Provided, Further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law and upon approval of the Budget and Control Board, an employee, appointed to fill an original full-time position as a Tax Auditor with the South Carolina Tax Commission, shall serve a probationary period of not more than twelve (12) months. Provided, Further, That the Tax Commission shall make available to the authorities of any county upon request any records indicating the amount of such receipts reported to the Tax Commission. Provided, Further, That the Tax Commission may impose a fee to recover the cost of postage and handling for distributing tax forms to tax practitioners, to recover the cost of printing rules and regulations and other Tax Commission publications, and to recover the cost of photocopying tax returns, and that such funds shall be remitted to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, That in the event that the Tax Commission must institute a reduction in force, it is the intent of the General Assembly that the Commission make every effort to avoid reductions in revenue producing staff. The Commission is specifically requested to reduce administrative staff before reducing auditing and enforcement personnel. Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated in "Administration-Contractual Services," the Commission shall provide a toll free telephone line to the citizens of S. C. from Jan. 1 through April 15. Provided, Further, That the Tax Commission shall make available in each of the counties a convenient location for the taxpayers to obtain tax forms. Provided, Further, That if any employee of the South Carolina Tax Commission is subpoenaed to testify during litigation not involving the Tax Commission, the party subpoenaing the employee(s) to testify shall reimburse the State for expenses incurred by the employee(s) requested to testify. Expenses shall include but are not limited to the cost of materials and the average daily salary of the employee or employees. SECTION 87 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL COMMISSION I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CHAIRMAN 54,991 54,991 (1.00) (1.00) COMMISSIONER/S 103,248 103,248 (2.00) (2.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 253,107 253,107 (12.00) (12.00) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 411,346 $ 411,346 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 125,369 125,369 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 3,601 3,601 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 65,185 65,185 TRAVEL 7,510 7,510 EQUIPMENT 17,812 17,812 TRANSPORTATION 6,500 6,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 225,977 $ 225,977 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 637,323 $ 637,323 =========== =========== II. ENFORCEMENT: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 999,279 999,279 (46.00) (46.00) NEW POSITIONS: AGENTS 232,050 232,050 (13.00) (13.00) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 1,231,329 $ 1,231,329 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,720 20,720 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 39,150 39,150 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 11,568 11,568 TRAVEL 79,791 79,791 EQUIPMENT 230,452 163,452 TRANSPORTATION 88,649 88,649 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 470,330 $ 403,330 --------- ------------ TOTAL ENFORCEMENT $ 1,701,659 $ 1,634,659 =========== =========== III. LICENSING: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 125,051 125,051 (8.00) (8.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 5,151 5,151 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 130,202 $ 130,202 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,600 3,600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 25,100 25,100 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 28,700 $ 28,700 --------- ------------ TOTAL LICENSING $ 158,902 $ 158,902 =========== =========== IV. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A. SALARY INCREMENTS: PERSONAL SERVICE: INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 26,584 26,584 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 26,584 $ 26,584 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 26,584 $ 26,584 =========== =========== C. STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS: FRINGE BENEFITS: EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 362,684 362,684 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 362,684 $ 362,684 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 362,684 $ 362,684 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 389,268 $ 389,268 =========== =========== TOTAL ABC COMMISSION $ 2,887,152 $ 2,820,152 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (82.00) (82.00) =========== =========== Provided, That the Revolving Fund which is maintained for the purpose of purchasing alcoholic beverages in connection with law enforcement by this Commission, shall be limited to $500. Provided, Further, That the Commission is directed to maintain adequate records accounting for the receipt of funds from the sale of confiscated alcoholic beverages. Such revenue shall bc deposited to the credit of the General Fund of that State. Provided, Further, That in the event the ABC Commission must institute a reduction in force, it is the intent of the General Assembly that the Commission make every effort to avoid reductions in revenue producing staff. The Commission to specifically requested to reduce administrative staff before reducing investigative and licensing personnel. Provided, Further, That the General Assembly hereby directs the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission to conduct a review and study on the feasibility of the implementation of a fee schedule for beer and wine permits based on volume of sales. The Commission must issue its report to the members of the General Assembly no later than January 30, 1986. SECTION 88 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICES: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 35,886 35,886 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 48,003 48,003 (3.00) (3.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: PER DIEM 1,890 1,890 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 85,779 $ 85,779 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,442 17,442 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 7,000 7,000 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 25,616 25,616 TRAVEL 4,700 4,700 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 54,758 $ 54,758 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 140,537 $ 140,537 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A. SALARY INCREMENTS PERSONAL SERVICE INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984 -85 960 960 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 960 $ 960 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 960 $ 960 =========== =========== C. STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS FRINGE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 15,489 15,489 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 15,489 $ 15,489 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 15,489 $ 15,489 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 16,449 $ 16,449 =========== =========== TOTAL STATE ETHICS COMMISSION $ 156,986 $ 156,986 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (4.00) (4.00) =========== =========== Provided, That if a complaint is filed against any person and such fact is published in the news media and the State Ethics Commission investigates the complaint and finds no probable cause, an amount necessary to mail notices to at least three news media that no probable cause was found must be expended from amounts appropriated in this section. SECTION 89 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CHAIRMAN 49,980 (1.00) COMMISSIONER/S 97,844 (2.00) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 65,223 (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 2,509,586 (124.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 20,326 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 2,742,959 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 467,975 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 99,575 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 143,302 TRAVEL 90,017 LIBRARY BOOKS, MAPS, AND FILM 7,074 EQUIPMENT 179,287 SALES TAX PAID 3,159 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 50,516 TRANSPORTATION 2,831 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,043,736 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AND ADDITIONS 59,651 OTHER PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS 15,250 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $ 74,901 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 3,861,596 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 11,550,509 (624.65) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 490,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 12,040,509 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,975,506 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 280,698 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 676,726 TRAVEL 380,000 LIBRARY BOOKS, MAPS, AND FILM 4,500 EQUIPMENT 504,685 SALES TAX PAID 10,438 PETTY CASH FUND 600 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 322,156 TRANSPORTATION 11,517 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,166,826 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: BUILDING PURCHASE 400,000 RENOVATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND ADDITIONS - I 68,250 TOTAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $ 468,250 DEBT SERVICES: PRINCIPAL 78,750 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 78,750 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS: PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 1,750,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL CASE SERVICES/PUBLIC ASSIST. PAYMENT $ 1,750,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE $ 18,504,335 =========== =========== III. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 9,779,560 (634.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 960,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 10,739,560 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 968,704 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 528,448 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 795,775 TRAVEL 321,408 LIBRARY BOOKS, MAPS, AND FILM 4,559 EQUIPMENT 449,400 SALES TAX PAID 15,000 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 324,552 TRANSPORTATION 9,101 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 3,416,947 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: BUILDING PURCHASE 525,000 FEES- ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING 2,500 SITE DEVELOPMENT 4,500 RENOVATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND ADDITIONS - I 10,000 RENOVATION OF UTILITIES 1,500 ROOFING REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS 15,000 OTHER PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS 250 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $ 558,750 --------- ------------ TOTAL UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE $ 14,715,257 =========== =========== IV. OCCUPATIONAL INFOR. COORD. COMM (SCOIC) PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 161,132 (8.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 1,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 162,132 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 226,531 126,454 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 32,821 13,650 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 8,625 TRAVEL 22,500 EQUIPMENT 51,000 SALES TAX PAID 625 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 342,102 $ 140,104 --------- ------------ TOTAL SCOICC $ 504,234 $ 140,104 =========== =========== V. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: A. SALARY INCREMENTS PERSONAL SERVICE INCREMENTS-CLASSIFIED 536,485 INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 256,633 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 793,118 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 793,118 =========== =========== B. BASE PAY INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICE BASE PAY INCREASE 1,555,196 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 1,555,196 --------- ------------ TOTAL BASE PAY INCREASE $ 1,555,196 =========== =========== C. STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS FRINGE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 5,498,445 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 5,498,445 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 5,498,445 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 7,846,759 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYMENT SEC COMM $ 45,432,181 $ 140,104 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (1394.65) =========== =========== Provided, That the salaries of the Chairman, the Commissioners, and the Agency Director of the Employment Security Commission, shall be no less than that approved by the United States Department of Labor. Provided, Further, That the Employment Security Commission shall allow the Tax Commission access to the Employer's Quarterly Report and any by-product of such report. Provided, Further, That all user fees collected by the S.C. Occupational Information Coordinating Committee through the Employment Security Commission may be retained by the SCOICC to be used for the executive purpose of operating the S.C. Occupational Information System. All user fees not expended in Fiscal Year 1984-85 may be carried forward for use in subsequent years. SECTION 90 BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: DIRECTOR 27,347 27,347 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 28,884 28,884 (2.00) (2.00) NEW POSITION: ADMIN SUPPORT SPEC A 10,809 10,809 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 5,000 5,000 PER DIEM 6,595 6,595 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 78,635 $ 78,635 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100,777 100,777 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 10,800 10,800 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 25,476 25,476 TRAVEL 15,142 15,142 EQUIPMENT 7,650 7,650 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 159,845 $ 159,845 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 238,480 $ 238,480 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 578 578 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 578 $ 578 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 578 $ 578 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 13,810 13,810 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 13,810 $ 13,810 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 13,810 $ 13,810 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 14,388 $ 14,388 =========== =========== TOTAL ACCOUNTANCY BOARD $ 252,868 $ 252,868 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (4.00) (4.00) =========== =========== Provided, That the Board of Accountancy is authorized to employ, on a contractual case by case basis, investigators required to carry out the Board's responsibilities. SECTION 91 BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINERS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY- TREASURER 24,696 24,696 (.75) (.75) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 24,656 24,656 (2.01) (2.01) NEW POSITIONS: SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR II (.23) (.23) ADM SPEC A (.15) (.15) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 3,500 3,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 52,852 $ 52,852 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,918 17,918 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 59,400 59,400 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 14,004 14,004 TRAVEL 13,000 13,000 EQUIPMENT 5,200 5,200 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 109,522 $ 109,522 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 162,374 $ 162,374 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 494 494 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 494 $ 494 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 494 $ 494 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 9,639 9,639 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 9,639 $ 9,639 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 9,639 $ 9,639 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 10,133 $ 10,133 =========== =========== TOTAL ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINERS BOARD $ 172,507 $ 172,507 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (3.14) (3.14) =========== =========== SECTION 92 AUCTIONEERS' COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 35,045 35,045 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 16,264 16,264 (1.00) (1.00) NEW POSITION: ADMIN SUPPORT SPEC B 12,161 12,161 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 398 398 PER DIEM 2,275 2,275 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 66,143 $ 66,143 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,304 8,304 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,914 2,914 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 5,487 5,487 TRAVEL 9,641 9,641 EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 28,346 $ 28,346 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 94,489 $ 94,489 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 326 326 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 326 $ 326 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 326 $ 326 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 10,793 10,793 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 10,793 $ 10,793 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 10,793 $ 10,793 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 11,119 $ 11,119 =========== =========== TOTAL S.C. AUCTIONEERS' COMMISSION $ 105,608 $ 105,608 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (3.00) (3.00) =========== =========== Provided, That the funds for the new position provided herein can only be expended upon the ratification of H. 2308. In the event H. 2308 is not adopted, the funds provided for the new position shall lapse to the General Fund of the State. SECTION 93 BOARD OF BARBER EXAMINERS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 71,226 71,226 (5.00) (5.