South Carolina General Assembly
104th Session, 1981-1982

Continuation of Appropriations Act

  Provided, Further, That no later than the 25th day of each
calendar month beginning on July 1, 1981 and continuing through
June, 1982, the Department of Social Services shall prepare a
report that includes, but is not limited to, a summary of:
  (a) projected and actual Title XIX expenditures by month and
year to date and the estimated deficiency or excess for the month
and year to date. Expenditures will be reported on a monthly paid
basis and any expenditures for previous report periods will be
appropriately identified.
  (b) the specific progress and completion of cost-containment
and management actions; unanticipated problems and adjustments in
implementation plans.
  (c) the Department of Social Services shall provide a copy of
each monthly report to (1) the Chairman of the Senate Finance
Committee, (2) the Chairman of the Health Care Planning and
Oversight Committee, (3) the Chairman of the House Ways and Means
Committee, and (4) the Governor.
  Provided, Further, That any reductions in the Title XIX program
for nursing home care occurring as a result of federal or state
budget constraints, or as a result of cost containment efforts,
shall be equitably distributed throughout the nursing home sector
affected by such reductions and shall not be disproportionately
applied to new bed commitments established by certificates of
need issued as of March 1, 1981.
  Provided, Further, That the Department shall establish proce-
dures for the development of the Title XX plan whereby notwith-
standing any other provisions of law:
  A. The proposed plan shall be submitted to the Governor's
Office and Budget and Control Board by July 15, of the year
preceding the plan year.
  B. In the event that DSS and the Governor fail to reach agree-
ment on the proposed plan by October 1, the Governor shall
publish the last approved plan, with appropriate technical
revisions, as the proposed plan.
  C. Public hearings on the proposed plan shall be completed as
soon as possible after October 1 and reports of such hearings
shall be furnished to the Governor by December 15.
  D. The final plan shall be agreed to by DSS and the Governor by
January 1.
  E. In the event that DSS and the Governor fail to reach agree-
ment on the plan by January 1, the Governor shall be required to
sec that the last approved plan, with appropriate technical
revisions, continues for the next fiscal year maintaining the
same ratio of allocated funds and service delivery units, insofar
as practicable.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Social Services, as
the administrator of the Title XX Comprehensive Annual Services
Program, during FY 81-82 shall allocate funds for services and
administrative costs for the State fiscal plan year and
incorporate into the FY 81-82 CASP
  1. Based upon Federal Fiscal Year 80-81 National Program
Ceiling of $2.9 billion for the first quarter of State Fiscal
Year 81-82, and the Federal Fiscal Year 81-82 National Program
Ceiling of $2.7 billion for the three remaining quarters of the
State Fiscal Year 81-82. Each quarter being estimated at 25% of
each Federal National Program Ceiling.
  2. Based upon Federal Fiscal Year 80-81 National Program
Ceiling of $2.9 billion for the first Quarter of State Fiscal
Year 81-82, and Federal Fiscal Year 81-82 National Program
Ceiling of $2.9 billion for the three remaining quarters of the
State Fiscal Year 81-82. Each quarter being estimated at 25% of
each Federal National Program Ceiling.
  3. Based upon Federal Fiscal Year 80-81 National Program
Ceiling of $2.9 billion for the first quarter of State Fiscal
Year 81-82, and Federal Fiscal 81-82 National Program Ceiling of
$3.0 billion for the three remaining quarters of the State Fiscal
Year 81-82. Each quarter being estimated at 25% of each Federal
National Program Ceiling.
  Further, such allocations will be based upon a ratio of 36% of
funds for contracted services in the Title XX Comprehensive
Annual Services Program Plan at each of the above National
Program Ceiling levels and incorporated into the plan in such a
manner as to facilitate adjustments necessitated by reductions or
increases in Federal Fund Participation. All currently
contracting State agencies in the Title XX delivery system will
be maintained at the same level of participation as the last
participation year, unless that agency agrees with the Governor
to reduce its participation or completely withdraw from the
program. DSS shall ensure that private providers are encouraged
to participate at the same level of services as the previous year
to the extent practicable and consistent with legal requirements.
Increases, in cost of living and inflation, incorporated into the
private sector will not exceed those provided for State employees
and agencies. Further, the General Assembly acknowledges that the
below allocations may need adjustment but are provided to
establish a program participation percentage for each State
agency and public/private contract provider currently within the
Title XX delivery system as well as being the dollar
participation base level (2.9/2.7 billion dollar National Program
Ceiling) for State agencies within this act.
  Provided, Further, That if the national ceiling is reduced
below a 2.9/2.7 billion level by either a reduction in available
Title XX funds or a block grant, that the final plan published in
July 1981 shall be by service priorities, mutually agreed to by
the Governor and the DSS Board, targeting to the limited dollars
by services and clients to be served.
  Department of Social Services                       $32,196,181
  Department of Health and Environmental Control          556,311
  Department of Alcohol and Drug Abuse                  1,481,070
  Department of Mental Health                             460,832
  Department of Mental Retardation                      3,774,496
  Commission on Aging                                   1,864,894
  Department of Juvenile Placement and Aftercare          136,862
  Children's Bureau                                        81,910
  Department of Youth Services                            363,971
  Other Contract Providers                              9,153,799
 TOTAL                                                $50,070,326
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General
Assembly that the Department of Social Services move from the
direct operation of child development and day care services to
the provision of such services on a contractual basis so as to
realize greater efficiencies in the child care program. To that
end the Department of Social Services shall submit to the Social
Services Advisory Committee no later than October 1, 1981, a
center by center progress report on child development and day
care operations and on progress toward movement to contractual
services. Further, the line item "Child Development and Day Care"
is intended to be used for contractual child care services.
