South Carolina General Assembly
104th Session, 1981-1982

Continuation of Appropriations Act

V. Community Programs:
 A. Field Services:
 Personal Service:
  Classified Positions             $ 1,246,161        $ 1,246,161
                                   (99)                      (99)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             6,078                    6,078
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,252,239        $ 1,252,239
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 180,852            $ 180,852
   Supplies                        40,300                  40,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 126,050                126,050
   Travel                          65,000                  65,000
   Equipment                       3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 415,202            $ 415,202
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 10,000              $ 10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 10,000              $ 10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Field Services              $ 1,677,441        $ 1,677,441
                                   ============      ============
 B. Residential Care:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 479,140            $ 257,131
                                   (46)                      (40)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 479,140            $ 257,131
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 84,070              $ 55,670
   Supplies                        37,094                  37,094
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 32,590                  32,590
   Travel                          6,000                    6,000
   Equipment                       1,000                    1,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 160,754            $ 132,354
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments            $ 1,100                $ 1,100
   Hospital Care                   3,000                    3,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments $ 4,100                $ 4,100
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Residential Care            $ 643,994            $ 393,585
                                   ============      ============
 C Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 118,482            $ 118,482
                                        (5)                   (5)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 118,482            $ 118,482
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 51,831              $ 51,831
   Supplies                        11,200                  11,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 6,990                    6,990
   Travel                          6,000                    6,000
   Equipment                       7,500                    7,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 83,521              $ 83,521
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management                  $ 202,003            $ 202,003
                                   ============      ============
Total Community Programs           $ 2,523,438        $ 2,273,023
                                   ============      ============
VI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 292,531            $ 265,960
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 292,531            $ 265,960
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 292,531            $ 265,960
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 1,631,869        $ 1,436,711
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 1,631,869        $ 1,436,711
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 1,631,869        $ 1,436,711
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 1,924,400        $ 1,702,671
                                   ============      ============
Total Department of Youth Services $ 13,708,755      $ 11,717,466
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (706)                    (644)
  Provided, Further, That after July 1, 1981, the Department
Youth Services may expend, if necessary, state appropriated funds
for fiscal year 1981-82 to cover fourth quarter Federal programs,
expenses incurred in fiscal year 1980-81, necessitated by the
time lag of federal reimbursement.
  Provided, Further, That the revenue generated from sale of meal
tickets by the Department of Youth Services shall be retained by
the agency and expended for the operation of the agency's
cafeterias and food service programs.
                            SECTION 55
          Department of Juvenile Placement and Aftercare
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1656)
I Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                        $ 34,800              $ 34,800
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             181,534                181,534
                                   (15)                      (15)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        3,500                    3,500
   Temporary Positions             5,585                    5,585
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 225,419            $ 225,419
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 68,210              $ 13,210
   Supplies                        10,500                   9,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 65,300                  65,300
   Travel                          10,000                  10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Other Operating Expenses         $ 154,010             $ 98,010
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 379,429            $ 323,429
                                   ============      ============
 A. Management Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 39,136              $ 39,136
                                   (2)                        (2)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 39,136              $ 39,136
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,265                $ 1,265
   Supplies                        300                        300
   Travel                          700                        700
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 2,265                $ 2,265
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Management Services         $ 41,401              $ 41,401
                                   ============      ============
 B. Placement and Volunteer Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 87,822              $ 87,822
                                   (6)                        (6)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 87,822              $ 87,822
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 235,998            $ 235,998
   Supplies                        1,600                    1,600
   Travel                          4,802                    4,802
   Equipment                       1,754                    1,754
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 244,154            $ 244,154
  Special Items:
   Florence Crittenton
    Home--Charleston               $ 45,000              $ 45,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 45,000              $ 45,000
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services                   $ 275,408            $ 275,408
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 275,408       $ 275,408
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Placement and Volunteer
  Services                         $ 652,384            $ 652,384
                                   ============      ============
 C. Interstate Compact:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 76,346              $ 76,346
                                   (6)                        (6)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 76,346              $ 76,346
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 4,907                $ 4,907
   Supplies                        8,512                    8,512
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 6,900                    6,900
   Travel                          8,000                    8,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 28,319              $ 28,319
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Interstate Compact          $ 104,665            $ 104,665
                                   ============      ============
 D. Student Development:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 119,883            $ 119,883
                                   (10)                      (10)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 119,883            $ 119,883
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 4,650                $ 4,650
   Supplies                        600                        600
   Travel                          3,260                    3,260
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 8,510                $ 8,510
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Student Development         $ 128,393            $ 128,393
                                   ============      ============
 E. Legal Affairs:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 16,354              $ 16,354
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 16,354              $ 16,354
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,200                $ 1,200
   Supplies                        300                        300
   Travel                          4,920                    4,920
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 6,420                $ 6,420
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Legal Affairs               $ 22,774              $ 22,774
                                   ============      ============
 F. Special Psychological and Social Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 23,237              $ 23,237
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 23,237              $ 23,237
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            19,500                  19,500
   Supplies                        600                        600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,600                    1,600
   Travel                          800                        800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 22,500              $ 22,500
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services                   $ 89,389              $ 89,389
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Public Assistance Payments      $ 89,389         $ 89,389
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Special Psychological
  and Social Services              $ 135,126            $ 135,126
                                   ============      ============
Total Student Support Services     $ 1,084,743        $ 1,084,743
                                   ============      ============
III. Rehabilitative Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 2,406,921        $ 2,312,279
                                   (196)                    (196)
  New Positions:
   Accounting Clerk III            11,624                  11,624
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Public Information
    Specialist II                  19,079                  19,079
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Training Coordinator            17,007                  17,007
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             6,703                    6,703
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 2,461,334        $ 2,366,692
