South Carolina General Assembly
105th Session, 1983-1984

Continuation of Appropriations Act

  Provided, That the 'School Building Aid' appropriation, after
being appropriately adjusted, shall be transferred to a special
trust fund established by the Comptroller General.  Such funds
shall remain available to the school districts of the State until
approved for use in accordance with Section 59-21-350 of the Code
of Laws of 1976.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section
for Attendance Supervisors shall be used for the payment of
salaries of one supervisor for each county at the rate of $11,168
each per year. In the absence of a County Board of Education or
with the approval of the County Board of Education in
multi-district counties, the salary will be proportionately
distributed among the districts of the county on the basis of the
35-day enrollment of the prior year, provided that such funds must
be used for supervision of the Attendance Program.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this section
for County School Lunch Supervisors shall be used for the payment
of salaries of one supervisor for each county at the rate of
$11,168 each per year and no such salary hall be supplemented from
funds provided in this section for 'School Lunch Program Aid'. In
the absence of a County  Board of Education or with the approval of
the County Board of Education in multi-district counties, the
salary shall be proportionately distributed among the districts of
the county on the basis of the 35-day enrollment of the prior year,
provided that such funds must be used for the supervision of the
School Food Service Program.
  Provided, Further, That for the Fiscal Year 1984-85 the local
supplement to salaries of county School Lunch Supervisors and
School Attendance Supervisors shall not be reduced below
supplements paid in 1983-84.
  Provided, Further, That for the Fiscal Year 1984-85 the
compensation of school bus drivers shall be three dollars and
forty-seven cents ($3.47) per hour. Children employed when parents
are elected or appointed to a school board may continue employment.
  Provided, Further, That the appropriation in this section under
Item VII, Direct Aid to School Districts shall be expended for
employer contributions for public school employees. Provided,
Further, That any portion of the employer contribution expended by
the school districts to provide group health, life, and accidental
death, dismemberment, and disability insurance for active employees
of public school districts of South Carolina and their eligible
dependents, shall be in accord with such plans as may be determined
by the Budget and Control Board to be equitable and of maximum
benefit to those covered.
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly
that the appropriation contained herein for 'Public School Employee
Benefits' shall not be utilized to provide employer contributions
for any portion of a school district employees salary which is
federally funded.    
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, the amounts appropriated in this section under 'State Employer
Contributions' for State Retirement, Group Life Insurance, Social
Security, and Health Insurance for Public School Employees shall be
the total amount provided for these purposes, herein, and shall be
the maximum paid to the aggregate of recipients.
  Provided, Further, That the State Department of Education shall
develop and implement an internal system of accounting and
allocating the appropriation contained herein for 'Fringe
Benefits-Public School Employees.' The system shall internally
allocate the appropriation to the school districts or educational
subdivisions and shall be based on the formula as submitted by the
Committee to Study State Educational System. Provided, Further,
That the Department of Education shall be directed to equitably
re-allocate such excess funds as may accrue to certain school
districts to the benefit of those school districts receiving
insufficient funding under this formula.
  Provided, Further, That in the event the Department of Education
is notified that an Educational Subdivision has failed to remit
proper payments to cover Employee Fringe Benefit, obligations, the
Department of Education is directed to withhold the Educational
Subdivision's state funds until such obligations are met.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated in this Section
for 'Education Finance Act' shall be the maximum paid under the
provisions of Act 163 of 1977 (the South Carolina Education Finance
Act of 1977) to the aggregate of all recipients. The South Carolina
Education Department shall develop formulas to determine the State
and required local funding as stipulated in the South Carolina
Education Finance Act of 1977. Such formulas shall require the
approval of the State Board of Education and the Budget and Control
  Provided, Further, That to the extent possible within available
funds, it is the intent of the General Assembly to provide for 100
percent of full implementation of the Education Finance Act. The
base student cost at full implementation is determined to be $1,180
which figure includes an inflation rate of 5.7 percent for Fiscal
Year 1984-85.
  In the event that the formulas as devised by the Department of
Education and approved by the State Board of Education and the
Budget and Control Board should provide for distribution to the
various school districts totaling more than the amount appropriated
for such purposes, subject to the provisions of this proviso, the
Department of Education shall reduce each school district
entitlement by an equal amount per weighted pupil unit so as to
bring the total disbursements into conformity with the total funds
appropriated for this purpose. If a reduction is required in the
State's contribution, the required local funding shall be reduced
by the proportionate share of local funds per weighted pupil unit.
The Department of Education shall continually monitor the
distribution of funds under the provisions of the Education Finance
Act and shall make periodic adjustments to disbursements to insure
that the aggregate of such disbursements do not exceed the
appropriated funds.
  Provided, Further, That Instructional staff as stated in Section
4, Subsection (2) of Act 163 of 1977 shall mean certified classroom
teachers, school librarians and school guidance counselors paid by
state and local funds on a full time equivalent basis.
  Provided, Further, That funds previously received by the South
Carolina Department of Youth Services from the South Carolina
Department of Education for programs now being consolidated under
the South Carolina Education Finance Act of 1977 will be disbursed
to South Carolina Department of Youth Services by the Department of
Education from the appropriation provided in this section and
entitled 'Education Finance Act'. The amount to be disbursed to
South Carolina Department of Youth Services will be sufficient to
produce funds equal to the product of the number of students served
by Youth Services weighted according to the criteria established by
the South Carolina Department of Education under the provisions of
the South Carolina Education Finance Act of 1977  and the state
portion of the appropriated value statewide of the base student
cost. The South Carolina Department of Youth Services shall comply
with the following provisions of Act 163 of 1977 (The Education
Finance Act) Section 5, paragraphs (3) and (4); Section 6,
paragraphs (1), (2), (3a), (4b, c, d, e, and f). The South Carolina
Department of Education annually shall determine that these
provisions are being met and include its findings in the report
mandated in Subsection (5) (e) of Section 6 of Act 163 of 1977.  If
the accreditation standards as set forth in the Defined Minimum
Program for South Carolina Department of Youth Services as approved
by the State Board of Education are not met, funds by this proviso
will be reduced the following fiscal year according to the
provisions set forth in the South Carolina Education Finance Act of
  Provided, Further, That the Palmetto Unified School District 1 of
the South Carolina Department of Corrections will submit
appropriate student membership information to the State Department
of Education and sufficient funds will be included in the South
Carolina Department of Education's Appropriation Request under the
line item 'Education Finance Act'. The amount to be requested for
the Palmetto Unified School District 1 will be sufficient to
produce funds equal to the product of the number of students served
by the school district weighted according to the criteria
established by the South Carolina Department of Education under the
provisions of the South Carolina Education Act of 1977 and the
state portion of the appropriated value statewide of the base
student costs. The Palmetto Unified School District No. 1 shall
comply with the following provisions of Act 163 of 1977 (The
Education Finance Act) Section 5, paragraphs (3) and (4); Section
6, paragraphs (1), (2), (3a), (4b, c, d, e and f). The South
Carolina Department of Education annually shall determine that
these provisions are being met and include its finding in the
report mandated in subsection (5)(e) of Section 6 of Act 163 of
1977. If the accreditation standards as set forth in the Defined
Minimum Program for the Palmetto Unified School District No. 1 as
approved by the State Board of Education are not met, funds by this
proviso will be reduced the following fiscal Year according to the
provisions set forth in the South Carolina.
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly
that the ADM Pupil-Teacher ratio for grades 1 through 3 stipulated
in the Education Finance Act of 1977 be implemented to the extent
possible on an individual class basis and that the pupil enrollment
in these grades should not exceed 28 pupils in each class.
