Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Allison Bailey, G. Baker Barber Brown, H. Clyborne Corning Cromer Davenport Delleney Elliott Fulmer Gamble Gonzales Hallman Harrell Harrison Harwell Haskins Hodges Houck Huff Hutson Keegan Kelley Kirsh Lanford Law Littlejohn Marchbanks McKay McTeer Meacham Quinn Riser Rogers Sharpe Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stille Stuart Sturkie Trotter Vaughn Waites Walker Wells Wilder, D. Wilder, J. Wilkes Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Worley Wright Young, A. Young, R.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Anderson Askins Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, G. Byrd Carnell Cato Chamblee Cobb-Hunter Cooper Govan Harrelson Harris, J. Harvin Hines Holt Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Kennedy Keyserling Kinon Klauber Koon Mattos McAbee McCraw McLeod McMahand Moody-Lawrence Neal Phillips
Rhoad Robinson Rudnick Snow Spearman Stoddard Stone Townsend Tucker Whipper White
So, immediate cloture was ordered.
Rep. G. BROWN moved to commit the Bill to the Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.
Rep. SIMRILL moved to table the motion to commit.
Rep. A. YOUNG demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, T.C. Allison Baker Barber Boan Brown, H. Chamblee Clyborne Corning Cromer Delleney Elliott Fulmer Gamble Gonzales Graham Hallman Harrell Harris, J. Harrison Haskins Hodges Houck Huff Hutson Keegan Kelley Kinon Kirsh Law McCraw McKay McTeer Meacham Phillips Quinn Riser Rogers Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, R. Stille Stuart Sturkie Thomas Townsend Vaughn Waites Walker Wells Wilder, D. Wilkes Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Worley Wright Young, A. Young, R.
Alexander, M.O. Anderson Askins Bailey, G. Baxley Breeland Brown, G. Byrd Carnell Cato Cobb-Hunter Cooper Davenport Govan Harrelson Harvin Harwell Hines Holt Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Kennedy Keyserling Klauber Koon Lanford Littlejohn Marchbanks McAbee McLeod McMahand Moody-Lawrence Neal Rhoad Robinson Rudnick Sharpe Smith, D. Spearman Stoddard Stone Trotter Tucker Whipper White Wilder, J.
So, the motion to commit was tabled.
Rep. KENNEDY moved that the House do now adjourn.
Rep. HUFF raised the Point of Order that fifteen minutes had not elapsed since a similar motion was made, which point was not sustained by the Chair.
Rep. HUFF demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Anderson Askins Bailey, G. Barber Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, G. Byrd Carnell Chamblee Cobb-Hunter Elliott Felder Govan Harrelson Harvin Hines Hodges
Holt Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Kennedy Kinon Klauber Koon Mattos McAbee McCraw McKay McLeod McMahand Neal Phillips Rhoad Rudnick Sheheen Snow Spearman Stoddard Townsend Trotter Tucker Whipper White Wilder, J.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Allison Baker Cato Clyborne Cooper Corning Cromer Davenport Delleney Fulmer Gamble Gonzales Graham Hallman Harrell Harris, J. Harrison Harwell Haskins Houck Huff Hutson Keegan Kelley Keyserling Kirsh Lanford Littlejohn Marchbanks McElveen McTeer Meacham Moody-Lawrence Quinn Richardson Riser Robinson Rogers Sharpe Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Stille Stone Stuart Sturkie Thomas Vaughn Waites Walker Wells Wilder, D. Wilkes Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Worley Wright Young, A. Young, R.
So, the House refused to adjourn.
Rep. G. BROWN moved that the House recede until 2:15 P.M., which was rejected by a division vote of 40 to 60.
Rep. McABEE moved to table the amendment.
Rep. A. YOUNG demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Askins Bailey, G. Baxley Brown, G. Carnell Chamblee Cobb-Hunter Elliott Felder Graham Harrelson Harvin Hines Jennings Kennedy Klauber Littlejohn Marchbanks McAbee McLeod McMahand Moody-Lawrence Neal Rhoad Robinson Scott Spearman Stoddard Trotter White Wilder, J.
Those who voted in the negative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Allison Baker Barber Boan Breeland Brown, H. Cato Clyborne Cooper Corning Cromer Davenport Delleney Gamble Govan Hallman Harrell Harris, J. Harrison Harwell Haskins Hodges Holt Houck Huff Hutson Inabinett Jaskwhich Keegan Kelley Keyserling Kinon Kirsh Koon Lanford Mattos McCraw McElveen McKay McTeer Meacham Phillips Richardson Riser Rogers Rudnick Sharpe Sheheen Shissias Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R.