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 466,290             $ 285,29
   Supplies                        79,257                  75,287
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 21,776                  21,776
   Travel                          179,428                173,428
   Equipment                       5,970                    5,970
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 752,721            $ 561,751
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Rehabilitative Services     $ 3,214,055        $ 2,928,443
                                   ============      ============
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 106,810            $ 103,810
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 106,810            $ 103,810
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 106,810            $ 103,810
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 555,338            $ 537,371

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 555,338            $ 537,371
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 555,338            $ 537,371
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 662,148            $ 641,181
                                   ============      ============
Total Juvenile Placement
 and Aftercare                     $ 5,340,375        $ 4,977,796
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (241)                    (241)
  Provided, That the remaining balance of the appropriation
herein for the Department of Juvenile Placement and Aftercare as
of October 1, 1981, shall be devolved upon the Department of
Youth Services. On or before September 15, the Department of
Juvenile Placement and Aftercare and the Department of Youth
Services shall submit a revised budget reflecting the merger of
the two agencies to the Budget and Control Board and to the Joint
Appropriation Review Committee. The Budget and Control Board is
authorized to approve such transfers between line items, or other
adjustments, as may be necessary to effect the merger of these
two departments on October 1, 1981. Provided, That such transfers
and adjustments may only be made upon prior approval of the
revised budget by the Joint Appropriation Review Committee.
                            SECTION 66
                 Law Enforcement Training Council
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1675)
I. Administration:
 A. Administrative Services:
  Personal Service:
   Director                        $ 37,644             $        
  Classified Positions             130,618   
  New Position:
   Accounting Clerk II             10,012
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Council               250
   Nonresident Inmate Security     80,619
   Temporary Positions             7,635
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 266,778            $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 18,623             $        
   Supplies                        16,063
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      5,009
   Travel                          3,267
   Equipment                       18,656
   Sales and Use Tax               2,723
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 61,341             $        
                                   ============      ============
 Total Administrative Services     $ 331,119            $        
                                   ============      ============
B. Maintenance and Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 117,323            $        
  New Position:
   Electrician                     13,550
  Other Personal Service:
   Inmate Earnings                 30,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 160,873            $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 153,820            $        
   Supplies                        316,083
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 5,445
   Equipment                       15,110
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 490,458            $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Maintenance and Support     $ 651,331            $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Administration               $ 982,450            $        
                                   ============      ============
II. Criminal Justice Training:
 A. Instruction:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 294,652            $        
  Unclassified Positions           292,146
  New Positions:
   Secretary I                     9,643
   Media Resources Specialist      15,191
   Vocational Teachers             104,480
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 2,175
   Part-time Faculty               64,325
   Temporary Positions             18,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 800,612            $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 121,661            $        
   Supplies                        100,406
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      218
   Travel                          8,712
   Equipment                       80,989
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 311,986            $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Instruction                 $ 1,112,598          $        
                                   ============      ============
 B. ETV Training:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 74,869             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 74,869             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total ETV Training                $ 74,869             $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Criminal Justice Training    $ 1,187,467          $        
                                   ============      ============
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 31,940             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 31,940             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 31,940             $        
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 200,701            $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 200,701            $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 200,701            $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 232,641            $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Law Enforcement Training
 Council                           $ 2,402,558          $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (64)
                            SECTION 57
         Law Enforcement Officers Hall of Fame Committee
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1690)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 25,617             $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,000
   Inmate Earnings                 1,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 28,617             $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 48,969             $        
   Supplies                        24,850
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      6,300
   Travel                          3,500
   Equipment                       28,650
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 112,269            $        
  Permanent Improvements:
   Renovations--Interiors          $ 6,500              $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 6,500              $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 147,386            $        
                                   ============      ============
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 1,177              $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,177              $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 1,177              $        
                                   ============      ============
C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 4,643              $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 4,643              $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 4,643              $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 5,820              $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Law Officer's Hall of Fame   $ 153,206            $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (2)
                            SECTION 58
                    Water Resources Commission
             (Budget Reference: Volume I, Page 1701)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director              $ 32,931              $ 32,931
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             83,151                  83,151
                                   (5)                        (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and
    Commissions                    3,000                      500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 116,582
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 5,730                $ 5,730
   Supplies                        4,500                    4,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      35,302             35,302
   Travel                          10,000                   4,000
   Equipment                       3,724                    3,724
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 59,256              $ 53,256
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 178,338            $ 169,838
                                   ============      ============
II. State Planning Program:
 A. Water Resources Act:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 94,843              $ 28,271
                                   (5)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service: 
   Temporary Positions             1,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 96,343              $ 28,271
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 12,205               $ 6,705
   Supplies                        2,575                    2,575
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 19,235                   1,315
   Travel                          8,000                    3,500
   Equipment                       1,589                    1,589
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 43,604              $ 15,684
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Water Resources Act         $ 139,947             $ 43,955
                                   ============      ============
 B. Yadkin-Pee Dee Study:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions            $ 4,420               $       
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 4,920               $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 300                 $       
   Supplies                        200
   Travel                          250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 750                 $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Yadkin-Pee Dee Study        $ 5,670               $       
                                   ============      ============
 C. Public Information:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions            $ 17,906              $ 17,906
                                   (1)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 17,906              $ 17,906
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,115               $       
   Supplies                        1,650                      530
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 290                         90
   Travel                          500                        250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 5,555                $ 1,760
  Special Items:
   Special Meetings and
    Conferences                    $ 3,500                $ 3,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 3,500                $ 3,500
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Public Information          $ 26,961              $ 23,166
                                   ============      ============
Total State Planning Program       $ 172,578             $ 67,121
                                   ============      ============
III. Surface Water Engineering:
 A. Engineering Technical Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 86,346              $ 59,449
                                   (6)                        (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Services          $ 87,846              $ 59,449
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 4,025                $ 3,625
   Supplies                        3,118
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 12,837                  12,837
   Travel                          5,000                    3,500
   Equipment                       793                        593
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 25,773              $ 22,623
   WRRI--Clemson University        $ 50,000              $ 50,000
   Private Coop--Water Study       60,600
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 110,600             $ 50,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Engineering Technical
  Services                         $ 224,219            $ 132,072
                                   ============      ============
 B. Stream and Tidal Gaging Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 70,672              $ 32,206
                                   (5)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Services          $ 73,172              $ 32,206
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 43,020               $ 9,520
   Supplies                        4,825                    4,175
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 565                        565
   Travel                          12,000                   8,800
   Equipment                       8,998                    8,998
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 69,408              $ 32,058
  Special Items:
   NOAA-Tide Gaging Program        $ 45,000              $ 45,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 45,000              $ 45,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Stream and Tidal
  Gaging Program                   $ 187,580            $ 109,264
                                   ============      ============
 C. Flood Insurance Program:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions            $ 17,428             $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Services          $ 18,928             $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 29,950             $        
   Supplies                        1,100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      1,000
   Travel                          2,000
   Equipment                       206
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 34,256             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Flood Insurance Program     $ 53,184             $        
                                   ============      ============
Total Surface Water Engineering    $ 464,983            $ 241,336
                                   ============      ============
IV. Environmental Affairs:
 A. State Permit Program:
  Personal Service
   Classified Positions            $ 60,730              $ 60,730
                                   (3)                        (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 62,530              $ 60,730
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 720                 $       
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      9,559               9,559
   Travel                          1,500                      455
   Equipment                       593                        593
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses        $ 13,432         $ 11,890
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Permit Program        $ 75,962              $ 72,620
                                   ============      ============
 B. Environmental Assessment:
  Personnel Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 53,120              $ 32,749
                                   (3)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 53,620              $ 32,749
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 7,925                $ 5,238
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      5,545               5,545
   Travel                          2,000                    1,296
   Equipment                       3,500                    3,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 20,320              $ 16,929
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Environmental Assessment    $ 73,940              $ 49,678
                                   ============      ============
Total Environmental Affairs        $ 149,902            $ 122,298
                                   ============      ============
V. Ground Water Program:
 A. Technical Investigation and Assistant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 135,964            $ 111,651
                                   (8)                        (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 138,464            $ 111,651
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 3,355                $ 3,355
   Supplies                        1,574                    1,574
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 13,004                  13,004
   Travel                          1,260                      700
   Equipment                       993                        993
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 20,186              $ 19,626
  Special Items:
   Cooperative Studies--USGS       $ 40,000              $ 40,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 40,000              $ 40,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Technical Investigation
  and Assistant                    $ 198,650            $ 171,277
                                   ============      ============
 B. County and Local Studies:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 83,130              $ 12,395
                                   (6)                        (1)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Services          $ 83,130              $ 12,395
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 4,075                $ 3,875
   Supplies                        1,380                      780
   Travel                          8,778                    5,000
   Equipment                       1,057                    1,057
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 15,290              $ 10,712
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total County and Local Studies    $ 98,420              $ 23,107
                                   ============      ============
 C. Grand Strand Capacity Use Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 32,515              $ 32,515
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             3,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 36,015              $ 32,515
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 1,980                $ 1,980
   Supplies                        425                        425
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,200                    1,200
   Travel                          874                        874
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 4,479                $ 4,479
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Grand Strand Capacity
  Use Program                      $ 40,494              $ 36,994
                                   ============      ============
 D. Low Country Capacity Use Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 75,371              $ 51,682
                                   (3)                        (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             3,500     
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Services          $ 78,871              $ 51,682
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 5,420                $ 4,949
   Supplies                        2,350                    1,550
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      4,620               1,800
   Equipment                       700                        700
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses    $ 18,090              $ 11,999
                                   ------------      ------------
Total Low Country Capacity
 Use Program                       $ 96,961              $ 63,681
                                   ============      ============
Total Ground--Water Program        $ 434,525            $ 295,059
                                   ============      ============
VI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 24,321              $ 15,864

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 24,321              $ 15,864
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 24,321              $ 15,864
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 132,960             $ 82,617
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 132,960             $ 82,617
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 132,960             $ 82,617
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 157,281             $ 98,481
                                   ============      ============
Total Water Resources Commission   $ 1,557,607          $ 994,133
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (50)                      (32)
                            SECTION 59
           State Land Resources Conservation Commission
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1731)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director              $ 32,631              $ 32,631
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             164,814                164,814
                                   (11)                      (11)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission  2,695                    2,695
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 200,140            $ 200,140
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 29,125              $ 29,125
   Supplies                        8,869                    8,869
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 72,627                  72,627
   Travel                          15,841                  15,841
   Equipment                       1,950                    1,950
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 128,412            $ 128,412
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 328,552            $ 328,552
                                   ============      ============
II. Conservation Districts:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 277,270            $ 233,431
                                   (21)                      (16)
  New Positions:
   Land Resource Specialist II     30,220                 30,220*
                                   (2)                       (2)*
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             168,598                  2,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 476,088            $ 266,151
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 55,201              $ 50,264
*Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 5, 1981.