  Provided, Further, That funds in the amount of $204,000 will be
disbursed to S. C. State College from the appropriation provided
under Program VII of this section 'Direct Aid to School Districts'
for the operation of the Felton Lab School.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated herein for School
Lunch Program Aid shall be divided among the County Boards of
Education of the State upon the basis of the number of schools
participating in the School Lunch Program in each county during the
school year 1984-85.  Provided, Further, That the travel expenses
of the County School Lunch Supervisor shall be paid from this
appropriation at the prevailing rate of mileage allowed by the
State.  Provided, Further, That these funds may be used as an aid
in improving the School Lunch Program. At the close of each fiscal
year, the governing board receiving these funds shall submit to the
State Superintendent of Education an itemized statement indicating
the disposition of funds allotted under this appropriation
including balances carried forward from the preceding year. Records
of the disposition of these funds shall be kept available for
auditing by the State Department of Education. Provided, Further,
That in the absence of a County Board of Education in
multi-district counties, the funds will be divided among the school
districts of the county on the basis of the number of schools
participating in the School Lunch Program in each district during
the school year 1983-84.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the amount appropriated
in this section for 'School Building Aid', it is the intent of the
General Assembly that this appropriation shall be the equivalent of
the sum of (1) Thirty ($30.00) Dollars multiplied by the number of
pupils enrolled in the public schools of the state and who have
attended school for at least 35 days in the school year 1983-84 and
(2) Fifteen ($15.00) dollars multiplied by the number of pupils
enrolled in the state-financed kindergarten program. In the event
the amount appropriated is more or less than the sum of the pupil
computations, the appropriation in this section for 'School
Building Aid' shall be appropriately adjusted. Provided, Further,
That the State Department of Education is hereby authorized to sell
used school buses that may be determined to be no longer safe or
economical in transporting school children, and the proceeds of
such sales shall be deposited to the Department of Education School
Bus fund.  Any balance on June 30, 1984 may be carried forward and
expended for the purchase of school buses during the next fiscal
  Provided, Further, That there may be expended from funds
appropriated for textbooks furnished by the State whatever amount
is necessary for the repair, testing, redistribution and
preservation of used textbooks.
  Provided, Further, That the State Department of Education is
hereby authorized to collect fees for damages to textbooks and sell
textbooks that may be determined no longer usable either through
wear on the textbook or expiration of the contract on the textbook.
The proceeds of the revenue generated from the sale of textbooks or
collection for damaged textbooks shall be remitted to the General
  Provided, Further, That the State Department of Education shall
promulgate regulations and competitive guidelines to enable any
school district in the State to compete for funds to establish day 
care centers and receive funds from appropriations to day care
centers if the district's day care program is approved by the
department. The school districts added to the day care center
program may initiate their programs beginning with the 1984-85
school year.
  Provided, Further, That in relation to expenditures for
transportation, the department shall, within thirty days from the
effective date of this act, develop a policy allowing school
districts to apply for special funds for transportation within
hazardous areas as authorized by Section 59-67-420 of the 1976 Code
and no school district shall suffer liability for designation of
such area as within the authority of said section or for failure to
designate any area as hazardous.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the responsibility for providing a free and appropriate public
education is vested in the public school district wherein a
handicapped child of lawful school age resides in a foster home
located within the jurisdiction of the school district.
  Provided, Further, That $160,000.00 of the amount provided for
the 'Direct Aid to School Districts' in Item VII plus the amount
generated through the weighting factor 2.04, for the trainable
mentally handicapped pupil program shall be used only for
profoundly mentally handicapped pupils. Provided, Further, That the
appropriation for the line item Child Development shall be used to
expand and initiate parenthood education programs for parents of
pre-school children working with the other public and private
agencies and organizations, and the appropriation shall be used to
expand, initiate and better coordinate child development programs.
The first priority for these programs shall be in areas that have
high incidence of children not demonstrating readiness on the first
grade test required under the South Carolina Basic Skills
Assessment Act and in areas that have other demonstrated child
development needs as identified by the State Board of Education,
working in conjunction with the Interagency Coordination Council
for Childhood Education and Development which is composed of the
State Superintendent of Education, the Commissioner of the
Department Health and Environmental Control, the Commissioner of
the Department of Social Services, Commissioner of the Department
of Mental Health, and the Governor and a lay person. 
  Provided, Further, That employees in teaching positions in 
schools operated by the Department of Youth Services, the S. C.
Department of Corrections and the South Carolina School for the
Deaf and the Blind shall be exempt from classification by the
Division of State Personnel during Fiscal Year 1984-85.
  Provided, Further, That any revenue generated from the use of
transportation equipment may be retained and expended in the
transportation program by the State Department of Education for
payment of state approved positions, purchase of school buses and
maintenance and operations of the school buses. Any balance on June
30, 1984, will be carried forward and expended for the same purpose
during the next fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That any revenue generated from the sale of
high school diplomas and certificates may be retained and expended
by the South Carolina Department of Education for the operation of
the high school diploma/certificate program. Any balance on June
30, 1984, may be carried forward and expended for the same purpose
during the next fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That no school district which received funding
under Aid to School Districts for State programs for the gifted in
1983-84 and which continues to meet the State Board of Education
Guidelines for State Funded Gifted-Talented Programs shall receive
less funding for that purpose in 1984-85.
  Provided, Further, That if all appropriated funds for the Gifted
and Talented Programs in any given year are not awarded through the
competitive grant process, the State Department of Education shall
determine and implement a procedure to equitably disburse the
balance of funds among the school districts that have approved and
qualified Gifted and Talented Programs.
  Provided, Further, That the portion of the appropriation 'Aid to
School Districts-Nurse Program' allocated to Richland County School
District 1, may be paid directly by  the Department to Midlands
Technical College which is administering the program for which the
appropriation was made.
  Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated for 'Aid to School
Districts - 12 Months Agriculture Teachers' in Section III,
'Instructional Support' shall be used to cover the additional cost
to school districts of placing all vocational agriculture teachers
on twelve-month contracts.
  Provided, Further, That the temporary or emergency certificates
issued to teachers shall remain valid for the 1984-85 school year
if the local board of education so requests. The State Department
of Education shall submit to the General Assembly by March 1, 1985,
a report showing by district the number of emergency certificates
by category; including an enumeration of the certificates carried
forward from the previous year.
  Provided, Further, That a temporary emergency certificate could
be retained during the 1984-85 school year only if a person
demonstrated a written commitment to complete at least three
semester hours toward certification in that area of teaching prior
to August 15, 1985.
  Provided, Further, That school districts which operate Title XX
Child Development Centers shall be exempt from Department of
Education rules and regulations concerning Child Development
Centers during Fiscal Year 1984-85.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provision of
law, during Fiscal Year 1984-85, the eighty-five percent spending
requirement included in the Education Finance Act shall not apply
to the funds generated by children in the pupil classification
'Speech Handicapped Pupils.' 
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated for county
Superintendents of education shall be equally divided among the
county superintendents of education for the counties of Dillon,
Greenwood, Laurens, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun,
Clarendon, Dorchester, Hampton, Marion, Orangeburg and Pickens.
  Provided, Further, That first priority consideration for the
portion of the line item Child Development used to fund new child
development centers after Fiscal Year 1981-82 shall be given to
schools applying for state funding for a half-day of a child
development program utilizing non-state funding or other
alternative approaches for the second half of the day. Provided,
Further, That second priority consideration shall be given to
schools applying for half-day child development programs. Provided,
Further, That any existing balance of Child Development funds
remaining for center-type programs after August 15, may be
redistributed to fund alternative child development programs.
Provided, Further, That existing full-day child development centers
may convert to a half-day program.
  Provided, Further, That no additional districts should receive
hold harmless funds under Section 59-20-50 (1) due to decreases in
student numbers or upward adjustments in the index of taxpaying
  Provided, Further, That any public school teacher who has taught
in a school district for at least one year who is dismissed for
economic reasons shall have priority for being rehired to fill any
vacancy which occurs within two years from the date of his
dismissal for which he is qualified. A school district shall have
complied with the requirements of this proviso by mailing a notice
of intent to rehire to the teacher's last known address.
