Current Status Introducing Body:House Bill Number:4799 Ratification Number:496 Act Number:586 Primary Sponsor:Holt Type of Legislation:GB Subject:Charleston County, operating budget for 1992-93 Date Bill Passed both Bodies:May 20, 1992 Computer Document Number:CYY/19187.SD Governor's Action:V Date of Governor's Action:Jun 02, 1992 Introduced Date:Apr 29, 1992 Last History Body:------ Last History Date:Oct 07, 1992 Last History Type:Act No. 586 Action on Governor's Veto:O Scope of Legislation:Statewide All Sponsors:Holt Whipper J. Bailey D. Martin Hallman Gonzales Rama Barber Inabinett R. Young Fulmer Type of Legislation:General Bill
Bill Body Date Action Description CMN ---- ------ ------------ ------------------------------ --- 4799 ------ Oct 07, 1992 Act No. 586 4799 House Jun 03, 1992 Veto overridden 4799 Senate Jun 03, 1992 Veto overridden 4799 ------ Jun 02, 1992 Vetoed by Governor 4799 ------ May 27, 1992 Ratified R 496 4799 Senate May 20, 1992 Read third time, enrolled for ratification 4799 Senate May 12, 1992 Read second time, notice of general amendments 4799 Senate May 05, 1992 Introduced, read first time, placed on Local and Uncontested Calendar without reference 4799 House May 01, 1992 Read third time, sent to Senate 4799 House Apr 30, 1992 Read second time, unanimous consent for third reading on next Legislative day 4799 House Apr 29, 1992 Introduced, read first time, placed on Calendar without referenceView additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.
(R496, H4799)
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 1. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the St. Johns Fire District the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of two million, nine hundred seventy-two thousand, three hundred nine dollars, for operating expenses for the district during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. In addition to this sum, the district may spend other sources of revenue such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of three million, one hundred fifty thousand, seven hundred ninety-one dollars during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The district may not transfer any funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval of the majority of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this amount must be carried over to the account of the district and remain unexpended.
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 2. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the St. Pauls Fire District the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of eight hundred ninety-seven thousand, seven hundred sixty-seven dollars for operating expenses for the district. In addition to this sum, the district may spend other sources of revenue such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of one million, two hundred eighty-one thousand, six hundred fifty-nine dollars during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The district may not transfer any funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval of a majority of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this amount must be carried over to the account of the district and remain unexpended.
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 3. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the St. Andrews Park and Playground Commission the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of seven hundred eighty-five thousand, sixty-five dollars for operating expenses for the commission. In addition to this sum, the commission may spend other sources of revenue such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of one million, six hundred ninety-three thousand, eight hundred fifteen dollars during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The commission may not transfer any funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval of the majority of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. The commission is also authorized to expend any user or registration funds generated from programs or facilities purchased through the sale of approved general obligation bonds. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this limitation must be carried over to the account of the commission and remain unexpended.
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 4. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the Cooper River Park and Playground Commission the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of four hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred thirty-nine dollars for operating expenses for the commission. In addition to this sum, the commission may spend other sources of revenue, such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of six hundred eighty-three thousand, three hundred two dollars during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The commission may not transfer any funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval of a majority of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this limitation must be carried over to the account of the commission and remain unexpended.
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 5. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the North Charleston District the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of one million, six hundred eighty-six thousand, eight hundred eighty-seven dollars for operating expenses for the district. In addition to this sum, the district may spend other sources of revenue such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of two million, two hundred forty-five thousand, four hundred eighty-seven dollars during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The district may not transfer any funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval by a majority of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this amount must be carried over to the account of the district and remain unexpended. The North Charleston District and the North Charleston Sewer District share time for some employees in work duties and work assignments. For any employee of either district whose work duties may include assignments within both the district and the North Charleston Sewer District, compensation for that employee must be shared by the North Charleston District and the North Charleston Sewer District, and the North Charleston District.
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 6. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the St. Andrews Public Service District the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of two million, seven hundred forty-two thousand, one hundred fifty-six dollars for operating expenses for the district. In addition to this sum, the district may spend other sources of revenue such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of three million, one hundred sixty-seven thousand, two hundred twenty-six dollars during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The district may not transfer funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this limit must be carried over to the account of the district and remain unexpended.
Millage authorized
SECTION 7. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Technical Education Center the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of two million, seventeen thousand dollars, for Charleston County's share of the operating expenses for the center. The area commission for the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Technical Education Center has sole authority to expend the funds collected.
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 8. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of four million, eight hundred seventy-five thousand, four hundred fourteen dollars for operating expenses for the commission. In addition to this sum, the commission may spend other sources of revenue, such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of seven million, three hundred eighty-eight thousand, five hundred twenty-nine dollars during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The commission may not transfer funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval of a majority of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this limitation must be carried over to the account of the commission and remain unexpended.
Budget and millage authorized
SECTION 9. The auditor of Charleston County shall levy for the James Island Public Service District the millage to the nearest one-tenth mill necessary for the treasurer to collect during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993, at least a total of two million, five hundred thousand, eighty-six dollars, for operating expenses for the district. In addition to this sum, the district may spend other sources of revenue, such as back taxes, carry over, and other funds generated for a total operating budget of two million, eight hundred twenty thousand, one hundred seventy-six dollars, during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1993. The district may not transfer funds in excess of ten thousand dollars from one line item to another line item within this budget without approval of the Charleston County Legislative Delegation. Any other revenue or back taxes received by the treasurer in excess of this limitation must be carried over to the account of the district and remain unexpended.
Continuity provision
SECTION 10. In the event that any provision of this act levying millage, appropriating funds, and providing for the operating budget for a particular local entity is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or unconstitutional or is otherwise not enacted into law, the millage, funding, and budget for that entity must be that of the previous year.
Time effective
SECTION 11. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
In the Senate House May 27, 1992.
Nick A. Theodore,
President of the Senate
David M. Beasley,
Speaker Pro Tempore of the
House of Representatives
Vetoed by the Governor - 6/2/92.
Veto overridden by House - 6/3/92.
Veto overridden by Senate - 6/3/92.
Printer's Date -- June 28, 1992 -- S.