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 4,000 4,000 PER DIEM 6,300 6,300 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 81,526 $ 81,526 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,262 9,262 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 6,107 6,107 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 6,969 6,969 TRAVEL 18,351 18,351 EQUIPMENT 125 125 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 40,814 $ 40,814 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 122,340 $ 122,340 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 1,424 1,424 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 1,424 $ 1,424 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 1,424 $ 1,424 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 14,008 14,008 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 14,008 $ 14,008 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 14,008 $ 14,008 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 15,432 $ 15,432 =========== =========== TOTAL BARBER BOARD $ 137,772 $ 137,772 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (5.00) (5.00) =========== =========== SECTION 94 STATE BOXING COMMISSION I. ADMINISTRATION: OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 3,570 3,570 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 3,570 $ 3,570 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,900 7,900 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 3,600 3,600 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 500 500 TRAVEL 4,606 4,606 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 16,606 $ 16,606 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 20,176 $ 20,176 =========== =========== TOTAL STATE BOXING COMMISSION $ 20,176 $ 20,176 =========== =========== SECTION 95 CEMETERY BOARD I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICES: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS NEW POSITION: ADDED BY B&C BD. & JT. LEG. COM. ON PERSONAL SERVICE, FIN. & BUD. ADM. SPEC. A 10,809 10,809 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 400 400 EX. OFFICIO ALLOWANCE 2,500 2,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 13,709 $ 13,709 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 823 823 TRAVEL 315 315 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,138 $ 1,138 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 14,847 $ 14,847 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 2,638 2,638 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 2,638 $ 2,638 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 2,638 $ 2,638 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 2,638 $ 2,638 =========== =========== TOTAL CEMETERY BOARD $ 17,485 $ 17,485 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (1.00) (1.00) =========== =========== SECTION 96 BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 15,597 15,597 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 2,830 2,830 PER DIEM 5,000 5,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 23,427 $ 23,427 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,920 5,920 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 5,750 5,750 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 4,380 4,380 TRAVEL 8,700 8,700 EQUIPMENT 1,500 1,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 26,250 $ 26,250 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 49,677 $ 49,677 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 3,328 3,328 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 3,328 $ 3,328 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 3,328 $ 3,328 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 3,328 $ 3,328 =========== =========== TOTAL S. C. BD. OF CHIROPRACTIC EX. $ 53,005 $ 53,005 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (1.00) (1.00) =========== =========== SECTION 97 CONTRACTORS LICENSING BD I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: DIRECTOR 30,052 30,052 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 96,673 96,673 (7.00) (7.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 1,320 1,320 PER DIEM 2,800 2,800 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 130,845 $ 130,845 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,000 19,000 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 22,159 22,159 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 28,000 28,000 TRAVEL 22,000 22,000 EQUIPMENT 6,500 6,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 97,659 $ 97,659 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 228,504 $ 228,504 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 1,934 1,934 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 1,934 $ 1,934 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 1,934 $ 1,934 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 26,497 26,497 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 26,497 $ 26,497 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 26,497 $ 26,497 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 28,431 $ 28,431 =========== =========== TOTAL CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD $ 256,935 $ 256,935 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (8.00) (8.00) =========== =========== SECTION 98 BOARD OF COSMETOLOGY I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 24,466 24,466 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 107,608 107,608 (9.00) (9.00) NEW POSITION: ADMIN. ASST. I 14,794 14,794 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 360 360 PER DIEM 21,136 21,136 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 168,364 $ 168,364 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39,360 39,360 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 18,693 18,693 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 20,334 20,334 TRAVEL 68,451 68,451 EQUIPMENT 11,026 11,026 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 157,864 $ 157,864 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 326,228 $ 326,228 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 2,012 2,012 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 2,012 $ 2,012 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 2,012 $ 2,012 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 27,398 27,398 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 27,398 $ 27,398 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 27,398 $ 27,398 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 29,410 $ 29,410 =========== =========== TOTAL COSMETOLOGY BOARD $ 355,638 $ 355,638 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (11.00) (11.00) =========== =========== Provided, That the Board of Cosmetology shall report quarterly to the Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee on the success of the Continuing Education Program. SECTION 99 BOARD OF DENTISTRY I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICES: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 7,911 7,911 (.25) (.25) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 37,170 37,170 (2.00) (2.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 13,475 13,475 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 58,556 $ 58,556 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,325 23,325 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 15,650 15,650 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 6,990 6,990 TRAVEL 26,600 26,600 EQUIPMENT 3,796 3,796 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 1,800 1,800 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 78,161 $ 78,161 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 136,717 $ 136,717 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 800 800 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 800 $ 800 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 800 $ 800 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 7,325 7,325 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 7,325 $ 7,325 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 7,325 $ 7,325 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 8,125 $ 8,125 =========== =========== TOTAL DENTISTRY BOARD $ 144,842 $ 144,842 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (2.25) (2.25) =========== =========== SECTION 100 BOARD OF ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: DIRECTOR 32,200 32,200 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 75,645 75,645 (4.80) (4.80) SECTION 102 BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR FORESTERS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 3,175 3,175 (.20) (.20) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 285 285 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 3,460 $ 3,460 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 823 823 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 875 875 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 30 30 TRAVEL 502 502 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 2,230 $ 2,230 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 5,690 $ 5,690 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 50 50 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 50 $ 50 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 50 $ 50 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 498 498 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 498 $ 498 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 498 $ 498 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 548 $ 548 =========== =========== TOTAL FORESTERS REGISTRATION $ 6,238 $ 6,238 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (.20) (.20) =========== =========== SECTION 103 BOARD OF FUNERAL SERVICE I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 10,629 10,629 (.75) (.75) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 19,343 19,343 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 3,841 3,841 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 33,813 $ 33,813 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,626 4,626 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,895 1,895 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 940 940 TRAVEL 12,539 12,539 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 20,000 $ 20,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 53,813 $ 53,813 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 386 386 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 386 $ 386 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 386 $ 386 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 5,975 5,975 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 5,975 $ 5,975 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 5,975 $ 5,975 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 6,361 $ 6,361 =========== =========== TOTAL FUNERAL SERVICES $ 60,174 $ 60,174 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (1.75) (1.75) =========== =========== SECTION 104 BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICES: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 36,243 36,243 (.75) (.75) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 223,000 223,000 (15.47) (15.47) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 48,800 48,800 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 308,043 $ 308,043 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 85,500 85,500 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 47,200 47,200 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 19,340 19,340 TRAVEL 49,500 49,500 EQUIPMENT 1,110 1,110 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 4,200 4,200 TRANSPORTATION 5,800 5,800 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 212,650 $ 212,650 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 520,693 $ 520,693 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 4,422 4,422 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 4,422 $ 4,422 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 4,422 $ 4,422 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 49,266 49,266 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 49,266 $ 49,266 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 49,266 $ 49,266 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 53,688 $ 53,688 =========== =========== TOTAL MEDICAL EXAMINERS $ 574,381 $ 574,381 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (16.22) (16.22) =========== =========== SECTION 105 BOARD OF NURSING I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 33,587 33,587 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 258,681 258,681 (16.00) (16.