South Carolina General Assembly
104th Session, 1981-1982

Continuation of Appropriations Act

                            SECTION 38
                   Department of Mental Health
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1282)
I. Administrative Services:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                    $ 57,562              $ 57,562
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             3,026,766            2,983,503
                                   (204)                    (201)
  New Positions:
   Deputy Commissioner-Finance
    and Accounting                 37,500
   Systems Analyst Il              17,684
   Programmer Analyst              15,721
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 7,500                    7,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 3,162,733        $ 3,048,565
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 324,196            $ 316,496
   Supplies                        237,774                237,160
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      119,175           119 175
   Travel                          38,000                  37,000
   Equipment                       186,488                186,488
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 905,633            $ 896,319
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administrative Services     $ 4,068,366        $ 3,944,884
                                   ============      ============
II. Psychiatric Hospitals:
 A. South Carolina State Hospital:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 18,444,058      $ 16,292,632
                                   (1530)                  (1490)
  Unclassified Positions           258,236                258,236
                                   (18)                      (18)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential      225,000           225,000
   Officer of Day and Night        175,000                175,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 19,102,294      $ 16,950,868
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,808,574          $ 336,080
   Supplies                        3,355,737            1,170,737
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 123,500                 33,500
   Travel                          10,000
   Equipment                       180,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 5,478,411        $ 1,540,317
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total South Carolina
  State Hospital                   $ 24,580,705      $ 18,491,185
                                   ============      ============
 B. Crafts-Farrow State Hospital:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 16,517,190      $ 15,432,190
                                   (1529)                  (1483)
  New Positions:
   Nurse Supervisor                54,061                  54,061
                                   (3)                        (3)
   Head Nurse                      199,741                199,741
                                   (12)                      (12)
   Staff Nurse                     177,558                177,558
                                   (12)                      (12)
   Mental Health Specialist III    69,925                  69,925
                                   (7)                        (7)
   Mental Health Specialist II     101,681                101,681
                                   (11)                      (11)
   Mental Health Specialist I      162,341                162,341
                                   (19)                      (19)
  Unclassified Positions           90,500                  90,500
                                   (5)                        (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 222,500                215,000
   Patient Earnings                65,000                  65,000
   Officer of Day and Night        215,000                215,000
   Temporary Positions             150,000                150,000

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 18,025,497      $ 16,932,997
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,232,210          $ 554,499
   Supplies                        3,590,518            1,866,245
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      105,075            47,290
   Travel                          13,931                   6,270
   Equipment                       183,786                 81,496
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 5,125,520        $ 2,555,800
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Crafts-Farrow State
  Hospital                         $ 23,151,017      $ 19,488,797
                                   ============      ============
 C. G. Werber Bryan Psychiatric Hospital:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 5,075,916        $ 4,419,162
                                   (449)                    (383)
  Unclassified Positions           52,984                  52,984
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 157,140                157,140
   Officer of Day and Night        85,844                  85,844
   Temporary Positions             58,796                  58,796
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 5,430,680        $ 4,773,926
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 573,230            $ 573,230
   Supplies                        766,750                754,250
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 61,440                  61,440
   Travel                          17,235                  17,235
   Equipment                       32,000                  20,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,450,658        $ 1,426,155
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total G. Werber Bryan
  Psychiatric Hospital             $ 6,881,335        $ 6,200,081
                                   ============      ============
Total Psychiatric Hospital
 Services                          $ 54,613,057      $ 44,180,063
                                   ============      ============
III. Division of Community Mental
 Health Services:
 A. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 373,787            $ 373,787
                                   (21)                      (21)
  Unclassified Positions           57,062                  57,062
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 430,849            $ 430,849
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 86,024              $ 86,024
   Supplies                        19,381                  19,381
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 4,922                    4,922
   Travel                          19,937                  19,937
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 130,264            $ 130,264
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 561,113            $ 561,113
                                   ============      ============
 B. Community Projects:
 1. Projects and Grants:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 337,332            $ 337,332
                                   (22)                      (22)
  New Positions:
   Clerk II                        8,736                    8,736
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Psychiatrist II                 5,451                    5,451
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Mental Health Counselor II      11,878                  11,878
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Clinical Social Worker III      19,141                  19,141
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Psychologist IV                 6,297                    6,297
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             32,500                  32,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 421,335            $ 421,335
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 92,784              $ 92,784
   Supplies                        15,972                  15,972
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      7,164               7,164
   Travel                          14,654                  14,654
   Equipment                       32,421                  32,421
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 162,995            $ 162,995
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Projects and Grants         $ 584,330            $ 584,330
                                   ============      ============
 2. Autistic Children:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 287,429            $ 287,429
                                   (21)                      (21)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 287,429            $ 287,429
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 573,413            $ 553,413
   Supplies                        28,636                  28,636
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      598                   598
   Travel                          22,631                  22,631
   Equipment                       5,765                    5,765
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 631,043            $ 611,043
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Autistic Children           $ 918,472            $ 898,472
                                   ============      ============
Total Community Projects           $ 1,502,802        $ 1,482,802
                                   ============      ============
 C. Centers and Clinics:
 1. Aiken-Barnwell Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 627,966            $ 130,115
                                   (38)                      (14)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 627,966            $ 130,115
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 150,651            $        
   Supplies                        23,667                   7,650
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      41,661
   Equipment                       5,709                    1,100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 233,188             $ 46,550
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Aiken-Barnwell Mental
  Health Center                    $ 861,154            $ 176,665
                                   ============      ============
 2. Anderson-Oconee-Pickens
  Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 741,375            $ 337,741
                                   (50)                      (35)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 741,375            $ 337,741
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 149,180             $ 48,444
   Supplies                        27,888                  13,776
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 28,728                   8,041
   Equipment                       2,352
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 227,188             $ 78,781
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Anderson-Oconee-Pikens
  Mental                           $ 968,563            $ 416,522
                                   ============      ============
 3. Beckman Center for Mental Health Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 506,975            $ 238,628
                                   (30)                      (28)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 506,975            $ 238,628