  Provided, Further, That any revenues generated from the handling
of audio visual film may be retained and expended by the South
Carolina Department of Education for the operation of the
Audio-Visual Library program. Any balance on June 30, 1984, will be
carried forward and expended for the same purpose during the next
fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That the State Department of Education may
provide contract computer services to school districts; and that
any revenue generated from these services may be retained and
expended by the Department for operation of the Educational Data
Center and may be carried forward and expended for the same purpose
in the next fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That Pickens school district shall receive no
less LPN-nursing funds in 1984-85 than it received in 1983-84. 
  Provided, Further, That the provisions of law requiring school
districts to execute purchase or construction contracts involving
capital improvement bond authorizations for vocational education
facilities construction and expansion or vocational education
equipment within a specified period of time or by a specific date
shall no longer be applicable.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding subsection (6) of Section
59-20-60, the Legislative Audit Council is directed to assess
compliance with the Education Finance Act and make recommendations
to the General Assembly concerning necessary changes by January 1,
  Provided, Further, That funds in the amount of $8,100,000 will be
set aside from the appropriation provided under program VII of this
section 'Direct Aid to School Districts' for distribution to school
districts for the Teacher Incentive Program.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the State Department of Education is hereby authorized to use
during the 1984-85 school year the instrument and procedures which
the Education Improvement Task Force developed for the observation
and evaluation of provisional contract teachers.
  Provided, Further, That $1,000,000 of the appropriation contained
herein shall be utilized for teacher retraining and
recertification. Funding priorities in 1984-85 are given to
teachers enrolled in math, science, and computer science courses.
Distribution of funds shall be in accordance with regulations
developed by the State Board of Education.
  Provided, Further, That in order to provide additional 
accountability for funds expended under the Education Finance Act
the elected members of the school advisory council shall serve a
minimum term of two years. Parents of students or students in their
last year of enrollment at an individual school may serve terms of
one year only. The terms shall be staggered and shall be determined
by lot. Within thirty days following the election the names and
addresses of all council members shall be forwarded to the State
Department of Education for the purpose of sharing information. The
district board of trustees shall include in its annual district
report a summary of the training opportunities provided or to be
provided for school advisory council members and professional
educators in regard to council-related tasks and a summary of
programs and activities involving parents and citizens in the
  Provided, Further, That with the funds appropriated in this
section, the Department shall provide transportation services for
the Sumter Academic Center.
  Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated herein for 
'Distribution to Subdivisions - Aid to School Districts - State
Salary Supplements' must be used to increase the salaries of
classroom teachers, librarians, guidance counselors, psychologists,
social workers, occupational and physical therapists, school
nurses, orientation/mobility instructors and audiologists in the
school districts of the state.
  Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated herein for State
Salary Supplements' must be distributed to the school districts of
the state on the basis of 10.27 percent pay increase above the
State minimum salary schedule for teachers, the librarians and
counselors in the district during the 1983-84 school year and such
personnel employed pursuant to the requirements of the Defined
Minimum Program and the South Carolina Education Improvement Act of
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated or authorized
herein for 'Teacher Salary Increase - Distributions to Subdivisions
- Aid to School Districts - State Salary Supplement' shall be the
total amount provided for these purposes, and shall be the maximum
paid to the aggregate of recipients.  Provided, Further, That in
the event, the distribution to the various school districts totals
more than the amount authorized for such purposes, the Department
of Education shall reduce the 10.27% increase tot he minimum salary
schedule so as to bring total expenditures and disbursements into
conformity with funds authorized for this purpose.
  Provided, Further, That each state agency which does not contain
a school district but has certified instructional personnel shall
receive an allocation from the line item 'Aid to State Agency -
Teacher Pay' for teachers salaries based on the following formula:
Each state agency shall receive such funds as are required to
adjust the pay of all certified instructional personnel tot he
appropriate salary provided by the salary schedules of the
surrounding school districts utilized for the 1984-85 school year
and subsequent years.  Certified instructional personnel may, at
the alum development specialists, educational testing
psychologists, psychological and guidance counselors, principals,
and all teachers, including speech teacher.
  The funds appropriated in the line item 'State Agency Teacher
Pay' shall be transferred to the Budget and Control Board for
  The funds appropriated to the Opportunity School are allocated
for the teacher pay increase necessary for comparability with the
surrounding school districts after Opportunity School teachers have
been converted to a ten-month work schedule.
  Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated herein for
'Distributions to Subdivisions - Aid to School Districts - Fixed
Charges and Contributions' must be distributed to the school
districts of the state in the proportion and same manner as
provided in the distribution of 'Distributions to Subdivisions -
Aid to School Districts - State Salary Supplements.'
  Provided, However, That the expenditure of travel funds shall be
limited to the Continental United States.
  Provided, Further, That the certified instructional personnel of
the Department of Youth Services and the Department of Corrections
shall receive a percentage increase in their annual salary for FY
1984-85 equal to the percentage allocated to the instructional
personnel throughout the State.
  Provided, Further, That the amounts appropriated under 'Education
Improvement Program', 'Academic Standards Increase', 'Basic
Skills', 'Teaching Profession', 'Leadership , Management and
Efficiency', 'Quality Control and Productivity', and 'School
Building Aid', or any of them which may be appropriated under this
section, shall include any local financial support which otherwise
would be required under this State's Education Finance Act.
  Provided, Further, That the money appropriated in Section X,
Education Improvement Program, A., Handicapped Student Services,
shall be used only for educational services for trainable mentally
handicapped pupils and profoundly mentally handicapped pupils.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated for 'Aid to
School Districts - Basic'; in the Instructional Support Program,
must be used for students in grade 7 who scored above the
twenty-fifth percentile and below state basic skills standard.
Provided, Further, That with the Education, the Department shall
distribute to the school districts of the state allocations based
on the Education Finance Act formula (with the state allocating the
local required subpart share) within the following parameters as
defined by S.C. Education Improvement Act: a) 85,738 pupils for
Compensatory Education Grades 1-6, b) 37,149 pupils for remedial
education Grades 2-6, c) 53,484 pupils for remedial education
Grades 7-9, d) 49,343 pupils for remedial education in Grades
10-12, e) any unallocated funds (not to exceed $3,358,565) after
the 45 day estimates, above a surplus set aside for audit
adjustments, shall be allocated to the districts to serve seventh
Graders (not to exceed 28,439 pupils) who are over the 25th
percentile but are below standards in math, reading or writing;
through the EFA distribution formula with a 0.10 weight with no
local match.
  Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly
that personnel provided for program development under subsection X,
subitems 'Principal Incentive Program', 'Basic Skills Science
Testing', and 'Teacher Incentive Program', shall not be employed in
Fiscal Year 1988. Provided, Further, That the Budget and Control
Board is directed to recommend the reallocation of the funds
authorized for these positions in Fiscal Year 1987 to other
programs in the Budget and Control Board's 1987-88 recommendations
to the General Assembly.