   Supplies                        23,448                   8,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 9,754                    3,661
   Travel                          20,256
   Equipment                       3,704                    3,013
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 112,763             $ 85,538
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Funds for Districts             $ 155,996            $ 155,996
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 155,996            $ 155,996
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Conservation Districts      $ 744,847            $ 507,685
                                   ============      ============
III. Mining and Reclamation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 119,533            $ 119,533
                                   (6)                        (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        1,000                    1,000
   Temporary Positions             5,000                    5,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 125,533            $ 125,533
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 12,591              $ 12,591
   Supplies                        5,600                    5,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 12,000                  12,000
   Equipment                       4,703                    4,703
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 35,894              $ 35,894
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Mining and Reclamation      $ 161,427            $ 161,427
                                   ============      ============
IV. Dams and Reservoir Safety:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 152,713            $ 152,713
                                   (8)                        (8)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 152,713            $ 152,713
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 105,378            $ 105,378
   Supplies                        19,000                  19,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,000                    1,000
   Travel                          21,500                  21,500
   Equipment                       7,273                    7,273
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 154,151            $ 154,151
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Dams and Reservoir Safety   $ 306,864            $ 306,864
                                   ============      ============
V. Soil Survey:
 A. Surveys:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 27,272              $ 27,272
                                   (2)                        (2)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 27,272              $ 27,272
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 20,000              $       
   Supplies                        500                        500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,000                    1,000
   Travel                          3,552                    3,552
   Equipment                       1,013                    1,013
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 26,065               $ 6,065
  Special Items:
   Soil Survey Program             $ 50,073              $ 50,073
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 50,073              $ 50,073
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Surveys                     $ 103,410             $ 83,410
                                   ============      ============
 B. Board of Registration:
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations     $ 800               $ 800
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 800                    $ 800
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Board of Registration       $ 800                    $ 800
                                   ============      ============
Total Soil Survey                  $ 104,210             $ 84,210
                                   ============      ============
VI. Conservation Planning and Resource Development:
 A. Planning and Development:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 32,478              $ 32,478
                                   (2)                        (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             13,158
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 45,636              $ 32,478
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 385,448              $ 5,448
   Supplies                        1,200                    1,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 3,255                    3,255
   Equipment                       1,013                    1,013
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 391,916             $ 11,916
  Special Items:
   Watershed Conservation--
    Flood Prevention               $ 37,000              $ 37,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 37,000              $ 37,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Planning and Development    $ 474,552             $ 81,394
                                   ============      ============
 B. Board of Registration:
 (Landscape Architects)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        $ 1,250                $ 1,250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,250                $ 1,250
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 5,650                $ 5,650
   Supplies                        2,650                    2,650
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      1,200               1,200
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 9,500                $ 9,500
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Board of Registration       $ 10,750              $ 10,750
                                   ============      ============
Total Conservation Planning
 and Resource Development          $ 485,302             $ 92,144
                                   ============      ============
VII. Erosion and Sediment Control:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 27,500              $       
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 27,500              $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 900                 $    200
   Supplies                        2,400                    1,000
   Travel                          2,596                    2,596
   Equipment                       2,075                    2,075
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 7,971                $ 5,871
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Erosion and Sediment
  Control                          $ 35,471               $ 5,871
                                   ============      ============
VIII. Land Resource Information Center:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 60,861              $ 60,861
                                   (4)                        (4)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 60,861              $ 60,861
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 2,000                $ 2,000
   Supplies                        1,200                    1,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,000                    1,000
   Travel                          3,870                    3,870
   Equipment                       3,513                    3,513
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 11,583              $ 11,583
  Special Items:
   Computer Resource Data Systems  $ 3,150                $ 3,150
   Map Sales                       4,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 7,150                $ 3,150
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Land Resources
  Information Center               $ 79,594              $ 75,594
                                   ============      ============
IX. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 28,759              $ 28,759
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 28,759              $ 28,759
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 28,759              $ 28,759
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 170,565            $ 143,710
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 170,565            $ 143,710
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 170,565            $ 143,710
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 199,324            $ 172,469
                                   ============      ============
Total Land Resources
 Conservation Commission           $ 2,445,591        $ 1,734,816
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (59)                      (52)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Section 40-65-10
through 40-65-260, Code of Laws of 1976, all revenues and income
collected by the Board of Registration for Professional Soil
Classifiers, from licenses, examination fees, other fees, sale of
commodities and services, and income derived from any other Board
source or activity shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as
collected, when practicable, but at least once each week, and
shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. Provided,
Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in
this section for the Board of Registration for Professional Soil
  Provided, Further, That the appropriations in this section for
"Aid To Conservation Districts" shall be used by the Soil and
Water Conservation Districts for clerical assistance and/or
technical assistance to the district's program. Provided,
Further, No district shall receive any funds under this provision
unless the county or counties wherein the district is located
shall have appropriated no less than three hundred dollars to the
district from county funds for the same purposes.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section
for "Aid To Conservation Districts" shall be apportioned so that
each of the eligible forty-six counties receives an equal amount.