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 93,659              $ 54,650
   Supplies                        19,832                   8,450
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 18,674                  10,850
   Travel                          24,609                  17,000
   Equipment                       434                        300
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 157,208             $ 91,250
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Beckman Center for
  Mental Health Services           $ 664,183            $ 329,878
                                   ============      ============
 4. Catawba Center for Growth and Development:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 616,535            $ 126,248
                                   (39)                      (30)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 616,535            $ 126,248
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 125,568             $ 42,956
   Supplies                        34,506                  11,806
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      6,055               2,071
   Travel                          13,440                   4,598
   Equipment                       3,810                    1,304
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 183,379             $ 62,735
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Catawba Center for Growth
  and Development                  $ 799,914            $ 188,983
                                   ============      ============
 5. Charleston Area Mental Health Center:
   Classified Positions            $ 698,824            $ 322,041
                                   (44)                      (37)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 698,824            $ 322,041
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 120,510             $ 93,920
   Supplies                        20,851                  16,250
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 43,626                  34,000
   Travel                          23,738                  18,500
   Equipment                       5,132                    4,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 213,857            $ 166,670
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Charleston Area Mental
  Health Center                    $ 912,681            $ 488,711
                                   ============      ============
 6. Coastal Empire Mental Health Center:
   Classified Positions            $ 656,748            $ 111,032
                                   (46)                      (32)
  Total Personal Service           $ 656,748            $ 111,032
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 51,200              $ 32,675
                                   ------------      ------------
   Supplies                        24,925                  12,003
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 18,500                   3,000
   Travel                          22,000                  13,470
   Equipment                       10,500                   3,436
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 127,125             $ 64,584
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Coastal Empire Mental
  Health Center                    $ 783,873            $ 175,616
                                   ============      ============
 7. Columbia Area Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,268,001          $ 377,551
                                   (85)                      (66)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             51,269                  27,685
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,319,270          $ 405,236
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 362,894            $ 160,521
   Supplies                        49,719                  27,534
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 32,387                  17,629
   Travel                          29,627                  20,689
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 474,627            $ 226,373
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Columbia Area Mental
  Health Center                    $ 1,793,897          $ 631,609
                                   ============      ============
 8. Greenville Area Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 791,774            $ 296,675
                                   (51)                      (43)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 791,774            $ 296,675
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 99,090              $ 36,900
   Supplies                        23,562                  17,090
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 87,617                  37,500
   Travel                          5,308                    4,110
   Equipment                       2,521                    2,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 218,098             $ 97,600
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Greenville Area Mental
  Health Center                    $ 1,009,872          $ 394,275
                                   ============      ============
 9. Orangeburg Area Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 646,250             $ 70,801
                                   (43)                      (39)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 646,250             $ 70,801
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 71,931              $ 30,291
   Supplies                        21,866                   5,770
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 70,301                  24,681
   Travel                          12,000                   5,053
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 176,098             $ 65,795
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Orangeburg Area
  Mental Health Center             $ 822,348            $ 136,596
                                   ============      ============
 10. Pee Dee Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 725,840            $ 115,219
                                   (44)                      (35)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 725,840            $ 115,219
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 163,060             $ 45,845
   Supplies                        41,831                  17,850
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      32,645             13,930
   Travel                          12,478                  10,205
   Equipment                       18,000                   1,050
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 268,014             $ 88,880
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Pee Dee Mental
  Health Center                    $ 993,854            $ 204,099
                                   ============      ============
 11. Santee-Wateree Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 836,357            $ 165,651
                                   (37)                      (37)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 836,357            $ 165,651
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 54,920              $ 39,920
   Supplies                        13,200                  13,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      7,400               7,400
   Travel                          15,000
   Equipment                       1,800                    1,800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 92,320              $ 62,320
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Santee-Wateree Mental
  Health Center                    $ 928,677            $ 227,971
                                   ============      ============
 12. South Greenville Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 560,427            $ 156,418
                                   (33)                      (26)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 560,427            $ 156,418
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 63,800              $ 31,900
   Supplies                        28,234                  14,159
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      42,500             21,250
   Travel                          8,000                    4,000
   Equipment                       3,600                    1,800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 146,134             $ 73,109
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total South Greenville Mental
  Health Center                    $ 706,561            $ 229,527
                                   ============      ============
 13. Spartanburg Area Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 990,800            $ 403,008
                                   (56)                      (54)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 990,800            $ 403,008
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 120,065             $ 63,835
   Supplies                        33,400                  33,400
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      28,511             20,501
   Travel                          8,899                    8,899
   Equipment                       9,320                    9,320
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 200,195            $ 135,955
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Spartanburg Area Mental
  Health Center                    $ 1,190,995          $ 538,963
                                   ============      ============
 14. Tri-County Mental Health Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 853,627             $ 73,934
                                   (40)                      (37)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 553,627             $ 73,934
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 54,587              $ 18,686
   Supplies                        31,977                   7,565
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      36,700              7,213
   Travel                          16,200                   4,244
   Equipment                       20,721                   4,893
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 160,185             $ 42,601
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Tri-County Mental
  Health Center                    $ 713,812            $ 116,535
                                   ============      ============
 15. Waccamaw Center for Mental Health:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 874,692            $ 117,327
                                   (82)                      (16)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 874,692            $ 117,327
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 110,880             $ 23,004
   Supplies                        32,750                   6,876
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 63,050                  13,240
   Travel                          50,000                  10,500
   Equipment                       9,250                    1,941
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 265,930             $ 55,561
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Waccamaw Center for
  Mental Health                    $ 1,140,622          $ 172,888
                                   ============      ============
 16. Lexington Mental Health Clinic:
  Classified Positions             $ 223,804             $ 39,929