However, subject to the approval of the Budget and Control Board
such funds may be used for "Direct Operations Day Care." It is
the intent of the General Assembly that any positions authorized
under Program IIC for Direct Operations Day Care in excess of
those required for Day Care Facility licensing are to be
eliminated from the positions of the Department of Social
Services as the transitions from Direct Operations to contract
day care services is accomplished. The Social Services Advisory
Committee shall monitor progress during the transition and advise
the General Assembly concerning the appropriate reduction of such
  Provided, Further, That in making the seven percent personal
service reduction, DSS shall prorate such reduction between the
state and county offices in the same ratio as the personal
services amounts budgeted at the county and the state level bear
to the total personal services budget as of May 1, 1981. The
Board of Social Services, should it so desire, may combine the
seven percent personal service reduction and any personal service
reduction necessitated by a curtailment of Title XX federal funds
for the purpose of effecting an equitable proration of reductions
between the state and county offices.
  Provided, Further, That the reductions in administrative costs
for Title XX shall be borne entirely by the state office and none
shall be allocated to the county offices.
  Provided, Further, The General Assembly expresses an interest
in the progress made toward the resolution of the accounting and
financial management problems at the Department of Social
Services. Provided, Further, That the Board of the Department of
Social Services shall submit a report by January 15, 1982, to the
Budget and Control Board, the House Ways and Means Committee, and
the Senate Finance Committee regarding the progress made toward
the implementation of the accounting and financial management
recommendations in the State Auditor's Management letter dated
June 30, 1978.
  Provided, Further, That the Director of the Division of
Information Systems under the office of Administrative Services
shall be hired after approval by the State Auditor.
  *Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30,
1981, not to exceed $300,000, in the Appropriation for Benefit
Payments may be carried forward and expended for the same
purposes in Fiscal Year 1981-82.
  Provided, Further, That no reduction shall be made in the
Medicaid (Title XIX) Program services in order to operate within
appropriated funds without the review and approval of the Health
Care Planning and Oversight Committee, or such other committee as
may be given the authority under other appropriate legislation.
Any such reductions must be approved by the Department of Social
Services Board prior to submission to the appropriate legislative
  Provided, Further, That the Commissioner of the State
Department of Social Services is not required to collect the
federal or state amounts for the Title XIX transportation account
receivables for debts owed on audit disallowances for fiscal
years prior to fiscal year 1976. 
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
In accordance with existing federal requirements, the federal
portion has been repaid and only the state portion remains
delinquent. The Commissioner may forgo the collection of state
funds, not to exceed $48,730, as this amount would cause severe
financial hardship on Medicaid transportation providers and would
affect the continuation of medical transportation services.
                            SECTION 42
            State Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1451)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                    $ 45,517              $ 45,517
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Classified Positions            1,145,133              397,881
                                   (62)                      (62)
   Unclassified Positions          19,671
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board Members         2,500                      525
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,212,821          $ 443,923
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 77,652              $ 25,536
   Supplies                        65,778                  21,850
   Fixed Charged and Contributions      394,042          145,014*
   Travel                          31,496                  10,671
   Equipment                       12,369                   4,190
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 581,337            $ 207,261
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              1,794,158            $ 651,184
                                   ============      ============
II. Vocational Rehabilitation Programs:
 A. Basic Service Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 10,201,044       $ 3,546,217
                                   (711)                    (699)
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
   Unclassified Positions          113,184                 21,475
                                   (37)                      (22)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             106,873
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 10,421,101       $ 3,567,692
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,476,015          $ 255,347
   Supplies                        602,306                101,213
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      399,867            61,942
   Travel                          320,000                 42,861
   Equipment                       86,200                  26,550
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 2,884,388          $ 487,913
  Case Services:
   Case Services                   $ 7,573,719        $ 4,893,396
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Case Services              $ 7,573,719        $ 4,893,396
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Basic Service Program       $ 20,879,208       $ 8,949,001
                                   ============      ============
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,033,868        $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,033,865        $          
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 35,000           $          
   Supplies                        78,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      37,000
   Travel                          32,000
   Equipment                       63,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 245,000          $          
  Case Services:
   Case Services                   $ 196,500          $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Case Services              $ 196,500          $          
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total CETA                        $ 1,475,365        $          
                                   ============      ============
 C. Work Activity Centers:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 380,831          $          
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             34,875
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 415,706          $          
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 90,062           $          
   Supplies                        64,050
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 62,163
   Travel                          4,740
   Equipment                       406
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 221,421          $          
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Work Activity Centers       $ 637,127          $          
                                   ============      ============
 D. Special Projects:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 971,718          $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 971,718          $          
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 33,000           $          
   Supplies                        23,100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 10,700
   Travel                          85,000
   Equipment                       8,200
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 160,000          $          
  Case Services:
   Case Services                   $ 983,000          $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Case Services              $ 983,000          $          
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Special Projects            $ 2,114,718        $          
                                   ============      ============
Total Vocational Rehabilitation
 Programs                          $ 25,106,418       $ 8,949,001
                                   ============      ============
III. Disability Determination Division:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,805,541        $          
  Unclassified Positions           5,265
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             43,146
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,853,952        $          
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 253,880          $          
   Supplies                        126,830
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 282,150
   Travel                          20,900
   Equipment                       50,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 734,360          $          
  Case Services:
   Case Services                   $ 1,883,200        $          
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Case Services              $ 1,883,200        $          
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Disability Determination
  Division                         $ 5,471,512        $          
                                   ============      ============
IV. Workshop Production:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 26,070           $          
   Supplies                        37,950
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 30,580
   Equipment                       90,750
   Purchase for Resale             495,000
   Sales and Use Tax               330
   Stipends                        1,684,100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 2,364,780        $          
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Workshop Production         $ 2,364,780        $          
                                   ============      ============
V. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 590,757            $ 135,874
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 590,757            $ 135,874
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 590,757            $ 135,874
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 2,938,501          $ 701,987
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 2,938,501          $ 701,987
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 2,938,501          $ 701,987
Total Employee Benefits            $ 3,529,258          $ 837,861
Total Vocational Rehabilitation
 Agency                            $ 38,266,126      $ 10,438,046
Total Authorized Positions         (1136)                   (784)
  Provided, That all revenues received from Patient Care at the
Palmetto and Holmesview Alcoholic Centers and Vocational Re-
habilitation Comprehensive Center may be retained and used for
operation of the Centers subject to the provisions of Section
123, Part I of this Act.