Provided, However, That any amount voluntarily returned to the
Commission may be transferred to other counties that have
expressed a need for additional funding.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding provisions of Act 698
of 1976 all revenues and incomes collected by the Board of
Registration for Landscape Architects, from licenses, examination
fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity
shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when
practicable, but at least once each week, and shall be credited
to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, all
assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in an amount
sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this
section for the Board of Registration for Landscape Architects.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance for Broadway
Lake Dam Repairs in Anderson County may be carried forward and
expended for that purpose only in 1981-82.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated in this
section for Program II, Conservation Districts, $30,220 shall be
used to establish soil conservation officers for Horry County and
Lancaster County.
  Provided Further, That the amount appropriated in this section
for "Mining and Reclamation": "Per Diem" and "Travel" may be used
for reimbursement of expenses and per diem for the South Carolina
Mining Council.
  Provided, Further, That the unexpended balance of $5,375 under
Dams and Reservoirs Safety Contractual Services may be carried
forward and expended for design, plans and specifications or
alterations of Oak Grove Lake Dam in Greenville County in fiscal
year 1981-82.
                            SECTION 60
                    State Forestry Commission
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1756)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   State Forester                  $ 41,198              $ 41,198
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             648,691                490,979
                                   (43)                      (33)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             9,535                    3,996
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 699,424            $ 536,173
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 95,675             $ 39,468*
   Supplies                        117,335                111,355
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 90,368                  57,928
   Travel                          27,690                  18,461
   Equipment                       15,488                   4,221
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 346,556            $ 231,433
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 1,045,980          $ 767,606
                                   ============      ============
II. Forest Landowner Assistance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 6,259,803        $ 5,977,206
                                   (573)                    (552)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             181,058                 60,382
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 6,440,861        $ 6,037,588
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 196,258            $ 109,472
   Supplies                        652,455                418,732
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 55,626                  14,150
  *Vetoed by the Governor July 28, 1981 and sustained by the
General Assembly August 6, 1981.
   Travel                          178,306                 88,115
   Equipment                       13,528                   8,371
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 1,096,173          $ 638,840
  Special Item:
   Clothing--Field Personnel       $ 98,274              $ 98,274
   Emergency Equipment             5,268                    5,268
   Aerial Detection--Rental        33,000                  33,000
   Tankers--Rental                 90,000                  90,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Item               $ 226,542            $ 226,542
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Other Entities   $ 50,200             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 50,200             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Forest Landowner Assistance $ 7,813,776        $ 6,902,970
                                   ============      ============
III. State Forests:
 A. Manchester:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 116,662            $ 116,662
                                   (10)                      (10)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             975                        975
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 117,637            $ 117,637
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 5,200                $ 3,144
   Supplies                        19,564                   8,739
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 315                        300
   Travel                          1,045                    1,000
   Equipment                       261                        261
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 26,385              $ 13,444
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Counties         $ 27,500              $       
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 27,500              $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Manchester                  $ 171,522            $ 131,081
                                   ============      ============
B. Sandhills:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 182,931            $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             4,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 186,931            $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 17,408             $        
   Supplies                        41,750
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,522
   Travel                          1,700 
   Equipment                       67,900
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 130,360            $        
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to County-
    -Unrestricted                  $ 81,673             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                    $ 81,673             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Sandhills                   $ 398,964            $        
                                   ============      ============
Total State Forests                $ 570,486            $ 131,081
                                   ============      ============
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 251,642            $ 236,973
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 251,642            $ 236,973
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 251,642            $ 236,973
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 1,412,470        $ 1,257,991
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 1,412,470        $ 1,257,991
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 1,412,470        $ 1,257,991
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 1,664,112        $ 1,494,964
                                   ============      ============
Total State Forestry Commission    $ 11,094,354       $ 9,296,621
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (641)                    (596)
  Provided, That, for reforestation purposes on State Forest
lands, the State Forestry Commission is authorized to rent newly
cleared lands for agricultural purposes, and that such revenues
shall be remitted to the General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further, That the State Forestry Commission may
refund deposits placed with the Commission with orders for tree
  Provided, Further, That compensation supplements paid personnel
of the Forestry Commission by counties and/or other political
subdivisions shall not be extended in 1981-82 to additional
employees, nor shall such existing supplements be increased in
Provided, Further, That the Commission may, upon request, cut
fire lanes for private persons and charge for same at a rate to
be set by the Commission and that such revenues shall be remitted
to the General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further. That revenue received by the Forestry Com-
mission for hunting and fishing permits for Manchester State
Forest shall be retained by the Commission to be used for the
propagation of wildlife in Manchester State Forest.