                                   (11)                      (11)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 223,804             $ 39,929
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 93,623              $ 57,737
   Supplies                        6,596                    2,292
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 7,786                    3,588
   Travel                          2,700                    1,350
   Equipment                       10,214                   4,596
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 120,919             $ 69,563
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Lexington Mental
  Health Clinic                    $ 344,723            $ 109,492
                                   ============      ============
Total Centers and Clinics          $ 14,635,729       $ 4,538,330
                                   ============      ============
 D. Precare, Screening and Aftercare:
 1. Precare/Aftercare:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 714,052            $ 714,052
                                   (50)                      (50)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 714,052            $ 714,052
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 83,560              $ 83,560
   Supplies                        53,285                  53,285
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      2,392               2,392
   Travel                          21,119                  21,119
   Equipment                       1,921                    1,921
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 162,277            $ 162,277
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Precare/Aftercare           $ 876,329            $ 876,329
                                   ============      ============
Total Precare, Screening
 and Aftercare                     $ 876,329            $ 876,329
                                   ============      ============
Total Community Mental
 Health Services                   $ 17,575,973       $ 7,458,574
                                   ============      ============
IV. Research and Education:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,311,092        $ 2,252,559
                                   (196)                    (195)
  Unclassified Positions           1,991,995            1,938,076
                                   (82)                      (81)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 27,500                  27,500
   Temporary Positions             10,000                  10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 4,340,587        $ 4,228,135
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 422,889            $ 337,880
   Supplies                        363,000                338,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 37,000                  34,000
   Travel                          29,750                  29,750
   Equipment                       58,100                  58,100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 910,739            $ 798,430
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Research and Education      $ 5,251,326        $ 5,026,565
                                   ============      ============
V. Long Term Care:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 3,026,998        $ 1,425,348
                                   (261)                    (129)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 35,000                  18,471
   Consultants                     8,000
   Officer of Day and Night        8,000
   Temporary Positions             8,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 3,085,998        $ 1,443,819
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 265,697            $ 167,126
   Supplies                        726,250                417,944
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      21,200             13,299
   Travel                          3,500                    2,625
   Equipment                       12,650
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,029,297          $ 600,994
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Long Term Care              $ 4,115,295        $ 2,044,813
                                   ============      ============
VI. Alcohol and Drug Addiction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,392,301        $ 1,600,532
                                   (183)                    (134)
  Unclassified Positions           53,822                  53,822
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 15,000                  15,000
   Patient Earnings                40,000                  40,000
   Temporary Positions             10,000                  10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,511,123        $ 1,719,354
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 324,170            $ 324,170
   Supplies                        343,204                343,204
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      20,250             20,250
   Travel                          17,176                  17,176
   Equipment                       10,600                  10,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 715,400            $ 715,400
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Alcohol and Drug Addiction  $ 3,226,523        $ 2,434,754
                                   ============      ============
VII. Special Projects:
 A. Project COIL:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 248,550             $ 31,835
                                   (21)                       (3)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 2,000                      200
  Total Personal Service           $ 250,550             $ 32,035
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 58,250              $ 58,250
   Supplies                        39,665                  39,665
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 4,300                    4,300
   Travel                          660                        660
   Equipment                       24,636                  24,636
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 127,511            $ 127,511
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Project COIL                $ 378,061            $ 159,516
                                   ============      ============
 B. Friendship Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 41,697             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 41,697             $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 13,200
   Supplies                        3,625
   Travel                          200
   Equipment                       500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 17,525             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Friendship Center          $ 59,222             $        
                                   ============      ============
 Total Special Projects            $ 437,283            $ 159,546
                                   ============      ============
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 2,292,216        $ 1,823,954
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,292,216        $ 1,823,954
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 2,292,216        $ 1,823,954
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 11,586,708       $ 9,014,084
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 11,586,708       $ 9,014,084
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 11,586,708       $ 9,014,084
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 13,878,924      $ 10,838,038
                                   ============      ============
Total Mental Health                $ 103,166,747     $ 76,087,237
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (5400)                  (4849)
  Provided, That all Federal Funds received by the Department of
Mental Health from patients' Medicare benefits shall be
considered as patient lees under the provisions of Act No. 1276
of the 1970 Acts (providing for the issuance of bonds to be
repaid from patient fees) except that the Department shall remit
to the General Fund of the State $250,963 from such funds to
support the appropriation for administrative costs of the
collection of Medicare benefits.
  Provided, Further, That after July 1, 1981 the Department of
Mental Health may expend, if necessary, State appropriated funds
for Fiscal Year 1981-82 to cover fourth quarter expenditures
incurred in Fiscal Year 1980-81, necessitated by the time lag of
Federal reimbursements.
  Provided, Further, Notwithstanding any other provision of law
and in addition to other payments provided in Part I of this act,
the Department of Mental Health is hereby directed during fiscal
year 1981-82 to remit to the General Fund of the State the amount
of $3,800,000 to be paid from the surplus funds in the paying
patient account which has been previously designated for capital
improvements and debt service under the provisions of Act 1276 of
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provisions of
law and in addition to other payments provided in Part I of this
act, the Department of Mental Health is hereby directed during
the fiscal year 1981-82, to provide the funds budgeted herein for
the $70,905 and 3 new positions in the Division of Finance and
Accounting, the $650,000 and 66 positions at Bryan Hospital, the
$2,000,000 and 67 positions for Community Mental Health, the
$20,000 for Autistic Children Summer Programming, the $215,000
and 18 positions for Project COIL, the $150,000 in Pee Dee Mental
Health Center, the $10,000 and one position for Friendship Center
and the $69,683 and one position for Research and Education, and
$578,600 for supplies in State Hospital, Crafts Farrow, and Long
Term Care Center from the surplus funds in the paying patient
account which has been previously designated for capital
improvements and debt service under the provisions of Act 1276 of
  Provided, Further, The General Assembly expresses an interest
in the progress made toward the resolution of the accounting and
financial management problems at the Department of Mental Health.
Provided, Further, The Commission of Mental Health shall submit a
report to the Budget and Control Board, the House Ways and Means
Committee and The Senate Finance Committee regarding the progress
made toward the resolution of the Financial and Management
problems by January 15, 1982.
  Provided, Further, That within the funds provided herein the
Director, Mental Health Department and the Director, Mental Re-
tardation Department shall jointly consult, study and report to
the General Assembly not later than December 31, 1981, on the
subject of treating persons who are both mentally ill and
mentally retarded; the purpose being to provide the General
Assembly with a report outlining the scope of the problem in
South Carolina and a prospectus for dealing with the problem.
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General
Assembly that in the event the Department of Mental Health must
implement a reduction-in-force plan, that the Department shall
make every effort to avoid any reduction in personal services at
Community Health Centers.
  Provided, Further, That all community mental health centers
receiving Funds from the State shall, as a priority, provide
services for children.