  Provided, Further, That all revenues derived from production
contracts earned by the handicapped trainees of the Evaluation
and Training Facilities (Workshops) may be retained by the State
Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation and used in the facilities
for client u ages and any other production costs; and, further,
any excess funds derived from these production contracts be used
for other operating expenses and/or permanent improvements of
these facilities.
  Provided, Further, That if Federal funds become available and
state appropriated funds are available from current
appropriations to the Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation, the
agency may transfer these Federal funds and state funds necessary
to match the Federal funds to the Permanent Improvement Account
for construction of Rehabilitation Facilities upon approval of
the Budget and Control Board and the Joint Bond Review Committee.
Provided, Further, that the total federal and state funds
transferred shall not exceed $300,000.
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriations for Case
Services-General, at least $250,000 shall be used to provide
scholarships for handicapped persons, as defined by Section
2-7-35, to attend institutions of higher learning. Scholarships
shall be administered by the Department of Vocational
Rehabilitation, which shall promulgate necessary regulations.
Scholarships shall be based on the needs of the respective
applicants and shall be limited to not more than two thousand
dollars per applicant per year and to not more than eight
thousand dollars total per applicant. Applicants for scholarships
must be residents of South Carolina.
                            SECTION 43
                      John de la Howe School
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1472)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Superintendent                  $ 31,183              $ 31,183
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Classified Positions            13,747                  13,747
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and
    Commissions                    1,386                    1,386
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 46,316              $ 46,316
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                          $ 600                    $ 600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 600                    $ 600
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              46,916                $ 46,916
                                   ============      ============
II. Education
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 81,793              $ 38,868
  Unclassified Positions           174,246                123,041
                                   (14)                      (10)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                63,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 319,539            $ 161,909
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,400                  $ 900
   Supplies                        11,450                   6,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 50                          50
   Travel                          300                        200
   Equipment                       2,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 15,200               $ 7,450
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Education                   $ 334,739            $ 169,359
                                   ============      ============
III. Child Care:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 305,424            $ 305,424
                                   (30)                      (30)
  Unclassified Positions           2,658                    2,658
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           308,082              $ 308,082
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 22,781               $ 3,500
   Supplies                        15,800                  15,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,075
   Equipment                       500
   Hospital Care                   2,631                    2,631
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 42,787              $ 21,931
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Child Care                  $ 350,869            $ 330,013
                                   ============      ============
IV. Support Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 220,287            $ 207,760
                                   (19)                      (18)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 220,287            $ 207,760
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 143,041            $ 104,493
   Supplies                        168,958                154,187
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      15,056             14,756
   Travel                          2,300                    1,100
   Equipment                       16,126                  15,726
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 345,478            $ 290,262
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Support Services            $ 565,765            $ 498,022
                                   ============      ============
V. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 27,280              $ 25,149
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 27,280              $ 25,149
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 27,280              $ 25,149
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 167,190            $ 139,488
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 167,190            $ 139,488
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 167,190            $ 139,488
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            194,470              $ 164,637
                                   ============      ============
Total John de la Howe School       $ 1,492,759        $ 1,208,947
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (75)                      (64)
                            SECTION 44
       Advisory Board for Review of Foster Care of Children
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1486)
I. Administrative Support:
  Personal Service:
   Director                        $ 24,201              $ 24,201
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             52,449                  52,449
                                   (4)                        (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,190
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 77,840              $ 76,650
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 2,375                $ 2,375
   Supplies                        370                        370
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      3,330               3,330
   Travel                          1,055                    1,055
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 7,130                $ 7,130
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administrative Support      $ 84,970              $ 83,780
                                   ============      ============
II. State Advisory Board:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Position             $ 13,902              $ 13,902
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        1,190                    1,190
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 15,092              $ 15,092
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,000                $ 1,000
   Supplies                        375                        375
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,600                    1,600
   Travel                          1,096                    1,096
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 4,071                $ 4,071
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Advisory Board        $ 19,163              $ 19,163
                                   ============      ============
III. Local Review Boards:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 76,043              $ 76,043
                                   (6)                        (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        26,044                  26,044
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 102,087            $ 102,087
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 10,880              $ 10,880
   Supplies                        1,225                    1,225
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 17,619                  17,619
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 35,724              $ 35,724
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Local Review Boards         $ 137,811            $ 137,811
                                   ============      ============
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 4,752                $ 4,752
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 4,752                $ 4,752
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 4,752                $ 4,752
                                   ============      ============
C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 29,670              $ 29,594
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 29,670              $ 29,594
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 29,670              $ 29,594
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 34,422              $ 34,346
                                   ============      ============
Total Advisory Board for
 Review of Foster Care             $ 276,366            $ 275,100
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (12)                      (12)
                            SECTION 45
                        Children's Bureau
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1498)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director              $ 29,520              $ 29,520
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             73,296                  73,296
                                   (6)                        (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commission 5,119                    5,119
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 107,935            $ 107,935
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 18,341              $ 18,341
   Supplies                        3,650                    3,650
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 67,453                  67,453
   Travel                          8,000                    8,000
   Equipment                       1,000                    1,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 98,444              $ 98,444
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 206,379            $ 206,379
                                   ============      ============
II. Foster Care:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 36,044              $ 31,367
                                   (2)                        (2)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 36,044              $ 31,367