  Provided, Further, That the Forestry Commission may, upon re-
quest, provide reasonable assistance to private persons in the
use of fire purposely set to forest lands for specific and/or
prescribed forest management objectives, and charge for the same
at a rate to be set by the Commission. All such monies shall be
remitted to the General Fund of the State. Prescribed burning
assistance shall be contingent upon and compatible with
Commission policies, procedures, and plans governing this
  Provided, Further, That the Forestry Commission may, upon re-
quest, rent or lease site preparation and tree planting equipment
at a rate to be set by the Commission. All such revenues shall be
remitted to the General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further, That the State Forestry Commission is
authorized to acquire not to exceed seventy-seven acres of land
adjoining its Ridge Forest Tree Nursery, near Trenton in
Edgefield County, for the purposes of essential protection to its
irrigation water supply, to provide windbreaks which protect the
tree seedling beds, make available sufficient land for
establishment of future second generation and specialty seed
orchards, and for equipment storage. The State Forestry
Commission is authorized to contract with the owner of the
property, Catawba Newsprint Company to furnish the owner tree
seedlings in lieu of cash in payment for the property in
question; Provided, That the price of the property is determined
by appraisal and approved by the State Budget and Control Board,
and the tree seedlings exchanged shall be at the same selling
price per thousand as are seedlings grown in state tree nurseries
for sale to landowners.
  Provided, Further, That of amounts appropriated in II. Forest
Landowner Assistance, Classified Positions (page 464, line 32),
the additional $175,000 shall be used to restore personnel
directly involved in fire fighting activity.
  Provided, Further, That the "$5,268" appropriated in Sec. II,
"Special Items--Emergency Equipment" shall be used to purchase
portable air pacs and fire resistant coveralls for Forestry
Commission personnel to be available for emergency situations and
shall be transferred around the State where needed.
                            SECTION 61
                    Department of Agriculture
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1774)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner of Agriculture     $ 45,000              $ 45,000
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             502,242                502,242
                                   (35)                      (35)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 547,242            $ 547,242
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 46,830              $ 46,580
   Supplies                        44,000                  41,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 98,553                  98,553
   Travel                          17,240                  15,240
   Equipment                       14,316                  14,316
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 220,939              $ 216,389
  Special Items:
  Market Bulletin Operations:
   Printing, Binding and
    Advertising Commercial         $ 188,731            $ 188,731
   Data Processing--State          6,000                    6,000
   Postage                         169,188                169,188
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 363,919            $ 363,919
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration              $ 1,132,100        $ 1,127,550
                                   ============      ============
II. Laboratory:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 510,489            $ 510,489
                                   (39)                      (39)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             5,000                    5,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 515,489            $ 515,489
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 15,350              $ 15,350
   Supplies                        53,700                  53,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 202,348                202,318
   Travel                          12,650                  12,650
   Equipment                       20,450                  20,450
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 304,498            $ 304,498
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Laboratory                  $ 819,987            $ 819,987
                                   ============      ============
III. Regulatory Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 576,632            $ 566,985
                                   (44)                      (43)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential 1,622
   Temporary Positions             4,912                    4,912
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 583,166            $ 571,897
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 16,387              $ 16,137
   Supplies                        36,299                  31,799
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 23,274                  23,274
   Travel                          86,744                  74,200
   Equipment                       15,000                  15,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 177,704            $ 160,410
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Regulatory Services         $ 760,870            $ 732,307
                                   ============      ============
IV. Marketing:
 A. Marketing General:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,244,897          $ 457,660
                                   (95)                      (28)
  **New Positions:
   Director of Agriculture
    Commodity Inspections          29,573                29,573**
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Grain Inspector I               18,317                18,317**
                                   (1)                        (1)
   Grain Inspector II              21,359                21,359**
                                   (1)                        (1)
  **Vetoed by the Governor July 28,1981 and overridden by the
House of Representatives on August 5, 1981, and overridden by the
Senate August 11, 1981.
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commission      7,350               7,350
   Temporary Positions             344,860                  5,524
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,666,356          $ 539,783
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 231,469             $ 37,304
   Supplies                        77,531                  33,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 59,544                  40,521
   Travel                          169,239                 69,330
   Equipment                       29,516                  21,886
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 567,299            $ 202,641
  Permanent Improvements:
   Renovations of Buildings
    and Additions                  $ 32,169             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 32,169             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Marketing General           $ 2,265,824          $ 742,424
                                   ============      ============
 B. Farm Market Facilities Survey
  and Service:
  Special Item:
   Market Facilities Survey        $ 75,000              $ 75,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Item               $ 75,000              $ 75,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Farm Market Facilities
  Surveys and Service              $ 75,000              $ 75,000
                                   ============      ============
 C. Commodity Boards:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions          $ 46,346              $       
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and
    Commissions                    8,845
   Temporary Positions             19,271
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 74,462              $       
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 168,421             $       
   Supplies                        43,779
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 51,095
   Travel                          24,757
   Equipment                       210
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 288,262             $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Commodity Boards            $ 362,724             $       
                                   ============      ============
Total Marketing                    $ 2,703,548          $ 817,424
                                   ============      ============
V. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 112,834             $ 75,263
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 112,834             $ 75,263
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 112,834             $ 75,263
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 544,006            $ 368,911
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 544,006            $ 368,911
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 544,006            $ 368,911
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 656,840            $ 444,174
                                   ============      ============
Total Department of Agriculture    $ 6,073,345        $ 3,941,442
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (220)                    (149)
  Provided, That the Market Bulletin shall be mailed only to
those persons who request it in writing and a record of each
request shall be maintained by the Department.