                            SECTION 39
                 Department of Mental Retardation
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1360)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                    $ 50,492              $ 50,492
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             2,413,330            1,979,836
                                   (162)                    (122)
  *New Positions:
   Audits Manager                  30,165                 30,165*
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Auditor I                       17,596                  17,596
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Secretary II                    12,953                  12,953
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and
    Commissions                    10,500                   8,000
   Overtime and Shift Differential 1,462                      998
   Temporary Positions             8,755                    5,755

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,545,253        $ 2,105,795
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 104,367             $ 70,950
   Supplies                        106,146                 93,599
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 285,132                131,605
   Travel                          44,339                  29,620
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5,1981.
   Equipment                       34,300                  11,800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 574,284            $ 337,574
  Special Item:
   Vocational Rehabilitation       $ 183,440            $ 183,440
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Item               $ 183,440            $ 183,440
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 3,302,977        $ 2,626,809
                                   ============      ============
II. Services Support Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 7,507,406        $ 6,077,997
                                   (781)                    (606)
  New Positions:
   Purchasing and Supply           6,809                    6,809
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Custodial Worker II             5,381                    5,381
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Food Service Aide II            10,762                  10,762
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential      25,460             19,205
   Patient Earnings                46,800                  46,800
   Temporary Positions             38,251                   9,250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 7,640,869        $ 6,176,204
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,215,505        $ 1,193,962
   Supplies                        3,985,567            1,433,878
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 301,445                 49,850
   Travel                          10,075                   3,825
   Equipment                       176,610                 77,262
   Sales and Use Tax               101,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 7,790,202        $ 2,758,777
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Services Support Program    $ 15,431,071       $ 8,934,981
                                   ============      ============
III. Developmental Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 7,093,347        $ 3,432,858
                                   (603)                    (288)
  New Positions:
   Supervising Teacher             10,901                  10,901
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Speech and Hearing Therapist II 10,901                  10,901
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Rehabilitation Associate        15,930                  15,930
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Social Worker Ill               10,482                  10,482
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Activity Therapist II           19,384                  19,384
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Psychologist II                 11,790                  11,790
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 8,851                    6,487
   Patient Earnings                35,771                  35,771
   Temporary Positions             44,500                  44,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 7,261,857        $ 3,598,704
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 268,846             $ 24,430
   Supplies                        170,831                 63,503
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      18,129              2,350
   Travel                          17,449                   9,180
   Equipment                       48,771                  19,700
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 524,026            $ 119,163
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public Assistance
    Payments                       $ 3,852                $ 3,852
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 3,852                $ 3,852
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Developmental Program       $ 7,789,735        $ 3,721,719
                                   ============      ============
IV. Health Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 4,799,411        $ 3,021,140
                                   (386)                    (238)
  New Positions:
   Secretary I                     6,053                    6,053
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Head Nurse                      10,483                  10,483
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Dentist II                      24,812                  24,812
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Physician II                    27,944                  27,944
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Physical Therapist II           10,901                  10,901
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Dental Hygienist I              7,965                    7,965
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Dental Assistant I              6,083                    6,083
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Mental Retardation
    Specialist Supervisor II       44,190                  44,190
                                   (6)                        (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 51,672                  32,237
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 4,989,514        $ 3,191,808
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 400,108            $ 216,528
   Supplies                        691,526                355,914
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 3,870                    3,370
   Travel                          8,476                    7,409
   Equipment                       61,489                  21,425
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,165,469          $ 604,646
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 102,735            $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 102,735       $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Health Program              $ 6,257,718        $ 3,796,454
                                   ============      ============
V. Community Program:
  Classified Positions             $ 2,894,193        $ 2,355,490
                                   (269)                    (225)
   Mental Retardation
    Specialist II                  52,241                  34,244
                                   (8)                        (5)
   Mental Retardation
    Specialist III                 211,501                 78,565
                                   (31)                      (11)
   Mental Retardation
    Specialist Supervisor II       31,128                   8,085
                                   (4)                        (1)
   Mental Retardation
    Specialist Director I          20,395                  10,143
                                   (2)                        (1)
   Mental Retardation Specialist I 6,540                    6,540
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 44,348                  35,212
   Temporary Positions             5,000                    5,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 3,265,646        $ 2,563,279
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 8,153,654        $ 3,217,182
   Supplies                        412,869                275,802
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      259,670           239,720
   Travel                          41,017                  27,784
   Equipment                       34,550                  18,550
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 8,901,790        $ 3,779,038
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Community Program           $ 12,167,436       $ 6,342,317
                                   ============      ============
VI. Residential:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 22,093,493      $ 12,725,048
                                   (2474)                  (1429)
  New Positions
   Clerk III                       6,295                    6,295
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Clerk Stenographer II           11,650                  11,650
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Mental Retardation
    Specialist II                  105,498                105,498
                                   (18)                      (18)
   Mental Retardation
    Specialist III                 59,170                  59,170
                                   (10)                      (10)
   Mental Retardation Specialist
    Director II                    32,703                  32,703
                                   (3)                        (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   473,874                325,643
   Patient Earnings                274,800                274,800
   Temporary Positions             8,675                    8,675
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 23,066,158      $ 13,549,482
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 233,648             $ 12,333
   Supplies                        767,490                404,950
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 2,100
   Travel                          5,670                    2,565
   Equipment                       115,863                 99,213
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,124,771          $ 519,061
  Special Items:
   Medicaid for Salary Increases   $ 1,777,775          $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 1,777,775          $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Residential Program         $ 25,968,704      $ 14,068,543
                                   ============      ============
VII. Prevention and Research Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 35,522            $         
  New Position:
   Genetics Associate              12,398                  12,398
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 47,920              $ 12,398
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 236,745            $ 236,745
   Supplies                        751                        635
   Travel                          3,213                    3,041

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 240,709            $ 240,421
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Prevention and Research
  Program                          $ 288,629            $ 252,819
                                   ============      ============
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 1,486,559        $ 1,073,624
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,486,559        $ 1,073,624
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 1,486,559        $ 1,073,624
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 8,734,901        $ 5,282,935
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 8,734,901        $ 5,282,935
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 8,734,901        $ 5,282,935
Total Employee Benefits            $ 10,221,460       $ 6,356,559
Total Mental Retardation           $ 81,427,730      $ 46,100,201
Total Authorized Positions         (4787)                  (2991)
  Provided, That the Department is authorized to provide com-
munity and residential service programs similar to those provided
to mentally retarded persons to substantially handicapped
epileptic, cerebral palsied, autistic, and other developmentally
disabled individuals whose treatment and training needs
approximate those of the mentally retarded. Eligibility for
services shall be determined by the Department. It is the intent
of this provision that the Department not duplicate other State
agency programs or develop service modalities which normally
would be considered to be the legal and programmatic mandate of
another State agency.