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 3,000 3,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 295,268 $ 295,268 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 64,550 64,550 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 29,700 29,700 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 54,358 54,358 CONTRIBUTIONS 200 200 TRAVEL 9,450 9,450 EQUIPMENT 5,000 5,000 LIBRARY BOOKS, MAPS, AND FILM 500 500 TRANSPORTATION 400 400 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 164,158 $ 164,158 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 459,426 $ 459,426 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 5,238 5,238 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 5,238 $ 5,238 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 5,238 $ 5,238 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 58,748 58,748 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 58,748 $ 58,748 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 58,748 $ 58,748 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 63,986 $ 63,986 =========== =========== TOTAL NURSING BOARD $ 523,412 $ 523,412 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (17.00) (17.00) =========== =========== SECTION 106 BD. OF EX. FOR NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATORS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 24,822 24,822 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 6,221 6,221 (.60) (.60) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 1,470 1,470 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 32,513 $ 32,513 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,060 4,060 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,688 2,688 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 3,295 3,295 TRAVEL 2,650 2,650 EQUIPMENT 230 230 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 12,923 $ 12,923 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 45,436 $ 45,436 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 124 124 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 124 $ 124 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 124 $ 124 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 5,917 5,917 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 5,917 $ 5,917 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 5,917 $ 5,917 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 6,041 $ 6,041 =========== =========== TOTAL NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATORS $ 51,477 $ 51,477 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (1.60) (1.60) =========== =========== SECTION 107 BD. OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY I. ADMINISTRATION: OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 595 595 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 595 $ 595 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 319 319 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 366 366 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 40 40 TRAVEL 1,058 1,058 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,783 $ 1,783 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 2,378 $ 2,378 =========== =========== TOTAL OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY BOARD $ 2,378 $ 2,378 =========== =========== SECTION 108 BD. OF EXAM. IN OPTICIANRY I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: SECRETARY-TREASURER 1,690 1,690 (.50) (.50) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 4,045 4,045 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 5,735 $ 5,735 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 977 977 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 991 991 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1,433 1,433 TRAVEL 4,600 4,600 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 8,001 $ 8,001 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 13,736 $ 13,736 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 325 325 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 325 $ 325 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 325 $ 325 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 325 $ 325 =========== =========== TOTAL OPTICIANRY BOARD $ 14,061 $ 14,061 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (.50) (.50) =========== =========== SECTION 109 BD. OF EXAM. IN OPTOMETRY I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICES: SECRETARY-TREASURER 3,991 3,991 (.50) (.50) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 5,000 5,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 8,991 $ 8,991 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,300 9,300 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,265 2,265 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 975 975 TRAVEL 9,500 9,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 22,040 $ 22,040 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 31,031 $ 31,031 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 715 715 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 715 $ 715 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 715 $ 715 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 715 $ 715 =========== =========== TOTAL BOARD OF EXAM. IN OPTOMETRY $ 31,746 $ 31,746 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (.50) (.50) =========== =========== SECTION 110 THE BOARD OF PHARMACY I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY-CHIEF DRUG INSPECTOR 32,156 32,156 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 53,060 53,060 (3.25) (3.25) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 4,200 4,200 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 89,416 $ 89,416 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,946 8,946 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 17,506 17,506 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 10,603 10,603 TRAVEL 24,194 24,194 EQUIPMENT 1,000 1,000 LIBRARY BOOKS, MAPS, AND FILM 100 100 EVIDENCE 100 100 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 62,449 $ 62,449 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 151,865 $ 151,865 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 1,062 1,062 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 1,062 $ 1,062 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 1,062 $ 1,062 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 16,360 16,360 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 16,360 $ 16,360 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 16,360 $ 16,360 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 17,422 $ 17,422 =========== =========== TOTAL BOARD OF PHARMACY $ 169,287 $ 169,287 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (4.25) (4.25) =========== =========== SECTION 111 BOARD OF PHYSICAL THERAPY EXAMINERS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 9,434 9,434 (.55) (.55) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 965 965 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 10,399 $ 10,399 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,840 5,840 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,585 2,585 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 77 77 TRAVEL 1,800 1,800 EQUIPMENT 775 775 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 11,077 $ 11,077 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 21,476 $ 21,476 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 188 188 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 188 $ 188 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 188 $ 188 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 1,717 1,717 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 1,717 $ 1,717 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION $ 1,717 $ 1,717 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 1,905 $ 1,905 =========== =========== TOTAL PHYSICAL THERAPY BD $ 23,381 $ 23,381 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE Positions (.55) (.55) =========== =========== SECTION 112 BOARD OF PODIATRY EXAMINERS I. ADMINISTRATION: OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 100 100 PER DIEM 120 120 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 220 $ 220 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 554 554 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 25 25 TRAVEL 245 245 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 824 $ 824 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 1,044 $ 1,044 =========== =========== TOTAL PODIATRY BOARD $ 1,044 $ 1,044 =========== =========== SECTION 113 BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN PSYCHOLOGY I.ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 3,265 3,265 (.30) (.30) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: PER DIEM 764 764 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 4,029 $ 4,029 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,786 4,786 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 952 952 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1,232 1,232 TRAVEL 770 770 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 7,740 $ 7,740 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 11,769 $ 11,769 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 66 66 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 66 $ 66 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 66 $ 66 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 619 619 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 619 $ 619 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 619 $ 619 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 685 $ 685 =========== =========== TOTAL PSYCHOLOGY BOARD $ 12,454 $ 12,454 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (.30) (.30) =========== =========== SECTION 114 REAL ESTATE COMMISSION I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: COMMISSIONER 45,234 45,234 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 340,248 340,248 (19.00) (19.00) NEW POSITIONS: ADM SPEC A 10,809 10,809 (1.00) (1.00) ADM SPEC A 10,809 10,809 (1.00) (1.00) SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR II 32,004 32,004 (2.00) (2.00) ADMIN SPEC B 12,161 12,161 (1.00) (1.00) ADDED BY BUDGET AND CONTROL BOARD AND THE JOINT LEG COMMITTEE ON PERSONAL SERVICE, FINANCE BUDGETING: ADMIN SPEC B 16,000 16,000 (1.00) (1.00) SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR II 16,002 16,002 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 3,321 3,321 PER DIEM 9,500 9,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 496,088 $ 496,088 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 171,155 171,155 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 47,487 47,487 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 78,471 78,471 TRAVEL 83,024 83,024 EQUIPMENT 9,600 9,600 LIBRARY BOOKS, MAPS, AND FILM 400 400 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 390,137 $ 390,137 SPECIAL ITEMS: INTERGOVERNMENTAL 20,000 20,000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60,000 60,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS $ 80,000 $ 80,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 966,225 $ 966,225 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 6,914 6,914 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 6,914 $ 6,914 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 6,914 $ 6,914 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 73,609 73,609 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 73,609 $ 73,609 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 73,609 $ 73,609 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 80,523 $ 80,523 =========== =========== TOTAL REAL ESTATE COMMISSION $ 1,046,748 $ 1,046,748 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (27.00) (27.00) =========== =========== Provided, That any funds on deposit with the State Treasurer for research and education programs of the Real Estate Commission shall be remitted to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, That all funds appropriated, in this section, for Research and Education projects shall be funded wholly, out of the Real Estate Commission authorized allocation of five dollars from each annual renewal fee. Provided, Further, That all funds appropriated in this section, for Research and Educational projects shall be expended for the purpose designated. SECTION 115 RESIDENTIAL HOME BUILDERS COMMISSION I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: DIRECTOR 34,872 34,872 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 146,323 146,323 (8.00) (8.00) NEW POSITION: ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST B 13,000 13,000 (1.00) (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 840 840 PER DIEM 4,000 4,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 199,035 $ 199,035 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24,800 24,800 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 21,549 21,549 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 36,115 36,115 TRAVEL 45,450 45,450 EQUIPMENT 13,375 13,375 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 141,289 $ 141,289 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 340,324 $ 340,324 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 1,221 1,221 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 1,221 $ 1,221 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 1,221 $ 1,221 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 38,694 38,694 =========== =========== TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 38,694 $ 38,694 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 39,915 $ 39,915 =========== =========== TOTAL RESIDENTIAL HOME BLDRS. $ 380,239 $ 380,239 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (10.00) (10.00) =========== =========== SECTION 116 BD. OF EX. FOR REGISTERED SANITARIANS I. ADMINISTRATION: OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: PER DIEM 280 280 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 280 $ 280 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,257 4,257 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,000 1,000 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 50 50 TRAVEL 1,500 1,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 6,807 $ 6,807 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 7,087 $ 7,087 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 149 149 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 149 $ 149 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 149 $ 149 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 149 $ 149 =========== =========== TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SANITARIAN BOARD $ 7,236 $ 7,236 =========== =========== SECTION 117 STATE BOARD OF SOCIAL WORK EXAMINERS I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 175 175 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 175 $ 175 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,561 3,561 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 352 352 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 340 340 TRAVEL 502 502 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,755 $ 4,755 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 4,930 $ 4,930 =========== =========== TOTAL ST BD OF SOCIAL WORK EXAMINERS $ 4,930 $ 4,930 =========== =========== SECTION 118 BD. OF EX. FOR SPEECH, PATHOLOGY & AUDIOLOGY I. ADMINISTRATION: OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 5,147 5,147 PER DIEM 1,365 1,365 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 6,512 $ 6,512 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,537 2,537 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 630 630 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 346 346 TRAVEL 1,910 1,910 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 5,423 $ 5,423 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 11,935 $ 11,935 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 780 780 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 780 $ 780 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 780 $ 780 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 780 $ 780 =========== =========== TOTAL SPEECH PATH. & AUDIOLOGY $ 12,715 $ 12,715 =========== =========== SECTION 119 BD. OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EXAMINERS I.ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 7,892 7,892 (.73) (.73) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES: PER DIEM 3,360 3,360 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 11,252 $ 11,252 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,000 1,000 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,053 2,053 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 300 300 TRAVEL 6,455 6,455 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 9,808 $ 9,808 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 21,060 $ 21,060 =========== =========== II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 158 158 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 158 $ 158 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 158 $ 158 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 728 728 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 728 $ 728 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 728 $ 728 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 886 $ 886 =========== =========== TOTAL VETERINARY MEDICAL EXAMINERS $ 21,946 $ 21,946 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (.73) (.73) =========== =========== SECTION 120 AERONAUTICS COMMISSION I. ADMINISTRATION: PERSONAL SERVICE: DIRECTOR 46,926 46,926 (1.00) (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 200,028 200,028 (9.00) (9.