Inquiry about Rule 6.1. and that during the first six weeks of the legislative
sessions, unless a majority of the House members present object, the House shall adjourn at 2:15
Inquiry about whether ruling would be in Journal word for word or just
Speaker sustaining the Point
Inquiry about Bill and whether it came from the Committee
Inquiry about subsections being germane and what had been done on
Subsection B
Inquiry about which sections had been ruled out of order
Inquiry about a fiscal impact statement prior to third reading in
compliance with Section 2-7-76 which states that a revised estimated fiscal impact and cost statement must be
prepared at the direction of the presiding officer of the House of Representatives or the Senate by the Budget
Division prior to third reading of the bill or resolution, if there is a significant amendment to the bill or
Inquiry about time remaining in motion period when motion to recall bill
was made
Inquiry about fiscal impact statement being attached to the Bill
Inquiry about how a conference committee member was supposed to
make a status report if no debate were allowed
Inquiry about addressing Barnwell and whether the only opportunity
would be when the conference committee made a report
Last Updated: Monday, June 29, 2009 at 1:54 P.M.