South Carolina Legislature

Select Committee on K-12 Funding
August 31, 2010
Table of Contents

Tab 1 - How Does the State Appropriate K-12 Funding?

State Revenues
Relation to K-12 Education Funding & the Sales & Use Tax
Section 89 - X90 - General Provisions - Proviso 89.1
Chapter 1 - General Overview - History
SC DOR - A General Guide to SC Sales and Use Tax
SC DOR - Gross and Net Taxable Sales by County

State K-12 Appropriations
Budgetary General Fund Revenue Analysis FYE 6/30/2010
General Fund and EIA Revenue Trend - estimate to actual FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-2010
FY 2010 - 2011 K-12 Education State Funding (H63)
School District Program Funding with FY 2010-2011 Appropriations
Statement of Revenues Year Ending June 30, 2009

Local Revenues
Section 59-17-100
Anywhere School District, S.C. General Fund, Debt Service Fund - Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
Statement of Revenues - Year Ending June 30, 2009

Federal Revenues
Funds for State Formula-Allocated & Selected Student Aid Programs, US Department of Education Funding - South Carolina FY 2009 - FY 2011 President�s Budget State Tables for U. S. Dept. of Ed. The Federal Role in Education
Statement of Revenues Yr. ending June 30, 2009
AARA Stimulus Dollars by District (September 8, 2009)

Education Finance Act
EFA Facts & the EFA Formula for the State and Local Share of a School District
SC Dept of Education - Financial Requirements for 2010-11
2009 Index of Taxpaying Ability for FY 2009-2010
SC Budget & Control Board letters for weighted pupil units
FY 2001 - 2010 135 Day EFA Allocations

Re-cap K-12 Revenues by Major Sources
B&CB ORS Per Pupil Funding projection for FY 2011
FY2001 - FY 2009 School District Statement of Revenue & Expenditures
NEA-Table 4.2, Total Revenue Receipts, 2000-10, by Source of Gov�t Contribution
Quick Facts - SC Department of Education 2008-09

Tab 2 - Summary of Activities
  • 2007 Year End Summary of the Senate Education Funding Study Committee
  • 2008 Update of the Senate Education Funding Study Committee
  • Summary of Activities and Presented Recommendations to the K-12 Education Funding Study Committee
  • K-12 Education Funding Study Committee

Legislative Services Agency
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