Snow Stille Stone Stuart Sturkie Thomas Townsend Tucker Vaughn Waites Walker Wells Whipper Wilder, D. Wilkes Wilkins Witherspoon Wofford Worley Wright Young, A. Young, R.
So, the House refused to table the amendment.
The question then recurred to the adoption of the amendment.
Rep. KENNEDY demanded the yeas and nays, which were not ordered.
The amendment was then adopted by a division vote of 57 to 24.
Rep. KOON proposed the following Amendment No. 2 (Doc Name L:\council\legis\amend\GJK\20833SD.94), which was tabled.
Amend the Report of the Committee on Ways and Means, as and if amended, by adding an appropriately numbered SECTION to read:
/SECTION . Section 12-43-220 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding an appropriately lettered item at the end to read:
"( ) All unimproved and undeveloped real property not identified as part of a residential, commercial, or industrial development must be taxed on an assessment equal to two percent of the fair market value of the property."/
Renumber sections to conform.
Amend totals and title to conform.
Rep. KOON explained the amendment.
Rep. KIRSH spoke against the amendment.
Rep. KIRSH moved to table the amendment.
Rep. KOON demanded the yeas and nays, which were not ordered.
The amendment was then tabled by a division vote of 58 to 27.
Rep. HODGES moved that the House do now adjourn.
Rep. HUFF raised the Point of Order that fifteen minutes had not elapsed since a similar motion was made, which point was not sustained by the Chair.
Rep. SIMRILL demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as
Those who voted in the affirmative are:
Alexander, M.O. Alexander, T.C. Anderson Askins Bailey, G. Barber Baxley Boan Breeland Brown, G. Brown, H. Brown, J. Byrd Carnell Chamblee Cobb-Hunter Fair Felder Gamble Govan Harrelson Harvin Harwell Hines Hodges Holt Houck Inabinett Jaskwhich Jennings Kennedy Kinon Koon Mattos McAbee McCraw McKay McLeod McMahand Moody-Lawrence Neal Phillips Rhoad Rogers Rudnick Scott Sheheen Shissias Spearman Stille Stoddard Sturkie Townsend Tucker Waites Whipper White Wilder, D. Wilkes Wofford Worley
Those who voted in the negative are:
Allison Baker Cato Cooper Corning Cromer Davenport Delleney Fulmer Gonzales Hallman Harrell Harris, J. Harrison Haskins Huff Hutson Keegan
Kelley Keyserling Kirsh Klauber Lanford Littlejohn Marchbanks McElveen McTeer Meacham Quinn Richardson Riser Robinson Sharpe Simrill Smith, D. Smith, R. Snow Stone Stuart Thomas Trotter Vaughn Walker Wells Wilkins Witherspoon Wright Young, A. Young, R.
So, the motion to adjourn was agreed to.
Further proceedings were interrupted by adjournment, the pending question being consideration of amendments, immediate cloture having been ordered.
In accordance with Section 8-13-700(B) of the S.C. Code, I abstained from voting on the below referenced bill or amendment because of a potential conflict of interest and wish to have my recusal noted for the record in the House Journal of this date.
Bill #: S. 920 General Subject Matter: Ag. Prop. Taxes
The reason for abstaining on the above reference legislation is:
A potential conflict of interest may exist in that an economic interest of myself, an immediate family member, or an individual or business with which I am associated may be affected in violation of S.C. Code Section 8-13-700(B).
Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter
The House assembled at 10:00 A.M.
Deliberations were opened with prayer by the Chaplain of the House of Representatives, the Rev. Dr. Alton C. Clark as follows:
Almighty God, look with favor upon all who serve in the legislative matters of our great State. Grant unto them wisdom of mind, strength of character, goodness of heart, and so direct them in their decisions as to be a blessing to all our people. Make them equal to their important tasks, just in the exercise of power, charitable in judgment, and always loyal to the best.
Cause us to use for our strength and support words from Proverbs which say: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not upon Your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5) Amen.
Pursuant to Rule 6.3, the House of Representatives was led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America by the SPEAKER.
After corrections to the Journal of the proceedings of yesterday, the SPEAKER ordered it confirmed.
The following was received.
Document No. 1726
Promulgated By Department of Health and Environmental Control
State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Bank (SUPERB) Site
Rehabilitation and Fund Access Regulation
Received by Speaker February 22, 1994
Referred to House Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry
120 Day Review Expiration Date January 29, 1995
Withdrawn and Resubmitted March 28, 1994, and May 5, 1994