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 7,300                $ 7,300
   Supplies                        3,100                    3,100
   Travel                          1,053                    1,053
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 11,453              $ 11,453
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 26,000              $ 26,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 26,000         $ 26,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Foster Care                 $ 73,497              $ 68,820
                                   ============      ============
III. Adoption:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions            $ 346,181            $ 302,770
                                   (24)                      (21)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Services          $ 346,181            $ 302,770
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 2,050                  $ 833
   Supplies                        1,021                      343
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      1,693                 713
   Travel                          30,647                  28,944
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 35,411              $ 30,833
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 18,300              $ 18,300
   Hospital Care                   7,700                    7,700
   Medical Payments for
    Physically and Mentally
     Handicapped Children          5,000                    5,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 31,000              $ 31,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Adoption                    $ 412,592            $ 364,603
                                   ============      ============
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 198~81    $ 15,181              $ 15,181
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 15,181              $ 15,181
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 15,181              $ 15,181
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 83,893              $ 75,127
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 83,893              $ 75,127
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 83,893              $ 75,127
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 99,074              $ 90,308
                                   ============      ============
Total Children's Bureau            $ 791,542            $ 730,110
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (33)                      (30)
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30,1981,
in the appropriation for "Medical Payments for
Physically-Mentally Handicapped Children" may be carried forward
and expended for the same purpose in fiscal year 1981-82.,
                            SECTION 46
                     Commission for the Blind
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1510)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                    $ 31,183              $ 31,183
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             283,980                249,855
                                   (19)                      (19)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commission 2,940                    2,940
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 318,103            $ 283,978
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 138,717            $ 138,717
   Supplies                        39,000                  39,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 601,854                368,965
   Travel                          10,000                  10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses        $ 789,571       $ 556,682
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 1,107,674          $ 840,660
                                   ============      ============
II. Rehabilitative Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,193,424          $ 128,209
                                   (91)                      (84)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,193,424          $ 128,209
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 87,682              $ 64,912
   Supplies                        12,000    7,560
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 42,439                   6,525
   Travel                          60,000                  13,200
   Equipment                       672                        672
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 202,793             $ 92,902
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 559,328            $ 238,415
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 559,328            $ 238,415
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Rehabilitative Services     $ 1,955,545          $ 459,526
                                   ============      ============
III. Prevention of Blindness:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 165,555            $ 165,555
                                   (13)                      (13)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 165,555            $ 165,555
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 6,875                $ 6,875
   Supplies                        600                        600
   Travel                          17,250                  17,250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 24,725              $ 24,725
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 365,000            $ 365,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 365,000            $ 365,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Prevention of Blindness     $ 555,280            $ 555,280
                                   ============      ============
IV. Special Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 213,352            $ 213,352
                                   (16)                      (16)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 213,352            $ 213,352
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 7,083                $ 7,083
   Supplies                        4,200                    4,200
   Travel                          10,000                  10,000
   Equipment                       3,000                    3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 24,283              $ 24,283
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 25,603              $ 25,603
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 25,603              $ 25,603
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Special Services            $ 263,238            $ 263,238
                                   ============      ============
V. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 61,136              $ 28,257
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 61,136              $ 28,257
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 61,136              $ 28,257
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 330,939            $ 135,133
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 330,939            $ 135,133
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 330,939            $ 135,133
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 392,075            $ 163,390
                                   ============      ============
Total Blind Commission             $ 4,273,812        $ 2,282,094
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (140)                    (133)
  Provided, That the amount appropriated in this section under
Program II for Rehabilitative Services is conditioned upon
matching by federal funds to the maximum amount available under
the Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Program.
  Provided, Further, That until the implementation of a uniform
physician fee schedule, the Commission shall continue to pay
physician's fees in the same manner that such fees are now paid.
  Provided, Further, That all revenues derived from the
production of horticulture products by clients of the Adult
Adjustment and Training Center may be retained by the Commission
and used in the facility for client payments and other production
                            SECTION 47
                       Commission on Aging
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1524)
I. Aging Services:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director              $ 35,066              $ 35,066
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             493,892                204,032
                                   (30)                      (23)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission  5,000                    4,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 533,958            $ 243,598
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 100,385             $ 39,770
   Supplies                        18,655                  18,655
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      35,287             35,287
   Travel                          31,000                  31,000
   Equipment                       30,650                  30,650
   Scholarships                    3,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 219,477            $ 155,362
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Other Entities   $ 7,526,333          $        
   Allocations--Private Sector     2,266,483
   Aid to Other Entities           848,891                848,891
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 10,641,707         $ 848,891
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Aging Services              $ 11,395,142       $ 1,247,851
                                   ============      ============
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 12,754               $ 7,538
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 12,754               $ 7,538
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 12,754               $ 7,538
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 90,256              $ 41,172
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 90,256              $ 41,172
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 90,256              $ 41,172
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 103,010             $ 48,710
                                   ============      ============
Total Commission on Aging          $ 11,498,152       $ 1,296,561
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (31)                      (24)
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated under "Aid
to Other Governmental Entities", the first allocation by the
Commission on Aging shall be for the provision of required State
matching funds according to the Commission's formula for
distributing Older Americans Act funds, based on the official
United States census data for 1980. The balance of this item, but
not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) shall be
distributed equally among the ten regional planning districts of
the State.
