. Gonzales, K.G. Kempe, Kirsh, Lanford, Littlejohn, C.V. Marchbanks, J. Rama, Vaughn and R.M. Young
    A Joint Resolution to waive the sales and use tax indebtedness on religious publications due the State through January 13, 1992, which resulted from the exemption on these publications being declared unconstitutional.-amended title
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02/26/92House Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ-20
03/03/92House Amended HJ-35
03/03/92House Read second time HJ-35
03/04/92House Read third time and sent to Senate
03/05/92Senate Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-14
03/05/92Senate Amended SJ-15
03/05/92Senate Unanimous consent for second reading on next legislative day SJ-16
03/05/92Senate Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day SJ-16
03/06/92Senate Read second time SJ-3
03/10/92Senate Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-17
03/18/92House Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-39
03/25/92 Ratified R 317
03/26/92 Signed By Governor
03/26/92 Effective date 03/26/92
03/26/92 Act No. 527
04/14/92 Copies available

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