  Provided, Further, That the money appropriated in Section X,
Education Improvement Program, A., Raise Academic Standards
Increase High School Requirements, Advanced Placement Courses, C.,
Teaching Profession, In-service Teacher Training, and F., School
Building Aid, shall be distributed to the school districts of the
state on a per pupil basis.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1985,
in the appropriation for Basic Skills Remedial Instruction as
contained in item B of subsection X hereof may be carried forward
to Fiscal Year 1985-86 to be expended for summer school programs
occurring between July 1 and August 31, 1985.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance of the funds
appropriated for 'Critical Teaching Needs' in Fiscal Year 1983-84,
may be carried forward and expended for the same purpose in Fiscal
Year 1984-85.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Education shall collect
information from all school district superintendents for Grades 8,
9 and 10 for the school year 1984-85 which number of students with
three unlawful consecutive absences, the number of students with
five or more unlawful absences (consecutive or nonconsecutive), the
number of students suspended one time, the number of students
suspended more than one time, the average number of days per
suspension, and the number of students expelled. A copy of the
student promotion policy which reflects guidelines for social
promotion should be included. All of the above information shall
reflect grade, race, and sex of the students involved. The school
shall also report the existence of any in-school suspension
programs or any other programs used in lieu of suspension that are
used to deal with disruptive behavior and any other special
programs designed to deal with truancy. If such programs do exist,
the school shall report upon the frequency of their use, the number
of students participating in the program, whether the staff is
certified, whether special facilities and curriculum are provided,
and the calculated cost to the school of that program. The cost 
should reflect information regarding personnel, expendable
materials and permanent equipment. This report shall be submitted
two times during the school year along with the South Carolina
Department of Education forty-five day and one hundred thirty-five
day Education Finance Report.
  Provided, Further, That funds appropriated for 'salary
supplements for principals' and accompanying 'employer
contributions' appropriated in item D, Subsection X of this Section
28 must be distributed to school districts based on average daily
membership (ADM). Each school district shall distribute the funds
as salary supplements in addition to existing compensation equally
among principals and assistant principals employed by the district.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance of the funds
appropriated for the Basic Skills Assessment Program in Fiscal Year
1983-1984 may be carried forward to be expended for the same
purpose in Fiscal Year 1984-1985.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the provisions of Act 176
of 1977 (The Administrative Procedures Act) or any other provision
of law, the State Board of Education shall promulgate regulations
to implement the provisions of the South Carolina Education
Improvement Act of 1984'.  The regulations shall take effect
immediately upon promulgation by the State Board of Education and
shall remain effective until full approval or disapproval is given
by the General Assembly during its next legislative session. Such
regulations must be submitted to the General Assembly when it 
convenes in January, 1985.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the amounts appropriated
under Item F (School Building Aid) of Subsection VII (Direct Aid to
School Districts) of this section the Tax Commission shall certify
to the Comptroller General the revenue losses which resulted from
the additional sales tax not being implemented on June 1, 1984, and
the amount appropriated for School Building Aid must be reduced in
an amount equal to the revenue loss.
  Provided, Further, That no school district which received state
funding for early childhood development education programs in
1983-84 and which continues to meet State Board of Education
Regulations in effect in 1983-84 shall receive less funding for
that purpose until the State Plan on Early Childhood Development
and Education Program is developed and implemented.
Educational Television Commission
I. Internal Administration:
  Personal Service:
   President and General Manager  60,950             60,950
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions        1,069,495            893,001
                                 (61.30)            (51.30)
  Other Personal Service: 
   Temporary Positions             7,556              7,556
   Per Diem                        1,334              1,334
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,139,335          $ 955,841
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          538,573            391,683
   Supplies and Materials        178,302            120,761
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                629,970            270,093
   Travel                         36,000             30,000
   Equipment                     135,844            133,414
   Taxes                          23,000             23,000
   Light/Power/Heat               54,981             43,981
   Transportation                 72,975             57,975
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,669,645        $ 1,070,907
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Internal
  Administration             $ 2,808,980        $ 2,026,748
                             ===========        ===========
 II. Ed. Assessment & Program
    Personal Service:
     Classified Positions        528,348            462,116
    Other Personal Service:
     Temporary Positions             478                478
                               ---------       ------------
    Total Personal Service     $ 528,826          $ 462,594
    Other Operating Expenses:
     Contractual Services      2,294,875             30,000
     Supplies and Materials        1,000              1,000
     Travel                       45,500              5,500
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                 $ 2,341,375           $ 36,500
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Ed. Assess. & 
    Prog. Devel.             $ 2,870,201          $ 499,094
                             ===========        ===========
III. TV, Radio & Other
    Personal Service:
     Classified Positions      2,943,845          2,668,258
                                (159.50)           (143.50)
    New Positions:
     Administrative Support
      Specialist A                10,063             10,063
     Program Reduction Manager    21,204             21,204
     Producer Director II         36,250             36,250
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
     Cinematographer II           16,114             16,114
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Station Manager                27,904             27,904
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Producer Director IV           21,204             21,204
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Broadcast Technician           32,228             32,228
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
   Engineering Supervisor         21,204             21,204
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Associate Director, Early
    Childhood                     34,228             34,228
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             1,768              1,768
  Total Personal Service     $ 3,166,012        $ 2,890,425
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          327,638            182,238
   Supplies and Materials        673,615            385,714
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 28,560              8,560
   Travel                        178,408             61,225
   Equipment                     217,127             34,388
   Light/Power/Heat              126,939            126,939
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 1,552,287          $ 799,064
  Special Items:
                               ---------       ------------
  Total TV, Radio & Other
   Production                $ 4,718,299        $ 3,689,489
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Transmission & Reception:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions        1,491,187          1,350,002
                                 (96.52)            (85.15)
  New Positions:
   Added by The Budget & Control
    Board and The Joint Legislative 
    Committee on Personal Service, 
    Financing & Budgeting:
     Broadcast Eng Mgr            57,309             57,309
                                  (3.00)             (3.00)
    Fts Area Technician           15,701             15,701
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
    Broad-Maint Tech I            14,517             14,517
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
    Operations Coordinator        22,946             22,946
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
   New Positions:
    Field Technician Supervisor   22,307             22,307
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
    Area Technician               15,701             15,701
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            1,768              1,768

                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service    $ 1,641,436        $ 1,500,251
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services       4,321,535          4,062,545
    Supplies and Materials       179,171            169,171
    Travel                        24,325             24,325
    Equipment                    292,000            242,000
    Light/Power/Heat             489,349            469,349
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 5,306,380        $ 4,967,390
  Debt Service:
   Interest - IPP Note           137,215            137,215
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Debt Service           $ 137,215          $ 137,215
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Transmission &
  Reception                  $ 7,085,031        $ 6,604,856
                             ===========        ===========
V. Employee Benefits
  A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified           6,925
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 6,925
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments         $ 6,925
                             ===========        ===========
  B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase              32,975
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 32,975
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase        $ 32,975
                             ===========        ===========
  C. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits
   Employer Contributions      1,191,577          1,056,689
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions             $ 1,191,577        $ 1,056,689
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions              $ 1,191,577        $ 1,056,689
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits     $ 1,231,477        $ 1,056,689
                             ===========        ===========
Total S. C. ETV Commission  $ 18,713,988       $ 13,876,876
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions  (360.42)           (319.45)
  Provided, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1984, in
revenue received in accordance with Section 59-7-50, Code of Laws,
1976 shall be remitted to the General Fund.
Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School
I. Administration:
  Personal Services:
   Superintendent                 37,035             37,035
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions          107,502             87,777
                                  (4.59)             (3.14)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        3,000              2,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 147,537          $ 126,812
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            9,100              3,100
   Supplies and Materials          4,400              1,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  4,825                325
   Travel                          7,500              4,500
   Equipment                      15,842              6,842
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 41,667           $ 15,767
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Administration          $ 189,204          $ 142,579
                             ===========        ===========
II. Educational Program
  A. Regular Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          113,277            113,277
                                  (5.00)             (5.00)
   Unclassified Positions        358,538            295,782
                                 (20.00)            (18.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 471,815          $ 409,059
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies and Materials         16,500              9,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                  3,100
   Contractual Services            9,765              6,650
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 29,365           $ 15,650
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Regular Program        $ 501,180          $ 424,709
                             ===========        ===========
 B. Vocational Education:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions         81,099             46,998
                                  (9.25)             (5.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 81,099           $ 46,998
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           59,235             59,235
   Supplies and Materials         19,425             12,875
   Equipment                      14,000              6,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 92,660           $ 78,110
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Vocational Education    $ 173,759          $ 125,108
                             ===========        ===========
 C. Library:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions           17,818             17,818
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 17,818           $ 17,818
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies and Materials          1,000
   Equipment                         551
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 1,551
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Library                  $ 19,369           $ 17,818
                             ===========        ===========
Total Educational Program      $ 694,308          $ 567,635
                             ===========        ===========
III. Student Services:
 Personal Services:
  Classified Positions           267,069            267,069
                                 (15.00)            (15.00)
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service        $ 267,069          $ 267,069
 Other Operating Expenses:
  Contractual Services             1,655              1,000
  Supplies and Materials           7,100              4,500
  Travel                             200
  Scholarships                    12,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 20,955            $ 5,500
                               ---------       ------------
Total Student Services         $ 288,024          $ 272,569
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Support Services:
  Personal Services:
   Classified Positions          228,585            228,585
                                 (12.72)            (12.72)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 228,585          $ 228,585
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          424,923            337,923
   Supplies and Materials        168,365             14,750
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 14,500              9,500
   Equipment                      30,544             30,544
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 638,332          $ 392,717
  Permanent Improvements:
   Site Development                1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Permanent Improvements   $ 1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Support Services       $ 867,917          $ 621,302
                             ===========        ===========
V. Employee Benefits
  A. Salary Increments
   Personal Service
    Increments-Classified            208
    Increments - Unclassified      1,018
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service        $ 1,226
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Salary Increments        $ 1,226
                             ===========        ===========
  B. Base Pay Increase
   Personal Service
    Base Pay Increase              5,831
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service        $ 5,831
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Base Pay Increase        $ 5,831
                             ===========        ===========
  C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
    Employer Contributions       226,719            202,335
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Employer
    Contributions              $ 226,719          $ 202,335
                               ---------       ------------
   Total State Employer
    Contributions              $ 226,719          $ 202,335
                             ===========        ===========
   Total Employee Benefits     $ 233,776          $ 202,335
                             ===========        ===========
   Total Wil Lou Gray Opportunity
    Sch                      $ 2,273,229        $ 1,806,420
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Authorized FTE Positions (68.56)            (60.86)
Vocational Rehabilitation
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                   57,013             57,013
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions          409,176            732,772
                                 (64.00)            (33.28)
   Unclassified Positions         22,841
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             3,000
   Per Diem                        4,000              2,080
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,496,030          $ 791,865
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          168,000             52,080
   Supplies and Materials         74,500             23,095
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                105,900             32,829
   Travel                         38,000             11,780
   Equipment                     230,000             71,300
   Light/Power/Heat               15,000              4,650
   Transportation                  5,000              1,550
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 636,400          $ 197,284
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Administration        $ 2,132,430          $ 989,149
                             ===========        ===========
II. Vocational Rehabilitation
  A. Basic Service Program:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions      12,677,882          6,592,499
                                (681.00)           (354.12)
    Unclassified Positions       148,538
   Other Personal Service:    
    Temporary Positions          250,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service    $ 13,076,420        $ 6,592,499
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services       1,579,600            370,326
    Supplies and Materials       775,500            224,905
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions               474,800            147,188
    Travel                       350,000            108,500
    Equipment                    590,000            182,900
    Light/Power/Heat             325,000            100,750
    Transportation                62,000             19,220
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                 $ 4,156,900        $ 1,153,789
   Case Services:
    Case Services              5,500,000          1,236,650
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Case Services/Public
    Assist. Payment          $ 5,500,000        $ 1,236,650
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Basic Service
   Program                  $ 22,733,320        $ 8,982,938
                             ===========        ===========
  B. JTPA:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         485,000
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           10,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 495,000
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          22,750
    Supplies and Materials        41,600
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                50,900
    Travel                        13,000
    Equipment                      9,500
    Light/Power/Heat              18,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 155,750
   Case Services:
    Case Services                 18,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Case Services/Public
    Assist. Payment             $ 18,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total JTPA                   $ 668,750
                             ===========        ===========
  C. Work Activity Centers:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         401,214
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           40,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 441,214
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          39,400
    Supplies and Materials        14,300
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                78,050
    Travel                         3,000
    Equipment                        800
    Light/Power/Heat              31,000
    Transportation                 8,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                   $ 174,550
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Work Activity Centers  $ 615,764
                             ===========        ===========
  D. Special Projects:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions          79,479
   New Positions:
    Counselor II                  48,987             48,987
                                  (3.00)             (3.00)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions            7,600
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 136,066           $ 48,987
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          39,300              4,200
    Supplies and Materials        13,215              6,900
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                49,150             45,000
    Travel                        55,850              5,400
    Equipment                      6,000
    Light/Power/Heat               8,100              8,100
    Transportation                   660
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Vocational Rehabilitation
    Programs                $ 24,433,513        $ 9,122,679
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 172,275           $ 69,600
   Case Services:
    Case Services                107,338             21,154
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Case Services/Public
    Assist. Payment            $ 107,338           $ 21,154
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Special Projects      $ 415,679          $ 139,741
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Vocational Rehabilitation
   Programs                 $ 24,433,513        $ 9,122,679
                             ===========        ===========
III. Disability Determination
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions       4,601,969
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           46,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service    $ 4,647,969
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services         417,000
    Supplies and Materials       178,300
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions               419,000
    Travel                        30,000
    Equipment                     75,000
    Light/Power/Heat               5,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                 $ 1,124,300
    Case Services:
     Case Services             3,000,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Case Services/Public
    Assist Pavement          $ 3,000,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Disability
    Division                 $ 8,772,269
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Workshop Production:
  Other Operating Expenses
   Contractual Services           83,100
   Supplies and Materials        125,500
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 26,000
   Equipment                     109,000
   Purchase for Resale           500,000
   Taxes                           2,000
   Light/Power/Heat                1,000
   Transportation                 40,000
   Stipend                     2,000,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                  $ 3,886,600
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Workshop Production  $ 3,886,600
                             ===========        ===========
V. Employee Benefits
  A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified         129,460
   Increments-Unclassified         1,799
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 131,259
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Salary Increments       $ 131,259
                             ===========        ===========
  B. Base Pay Increase
  Personal Service
   Base Pay Increase             625,041
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 625,041
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Base Pay Increase       $ 625,041
                             ===========        ===========
  C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
    Employer Contributions     3,873,325          1,365,981
   Total Employer
    Contributions            $ 3,873,325        $ 1,365,981
  Total State Employer
   Contributions             $ 3,873,325        $ 1,365,981
  Total Employee Benefits   $  4,629,625        $ 1,365,981
  Total Vocational
   Rehabilitation           $ 43,854,437       $ 11,477,809
Total Authorized FTE Positions (1069.70)           (391.40)
  Provided, That all revenues received from Patient Care at the
Palmetto and Holmesview Alcoholic Centers and Vocational
Rehabilitation Comprehensive Center may be retained and used for
operation of the Centers subject to the provisions of Section 123,
Part I of this Act.