  Provided, Further, That a part of the amount appropriated in
this section under Program "Community" for "Contractual Services"
may be expended for the operation of the day care centers.
Expenses of center operations shall be provided on a 75% State
(including Federal)--25% local matching arrangement.
  Provided, Further, That by reason of increased reimbursement
rates and because additional beds and individuals are certified
eligible the amount of Title XIX funds may exceed that indicated
in this Section. In this event, the additional funds will be used
by the Department to achieve certification of those beds which
still fail to meet Title XIX standards. Any funds used for
permanent improvements will require the approval of the Budget
and Control Board and the Joint Bond Review Committee.
  Provided, Further, That after July 1, 1981 the Department of
Mental Retardation may expend, if necessary, State appropriated
funds for Fiscal Year 1981-82 to cover fourth quarter
expenditures incurred in Fiscal Year 1980-81, necessitated by the
time lag of Federal reimbursements.
  Provided, Further, That within the funds provided herein the
Director, Mental Health Department and the Director, Mental Re-
tardation Department shall jointly consult, study and report to
the General Assembly not later than December 31, 1981, on the
subject of treating persons who are both mentally ill and
mentally retarded; the purpose being to provide the General
Assembly with a report outlining the scope of the problem in
South Carolina and a prospectus for dealing with the problem.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30,
1981, not to exceed $800,000, in the Appropriation for the
Department of Mental Retardation may be carried forward and
expended in fiscal year 1981-82 for the purpose of partially
replacing the loss of Title XX funds in Community Programs.
                            SECTION 40
            S. C. Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1390)
I. Administration and Program Support: 
 A. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                        37,644                  37,644
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             284,229                284,229
                                   (16)                      (16)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission  2,000                    2,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 323,873            $ 323,873
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 30,357              $ 30,357
   Supplies                        17,700                  17,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 88,283                  88,283
   Travel                          17,506                  17,506
   Equipment                       7,796                    7,796
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 161,642            $ 161,642
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 485,515            $ 485,515
                                   ============      ============
 B. Central Program Support:
 1. Training:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 100,005             $ 61,103
                                   (6)                        (5)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 100,005             $ 61,103
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 10,679               $ 1,704
   Supplies                        1,500                    1,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 3,309                    2,884
   Travel                          8,472                    2,636
   Equipment                       100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 24,060               $ 8,224
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Training                    $ 124,065             $ 69,327
                                   ============      ============
 2. Planning and Grants:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 177,076            $ 177,076
                                   (9)                        (9)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        3,100                    3,100
   Temporary Positions             1,550                    1,550
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 181,726            $ 181,726
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 13,450              $ 13,450
   Supplies                        1,469                    1,469
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  22,085                  22,085
   Travel                          20,253                  20,253
   Equipment                       1,600                    1,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 58,857              $ 58,857
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Planning and Grants         $ 240,583            $ 240,583
                                   ============      ============
 3. Research and Evaluation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 283,507            $ 283,507
                                   (21)                      (21)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 283,507            $ 283,507
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 41,490              $ 41,490
   Supplies                        19,045                  19,045
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 52,016                  52,016
   Travel                          6,346                    6,346
   Equipment                       460                        460
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 119,357            $ 119,357
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Research and Evaluation     $ 402,864            $ 402,864
                                   ============      ============
Total Central Program Support      $ 767,512            $ 712,774
                                   ============      ============
Total Administration and
 Program Support                   $ 1,253,027        $ 1,198,289
                                   ============      ============
II. Treatment:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 121,488            $ 121,488
                                   (5)                        (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             7,600                    7,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 129,088            $ 129,088
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 12,000              $ 11,750
   Supplies                        950                        650
   Travel                          21,100                  19,500
   Equipment                       100                        100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 34,150              $ 32,000
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Sub-Contracts W/Entities
    -Treatment                     $ 2,724,066          $ 123,877
   Sub-Contracts--Match W/Entities 110,756                110,756
   Sub-Contracts W/Entities-
    -Treatment                     643,373                643,373
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 3,478,195          $ 878,006
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Treatment                   $ 3,641,433        $ 1,039,094
                                   ============      ============
III. Intervention:
 A. Occupational Programs:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 139,439            $ 119,433
                                   (6)                        (6)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 139,439            $ 119,433
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,679                $ 3,679
   Supplies                        500                        500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 7,792                    6,464
   Travel                          15,500                  12,970
   Equipment                       1,500                    1,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 28,971              $ 25,113
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Occupational Program        $ 168,410            $ 144,546
                                   ============      ============
 B. Systems Intervention:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 118,151             $ 97,922
                                   (7)                        (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             3,000                    3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 121,151            $ 100,922
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 7,825                $ 4,825
   Supplies                        5,985                    2,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      4,500               4,500
   Travel                          2,800                    1,800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses        $ 21,110         $ 13,625
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Sub-Contracts--Intervention     $ 173,877            $ 123,891
   Sub-Contracts--Intervention     309,697                309,697
    Intervention                   538,000                538,000

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 1,021,574          $ 971,588
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Systems Intervention        $ 1,163,835        $ 1,086,135
                                   ============      ============
Total Intervention                 $ 1,332,245        $ 1,230,681
                                   ============      ============
IV. Prevention:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 135,028            $ 113,962
                                   (9)                        (7)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 135,028            $ 113,962
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 24,532               $ 6,500
   Supplies                        3,020                      970
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 450
   Travel                          11,750                   7,400
   Equipment                       55,664                   3,480
   Scholarships                    2,050                    2,050
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 97,466              $ 20,400
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Sub-Contracts W/Entities-
    -Prevention                    $ 249,886            $ 194,605
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 249,886            $ 194,605
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Prevention                  $ 482,380            $ 328,967
                                   ============      ============
V. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 41,647              $ 41,147
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 41,647              $ 41,147
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 41,647              $ 41,147
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 236,445            $ 223,553
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 236,445            $ 223,553
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 236,445            $ 223,553
Total Employee Benefits            $ 278,092            $ 264,700
Total South Carolina Commission
 on Alcohol and Drug Abuse         $ 6,987,177        $ 4,061,731
Total Authorized Positions         (80)                      (75)
  Provided, That, $538,000 of the amount appropriated in this
Section for "Program III, Intervention", entitled "Sub-Contracts
with Local Entities--School Intervention" shall not be utilized
for the employment of additional personnel by the commission.