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: PER DIEM 5,200 5,200 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 252,154 $ 252,154 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 109,647 109,647 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 78,600 78,600 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 13,150 13,150 TRAVEL 45,000 45,000 LIBRARY BOOKS, MAPS, AND FILM 800 800 EQUIPMENT 69,800 69,800 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 316,997 $ 316,997 SPECIAL ITEMS: PLANNING GRANTS 14,000 14,000 ADM-AIRPORT MASTER PLAN 2,000 2,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS $ 16,000 $ 16,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 585,151 $ 585,151 =========== =========== II. AIRPORT SAFETY MAINTENANCE: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 296,648 296,648 (17.00) (17.00) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 296,648 $ 296,648 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 106,949 106,949 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 62,150 62,150 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 73,401 73,401 EQUIPMENT 125,000 125,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 367,500 $ 367,500 SPECIAL ITEMS: AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS 674,123 534,123 NAVIGATIONAL AIDS & PLANNING 6,612 6,612 AIRCRAFT REPAIRS-ENGINES 36,982 36,982 EMERGENCY AIRPORT REPAIRS 1,000 1,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS $ 718,717 $ 578,717 --------- ------------ TOTAL AIRPORT SAFETY MAINTENANCE $ 1,382,865 $ 1,242,865 =========== =========== III. REGULATION & INSPECTION: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 219,241 219,241 (8.00) (8.00) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 219,241 $ 219,241 --------- ------------ TOTAL REGULATION & INSPECTION $ 219,241 $ 219,241 =========== =========== IV. CIVIL AIR PATROL: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 15,886 15,886 (2.00) (2.00) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 15,886 $ 15,886 SPECIAL ITEMS: CAP GENERAL FUNDS 73,209 72,039 --------- ------------ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS $ 73,209 $ 72,039 --------- ------------ TOTAL CIVIL AIR PATROL $ 89,095 $ 87,925 =========== =========== V. AVIATION EDUCATION: OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,750 7,750 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 7,117 7,117 EQUIPMENT 2,095 2,095 LIBRARY BOOKS,MAPS, AND FILM 800 800 SCHOLARSHIPS - NON-STATE EMPLOYEES 3,774 3,774 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 21,536 $ 21,536 --------- ------------ TOTAL AVIATION EDUCATION $ 21,536 $ 21,536 =========== =========== VI. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: A. CONTINUOUS AIRPORT SYSTEMS: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 54,895 54,456 (3.00) (3.00) NEW POSITIONS: ENGINEER 26,000 26,000 (1.00) (1.00) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 80,895 $ 80,456 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,795 13,795 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 88,509 1,900 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 11,627 11,627 TRAVEL 2,000 2,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 115,931 $ 29,322 --------- ------------ TOTAL CONTINUOUS AIRPORT SYSTEMS $ 196,826 $ 109,778 =========== =========== TOTAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS $ 196,826 $ 109,778 =========== =========== VII. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A. SALARY INCREMENTS PERSONAL SERVICE INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 15,221 15,221 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 15,221 $ 15,221 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 15,221 $ 15,221 =========== =========== C. STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS FRINGE BENEFITS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 153,406 150,608 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 153,406 $ 150,608 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 153,406 $ 150,608 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 168,627 $ 165,829 =========== =========== TOTAL AERONAUTICS COMMISSION $ 2,663,341 $ 2,432,325 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (41.00) (41.00) =========== =========== Provided, That the funds appropriated in this section under program IV "Civil Air Patrol" shall be expended by the director so as to discharge the State's obligations in conjunction with the Civil Air Patrol as outlined in the SARDA Plan, the S. C. Operational Radiological Emergency Response Plan, and assist County and local authorities and other State agencies insofar as permitted by the regulations governing the Civil Air Patrol. The director shall further expend funds for the maintenance and acquisition of equipment which, in his opinion,shall increase the Civil Air Patrol's ability to perform its mission, and may expend not more than twenty-five per cent of the Patrol funds in the "CAP AEROSPACE EDUCATION" and "CADET" programs. The director may expend funds to hire such administrative personnel as may be necessary to administer the above outlined programs. All expenditures for equipment and services shall be in accordance with State fiscal policies. Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1985, of appropriations to the Commission for studies may be carried forward into 1985-86, and expended for the same purposes. Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1985, of appropriations to the Commission for "Airport Master Plan" may be carried forward and made available for the same purposes in 85-86. Provided, Further, That for 1985-86 the Aeronautics Commission may retain and expend reimbursements derived from charges to other government agencies for service and supplies for operating purposes and that an amount not to exceed $ 150,000 may be carried forward to fiscal year 1985-1986 and expended for the same purposes. Provided, Further,That revenue received for rental of office space to the U. S. Air Force may be retained and expended to cover the cost of building operations. Provided, Further, That the Aeronautics Commission shall not pay for all or any portion of the cost of utilities at any airport or facility except for buildings occupied by the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission. Provided, Further, That from the revenues generated from the use of aircraft, the Aeronautics Commission may establish a reserve, not to exceed $150,000 for the replacement of time limit aircrafts components. Provided, Further, That all General Aviation Airports will receive funding prior to the four air carrier airports (i.e. Columbia, Charleston, Greenville-Spartanburg, Myrtle Beach Jetport) as these qualify for special funding under the DDT/FAA appropriations based on enplanements in South Carolina. Provided, Further, That the Aeronautics Commission will provide hangar/parking facilities for government owned and/or operated aircraft on a first come basis. The funds collected are to be deposited to the General Fund. The Hangar Fee Schedule shall be as follows: Single Engine - $50.00 per month Twin Engine - $75.00 per month Jet/Turboprop - $100.00 per month Helicopter - $75.00 per month Permanent parking/tie down space will be provided at the rate of $20.00 per month for single engine aircraft, or $30.00 per month for twin engine aircraft. Personnel from the agencies owning and/or operating aircraft will be responsible for ground movement of their aircraft. Provided, Further, That the Commission is authorized on a reimbursement basis, to utilize services of the Department of Highways and Public Transportation to assist in providing coordinated and continuing legal and other services in transportation and related matters. Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated to the Commission in Fiscal Year 1984-85 for the purchase of communication equipment may be carried forward and expended for the same purpose during Fiscal Year 1985-86. SECTION 121 H & P T-INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON PUBLIC TRANS I. ADMINISTRATION: A. GENERAL PROGRAM: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 56,955 56,955 (3.00) (3.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 5,746 5,746 PER DIEM 2,500 2,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 65,201 $ 65,201 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,678 3,678 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,850 1,850 TRAVEL 4,678 4,678 EQUIPMENT 1,727 1,727 TRANSPORTATION 800 800 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 12,733 $ 12,733 --------- ------------ TOTAL GENERAL PROGRAM $ 77,934 $ 77,934 =========== =========== B. CARPOOL/VANPOOL PROGRAM: PERSONAL SERVICE CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 19,712 4,928 (1.00) (.25) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 138 138 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 19,850 $ 5,066 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 89,572 20,697 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,200 935 TRAVEL 1,500 375 TRANSPORTATION 500 125 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 93,772 $ 22,132 --------- ------------ TOTAL CARPOOL/VANPOOL PROGRAM $ 113,622 $ 27,198 =========== =========== TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 191,556 $ 105,132 =========== =========== II. DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAMS: PERSONAL SERVICES: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 24,512 24,512 (1.00) (1.00) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 24,512 $ 24,512 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 541,445 541,445 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,475 1,475 TRAVEL 2,000 2,000 TRANSPORTATION 500 500 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 545,420 $ 545,420 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAM $ 569,932 $ 569,932 =========== =========== III. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCREMENTS-CLASSIFIED 317 INCREMENTS-CONTINUED 1984-85 2,080 1,768 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 2,397 $ 1,768 --------- ------------ TOTAL SALARY INCREMENTS $ 2,397 $ 1,768 =========== =========== BASE PAY INCREASE 755 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 155 --------- ------------ TOTAL BASE PAY INCREASE $ 155 =========== =========== EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS 19,769 16,674 --------- ------------ TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 19,769 $ 16,674 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS $ 19,769 $ 16,674 =========== =========== TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 22,921 $ 18,442 =========== =========== TOTAL INTERAGENCY COUNCIL $ 784,409 $ 693,506 =========== =========== TOTAL AUTHORIZED FTE POSITIONS (5.00) (4.25) =========== =========== Provided, That if any funds appropriated pursuant to Section 116, Part I of Act 517 of 1980 for public transportation are not expended during the preceding fiscal years ,such funds may be carried forward and expended for the same purpose. Provided, Further, That this Section is transferred to the Department of Highways and Public Transportation. SECTION 122 DEBT SERVICE I. DEBT SERVICE ON GENERAL OBLIGATIONS: PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTS: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS 81,627,075 81,627,075 --------- ------------ TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS $ 81,627,075 $ 81,627,075 SCHOOL BONDS 12,859,900 12,859,900 --------- ------------ TOTAL SCHOOL BONDS $ 12,859,900 $ 12,859,900 PORTS AUTHORITY BONDS 129,250 129,250 --------- ------------ TOTAL PORTS AUTHORITY BONDS $ 129,250 $ 129,250 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SVC ON GEN OBLIGATION BONDS $ 94,616,225 $ 94,616,225 =========== =========== II. HIGHWAY BONDS HIGHWAY BONDS 9,002,750 9,002,750 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 9,002,750 $ 9,002,750 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ON HIGHWAY BONDS $ 9,002,750 $ 9,002,750 =========== =========== III. INSTITUTION BONDS INSTITUTION BONDS 5,538,270 5,538,270 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 5,538,270 $ 5,538,270 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ON INSTITUTION BONDS $ 5,538,270 $ 5,538,270 =========== =========== IV. SPECIAL BONDS AND STOCKS: AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE STOCK-INTEREST 11,508 11,508 CLEMSON PERPETUAL STOCK-INTEREST 3,513 3,513 RICHARD B. RUSSELL PROJECT 206,217 206,217 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 221,238 $ 221,238 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ON SPECIAL BONDS & STOCK $ 221,238 $ 221,238 =========== =========== TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATIONS 109,378,483 109,370,483 =========== =========== Provided, That the above appropriations shall be disbursed under the direction of the State Treasurer. Provided, Further, That any agency of the State government responsible by law for the collection of revenues or funds from any source to be annually applied to payments of interest and principal on general obligation bonds of the state shall remit such collections to the State Treasurer for credit to the State's General Fund and which shall constitute a reimbursement of appropriations made in this section. Provided, Further, That the General Assembly take note of the fact that the foregoing figures reflects the estimated Debt Service Requirements of Bonds of the State for Fiscal Year 1985-86. It is not intended that their inclusion in this Act shall prevent the issuance of additional bonds pursuant to authorizations now or hereafter enacted. Provided, Further, That with the exception of the Agricultural College Stock and Clemson Perpetual Stock, bonded debt of the State issued prior to December 1, 1977, is supported by a special fund (derived from taxes and other sources) and in each instance the monies derived from such taxes and other sources must be first applied to the payment of principal and interest on the bonds prior to the use for other purposes and that under the Statutes which authorized such bonds, it is the ministerial duty of the appropriate State officers and agencies to utilize the pledged revenues for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds. Under the decision of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, continuing appropriations have been made which cannot be diverted until all of the principal and interest on the bonds have been paid. Provided, Further, That in the instance of debt incurred subsequent to December 1, 1977, the General Assembly, in obedience to Paragraph 4 of Section 13 of Article X, has allocated on an annual basis sufficient tax revenues to provide for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on such general obligation debt. Provided, Further, That the Budget and Control Board, after review of the Joint Bond Review Committee, is hereby authorized and directed to regulate the starting date of the various projects approved for funding through the issuance of Capital Improvement Bonds so as to insure that the appropriations for debt service on such bonds, as provided in this Section, shall be sufficient during Fiscal Year 1985-86. SECTION 123 MISCELLANEOUS I. MISCELLANEOUS: SPECIAL ITEMS: SMALL BUSINESS DEV. CTR OF S.C. 395,000 395,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS $ 395,000 $ 395,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 395,000 $ 395,000 =========== =========== TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 395,000 $ 395,000 =========== =========== Provided, That notwithstanding the provisions of Section 159, of Part I of this Act, the Frank L. Roddey Small Business Development Center is hereby granted a waiver for remitting indirect cost recoveries to the General Fund for the federal project entitled "The Small Business Development Center Program" established pursuant to P. L. 96-302. Provided, Further, That in preparing the 1986-87 federal application and State budget, indirect cost recovery for remittance to the General Fund shall be incorporated in the budget in keeping with the intent of the Joint Appropriations Review Committee that this waiver will not be extended to 1986-87. Provided, Further, That the State Auditor shall annually audit the appropriations in this section and make a report of such audit to the General Assembly. Provided, Further, That $45,000 of the $395,000 appropriated for the Small Business Development Center of South Carolina must be used to provide for the base pay increase and employer's share of fringe benefits consistent with the pay plan for other state employees. SECTION 125 AID TO SUBDIVISIONS I. AID TO COUNTIES: AID TO SUBDIVISIONS: AID TO COUNTIES-ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS TAX 7,222,329 7,222,329 AID TO COUNTIES-ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS MINI BOT 2,622,000 2,622,000 AID TO COUNTIES-BANK TAX 3,180,000 3,180,000 AID TO COUNTIES-BEER AND WINE TAX 3,267,625 3,267,625 AID TO COUNTIES-GASOLINE TAX-REGULAR 15,000,000 15,000,000 AID TO COUNTIES-INCOME TAX 67,690,700 67,690,700 AID TO COUNTIES-INSURANCE TAX 11,755,910 11,755,910 AID TO COUNTIES-HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION REIMBURSE 17,995,818 17,995,818 AID TO COUNTIES-TAX FORMS & SUPPLIES-A & T 116,285 116,285 AID TO COUNTIES-INV TAX PHASEOUT-REIMBURSE 3,213,000 3,213,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL DISTRIBUTION TO SUBDIVISIONS $ 132,063,667 $ 132,063,667 --------- ------------ TOTAL AID TO COUNTIES $ 132,063,667 $ 132,063,667 =========== =========== II. AID TO MUNICIPALITIES: AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -ALCOHOLIC LIQU 7,222,487 7,222,487 AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -BANK TAX 1,510,500 1,510,500 AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -BEER AND WINE TAX 8,393,749 8,393,749 AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -INCOME TAX 5,016,718 5,016,718 AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -INS. TAX 84,149 84,149 AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -MOTOR TRANSPORT TAX 1,289,616 1,289,616 AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -HOMESTEAD EXEM 4,216,236 4,216,236 AID TO MUNICIPALITIES -INV TAX PHASEOUT-REI 867,000 867,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL DISTRIBUTION TO SUBDIVISIONS $ 28,600,455 $ 28,600,455 --------- ------------ TOTAL AID TO MUNICIPALITIES $ 28,600,455 $ 28,600,455 =========== =========== III. AID TO DISTRICTS: AID TO PLANNING DISTRICTS 725,521 725,521 --------- ------------ TOTAL DISTRIBUTION TO SUBDIVISIONS $ 725,521 $ 725,521 --------- ------------ TOTAL AID TO DISTRICTS $ 725,521 $ 725,521 =========== =========== TOTAL AID TO SUBDIVISIONS $ 161,389,643 $ 161,389,643 =========== =========== Provided, That the above revenues shall be deposited in the General Fund of the State,and notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in the various items of this section,shall be allocated and paid to the counties and municipalities of the State in conformity with the percentages or proportions of such revenues prescribed by law. Provided, Further, That where a portion of one county is annexed to another county, the total amount allocated to the two counties shall not exceed the total which would be allocated to that two counties separately. However, the population of the annexed areas shall be taken into consideratioN in determining the proportionate share of the total allocation due to each county. Municipalities incorporated on or after July 1, 1985, shall receive a share of the appropriate revenues in conformity with the percentage or proportion of such revenues prescribed by law. Provided, Further, That in each statutory formula for the allotment of aid to subdivisions whereby population is a factor, the most recent official United States Census shall be used. Provided, Further, That all distributions in this section, except Homestead Reimbursement, Merchant Inventory Tax Reimbursement and Tax Forms an(a Supplies Expense, shall be remitted to each subdivision by the State Treasurer. Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the amount appropriated in this section for "Homestead Exemption Reimbursement" there is hereby appropriated whatever amount is necessary to reimburse the counties and municipalities of that State for exemptions allowed in accord with that provisions of law. Provided, Further, That seven (7%) percent of the state income taxes collected between July 1, 1985, and June 30, 1986, shall be allocated to the Counties of the State. Within thirty (30) days after the close of each quarter, the State Treasurer shall remit to each county of the State its percentage of the net income of such income taxes collected, according to his records, during the quarter just preceding. If, because of refunds by the Tax Commission, or for any other reason, it should develop that an overpayment shall have been made to any or all of the counties, the State Treasurer is authorized and directed to withhold from subsequent payments, a sufficient amount to adjust same to the terms of this provision. The amount herein allocated to the counties shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-1-120, Code of Laws, 1976, and the limitations set forth above. Provided, Further, That one-half (1/2%) percent of the state income taxes collected between July 1, 1985, and June 30, 1986, shall be allocated to the municipalities of the State based on the population of all municipalities in this State. Within thirty days after the close of each quarter, the State Treasurer shall remit to each municipality of the State its percentage of the net income of the income taxes collected, according to his records, during the quarter just preceding. If, because of refunds by the Tax Commission or for any other reason, it should develop that an overpayment has been made to any or all of the municipalities, the State Treasurer is authorized and directed to withhold from subsequent payments a sufficient amount to adjust them to the terms of this provision. Provided, Further, That as of July 1, 1981, the counties of the State will be relieved of contribution requirements for salary, fringe benefits and travel reimbursement to local health departments. The amount of funds heretofore appropriated by counties for health department salaries, fringe benefits and travel shall be determined by the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Environmental Control in consultation with the chief administrative official of the respective counties, and shall be withheld from the quarterly distribution of income tax to each county. The amount appropriated herein for Aid to Counties Income Tax, reflects this reduction. These funds and other state funds appropriated for county health units may, based upon need, be utilized in either salary or travel categories. Each county shall provide all other operating expenses of the local health department in an amount at least equal to that appropriated for operations for each county in Fiscal Year 1981. Provided, Further, That in the event any county makes uniform reductions in appropriations to all agencies or departments for maintenance and operations, exclusive of salaries and fringe benefits, a like reduction shall be made in funds appropriated for the operating expenses of the local health department. Any year-end lapsed monies which result from this provision shall be returned to the appropriate county at the end of each fiscal year. Provided, Further, That fifty (50%) percent of the amount appropriated in this section for "Aid to Planning Districts" shall be divided equally among the ten districts, the remaining fifty (50%) percent to be allocated in proportion to the population of each district according to the official United States Census for 1980. Provided, Further, That each district shall, prior, to receipt of funds, submit a plan for the expenditure of funds appropriated in this section to the Budget and Control Board. Within ninety (90) days following the end of the fiscal year, each district shall submit to the Budget and Control Board a copy of an audit of funds appropriated in this section, to be performed by an independent Certified Public Accountant. Provided, Further, That the State Treasurer shall remit to each district its share upon approval by the Budget and Control Board. Provided, Further, That all Regional Councils of Government shall determine annually from each member of the General Assembly whether or not he wishes to be included on the Council's mailing list for A-95 Review Forms. Those Members wishing to receive such forms shall be immediately placed on the Council's mailing list. Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated under "Aid to Counties, Tax Forms and Supplies Expense," 4 per capita, based on the official United States Census for 1980, shall be remitted by the Comptroller General to the several counties of the state and shall be applied by the counties only on expense of printing tax forms and supplies for county auditors, treasurers and tax collectors. Payment shall be made to each county treasurer in one annual payment which shall be made as soon after the beginning of the fiscal year as practical. Provided, Further, That it is the intent of the General Assembly that the amounts appropriated in this section for Clerks of Court, Probate Judges, Registers of Mesne Conveyances and County Sheriffs shall be in addition to any amounts presently being provided by the county for these positions and any reduction by any county in the salary of the Clerks of Court, the Probate Judges, Registers of Mesne Conveyances and County Sheriffs or any other reduction of expenditures in the office of the Clerks of Court, Probate Judges, Registers of Mesne Conveyances and County Sheriffs shall result in a corresponding decrease of funds provided to that county by the State except that any county which provided for equalization of expenditures of Clerks of Court, Probate Judges, Registers of Mesne Conveyances and County Sheriffs prior to passage of this act is hereby declared to be in compliance with the intent of the General Assembly and shall not be subject to the decrease of funds penalty provided herein. Provided, Further, That $107,500 of the amounts appropriated in this section must be directed by the State Treasurer to the Advisory Commission on Inter-Governmental Relations of the Governor's Office with counties and municipalities sharing equally. SECTION 126 DEPT. OF HIGHWAYS & PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION I. ADMINISTRATION: A. GENERAL: PERSONAL SERVICE: CHIEF COMMISSIONER 66,308 (1.00) CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 5,651,614 (333.50) NEW POSITIONS: COMPUTER PROGRAMMER III 18,000 (1.00) PROGRAMMER ANALYST II 21,059 (1.00) INFO RESOURCE CONSULTANT II 28,685 (1.00) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 55,120 (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 19,509 PER DIEM 44,000 OVERTIME AND SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL 3,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 5,907,795 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,493,675 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 837,260 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 762,668 TRAVEL 122,900 LIBRARY BOOKS,MAPS, AND FILM 5,300 EQUIPMENT 3,387,611 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 298,695 TRANSPORTATION 297,213 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 7,205,322 --------- ------------ TOTAL GENERAL $ 13,113,117 =========== =========== B. DEBT REQUIREMENTS: DEBT SERVICE: PRINCIPAL 7,934,932 INTEREST 1,494,750 SERVICE CHARGE 7,650 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 9,437,332 --------- ------------ TOTAL DEBT REQUIREMENTS $ 9,437,332 =========== =========== C. DAMAGE CLAIMS (TORT): OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 111,500 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 500 CLAIMS AND AWARDS 515,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 627,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL DAMAGE CLAIMS (TORT) $ 627,000 =========== =========== D. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 206,500 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 40,000 CLAIMS AND AWARDS 875,000 HOSPITAL CARE 360,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,481,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION $ 1,481,500 =========== =========== E. LAND AND BUILDINGS: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 53,686 (2.36) TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 53,686 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 327,000 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 4,875 TRAVEL 500 TRANSPORTATION 1,500 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 333,875 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: LAND 602,500 CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AND ADDITIONS 6,270,190 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $ 6,872,690 --------- ------------ TOTAL LAND AND BUILDINGS $ 7,260,251 =========== =========== F. BUDGETARY RESERVE: SPECIAL ITEMS: MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS 500,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS $ 500,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL BUDGETARY RESERVE $ 500,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 32,419,200 =========== =========== II. HIGHWAY ENGINEERING: A. ENGINEERING: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 4,520,875 (205.01) UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS 58,862 (1.00) OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE: TEMPORARY POSITIONS 20,000 OVERTIME AND SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL 1,000 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 4,600,737 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 272,950 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 343,105 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 15,560 TRAVEL 37,510 EQUIPMENT 525,428 LIGHT/POWER/HEAT 77,806 TRANSPORTATION 50,175 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,322,534 --------- ------------ TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 5,923,271 =========== =========== B. STATE INSTITUTIONS - STS & DRS: PERSONAL SERVICE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 31,816 (1.41) --------- ------------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE $ 31,816 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,629 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 9,930 TRANSPORTATION 325 --------- ------------ TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES $ 11,884 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: HIGHWAY AND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 147,686 --------- ------------ TOTAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $ 147,686 --------- ------------ TOTAL STATE INSTIT - STRS & DRS $ 191,386 =========== ===========