  Provided, Further, That all revenues derived from production
contracts earned by the handicapped trainees of the Evaluation and
Training Facilities (Workshops) may be retained by the State Agency
of Vocational Rehabilitation and used in the facilities for client
wages and any other production costs; and, further, any excess
funds derived from these production contracts be used for other
operating expenses and/or permanent improvements of these
  Provided, Further, That if Federal funds become available and
State appropriated funds are available from current appropriations
to the Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation, the agency may transfer
these Federal funds and State funds necessary to match the Federal
funds to the Permanent Improvement Account for construction of
Rehabilitation Facilities upon approval of the Budget and Control
Board and the Joint Bond Review Committee. Provided, However, That
State funds transferred shall not exceed $150,000.00
School For The Deaf And The Blind
I. Administration & Physical
  Personal Service:
   President                      44,280             44,280
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions        1,003,783            982,549
                                 (58.44)            (57.44)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,531              2,531
   Per Diem                        1,500              1,500
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                   3,100              3,100
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service     $ 1,055,194        $ 1,033,960
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          430,142            427,792
   Gasoline - School Bus          22,000             22,000
   Supplies and Materials        705,357            533,032
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 74,288             74,288
   Travel                         34,611             33,741
   Library Books, Maps, 
    and Film                      10,915             10,915
   Equipment                      99,641             88,946
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                   $ 1,376,954        $ 1,190,714
 Special Items:
  Association for The Deaf        43,000             43,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Special Items            $ 43,000           $ 43,000
                               ---------       ------------
Total Administration and
 Physical Support            $ 2,475,148        $ 2,267,674
                             ===========        ===========
II. Educational Support
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions       1,130,529          1,051,018
                                 (96.83)            (91.24)
    Unclassified Positions       508,890            457,899
                                 (27.52)            (26.02)
   Other Personal Service:
    Temporary Positions           27,748             27,748
    Student Earnings              28,100             28,100
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service    $ 1,695,267        $ 1,564,765
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          76,851             58,291
    Supplies and Materials        66,863             37,763
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                 1,470              1,170
    Travel                        16,859              8,255
    Equipment                      4,520
    Purchase for Resale           25,700
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                   $ 192,263          $ 105,479
   Public Assistance:
    Case Services-Agency Clinics  23,960             23,960
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Case Services/Public
   Assist. Payment              $ 23,960           $ 23,960
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Educational Support   $ 1,911,490        $ 1,694,204
                             ===========        ===========
III. Programs For Multi-Handicapped:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          688,525            671,017
                                 (42.50)            (41.00)
  New Positions:
   Teachers Aide II                6,708              6,708
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Youth Counselor I               6,727              6,727
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Unclassified Positions        516,257            452,238
                                 (23.00)            (20.00)
  New Positions:
   Classroom Teacher              13,106             13,106
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             6,000              6,000
   Overtime and Shift
    Differential                  20,000             20,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service    $ 1,257,323        $ 1,175,796
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          16,616             16,616
    Supplies and Materials        29,325             24,525
    Travel                         2,100              1,900
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 48,041           $ 43,041
   Special Items:
    Track Field                   30,000             30,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Special Items          $ 30,000           $ 30,000
   Public Assistance:
    Case Services-Agency Clinics     784                784
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Case Services/Public
    Assist Payment                 $ 784              $ 784
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Programs For
   Multi-Handicapped         $ 1,336,148        $ 1,249,621
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Deaf School:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          168,856            168,856
                                 (11.84)            (11.84)
   Unclassified Positions        754,019            716,266
                                 (34.61)            (33.11)
  New Positions:
   Classroom Teacher              37,000             37,000
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             5,100              5,100
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 964,975          $ 927,222
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            8,380              8,380
   Supplies and Materials         25,838             16,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    150                150
   Travel                          4,900              3,900
   Equipment                       7,739
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   2,590
   Scholarships                    2,300              2,300
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 51,897           $ 30,730
                               ---------       ------------
Total Deaf School            $ 1,016,872          $ 957,952
                             ===========        ===========
V. Blind School:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          109,388            109,388
                                  (5.92)             (5.92)
   Unclassified Positions        375,328            358,916
                                 (16.87)            (16.12)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions             2,000              2,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 486,716          $ 470,304
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            1,265                765
   Supplies and Materials          4,450              3,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                    100                100
   Travel                            745                345
   Equipment                       1,920
   Scholarships                      700                700
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 9,180            $ 4,910
  Distributions to Subdivision:
   Aid to Other State Agencies     5,000              5,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Distribution To
  Subdivisions                   $ 5,000            $ 5,000
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Blind School            $ 500,896          $ 480,214
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Employee Benefits
  A. Salary Increments
  Personal Service
   Increments-Classified           1,242
   Increments-Unclassified         1,776
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service         $ 3,018
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Salary Increments        $ 3,018
                             ===========        ===========
  B. Base Pay Increase
   Personal Service
    Base Pay Increase             14,371
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service       $ 14,371
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Base Pay Increase      $ 14,371
                             ===========        ===========
  C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
    Employer Contributions     1,031,978            973,670
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Employer
   Contributions             $ 1,031,978          $ 973,670
                               ---------       ------------
  Total State Employer
   Contributions             $ 1,031,978          $ 973,670
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Employee Benefits     $ 1,049,367          $ 973,670
                             ===========        ===========
Total Deaf and Blind School  $ 8,289,921        $ 7,623,335
                             ===========        ===========
Total Authorized FTE Positions  (323.53)           (308.69)
  Provided, That the amount appropriated in this Section for 'Blind
Placement Bureau' is conditional upon the receipt of federal
matching funds in the amount of $15,000.
  Provided, Further, That the school buses of the S. C. School for
the Deaf and Blind are authorized to travel at speeds up to 55
miles per hour, not to exceed posted limits.
  Provided, Further, That the School for the Deaf and Blind is
authorized to contract for the services of a physician and to
provide office space for the physician to be used to treat both
students of the school and private patients; Provided, Further,
That the School shall charge the physician a fair market rental
value for the office space.
  Provided, Further, That the School for the Deaf and Blind is
authorized to charge to the parents of students at the school a
student activity fee, differentiated according to the income of the
family. The required student activity fee shall not exceed $40.00.
  Provided, Further, That the School for the Deaf and Blind is
authorized to charge local school districts a fee equal to the
required district share through the Education Finance Act of the
weighted student cost of each new student entering the
multi-handicapped school. This charge shall be levied only for new
students accepted into the multi-handicapped school after June 1,
1982, with the recommendation of the local school district.
  Provided, Further, That the School for the Deaf and Blind shall
receive through the Education Finance Act the average State share
of the required weighted student cost for each student newly
admitted into the multi-handicapped school with the recommendation
of the local school district. The estimated State share shall come
directly from the State Board of Education at the beginning of the
fiscal year to be adjusted at the end of the fiscal year. This
shall include any students admitted into the Re-education program
for emotionally handicapped students.