  Provided, Further, That any funds obligated through
sub-contracts prior to June 30, 1981, in appropriations for
"Sub-Contracts-Match with Entities" under "Treatment" and
"Sub-Contracts-School Intervention" under "Systems Intervention"
may be carried forward and expended in fiscal year 1981-82.
                            SECTION 41
                  Department of Social Services
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1415)
I. Administration:
 A. Commissioner's Office:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                    $ 51,616              $ 51,616
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             105,485                 41,216
                                   (7)                        (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        5,000                    1,964
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 162,101             $ 94,796
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 4,496                $ 1,785
   Supplies                        5,925                    2,352
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,920                      763
   Travel                          14,298                   5,676
   Equipment                       685                        272
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 27,324              $ 10,848
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Commissioner's Office       $ 189,425            $ 105,644
                                   ============      ============
 B. Administrative Support Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 9,444,056        $ 3,653,494
                                   (682)                    (680)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        20,550                   6,050
   Temporary Positions             115,900                 44,695
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 9,580,506        $ 3,704,239
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 2,186,103          $ 799,454
   Supplies                        1,466,481              506,437
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      1,442,701         527,593
   Travel                          662,770                242,356
   Equipment                       226,148                 82,704
   Purchase of Evidence            2,000                      731
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 5,986,203        $ 2,159,275
  Special Items:
   County Support of Local DSS     $ 2,300,000          $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 2,300,000          $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administrative Support
  Services                         $ 17,866,709       $ 5,863,514
                                   ============      ============
Total Administration               $ 18,056,134       $ 5,969,158
                                   ============      ============
II. Social Services Program:
 A. Title XX and Child Welfare Service:
 1. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 14,984,690       $ 3,963,818
                                   (1134)                  (1110)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 14,984,690       $ 3,963,818
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 443,516            $ 120,858
   Supplies                        130,493                 38,559
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 143,916                 39,216
   Travel                          1,027,364              279,958
   Equipment                       39,176                  10,676
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,784,465          $ 486,267
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management                  $ 16,769,155       $ 4,450,085
                                   ============      ============
 2. Foster Care Program:
  Assistance Payments:
   Foster Home Care                $ 4,188,939        $ 4,188,939
   Burial Allowance                3,000                    3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Assistance Payments        $ 4,191,939        $ 4,191,939
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Foster Care Program         $ 4,191,939        $ 4,191,939
                                   ============      ============
 3. Other Social Services:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions            $ 355,281          $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 355,281          $          
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 15,701           $          
   Supplies                        2,238
   Travel                          10,991
   Equipment                       480
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 29,410           $          
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Social Services       $ 384,691          $          
                                   ============      ============
Total Title XX and Child
 Welfare Services                  $ 21,345,785       $ 8,642,024
                                   ============      ============
 B. Title XX Homemakers:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,506,994          $ 394,428
                                   (182)                    (179)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,506,994          $ 394,428
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 81                      $ 22
   Supplies                        7,744                    2,098
   Travel                          303,630                 82,756
   Equipment                       2,908                      788
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 314,363             $ 85,664
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Title XX Homemakers         $ 1,821,357          $ 480,092
                                   ============      ============
 C. Day Care Centers:
 1. Direct Operations Day Care:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,704,019          $ 534,435
                                   (347)                    (297)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,704,019          $ 534,435
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 208,237             $ 32,962
   Supplies                        177,017                 19,622
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      164,404            17,644
   Travel                          179,846                 29,791
   Equipment                       5,056                      987
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 734,560            $ 101,006
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Service and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 608,103            $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 608,103       $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Direct Operations Day Care  $ 4,046,682          $ 635,441
                                   ============      ============
 2. Contracted Day Care:
  Contractual Services             $ 5,694,684          $ 963,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Contracted Day Care         $ 5,694,684          $ 963,000
                                   ------------      ------------
Total Contracted Day Care          $ 5,694,684          $ 963,000
                                   ============      ============
 3. Child Development and Day Care:
  Child Development and Day Care   $ 1,015,656          $ 253,914
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Child Development and
  Day Care                         $ 1,015,656          $ 253,914
                                   ------------      ------------
Total Day Care Centers             $ 10 757,022       $ 1,852,355
                                   ============      ============
 D. Contract Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 290,547             $ 77,240
                                   (20)                      (20)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Services          $ 290,547             $ 77,240
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 10,600,619           $ 5,765
   Supplies                        27,468                   7,486
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      968                   264
   Travel                          64,228                  17,502
   Equipment                       548                        149
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 10,693,831          $ 31,166
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Contract Services           $ 10,984,378         $ 108,406
                                   ============      ============
 E. Work Incentive Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 702,800             $ 68,638
                                   (60)                      (60)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 702,800             $ 68,638
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 196,657            $ 195,886
   Supplies                        987                         99
   Travel                          54,422                   5,442
   Equipment                       3,875                      387
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 255,941            $ 201,814
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Service and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 412,500             $ 41,250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 412,500        $ 41,250
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Work Incentive Program      $ 1,371,241          $ 311,702
                                   ============      ============
 F. Refugee Resettlement Program:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions            $ 54,010            $         
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           54,010              $         
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 8,248             $         
   Supplies                        1,500
   Travel                          9,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 19,345            $         
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Refugee Resettlement
  Program                          $ 73,355            $         
                                   ============      ============
Total Social Services Program      $ 46,353,138      $ 11,394,579
                                   ============      ============
III. Benefits Payments Program:
 A. Child Support Enforcement:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 492,206            $ 120,644
                                   (45)                      (45)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 492,206            $ 120,644
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 129,879             $ 32,470
   Supplies                        5,297                    1,324
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 592                        148
   Travel                          7,360                    1,840
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 143,128             $ 35,782
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Child Support Enforcement   $ 635,334            $ 156,426
                                   ============      ============
 B. Aid to Families With Dependent Children:
 1. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 10,235,229       $ 5,281,716
                                   (879)                    (874)
  Unclassified Positions           5,145                    2,767
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 10,240,374       $ 5,284,483
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 194,728            $ 102,836
   Supplies                        83,974                  44,347
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      69,049             36,464
   Travel                          444,638                234,815
   Equipment                       31,971                  16,883
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 824,360            $ 435,345
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management                  $ 11,064,734       $ 5,719,828
                                   ============      ============
 2. Benefit Payments:
  Assistance Payments:
   Aid to Families with
    Dependent Children             $ 83,798,769      $ 24,452,481
                                   ------------      ------------
   Aid to Families with
    Dependent Children--
     Foster Care                   995,370                290,449
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Assistance Payments        $ 84,794,139      $ 24,742,930
                                   ============      ============
 Total Benefit Payments            $ 84,794,139      $ 24,742,930
                                   ============      ============
Total Aid to Families with
 Dependent Children                $ 95,858,873      $ 30,462,758
                                   ============      ============
 C. Food Stamps:
 1. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 8,454,629        $ 4,137,803
                                   (733)                    (728)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 8,454,629        $ 4,137,803
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 388,937            $ 194,451
   Supplies                        329,101                164,553
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 205,857                102,935
   Travel                          202,567                101,284
   Equipment                       47,588                  23,802
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,174,050          $ 587,025
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management                  $ 9,628,679        $ 4,724,828
                                   ============      ============
 2. Benefit Payments:
  Assistance Payments:
   Food Stamps                     $ 251,200,259      $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Assistance Payments        $ 251,200,259      $          
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Benefit Payments            $ 251,200,259      $          
                                   ============      ============
Total Food Stamps                  $ 260,828,938      $ 4,724,828
                                   ============      ============
 D. Medical Assistance Program:
 1. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,733,988          $ 609,848
                                   (124)                    (124)
  Unclassified Positions           7,280                    1,820
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        8,515                    4,609

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,749,783          $ 616,277
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,455,741          $ 566,213
   Supplies                        84,128                  24,925
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 4,907                      188
   Travel                          78,362                  23,365
   Equipment                       38,015                  12,033
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 3,661,153          $ 626,724
  Special Items:
   Battered Spouse Program         $ 290,000            $ 290,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 290,000            $ 290,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management                  $ 5,700,936        $ 1,533,001
                                   ============      ============
 2. Benefits Payments:
  a. Assistance Payments--DSS:
   Assistance Payments--DSS        $232,653,591      $ 67,956,699
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Assistance Payments--DSS   $232,653,591      $ 67,956,699
                                   ============      ============
 b. Assistance Payments--Other:
  Miscellaneous General Operations:
   Mental Health Commission        $ 11,242,723      $           
   Department of Health and
    Environmental Control          100,000
   Department of Mental
    Retardation                    42,407,188
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Assistance
   Payments--Other                 $ 53,749,911      $           
                                   ============      ============
 Total Benefits Payments           $ 286,403,502     $ 67,956,699
                                   ============      ============
Total Medical Assistance Programs  $ 292,104,438     $ 69,489,700
                                   ============      ============
 E. Other Benefit Payments:
 1. General Assistance:
  Assistance Payments:
   General Assistance--Regular     $ 368,429            $ 368,429
   General Assistance-
    -Ineligible Spouse             90,000                  90,000
   General Assistance-
    -Boarding Homes                2,497,845            2,497,845
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Assistance Payments        $ 2,956,274        $ 2,956,274
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Benefits/General
  Assistance                       $ 2,956,274        $ 2,956,274
                                   ============      ============
2. SSI Supplementation and Other Payments:
  Public Assistance Payments:
   SSI Supplementation             $ 2,016                $ 2,016
   Medical Payment for Physically
    and Mentally Handicapped Child 29,000
   Adult Protective Services       25,000                  25,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 56,016              $ 27,016
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total SSI Supplementation and
  Other Payments                   $ 56,016              $ 27,016
                                   ============      ============
Total Other Benefit Payments       $ 3,012,290        $ 2,983,290
                                   ============      ============
Total Benefits Payments Program    $ 652,439,873    $ 107,817,002
                                   ============      ============
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 1,798,078          $ 710,241
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,798,078          $ 710,241
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 1,798,078          $ 710,241
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 8,818,698        $ 3,278,349
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 8,818,698        $ 3,278,349
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 8,818,698        $ 3,278,349
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 10,616,776       $ 3,988,590
                                   ============      ============
Total Department of Social
 Services                          $ 727,465,921    $ 129,169,329
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (4265)                  (4127)
  Provided, Further, That amounts appropriated in this section
may be expended to cover program operations of prior fiscal years
where adjustment of such prior years are necessary under federal
regulations and findings. Provided, Further, That all
disallowances and/or notices of disallowances by any federal
agency of any costs claimed by the Department of Social Services
shall be submitted to the State Auditor, the House Ways and Means
Committee and the Senate Finance Committee, within five days of
receipt of such actions.
  Provided, Further, That "any public providers" operating under
an agreement or contract to provide Title XX services, shall
transfer to the Department of Social Services funds in the amount
of 5% or other percentage determined to be appropriate based upon
historical cost experience, of the costs of services delivered to
defray costs incurred by the Department of Social Services of
administration or in administering the Purchase of Service
Agreements and Contracts including the costs of certification,
eligibility determination, reporting, etc. The percentage shall
be adjusted at least annually to compensate for under or over
recoveries the preceding year or cost reporting period(s), as
shall be determined by the Department. Collections as indicated
under this provision shall be deposited to the General Fund of
the State to reimburse the General Fund for appropriations
expended in the cited activities. Provided, Further, That in all
Title XX contracts where the Department of Social Services
provides all of the match share there shall be no administrative
charge; in projects where the Department of Social Services
provides only a portion of the match share the administrative
charge shall be apportioned according to percentage of matching
funds, but the Department of Social Services shall not be
assessed for its apportionment.
  Provided, Further, That after July 1, 1981 the Department of
Social Services may expend if necessary state appropriated funds
for fiscal year 1981-82 to cover fourth quarter federal program
expenditures incurred in fiscal year 1980-81 necessitated by the
time lag of federal reimbursements.