  Provided, Further, That after July 1, 1981, the Commission on
Aging may expend, if necessary, State appropriated funds to cover
the State's fourth quarter federal program expenditures incurred
in fiscal year 1980-81 necessitated by the time lag of federal
  Provided, Further, That the amounts appropriated in this
section may be expended to cover program operations of prior
fiscal years where adjustments of such prior years are necessary
under federal regulations and findings or to avoid where
necessary to provide for retention and better utilization of
federal funds.
  Provided, Further, That of the funds to be equally distributed
among the ten regional planning districts, each district shall
have withheld its pro rata share of Department of Social Services
Administrative Charges for Title XX funds to be expended through  
S.C. Commission on Aging contracts.
                            SECTION 48
                     State Housing Authority
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1535)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director              $ 36,000              $ 36,000
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             206,743                 92,128
                                   (12)                       (5)
  New Positions:
   Accounting Technician           13,142
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and
    Commission                     1,500                    1,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 257,385            $ 129,628
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 43,802               $ 5,792
   Supplies                        4,986
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 13,516                   8,911
   Travel                          10,000                   5,032
   Equipment                       3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 75,304              $ 19,735
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 332,689            $ 149,363
                                   ============      ============
II. Housing Development:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 126,321            $ 126,321
                                   (6)                        (6)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 126,321            $ 126,321
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 12,700               $ 6,169
   Supplies                        6,100                    4,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 7,300                      229
   Travel                          10,000                   6,165
   Equipment                       1,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 37,100              $ 16,563
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services--Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 390,840             $       
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 390,840        $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Housing Development         $ 554,261            $ 142,884
                                   ============      ============
III. Housing Finance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 99,652             $        
  New Position:
   Accounting Clerk III            11,643
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 111,295            $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 7,000              $        
   Supplies                        2,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      11,450
   Travel                          9,000
   Equipment                       3,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 33,650             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Housing Finance             $ 144,945            $        
                                   ============      ============
IV. Housing Subsidy:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 180,093             $ 23,287
                                   (13)                       (2)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 180,093             $ 23,287
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 17,000              $       
   Supplies                        16,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      23,000
   Travel                          22,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 78,500              $       
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services--Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 1,690,365           $       
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance
   Payments                        $ 1,690,365           $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Housing Subsidy             $ 1,948,958           $ 23,287
                                   ============      ============
V. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 22,290               $ 8,931
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 22,290               $ 8,931
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 22,290               $ 8,931
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 108,953             $ 45,311
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 108,953             $ 45,311
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 108,953             $ 45,311
Total Employee Benefits            $ 131,243             $ 54,242
Total State Housing Authority      $ 3,112,096          $ 369,776
Total Authorized Positions         (40)                      (14)
  Provided, That the Authority shall annually repay the State for
its operational costs to the extent possible, in whole or in
part, after the close of each fiscal year from non-tax-generated
funds. The amount of repayment shall be determined by Resolution
of the Authority's Commissioners based on their analysis of Cash
Flow Certificates, Parity Tests, and other Authority program
                            SECTION 49
                S. C. Commission on Human Affairs
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1549)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                    $ 35,958              $ 35,958
  Classified Positions             214,739                160,087
                                   (14)                      (11)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and
    Commission                     5,390                    5,390
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 256,087            $ 201,435
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 39,986              $ 16,472
   Supplies                        17,774                   9,471
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 75,540                  41,956
   Travel                          7,500                    5,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 140,800             $ 73,399
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 396,887            $ 274,834
                                   ============      ============
II. Consultive Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 229,642            $ 142,117
                                   (14)                       (8)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 229,642            $ 142,117
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 6,380                  $ 380
   Supplies                        4,440                    2,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      4,701                 666
   Travel                          8,740                    4,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 24,261               $ 7,246
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Consultive Services         $ 253,903            $ 149,363
                                   ============      ============
III. Compliance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 282,875            $ 139,340
                                   (17)                       (7)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 282,875            $ 139,340
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 22,073               $ 1,000
   Supplies                        13,633                   2,333
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 8,310                    1,010
   Travel                          7,000                    4,000
   Equipment                       3,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 54,516               $ 8,343
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Compliance                  $ 337,391            $ 147,683
                                   ============      ============
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 26,584              $ 16,306
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 26,584              $ 16,306
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 26,584              $ 16,306
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 132,124             $ 81,748
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 132,124             $ 81,748
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 132,124             $ 81,748
                                   ============      ============
Social Employee Benefits           $ 158,708             $ 98,054
                                   ============      ============
Total Human Affairs Commission     $ 1,146,889          $ 669,934
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (46)                      (27)
                            SECTION 50
                  Department of Veterans Affairs
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1563)
I. Veterans Services:
  Personal Service:
   Director                        $ 35,958              $ 35,958
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             249,139                249,139
                                   (17)                      (17)
  Unclassified Positions           35,822                  35,822
                                   (4)                        (4)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 320,919            $ 320,919
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 8,595                $ 8,595
   Supplies                        7,148                    7,148
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 22,535                  22,535
   Travel                          10,322                  10,322
   Equipment                       2,625                    2,625
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 51,225              $ 51,225
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Aid to Counties--Restricted     $ 503,204            $ 503,204
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 503,204            $ 503,204
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Veterans Services           $ 876,330            $ 876,330
                                   ============      ============
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 8,581                $ 8,581
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 8,581                $ 8,581
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 8,581                $ 8,581
                                   ============      ============
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 56,550              $ 56,550
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 56,550              $ 56,550
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 56,550              $ 56,550
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 65,131              $ 65,131
                                   ============      ============
Total Veterans Affairs             $ 941,461            $ 941,461
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (22)                      (22)
  Provided, That in the allocation of the appropriation in this
section for "Aid to Counties--Operation of County Offices," each
county shall receive an effective annual amount equal to 105.9%
of the amount allocated to it for the year 1980-81.