  Provided, Further, That a daily subsistence allowance of up to
$25.00 may be allowed for temporarily employed fruits and
vegetables inspectors from funds generated by fruits and
vegetables inspection fees and budgeted under other funds in
Program IV Marketing General, in lieu of reimbursements for meals
and lodging expense.
                            SECTION 62
          Clemson University (Public Service Activities)
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1795)
I. Forest and Recreation Resources:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 427,769            $ 271,963
                                   (38.94)                (25.12)
  Unclassified Positions           607,107                415,101
                                   (23.20)                (16.66)
  Other Personal Service:
   Graduate Assistants             135,113                123,012
   Summer School Faculty           24,048                  17,154
   Student Earnings                24,584                  22,158
   Temporary Positions             28,016                  25,491
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,246,637          $ 874,879
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 51,150              $ 46,275
   Supplies                        212,670                205,894
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 15,142                  12,692
   Travel                          60,933                  54,052
   Equipment                       21,500                  17,571
   Miscellaneous General Operation 5,000                    4,393
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 366,395            $ 340,877
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Forest and Recreation
  Resources                        $ 1,613,032        $ 1,215,756
                                   ============      ============
II. Regulatory and Public Service Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 636,126            $ 632,380
                                   (44.05)                (44.05)
  Unclassified Positions           166,621                166,621
                                   (4.40)                  (4.40)
  Other Personal Service:
   Student Earnings                939                        669
   Temporary Positions             16,469                   6,405
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 820,155            $ 806,075
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 93,684              $ 59,508
   Supplies                        161,635                133,685
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 20,194                  14,390
   Travel                          53,441                  37,090
   Equipment                       56,251                  40,086
   Miscellaneous General Operation 14,300                  10,191
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 399,505            $ 294,950
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Regulatory and Public
  Service Program                  $ 1,219,660        $ 1,101,025
                                   ============      ============
III. Livestock--Poultry Health:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,702,405        $ 1,098,301
                                   (110.48)               (66.51)
  Unclassified Positions           15,783                  11,339
                                   (.24)                    (.11)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,853
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,720,041        $ 1,109,640
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 109,323            $ 103,181
   Supplies                        100,398                 97,834
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 9,573                    8,614
   Travel                          239,752                151,424
   Equipment                       6,494                    6,427
   Miscellaneous General Operation      50,000             49,485
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 515,540            $ 416,965
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Livestock--Poultry          $ 2,235,581        $ 1,526,605
                                   ============      ============
IV. Agricultural Research:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 3,906,032        $ 2,358,741
                                   (331.95)              (205.17)
  Unclassified Positions           3,614,204            2,015,194
                                   (120.89)               (67.31)
  Other Personal Service:
   Graduate Assistants             688,475                441,097
   Summer School Faculty           18,542                   2,054
   Student Earnings                184,597                100,080
   Temporary Positions             220,474                 46,527
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 8,632,324        $ 4,963,693
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 894,095            $ 696,182
   Supplies                        1,587,338            1,211,863
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 193,990                143,372
   Travel                          313,724                198,547
   Equipment                       335,584                138,751
   Miscellaneous General Operation 13,615                   4,982
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 3,338,346        $ 2,393,697
  Special Items:
   Library Books and Films         $ 15                      $ 12
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Special Items              $ 15                      $ 12
  Permanent Improvements:
   Interior Renovations and
    Additions                      $ 20,246              $ 16,587
   Other Permanent Improvements    12,539                  10,273
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 32,785              $ 26,860
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Agricultural Research       $ 12,003,470       $ 7,384,262
                                   ============      ============
V. Extension Service:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 3,814,951        $ 1,823,272
                                   (359.62)              (157.18)
  Unclassified Positions           8,684,386            6,204,792
                                   (401 99)              (292.19)
  New Positions:
   Associate Professor             35,000                  35,000
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Graduate Assistants             6,200                    4,968
   Summer School Faculty           851                        637
   Student Earnings                54,369                  32,874
   Temporary Positions             160,121                109,706
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 12,755,878       $ 8,211,249
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 928,707            $ 227,591
   Supplies                        528,113                116,148
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 87,042                  13,083
   Travel                          1,124,237              268,027
   Equipment                       153,617                  5,460
   Miscellaneous General Operation 225,000                165,602
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 3,046,716          $ 795,911
  Permanent Improvements:
   Interior Renovations and
    Additions                      $ 16,248              $ 12,038
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 16,248              $ 12,038
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Extension Service           $ 15,818,842       $ 9,019,198
                                   ============      ============
VI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1980-81   $ 531,438            $ 419,132
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 531,438            $ 419,132
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Salary Increments           $ 531,438            $ 419,132
                                   ============      ============
 C. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions    $ 3,641,608        $ 1,914,584
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Fringe Benefits            $ 3,641,608        $ 1,914,584
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                    $ 3,641,608        $ 1,914,584
                                   ============      ============
Total Employee Benefits            $ 4,173,046        $ 2,333,716
                                   ============      ============
Total Clemson University--
 Public Service Activities         $ 37,063,631      $ 22,580,562
                                   ============      ============
Total Authorized Positions         (1436.76)             (879.70)
  Provided, That all revenues derived from the Regulatory and
Public Service Division covered in this section shall be remitted
to the General Fund beginning in fiscal year 1981-82.