  Provided, Further, That the School for the Deaf and Blind is
authorized to pay straight-time overtime for hours worked beyond 40
hours per week. At the written request of any employee working less
than a 12 month schedule, the School may cumulate the hours of
overtime worked throughout the year and pay off such hours at the
end of the fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That deaf, blind, multi-handicapped and other
handicapped students identified by the Board of Commissioners as
target groups for admission to the South Carolina School for the
Deaf and Blind may be admitted by the School either through direct
application by parents or on referral from the local school
district. The Board of Commissioners shall define the appropriate
admissions criteria including mental capacity, degree of
disability, functioning level, age, and other factors deemed
necessary by the Board. All placement hearings for admission to the
South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind shall be organized
by the School. The South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind
shall obtain information from the local school district concerning
the needs of the student and shall prepare an Individualized
Education Plan for each student admitted. All parents applying for
admission of their children must sign a statement certifying that
they feel the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind is
the most appropriate placement which constitutes the least
restrictive environment for the individual student, based upon
needs identified in the placement meeting and the Individual and
least restrictive environment shall be reviewed annually at the IEP
  Provided, Further, That the School for the Deaf and the Blind is
authorized to charge appropriate tuition, room and board, and other
fees to students accepted into the Adult Vocational Program after
July 1, 1984. Such fees will be determined by the school Board of
Department of Archives And History
I. Administration:
  Personal Services:
   Director                       42,998             42,998
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions          205,557            205,557
                                 (11.00)            (11.00)
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Positions             1,000              1,000
   Per Diem                        1,000              1,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 250,555          $ 250,555
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           32,688             26,688
   Supplies and Materials         46,100             19,500
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                273,946            271,906
   Travel                         16,224             16,224
   Equipment                       6,161              1,261
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating
  Expenses                     $ 375,119          $ 335,579
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Administration          $ 625,674          $ 586,134
                             ===========        ===========
II. Records Management:
  A. General Management:
   Classified Positions           67,267             67,267
                                  (4.00)             (4.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 67,267           $ 67,267
  Other Operating Expense
   Travel                          2,500              2,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 2,500            $ 2,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total General Management       $ 69,767           $ 69,767
                             ===========        ===========
  B. State Records Survey:
   Classified Positions          167,950            167,950
                                 (11.00)            (11.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 167,950          $ 167,950
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services              680                680
   Travel                            800                800
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     500                500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 1,980            $ 1,980
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Records Survey    $ 169,930          $ 169,930
                             ===========        ===========
  C. Microfilm Services Division:
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions         131,235            100,755
                                  (9.00)             (7.00)
   Other Personal Services:
    Temporary Positions              950
   Total Personal Service      $ 132,185          $ 100,755
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           6,925
    Supplies and Materials        53,270
    Travel                           970                270
    Library Books, Maps, and Film    150
    Equipment                      5,295
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 66,610              $ 270
  Total Microfilm Services
   Division                    $ 198,795          $ 101,025
  D. State Records Center:
   Classified Positions           53,397             53,397
                                  (3.00)             (3.00)
  New Positions:
   Clerical Spec C                 9,066              9,066
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Recds Analyst I                13,422             13,422
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Personal Service         $ 75,885           $ 75,885
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            3,400              3,400
   Supplies and Materials          1,056              1,056
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                191,410            191,410
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 195,866          $ 195,866
                               ---------       ------------
 Total State Records Center    $ 271,751          $ 271,751
                             ===========        ===========
  E. County Records Management:
   Classified Positions           90,714             90,714
                                  (5.00)             (5.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 90,714           $ 90,714
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services              645                645
   Travel                          1,248              1,248
   Equipment                          75                 75
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 1,968            $ 1,968
                               ---------       ------------
 Total County Records
  Management                    $ 92,682           $ 92,682
                             ===========        ===========
  F. County Records Microfilm:
     Classified Positions        126,709             88,632
                                 (11.00)             (8.00)
                               ---------       ------------
    Total Personal Service     $ 126,709           $ 88,632
    Other Operating Expenses:
     Contractual Services         21,725             14,125
     Supplies and Materials       10,760              6,760
     Travel                        5,500              3,500
     Equipment                     1,900                900
     Library Books, Maps, 
      and Film                       100                100
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 39,985           $ 25,385
                               ---------       ------------
  Total County Records
   Microfilm                   $ 166,694          $ 114,017
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Records Management      $ 969,619          $ 819,172
                             ===========        ===========
III. Archives and Publications:
  A. General Management:
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions          60,482             60,482
                                  (2.00)             (2.00)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service       $ 60,482           $ 60,482
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services             300                300
    Travel                         4,350              4,350
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                     $ 4,650            $ 4,650
                               ---------       ------------
  Total General Management      $ 65,132           $ 65,132
                             ===========        ===========
  B. Inventory and Arrangement:
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions         156,111            156,111
                                  (9.00)             (9.00)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 156,111          $ 156,111
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Inventory and
   Arrangement                 $ 156,111          $ 156,111
                             ===========        ===========
  C. Repository Services:
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions         160,350            160,350
                                 (10.50)            (10.50)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 160,350          $ 160,350
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Supplies and Materials        10,550              7,950
    Equipment                        100                100
    Library Books, Maps, and Film    350                350
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 11,000            $ 8,400
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Repository Services     $ 171,350          $ 168,750
                             ===========        ===========
  D. Reference and Research:
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions         152,953            152,953
                                  (9.00)             (9.00)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 152,953          $ 152,953
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services             350                350
    Supplies and Materials           500                500
    Library Books, Maps, and Film    900                900
    Purchase for Resale              100
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating Expense $ 1,850            $ 1,750
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Reference and Research $ 154,803          $ 154,703
                             ===========        ===========
  E. Publications:
    Classified Positions         105,048            105,048
                                  (5.50)             (5.50)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 105,048          $ 105,048
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          29,519             12,019
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 29,519           $ 12,019
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Archival Records
  Publication                  $ 134,567          $ 117,067
                             ===========        ===========
  G. Computer Services:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions          72,511             72,511
                                  (5.00)             (5.00)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service       $ 72,511           $ 72,511
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           6,239              6,239
    Supplies and Materials           700                700
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                14,050             14,050
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 20,989           $ 20,989
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Computer Services       $ 93,500           $ 93,500
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Archives and
  Publications                 $ 775,463          $ 755,263
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Historical Programs:
  A. General Management:
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions         108,163            108,163
                                  (6.50)             (6.50)
   Other Personal Service:
                               ---------       ------------
    Total Personal Service     $ 108,163          $ 108,163
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           1,300              1,300
    Supplies and Materials           222                222
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                 1,769              1,769
    Contributions                    100                100
    Travel                         5,425              5,425
    Equipment                        800                800
    Library Books, Maps, and Film    200                200
    Purchase for Resale            2,500
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 12,316            $ 9,816
   Distribution to Subdivisions:
    Allocations To
     Municipalities-Restricted    28,938
    Allocations To
     Counties-Restricted          24,938
    Allocations to Other State
     Agencies                     65,000
    Allocations to Other
     Entities                    147,712
    Allocations-Private Sector   353,007
    Allocations to Planning
     Districts                   119,000
                               ---------       ------------
    Total Distribution To
     Subdivisions              $ 738,595
                               ---------       ------------
   Total General Management    $ 859,074          $ 117,979
                             ===========        ===========
  B. Historical Services:
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions          92,795             92,795
                                  (5.00)             (5.00)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service       $ 92,795           $ 92,795
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           7,600              7,600
    Supplies and Materials         2,682              2,682
    Travel                         1,010              1,010
    Equipment                        100                100
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 11,392           $ 11,392
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Historical Services    $ 104,187          $ 104,187
                             ===========        ===========
  C. Natl. Register of Hist.
    Classified Positions         109,619            109,619
                                  (7.00)             (7.00)
   Other Personal Services:
    Per Diem                         700                700
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 110,319          $ 110,319
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services           4,560              4,560
    Supplies and Materials           204                204
    Fixed Charges and
     Contributions                   200                200
    Travel                         2,950              2,950
    Equipment                        285                285
    Library Books, Maps, and Film    390                390
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 8,589            $ 8,589
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Natl. Register of Hist.
   Places                      $ 118,908          $ 118,908
                             ===========        ===========
  D. Hist. Pres., Protect., &
   Personal Services:
    Classified Positions          74,232             74,232
                                  (4.00)             (4.00)
   New Positions:
    Architect                     21,489             21,489
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 95,721           $ 95,721
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            2,173              2,173
   Supplies and Materials            122                122
   Travel                          2,900              2,900
   Equipment                         300                300
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     200                200
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses $ 5,695            $ 5,695
                               ---------       ------------
  Special Items:
  Total Hist. Pres., Prot., &
   Planning                    $ 101,416          $ 101,416
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Historical Programs   $ 1,183,585          $ 442,490
                             ===========        ===========
V. Employee Benefits
  A. Salary Increments
   Personal Service
    Increments-Classified          1,440
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service        $ 1,440
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Salary Increments        $ 1,440
                             ===========        ===========
  B. Base Pay Increase
   Personal Service
    Base Pay Increase              3,428
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service        $ 3,428
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Base Pay Increase        $ 3,428
                             ===========        ===========
  C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
    Employer Contributions       365,726            351,789
  Total Employer Contributions $ 365,726          $ 351,789
 Total State Employer
   Contributions               $ 365,726          $ 351,789
 Total Employee Benefits       $ 370,594          $ 351,789
 Total Dept. of Archives and
  History                    $ 3,924,935        $ 2,954,848
 Total Authorized FTE Positions (121.50)           (116.50)
  Provided, That the Commission is authorized to supply one free
copy of each new publication to the libraries of all institutions
of higher learning in the State, and to each member of the
Commission and its Directors; to the State Library; to each Public
Library which is approved for a cash allotment by the South
Carolina State Library; and to each former member of the Commission
living in South Carolina.