                            SECTION 51
                       Commission on Women
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1571)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
    Classified Position            $ 13,061              $ 13,061
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        4,400                    4,400
   Temporary Positions             2,393
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 19,854              $ 17,461
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 8,205                $ 7,605
   Supplies                        2,518                    2,518
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 2,600                    2,600
   Travel                          4,600                    4,600
   Equipment                       100                        100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 18,023              $ 17,423
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 37,877              $ 34,884
                                   ============      ============
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 435                    $ 435
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 435                    $ 435
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 435                    $ 435
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 2,470                $ 2,290
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 2,470                $ 2,290
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 2,470                $ 2,290
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 2,905                $ 2,725
                                   ============      ============
Total Commission on Women          $ 40,782              $ 37,609
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (1)                        (1)
                            SECTION 52
                    Department of Corrections
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1581)
I. Internal Administration and Support:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                    $ 46,046              $ 46,046
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             2,173,416            2,133,375
                                   (134)                    (132)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and
    Commission                     3,500                    3,500
   Inmate Earnings                 2,818                    2,818
   Temporary Positions             20,000                  20,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,245,780        $ 2,205,739
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 413,312            $ 412,645
   Supplies                        153,081                153,081
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 127,792                127,792
   Travel                          40,540                  39,305
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 734,725            $ 732,823
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Internal Administration
  and Support                      $ 2,980,505        $ 2,938,562
                                   ============      ============
II. Housing, Care, Security and Supervision:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 21,978,369      $ 21,355,394
                                   (1773)                  (1766)
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                 957,696                947,696
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 22,936,065      $ 22,303,090
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,431,621        $ 3,421,211
   Supplies                        6,444,537            6,427,022
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 356,782                342,782
   Travel                          86,747                  86,747
   Equipment                       791,300                784,475
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 11,110,987      $ 11,062,237
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services                   $ 527,800            $ 527,800
   Hospital Care                   490,000                490,000
   Prosthetic Appliances           30,700                  30,700
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 1,048,500        $ 1,048,500
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Housing, Care, Security
  and Supervision                  $ 35,095,552      $ 34,413,827
                                   ============      ============
III. Work and Vocational Activities:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,154,665          $ 863,219
                                   (134)                     (61)
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                 326,813                115,430
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,481,478          $ 978,649
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 394,199            $ 126,851
   Supplies                        906,749                850,335
   Fixed Charges and Contribution  9,591                    9,591
   Travel                          41,066                  12,579
   Equipment                       38,391
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,389,996          $ 999,356
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Work and Vocational
  Activities                       $ 3,871,474        $ 1,978,005
                                   ============      ============
IV. Individual Growth and Motivation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,107,023        $ 1,474,862
                                   (172)                    (103)
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                 159,419                159,419
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,266,442        $ 1,634,281
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 421,151            $ 356,397
   Supplies                        114,926                 54,827
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      13,672             13,672
   Travel                          44,214                  27,760
   Equipment                       21,816
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 615,779            $ 452,656
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Individual Growth
  and Motivation                   $ 2,882,221        $ 2,086,937
                                   ============      ============
V. Penal Facility Inspection Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 138,957            $ 135,466
                                   (7)                        (7)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 138,957            $ 135,466
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,425                $ 3,425
   Supplies                        6,493                    6,427
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,129                    1,129
   Travel                          12,977                  12,760
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 24,024              $ 23,741
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Penal Facility
  Inspection Services              $ 162,981            $ 159,207
                                   ============      ============
VI. Litter Control Program:
  Personal Service:
  *Classified Positions:
  *New Positions:
   *Litter Control Officer         $ 54,661             $ 54,561*
                                   (5)                       (5)*
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 54,561             $ 54,561*
  Special Items:
   Litter Control                  $ 634,248            $ 634,248
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 634,248            $ 634,248
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Litter Control Program      $ 688,809            $ 688,809
                                   ============      ============
VII. Get Smart Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 55,427              $ 55,427
                                   (4)                        (4)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 55,427              $ 55,427
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 10,000              $ 10,000
   Supplies                        9,092                    9,092
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 19,092              $ 19,092
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Get Smart Program           $ 74,519              $ 74,519
                                   ============      ============
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 1,005,592          $ 930,100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,005,592          $ 930,100
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 1,005,592          $ 930,100
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 5,255,741        $ 4,801,511
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 5,255,741        $ 4,801,511
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 5,255,741        $ 4,801,511
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 6,261,333        $ 5,731,611
                                   ============      ============
Total Department of Corrections    $ 52,017,394      $ 48,071,477
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (2230)                  (2079)
  Provided, That, Whenever a convict shall be discharged from the
Department of Corrections the State Board of Corrections thereof
shall furnish such convict with a suit of common clothes, if
deemed necessary, and transportation from the Department of
Corrections to his home, if his home be within this State, or to
the County from which he was sentenced if his home be without
this State.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provision of 
this act, the funds appropriated herein for "Get Smart" shall not
be transferred to other programs within the agency.
  Provided, Further, That revenue derived wholly from supervisory
charges paid by inmates participating in the Extended Work
Release Program be retained by the Department of Corrections to
continue the program. Provided, Further, That revenue collected
and retained by the Department of Corrections in prior years from
the Extended  Work Release Program be retained and carried
forward to continue  the Extended Work Release Program.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provision of 
law, the Department of Corrections is hereby authorized to
utilize the Funds appropriated herein for "Litter Control" to
establish litter control contracts with any county of the State.