  Provided, Further, That counties are hereby prohibited from
supplementing travel funds and salaries of extension service
personnel paid by Clemson University.
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriation in this section
under Program II "Regulatory and Public Service" for "Supplies,"
the amount of $75,000 may be expended only for the eradication or
control of fire ants.
                            SECTION 63
             Wildlife and Marine Resources Department
             (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 1813)
I. Administration and Support:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director              $ 46,703              $ 46,703
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Classified Positions             920,874                709,791
                                   (62)                      (49)
  Unclassified Positions           2,500                    2,500
                                   (1)                        (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission  900                        900
   Temporary Positions             9,159                    4,561

                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 980,136            $ 764,455
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 266,393             $ 72,955
   Supplies                        197,093                 53,632
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 246,778                195,778
   Travel                          30,000                  10,000
   Equipment                       55,265                  16,541
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 795,529            $ 348,906
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Administration and Support  $ 1,775,665        $ 1,113,361
                                   ============      ============
II. Information and Public Affairs:
 A. Information and Education:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 459,828            $ 459,828
                                   (31)                      (31)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             55,023
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 514,851            $ 459,828
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 30,296              $ 30,296
   Supplies                        74,449                  63,325
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 37,325                  37,325
   Travel                          8,500                    8,500
   Equipment                       24,000                  24,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 174,570            $ 163,446
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Information and Education   $ 689,421            $ 623,274
                                   ============      ============
 B. Magazine:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 31,896             $        
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             5,875
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 37,771             $        
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 25,650             $        
   Supplies                        79,360
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 1,200
   Travel                          10,000
   Purchase for Resale             484,976                 50,000
   Sales and Use Tax               22,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 623,186             $ 50,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Magazine                    $ 660,957             $ 50,000
                                   ============      ============
Total Information and
 Public Affairs                    $ 1,350,378          $ 673,274
                                   ============      ============
III. Titling and Registration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 243,258             $ 78,011
                                   (23)                       (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             13,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 256,258             $ 78,011
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 80,150              $       
   Supplies                        94,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 46,250
   Travel                          3,000
   Equipment                       12,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 236,400             $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Titling and Registration    $ 492,658             $ 78,011
                                   ============      ============
IV. Game Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 1,274,528           $ 29,096
                                   (101)                      (2)
  Unclassified Positions           26,917
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             40,750
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 1,342,195           $ 29,096
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 92,280              $ 24,872
   Supplies                        426,962                114,832
   Fixed Charges and Contributions      64,375             18,895
   Travel                          65,604                   4,500
   Equipment                       314,185
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 963,406            $ 163,099
  Permanent Improvements:
   Site Development                $ 2,462              $        
   Renovation of Building
    and Addition                   2,194
   Landscaping                     4,323
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 8,979              $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Game Management             $ 2,314,580          $ 192,195
                                   ============      ============
V. Fisheries:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 820,952            $ 119,565
                                   (61)                       (9)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             45,250
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 866,202            $ 119,565
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 116,242             $ 61,320
   Supplies                        244,944                142,576
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 32,734                   9,567
   Travel                          28,500                   9,174
   Equipment                       148,130
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 570,550            $ 222,637
  Permanent Improvements:
   Site Development                $ 10,000             $        
   Renovation of Building
    and Addition                   10,000
   Landscaping                     2,053
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 22,053             $        
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Fisheries                   $ 1,458,805          $ 342,202
                                   ============      ============
VI. Nongame and Endangered Species:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 110,528             $ 44,605
                                   (7)                        (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             24,254                   6,254
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 134,782             $ 50,859
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 55,337               $ 2,425
   Supplies                        54,253                   4,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 10,551                   4,151
   Travel                          12,908                     575
   Equipment                       28,555
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 161,604             $ 12,051
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Nongame and
  Endangered Species               $ 296,386             $ 62,910
                                   ============      ============
VII. Law Enforcement:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 3,401,827        $ 1,718,203
                                   (246)                    (121)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             7,500
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 3,409,327        $ 1,718,203
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 290,686            $ 158,759
   Supplies                        875,172                681,679
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 86,587                  32,544
   Travel                          230,000                160,549
   Equipment                       910,057                841,057
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 2,392,502        $ 1,874,588
  Permanent Improvements:
   Site Development                $ 20,000           $          
   Construction of Buildings
    and Additions                  50,000                  30,000
   Renovations of Utilities        10,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 80,000              $ 30,000
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Law Enforcement             $ 5,881,829        $ 3,622,791
                                   ============      ============
VIII. Boating Safety:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions            $ 209,267             $ 47,262
                                   (13)                       (3)
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Personal Service           $ 209,267             $ 47,262
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            $ 79,626              $ 22,911
   Supplies                        58,610                  18,610
   Fixed Charges and Contributions 10,000                  10,000
   Travel                          10,000                   7,000
   Equipment                       5,000
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 163,236             $       
  Permanent Improvements:
   Site Development                $ 505,319             $       
                                   ------------      ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements     $ 505,319             $       
                                   ------------      ------------
 Total Boating Safety              $ 877,822            $ 105,783
                                   ============      ============
Continue with Appropriations Act