  Provided, Further, That the proceeds of sales of publications,
reproductions of documents, repair of documents, and the proceeds
of sales of National Register of Historic Places certificates and
plaques by the Archives Department shall be deposited in a special
account in the State Treasury, and may be used by this department
to cover the cost of additional publication, reproduction expenses,
repair expenses , and National Register of Historic Places
certificates and plaques.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1984
of the $ 53,165 appropriated under Historical Programs: General
Management-Contractual Services used to offset the Department of
Archives and History's allocation of funds under the Federal Jobs
Act for the renovation of buildings on the National Register of
Historic Places may be carried forward to 84-85 and be utilized for
the same pur Federal reimbursement received for the program's
administrative cost.
Confederate Relic Room
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                       28,078             28,078
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions           54,028             54,028
                                  (4.00)             (4.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 82,106           $ 82,106
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services            2,346              2,846
   Supplies and Materials          1,000              1,000
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 32,717             32,717
   Travel                          4,125              4,125
   Equipment                       1,050              1,050
   Library Books, Maps, and Film     300                300
   Exhibits and Collections        2,663              2,663
 Total Other Operating Expenses $ 44,201           $ 44,201
 Total Administration          $ 126,307          $ 126,307
II. Employee Benefits
  A. Salary Increments
   Personal Service
  B. Base Pay Increase
   Personal Service 
  C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
    Employer Contributions        15,114             15,114
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Employer Contributions $ 15,114           $ 15,114
                               ---------       ------------
  Total State Employer
   Contributions                $ 15,114           $ 15,114
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Employee Benefits       $ 15,114             15,114
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Confederate Relic Room  $ 141,421          $ 141,421
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Authorized FTE Positions   (5.00)             (5.00)
  Provided, That no artifacts in the collection and exhibits of the
Confederate Relic Room shall be permanently removed or disposed of
except by a Concurrent Resolution of the General Assembly.
  Provided, Further, That, notwithstanding Act 313 of 1919 and
Section 59-117-60, Code of Laws of 1976, the War Memorial Building
erected at the corner of Sumter and Pendleton Streets in the City
of Columbia shall continue to be used by the Confederate Relic Room
and further utilization of the building shall be arranged between
the University of South Carolina and the Director of the
Confederate Relic Room.
S. C. State Library
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   State Librarian                39,739             39,739
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
   Classified Positions          166,166            153,939
                                  (9.00)             (8.00)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                        1,470              1,470
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 207,375          $ 195,148
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           48,731             14,287
   Supplies and Materials         19,325             12,674
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                257,756            257,521
   Travel                          5,377              1,500
   Equipment                       4,600
   Transportation                  1,700
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 337,489          $ 285,982
                               ---------       ------------
   Permanent Improvements:
  Total Administration         $ 544,864          $ 481,130
                             ===========        ===========
II. Technical Services:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         134,163            134,163
                                  (9.00)             (9.00)
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Personal Service      $ 134,163          $ 134,163
   Other Operating Expenses:
    Contractual Services          31,356             23,000
    Supplies and Materials           644
    Travel                           500                500
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Other Operating
    Expenses                    $ 32,500           $ 23,500
   Special Items:
    Library Books, Maps, 
     and Film                    173,000            107,000
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Special Items         $ 173,000          $ 107,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Technical Services     $ 339,663          $ 264,663
                             ===========        ===========
III. Field Services:
   Personal Service:
    Classified Positions         160,750            148,960
                                  (7.00)             (6.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 160,750          $ 148,960
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           11,900              7,900
   Supplies and Materials         10,000
   Travel                          6,500              1,500
   Transportation                  2,538              2,538
   Scholarships                    2,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 32,938           $ 11,938
  Special Items:
   Library Books, Maps, and Film  58,936              4,586
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items           $ 58,936            $ 4,586
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to County
    Libraries                    343,819
   Aid to County Libraries     3,121,820          3,121,820
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Distribution To
   Subdivisions              $ 3,465,639        $ 3,121,820
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Field Services       $ 3,718,263        $ 3,287,304
                             ===========        ===========
IV. Reader Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          187,899            160,109
                                 (10.00)             (8.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 187,899          $ 160,109
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services          129,178             50,000
   Supplies and Materials         10,044
   Travel                          2,875                500
   Equipment                       8,179
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                    $ 150,276           $ 50,500
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to County
    Libraries                     41,274
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Distribution To
   Subdivisions                 $ 41,274
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Reader Services         $ 379,449          $ 210,609
                             ===========        ===========
V. Blind and Handicapped:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions          129,071            104,255
                                 (10.00)             (8.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service       $ 129,071          $ 104,255
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services           15,889              8,301
   Supplies and Materials          7,367                700
   Fixed Charges and
    Contributions                 50,424             50,399
   Travel                            600                100
   Equipment                       2,020
   Transportation                    600                400
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating
   Expenses                     $ 76,900           $ 59,900
  Special Items:
   Library Books, Maps, and Film  10,943              5,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items           $ 10,943            $ 5,000
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Other Entities   3,000                600
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Distribution To
   Subdivisions                  $ 3,000              $ 500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Blind and Handicapped  $ 219,914          $ 169,655
                             ===========        ===========
VI. Institutional Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions           23,709             23,709
                                  (1.00)             (1.00)
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Personal Service        $ 23,709           $ 23,709
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                            600                100
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Other Operating Expenses   $ 600              $ 100
  Special Items:
   Library Books, Maps, and Film   2,000
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Special Items            $ 2,000
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Other State
    Agencies                      42,500
                               ---------       ------------
  Total Distribution To
   Subdivisions                 $ 42,500
                               ---------       ------------
 Total Institutional Services   $ 68,809           $ 23,809
                             ===========        ===========
VII. Employee Benefits
  A. Salary Increments
   Personal Service
  B. Base Pay Increase
   Personal Service
  C. State Employer Contributions
   Fringe Benefits
    Employer Contributions       151,480            136,793
                               ---------       ------------
   Total Employer
    Contributions              $ 151,480          $ 136,793
                               ---------       ------------
   Total State Employer
    Contributions              $ 151,480          $ 136,793
                             ===========        ===========
  Total Employee Benefits      $ 151,480          $ 136,793
                             ===========        ===========
 Total South Carolina State
  Library                    $ 5,422,442        $ 4,573,963
                             ===========        ===========
 Total Authorized FTE Positions  (47.00)            (41.00)
  Provided, That the amount appropriated in this section for 'Aid
to County Libraries' shall be allotted to each county - at a rate
of $1.00 per capita based on the official United States Census for
1980, as aid to the County Library.
  Provided, Further, That the State Library may sell the remaining
copies of the Tri-Centennial Commission publications entitled
Art/Architecture South Carolina and may expend the net proceeds for
the purchase of library books.
  Provided, Further, That the State Library shall charge fees for
actual costs of 'on-line reference services' and retain the fees to
offset the costs of the services.
Continue with Appropriations Act