The Commissioner of the Department of Corrections shall determine
the rate of subsidy on a per mile or per square mile basis.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, the proceeds from the sale of all excess
agricultural products produced by the Farm Program of the South
Carolina Department of Corrections shall be retained by that
agency to be utilized in the expansion and modernization of the
  Provided, Further, That any revenue derived from the Litter
Control Program as a result of the recycling of paper, aluminum,
metals and the deposit on bottles shall be retained in a special
account for Litter Control and carried forward to continue the
Litter Control Program. Provided, Further, That the Department of
Corrections shall report to the Budget and Control Board on a
quarterly basis, all revenue generated from the Litter Control
  Provided, Further, That after July 1, 1981, the Department of
Corrections may expend, if necessary, state appropriated funds
for fiscal year 1981-82 to cover Federal programs' expenses
incurred, necessitated by the time lag of federal reimbursement.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated under Pro-
gram II "Housing Care Security and Supervision" $19,662 shall be
used to employ a full-time Chaplain at Givens Youth Correctional
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Corrections in con-
junction with the Department of Health and Environmental Control
shall jointly prepare recommendations to the General Assembly on
the transfer of the authority to operate the Litter Control
Program from the Department of Health and Environmental Control
to the Department of Corrections. Such recommendation shall be
forwarded to the presiding officers of each body no later than
January 31, 1982.
                            SECTION 53
                Probation, Parole and Pardon Board
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1602)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                        $ 35,860              $ 35,860
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             342,163                342,163
                                   (20)                      (20)
  New Positions:
   Clerk Stenographer II           13,735                  13,735
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Secretary II                    16,068                  16,068
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Hearing Officer                 12,368                  12,368
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Case Analyst                    14,856                  14,856
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Personnel Technician            15,452                  15,452
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board                 30,350                  30,350
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 480,852            $ 480,852
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 45,701              $ 45,701
   Supplies                        25,300                  25,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      79,239             79,239
   Travel                          34,900                  34,900
   Equipment                       16,000                  16,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 201,140            $ 201,140
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 681,992            $ 681,992
                                   ============      ============
II. Community Corrections:
  Classified Positions             $ 3,079,988        $ 3,079,988
                                   (253)                    (253)
  New Positions:
   Probation and Parole Officer I  692,319                692,319
                                   (55)                      (55)
   Secretary I                     92,710                  92,710
                                   (10)                      (10)
   Secretary II                    136,576                136,576
                                   (17)                      (17)
   Data Processor Specialist       16,468                  16,468
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Program Planning Coordinator    36,635                  36,635
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Research Evaluation Specialist  16,928                  16,928
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Probation and Parole Officer II      114,359           114,359
                                   (26)                      (26)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 4,185,983        $ 4,185,983
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 26,370              $ 26,370
   Supplies                        28,500                  28,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 50,000                  50,000
   Travel                          318,166                318,166
   Equipment                       116,559                116,559
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 539,595            $ 539,595
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Community Corrections       $ 4,725,578        $ 4,725,578
                                   ============      ============
III. Paroles and Pardons:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions:
  New Positions:
   Secretary II                    $ 18,904              $ 18,904
                                   (2)                        (2)
   Staff Assistant                 8,764                    8,764
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Psychologist                    27,825                  27,825
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Unclassified Positions:
  New Positions:
   Commissioner of Paroles and
    Pardons                        44,298                  44,298
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 99,791              $ 99,791
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 10,000              $ 10,000
   Supplies                        1,000                    1,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 4,500                    4,500
   Travel                          3,000                    3,000
   Equipment                       3,000                    3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 21,500              $ 21,500
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Paroles and Pardons         $ 121,291            $ 121,291
                                   ============      ============
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments--Continued 1980-81   $ 128,360            $ 128,360
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 128,360            $ 128,360
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 128,360            $ 128,360
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 745,220            $ 745,220
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 745,220            $ 745,220
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 745,220            $ 745,220
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 873,580            $ 873,580
                                   ============      ============
Total Probation, Parole and
 Pardon Board                      $ 6,402,441        $ 6,402,441
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (401)                    (401)
  Provided, That all prisoners shall be given the benefit of
earned work credits awarded pursuant to Section 24-13-230 of the
1976 Code since May 5, 1978, and credits for extra duty work
awarded pursuant to Section 24-13-230 from July 31, 1963, until
May 5, 1978, in determining the time required before they are
eligible to be considered for parole.