  Provided, Further, That any family which qualifies under the
federal program "Aid to Families with Dependent Children" as ad-
ministered by the State Department of Social Services may be
issued its first payment by the appropriate county department of
social services. The State Department of Social Services shall,
after written notice from the county concerned, reimburse any
county department that elects to issue the first payment to an
eligible recipient within ninety days of such notice.
  Provided, Further, That the Commissioner of the Department or
his designee shall approve all out-of-state travel for the
  Provided, Further, The Department of Social Services shall
recoup all refunds and identified program overpayments and all
such overpayments shall be recouped in accordance with
established collection policy. Such recoveries and refunds may be
deposited in the proper current operating accounts of the
Department and may be expended for the same purposes as
originally provided. However, the funds collected under the Child
Support Enforcement Program (Title IVD) which are state funds
shall be remitted to the State Treasurer and credited to the
General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further, That the status of all audits conducted by
the Department of Social Services shall be submitted to the State
Auditor, the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate
Finance Committee on a quarterly basis and in a report format
prescribed by the State Auditor.
  Provided, Further, That the Department, with Budget and Control
Board approval, may reorganize the appropriations made herein to
reflect any reorganization.
  Provided, Further, That subject to the approval by the Attorney
General the Department of Social Services may contract for legal
services from private counsel on an as needed basis at an hourly
rate. Provided, However, That the total annual amount expended
for Special Counsel shall not exceed $40,000 in total funds.
Provided, That nothing in this proviso shall prohibit the
Department of Social Services from contracting on a case by case
basis for legal services in which it is a party to any legal
action on the behalf of its clients.
  Provided, Further, That effective July 1, 1981, the Income
Limitation for the Medicaid Program shall be three hundred
percent of the SSI single payment maximum.
  Provided, Further, That the expenditure of funds allocated for
burials of foster children shall not exceed one thousand dollars
per burial.
  Provided, Further, That the administrative organization and
operations of the State Office of the Department of Social
Services shall not interfere with nor encroach upon the statutory
authority of county Social Services boards.
  Provided, Further, That the names of persons benefiting from
assistance payments under the several programs of the Department
of Social Services shall be available to other state agencies, if
not in conflict with federal regulations.
  Provided, Further, That from the appropriation made herein for
General Assistance, the Department may elect to supplement the
income of individuals who reside in licensed residential care
facilities and who either qualify as aged, blind or disabled
under the definitions of Public Law 92-603, U. S. Code, or who
would qualify except for income limitations. The Department may
elect to supplement the income of the above defined group up to a
maximum of $380.00 per month. The residential care facilities are
authorized to charge a fee of $355.00 per month for this defined
group, and the Department will allow an additional $25.00 per
month for the individual's personal needs.
  Provided, Further, That the Commissioner of the State Depart-
ment of Social Services, with the concurrence of the Budget and
Control Board, pursuant to regulations prescribed by him, may
compromise or cause collection to be terminated or suspended on
any debt due the State Department of Social Services. Provided,
however, no such debt shall be waived unless federal law and
regulations permit the waiver of the federal share or federal
financial participation percentage of such debt. Provided,
Further, the Commissioner of the South Carolina Department of
Social Services shall not exercise the foregoing authority with
respect to a claim as to which there has been or is an indication
of fraud, the presentation of such a false claim, or
misrepresentation on the part of the debtor or any other party
having interest in the claim.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the provisions of Act
184 of 1977 as amended relating to child day care facilities, the
department is granted the authority to grant provisional
licenses, provisional approvals and provisional registrations to
new facilities covered under Articles II, III and V of Act 184 of
1977 as amended for a period no longer than a year and to grant
or extend provisional licenses, provisional approvals and
provisional registrations to existing facilities covered under
Articles II, III and V of Act 184 of 1977 as amended but in no
case beyond July 1, 1982.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Social Services shall
implement the periodic interim payments (H.I.M. 15, Section 2407)
method of reimbursement for all eligible hospital providers in
the South Carolina Medicaid program who elect this method.
Provided, Further, That payments shall be made to providers at
least monthly, and adjustments to actual cost shall be made
  Provided, Further, That for the purposes of this proviso the S.
C. Department of Mental Retardation and S. C. Department of
Mental Health shall be considered as hospital providers.
  Provided, Further, That in order to preserve the identification
of agency budget entities within the Medicaid program, the
Department of Social Services shall present budget support
information to the Budget and Control Board, the House Ways and
Means Committee, and the Senate Finance Committee, by line item
with growth in utilization or cost justification for each line
item as appropriate. Further, hospital and long term care
information presented in support of the Medicaid budget request
shall be expressed in terms of the patient days purchased for the
previous complete fiscal year; the estimate of budgeted patient
days for the on-going fiscal year; and the projection and
justification for the target fiscal year. Further, as it relates
to long term care patient days, the Department shall provide
information as to the total number of Community Service long term
care beds available statewide by facility classification
(Skilled/Intermediate); the total number of patient days
purchased by the Medicaid program for the last completed fiscal
year, this information being separately presented based upon
level of care designation (Skilled/Intermediate) and the actual
cost for each total of patient days. Further, for the ongoing
year, any refinement of estimated expenditures for long term care
will be fully explained as it relates to number of patient days
or cost increases.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Social Services shall
continue to actively develop alternatives to all phases of
institutionalization of Medicaid eligible patients. As cost
savings accrue from cost containment efforts or as additional
funding becomes available to the Medicaid program, it is the
intention of the General Assembly that priority be given to
funding non-institutional care. As a part of this effort, the
Long Term Care Policy Council, established to direct the
Community Long Term Care Project, shall submit a status report to
the Project's Legislative Advisory Committee, the Governor, the
Budget and Control Board, the Senate Finance Committee, the Ways
and Means Committee, the Senate Medical Affairs Committee, the
House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee
and the Health Care Planning and Oversight Committee by September
1, 1981. Statewide implementation plans shall be outlined in the
report with associated cost data.
  Provided, Further, That the State Auditor is hereby directed to
develop a plan for adequate audit coverage of the Medicaid
program, Medicaid providers, and any other Medicaid contracts.
Further, The State Auditor is authorized to seek assistance from
any State or Federal agency he deems necessary. This plan shall
be submitted to the Budget and Control Board, the Health Care
Planning and Oversight Committee, the House Ways and Means
Committee, and the Senate Finance Committee.
Continue with Appropriations Act