South Carolina Legislature

Department of Transportation

Subcommittee: Economic Development, Transportation, & Natural Resources

Subcommittee Chair: Bruce W. Bannister

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Neal A. Collins, Hon. Mandy Powers Norrell, Hon. Robert L. Ridgeway

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Christy Hall

Study Contact: Wendy Nicholas
Contact Email: [email protected]

Agency's Strategic Budgeting & Spending

Below are links, by year, to Excel documents that include details about how much money the agency budgeted to accomplish its strategic plan and how much it actually spent. Also included below is the agency's strategic budget for the current year. This information was provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation, Request for Information, or Accountability Report.

The Strategic Budgeting - Details Excel document includes information about the amount of money the agency budgeted toward accomplishing each objective in its strategic plan, as well as the amount budgeted toward "unrelated purposes." An "unrelated purpose" is money the agency was directed to spend that was not related to an objective in the agency's strategic plan. (i.e. pass through, etc.). This document also includes details on the amounts budgeted to each objective and unrelated purpose by source of funds.

Disclaimer: The amount the agency budgeted and spent per goal and objective are estimates from the agency. The Committee informed the agency that it understood the information would be estimates but that it was acceptable as long as the agency had a logical basis, which it could explain, as to how it reached the numbers it provided.

Click on any of the links below to go to the applicable part of this webpage:
  • Amount Available to Budget
  • Where Agency Budgeted the Funds
  • Budgeting & Spending Documents
  • Spending Details
  • Additional links related to information on spending

  • Money Budgeted for Current Goals, Objectives and Unrelated Purposes (2015-16)

    Amount Available to Budget: $1,485,331,214

    General v. Other v. Federal
  • State General Fund = $0 (0% of total)
  • State Other Fund = $1,485,331,214 (100% of total)
  • Federal = $0 (0% of total)

  • Recurring v. Non-recurring
  • Recurring = $0 (0% of total)
  • State - $0
  • State - SCTIB Act 98 - $0
  • Non-recurring (one-time) = $1,485,331,214 (100% of total)
  • State - CTC (County Transportation Committee Road Program) H-4230 - $0
  • Highway Operating Account - Restricted - $1,452,380,714
  • Port Access - Restricted - $25,000,500
  • Tolls - Restricted - $7,950,000
  • Non Federal Aid - Restricted - $0
  • Federal - $0

  • Where Agency Budgeted the Funds:
    Goal 1 - $35,911,982 - Improve Safety

  • Objective 1.1.1 - $25,685,521 - Reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries on the state highway system.

  • Objective 1.2.1 - $656,188 - Reduce the number of workplace injuries and lost work hours.

  • Portion of Engineering Admin/Gen. Admin/Support Services - $9,570,273

  • Goal 2 - $981,525,200 - Preserve our Transportation Infrastructure

  • Objective 2.1.1 - $806,707,023 - Decrease number of roads and bridges moving from "good to fair" and "fair to poor."

  • Objective 2.2.1 - $30,276,141 - Strategically reduce the number of posted and closed bridges.

  • Objective 2.3.1 - $1,191,302 - Reduce the proportion of the state's public transit fleet that has reached minimum useful life.

  • Portion of Engineering Admin/Gen. Admin/Support Services - $143,350,735

  • Goal 3 - $435,810,605 - Optimize Mobility

  • Objective 3.1.1 - $12,270,863 - Increase Traffic Management System coverage of strategic locations to enhance incident notification and hurricane evacuation.

  • Objective 3.1.2 - $3,912,449 - Increase the number of lane miles of incident response coverage to increase safety and response to disabled motorists and incidents.

  • Objective 3.2.1 - $21,500,700 - Improve transit ridership and efficiency.

  • Objective 3.3.1 - $1,191,302 - Increase access to public transit service.

  • Objective 3.4.1 - $309,170,399 - Reduce congestion on our highway system.

  • Portion of Engineering Admin/Gen. Admin/Support Services - $87,764,892

  • Goal 4 - $92,366,547 - Enhance a Strengthening Economy

  • Objective 4.1.1 - $75,000,000 - Improve freight mobility along freight corridors.

  • Objective 4.2.1 - $1,342,296 - Increase participation by minority, women, and small-owned businesses.

  • Portion of Engineering Admin/Gen. Admin/Support Services - $16,024,251

  • Debt Service (MPO/COG/Interstate/SCTIB/CTC) - $114,366,773

    Pass through directly to County Transportation Commissions - $216,479,114

    Budgeting and Spending Documents
  • 2015-16 Strategic Budgeting - Details (Excel Spreadsheet)
  • 2015-16 Budget Submittal to Ways and Means provided by DOT (February 4, 2015)
  • Avg Cost for Pavement Repairs provided by DOT (July 2015)
  • Billings to Statewide Sales Tax Programs provided by DOT
  • Bonds - Closing Costs on DOT Bonds provided by DOT (July 2015).pdf
  • FY 2016 State Funded Program pie chart provided by DOT (August 2015)
  • Outstanding Bond Debt Breakdown provided by DOT (June 16, 2015)
  • Spires Conversion information provided by DOT (September 2015)
  • Planned Funding for Railroad Crossings FY14-FY19 (August 2014)
  • FY 2016 Budget Breakdown Maintenance, Capacity & Operational, Other (June 16, 2015)
  • Local Public Agency Admin Cost Billing Process (March 4, 2015)
  • SC Enterprise Information System (SCEIS) Agency Compensation Report provided by DOT (June 16, 2015)
  • FY 2016 Payroll and Fringe Benefit Cost (June 5, 2015)

  • Spending Details

    In March 2008, the Comptroller General unveiled the state's first Spending Transparency Website. According to the Comptroller General's webpage, the goal is to shine a light on spending, thus improving the quality of government and giving taxpayers click-of-a-mouse access to details about how their money is spent. This information is available at

  • Annual Summary Spending
  • Includes annual totals by state agency, broken-down by all categories of spending.
  • Monthly Detailed Spending
  • Includes travel, contractual services, and supplies for all reporting periods prior to July 2010. Beginning July 2010, spending for all categories is being made available.
  • The spending details you see are each agency's monthly disbursements, including any payments made on its monthly charge card statements. For those charge card payments, the name of the payee (the party the check is written to) will be the issuer of the card (Bank of America) rather than the individual merchants who accepted the credit card whenever the agency bought from them during the month. The various merchants or vendors the agency bought from can be viewed by clicking on the link below called "Monthly Charge Card Usage" and then selecting the matter of interest and agency.
  • Spending by Vendor
  • Allows you to perform an alphabetic search by vendor for payments made by all state agencies.

  • Additional Links to Related Information on Spending
  • Comptroller General's Fiscal Transparency
  • State Contracts
  • Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (Current and Prior Years)
  • Monthly General Fund Revenue Reports
  • State Fiscal Accountability Authority Meetings (Live-Streamed and Archived by SC ETV)

  • Legislative Services Agency
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