                            SECTION 64
                   Department of Youth Services
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1613)
I. Administration:
 A. Director-Personnel:
  Personal Service:
   Director                        $ 39,657              $ 39,657
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             189,650                189,650
                                   (11)                      (11)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        3,000                    3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 232,307            $ 232,307
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 26,821              $ 22,862
   Supplies                        14,361                  11,350
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 11,123                  11,123
   Travel                          7,470                    4,970
   Equipment                       3,487                    3,487
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 63,262              $ 53,792
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Director-Personnel          $ 295,569            $ 286,099
                                   ============      ============
 B. Public Safety:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 228,836            $ 228,836
                                   (15)                      (15)
  Total Personal Service           $ 228,836            $ 228,836
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 22,790              $ 22,790
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 2,823                    2,823
   Travel                          700                        700
   Equipment                       1,747                    1,747
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 53,210              $ 53,210
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Public Safety               $ 282,046            $ 282,046
                                   ============      ============
Total Administration               $ 577,615            $ 568,145
                                   ============      ============
II. Operational Services:
 A. Management/Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 301,922            $ 274,835
                                   (19)                      (18)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 301,922            $ 274,835
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 14,337              $ 14,337
   Supplies                        8,500                    8,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,250                    1,250
   Travel                          2,500                    2,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 26,587              $ 26,087
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management/Administration   $ 328,509            $ 300,922
                                   ============      ============
 B. Purchasing/Warehouse:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 106,635            $ 106,635
                                   (7)                        (7)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 106,635            $ 106,635
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 13,350               $ 8,250
   Supplies                        4,075                    2,825
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      850                   850
   Travel                          700                        700
   Equipment                       5,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 23,975              $ 12,625
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Purchasing/Warehouse        $ 130,610            $ 119,260
                                   ============      ============
 C. Dietary:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 306,467            $ 270,402
                                   (30)                      (26)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 306,467            $ 270,402
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 59,875               $ 3,200
   Supplies                        339,644                110,319
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 3,600                    1,000
   Travel                          1,500
   Equipment                       15,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 419,619            $ 114,519
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Dietary                     $ 726,086            $ 384,921
                                   ============      ============
 D. Laundry:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 51,171              $ 51,171
                                   (5)                        (5)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 51,171              $ 51,171
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 11,700              $ 11,700
   Supplies                        19,700                  19,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,200                    1,200
   Travel                          400                        400
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 33,000              $ 33,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Laundry                     $ 84,171              $ 84,171
                                   ============      ============
 E. Farm:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 112,514            $ 112,514
                                   (11)                      (11)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 112,514            $ 112,514
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 17,182              $ 14,182
   Supplies                        120,530                100,530
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 9,863                    9,863
   Travel                          400                        400
   Equipment                       18,359                  11,641
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 166,334            $ 136,616
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Farm                        $ 278,848            $ 249,130
                                   ============      ============
 F. Maintenance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 252,568            $ 252,568
                                   (18)                      (18)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 252,568            $ 252,568
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 19,068              $ 19,068
   Supplies                        26,920                  26,920
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 3,527                    3,527
   Travel                          800                        800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 50,315              $ 50,315
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Maintenance                 $ 302,883            $ 302,883
                                   ============      ============
Total Operational Services         $ 1,851,107        $ 1,441,287
                                   ============      ============
III. Quality Assurance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 288,998            $ 288,998
                                   (16)                      (16)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 288,998            $ 288,998
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 12,971              $ 12,971
   Supplies                        9,850                    9,850
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 6,049                    6,049
   Travel                          4,500                    4,500
   Equipment                       3,996                    3,996
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 37,366              $ 37,366
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Quality Assurance           $ 326,364            $ 326,364
                                   ============      ============
IV. Institutional--Residential:
 A. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 90,927              $ 90,927
                                   (4)                        (4)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 90,927              $ 90,927
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,375                $ 3,375
   Supplies                        2,800                    2,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 375                        375
   Travel                          1,100                    1,100
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 7,650                $ 7,650
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management                  $ 98,577              $ 98,577
                                   ============      ============
 B. Institutions:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,911,102        $ 2,911,102
                                   (276)                    (276)
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                 11,460                  11,460
   Temporary Positions             12,351                  12,351
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,934,913        $ 2,934,913
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 432,330            $ 432,330
   Supplies                        200,656                200,656
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 23,644                  23,644
   Travel                          4,400                    4,400
   Equipment                       10,646                  10,646
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 671,676            $ 671,676
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Institutions                $ 3,606,589        $ 3,606,589
                                   ============      ============
 C. Vocational Rehabilitation:
  Special Items:
   Vocational Rehabilitation
    Project                        $ 50,888              $ 44,888
                                   ------------      ------------
   Total Special Items             $ 50,888              $ 44,888
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Vocational Rehabilitation  $ 50,888              $ 44,888
                                   ============      ============
 D. Education:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 289,936            $ 157,051
                                   (27)                      (14)
  Unclassified Positions           1,326,655              644,581
                                   (74)                      (36)
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                 89,789
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,706,380          $ 801,632
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 86,287               $ 2,000
   Supplies                        74,006                  14,555
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 11,308                     348
   Travel                          9,312                      600
   Equipment                       25,703
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 206,616             $ 17,503
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Education                   $ 1,912,996          $ 819,135
                                   ============      ============
 E. Chaplaincy:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 119,144            $ 119,144
                                   (6)                        (6)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 119,144            $ 119,144
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,510                $ 3,510
   Supplies                        2,400                    2,400
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,428                    1,428
   Travel                          1,000                    1,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 8,338                $ 8,338
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Chaplaincy                  $ 127,482            $ 127,482
                                   ============      ============
 F. Recreation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 161,065            $ 161,065
                                   (15)                      (15)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 161,065            $ 161,065
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 11,570              $ 11,570
   Supplies                        12,050                  12,050
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 2,736                    2,736
   Travel                          700                        700
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 27,056              $ 27,056
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Recreation                  $ 188,121            $ 188,121
                                   ============      ============
 G. Medical:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 239,506            $ 239,506
                                   (13)                      (13)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 239,506            $ 239,506
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 11,540              $ 11,540
   Supplies                        5,550                    5,550
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 3,650                    3,650
   Travel                          250                        250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 20,990              $ 20,990
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 55,498              $ 55,495
   Hospital Care                   35,360                  35,360
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 90,858         $ 90,858
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Medical                     $ 351,354            $ 351,354
                                   ============      ============
 H. Psychological:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 140,477            $ 140,477
                                   (8)                        (8)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 140,477            $ 140,477
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 22,747              $ 22,747
   Supplies                        3,850                    3,850
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,450                    1,450
   Travel                          1,300                    1,300
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 29,347              $ 29,347
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Psychological               $ 169,824            $ 169,824
                                   ============      ============
Total Institutional--Residential   $ 6,505,831        $ 5,405,970
                                   ============      ============
Continue with Appropriations Act