South Carolina Legislature


Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H 3603 General Bill, By H.H. Clyborne, M.O. Alexander, Alexander, K.E. Bailey, B.O. Baker, Barfield, L.E. Bennett, D. Blackwell, G.A. Brown, R.B. Brown, T.M. Burriss, C.D. Chamblee, M.J. Cooper, W.N. Cork, J. Faber, Fair, S.R. Foster, E.D. Foxworth, B.J. Gordon, D.N. Holt, T.E. Huff, J.W. Johnson, W.H. Jones, R.O. Kay, Kirsh, T.T. Mappus, J.G. Mattos, F.E. McBride, W.S. McCain, J.H. Nesbitt, H.E. Pearce, J.T. Petty, C.H. Rice, T.F. Rogers, I.K. Rudnick, Sharpe, S.V. Shelton, C.L. Sturkie, B.E. Thrailkill, Townsend and L.S. Whipper
    A Bill to amend Chapter 1, Title 6, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to general provisions on local government, by adding Section 6-1-35 so as to provide that any time the General Assembly mandates a program to a local governmental unit, it shall also designate where the necessary funds will come from to carry out the program.
01/21/88House Introduced and read first time HJ-507
01/21/88House Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-508
04/06/88House Tabled in committee

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