Journal of the House of Representatives
of the Second Session of the 111th General Assembly
of the State of South Carolina
being the Regular Session Beginning Tuesday, January 9, 1996

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Printed Page 110 . . . . . Wednesday, January 10, 1996


Veto 20 Part IA, Section 10, Treasurer, page 37, line 9, Computer Upgrades, $65, 950

Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 21 Part IA, Section 12, Prosecution Coordination, page 40, line 7, Unclass. Positions, $463,311

Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 22 Part IA, Section 12, Prosecution Coordination, page 40, line 20, Other Operating Expenses, $150,742

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 23 Part IA, Section 13, Appellate Defense, page 41, line 3, Chief Attorney, $55,078

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 24 Part IA, Section 14, Indigent Defense, page 42, line 16, Adm. Asst., $18,626

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 25 Part IA, Section 14, Indigent Defense, page 42, line 18, Clerical Specialist, $12,582

Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 26 Part IA, Section 14, Indigent Defense, page 42, line 36, Employer Contributions, $24,828

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Rep. HUFF moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 27 Part IA, Section 16, Election Commission, page 49, line 10, Personal Services, $62,604

Rep. H. BROWN moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 28 Part IA, Section 16, Election Commission, page 49, line 14, Operating Expenses, $7,615

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 29 Part IA, Section 17B, Budget and Control Board, page 65, line 9, B&C BD Grant Program Fund, $6,588,619

Rep. H. BROWN explained the veto.

Rep. H. BROWN moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 30 Part IA, Section 17C, Budget and Control Board, page 67, line 32, SC Leadership, $101,025

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 31 Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Education, page 79, line 23, SREB Fees and Assessment, $141,750

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 32 Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Education, page 79, line 24, SREB Small Grants, $5,000

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

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Veto 33 Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Education, page 79, line 41, Other Operating Expenses, $18,340

Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 34 Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Education, page 81, line 6, Other Personal Service, $480

Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 35 Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education, page 154, line 7, Other Personal Service, $9,000

Rep. H. BROWN explained the veto.

Rep. H. BROWN moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

Rep. ROGERS demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 73; Nays 26

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison              Askins               Bailey
Brown, H.            Brown, J.            Cain
Cato                 Chamblee             Cotty
Cromer               Dantzler             Davenport
Delleney             Easterday            Felder
Fleming              Fulmer               Gamble
Hallman              Harrell              Harris, J.
Harrison             Harvin               Haskins
Herdklotz            Huff                 Hutson
Jennings             Keegan               Kelley
Keyserling           Kirsh                Klauber
Knotts               Koon                 Law
Limbaugh             Limehouse            Littlejohn
Marchbanks           Mason                McKay
Meacham              Phillips             Quinn
Rice                 Richardson           Riser
Robinson             Sandifer             Seithel

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Shissias             Simrill              Smith, R.
Spearman             Stille               Stoddard
Stuart               Thomas               Tripp
Trotter              Vaughn               Waldrop
Wells                Whatley              Wilder
Wilkins              Witherspoon          Wofford
Worley               Wright               Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Anderson             Breeland             Brown, G.
Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter          Hines, J.
Hines, M.            Hodges               Inabinett
Kennedy              Kinon                Lee
Lloyd                McMahand             McTeer
Moody-Lawrence       Neal                 Neilson
Rogers               Scott                Sheheen
Tucker               Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.
White                Williams             


So, the veto was continued.


Veto 36 Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education, page 155, line 13, Other Operating Expenses, $52,871

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

Rep. ROGERS demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 63; Nays 32

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison              Brown, H.            Cain
Cato                 Chamblee             Cotty
Dantzler             Davenport            Delleney

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Easterday            Fleming              Fulmer
Gamble               Hallman              Harrell
Harris, J.           Haskins              Herdklotz
Hutson               Keegan               Kelley
Kinon                Kirsh                Klauber
Knotts               Koon                 Lanford
Law                  Limehouse            Marchbanks
Mason                McCraw               McKay
Meacham              Quinn                Rice
Richardson           Riser                Robinson
Sandifer             Seithel              Sharpe
Shissias             Simrill              Smith, D.
Smith, R.            Spearman             Stille
Stoddard             Stuart               Tripp
Trotter              Vaughn               Waldrop
Wells                Whatley              Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wofford              Worley
Wright               Young                Young-Brickell


Those who voted in the negative are:

Anderson             Askins               Breeland
Brown, G.            Brown, J.            Byrd
Canty                Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter
Harvin               Hines, J.            Hines, M.
Hodges               Inabinett            Kennedy
Keyserling           Lee                  Lloyd
McAbee               McMahand             McTeer
Moody-Lawrence       Neal                 Neilson
Rogers               Scott                Sheheen
Tucker               Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.
White                Wilder               


So, the veto was continued.


Veto 37 Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education, page 155, line 30, Other Operating Expenses, $143,913

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Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

Rep. NEAL demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 69; Nays 30

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison              Bailey               Brown, H.
Cato                 Chamblee             Cotty
Cromer               Dantzler             Davenport
Delleney             Easterday            Fleming
Fulmer               Gamble               Hallman
Harrell              Harris, J.           Harvin
Haskins              Herdklotz            Hutson
Jaskwhich            Keegan               Kelley
Kinon                Kirsh                Klauber
Knotts               Koon                 Lanford
Law                  Limehouse            Littlejohn
Marchbanks           Mason                McCraw
McKay                Meacham              Neilson
Phillips             Rhoad                Rice
Richardson           Riser                Robinson
Sandifer             Seithel              Sharpe
Shissias             Simrill              Smith, D.
Smith, R.            Stille               Stoddard
Stuart               Tripp                Trotter
Vaughn               Waldrop              Walker
Wells                Whatley              Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wofford              Worley
Wright               Young                Young-Brickell


Those who voted in the negative are:

Anderson             Askins               Breeland
Brown, G.            Brown, J.            Byrd
Canty                Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter
Govan                Hines, J.            Hines, M.
Hodges               Keyserling           Lee
Lloyd                McAbee               McMahand
McTeer               Moody-Lawrence       Neal

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Rogers               Scott                Sheheen
Spearman             Tucker               Whipper, L.
Whipper, S.          White                Wilder


So, the veto was continued.


Veto 38 Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education, page 156, line 13, Other Personal Service, $2,000

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 39 Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television, page 168, line 3, General Manager, $100,901

Rep. TROTTER moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 40 Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television, page 168, line 7, Unclass. Positions, $83,195

Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 41 Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television, page 168, line 9, Other Personal Service, $1,290

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 42 Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television, page 168, line 26, Other Operating Expenses, $55,830

Rep. TROTTER moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

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Rep. HODGES demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 70; Nays 24

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison              Bailey               Brown, H.
Brown, J.            Cain                 Cato
Chamblee             Cotty                Cromer
Dantzler             Davenport            Delleney
Easterday            Felder               Fleming
Fulmer               Gamble               Hallman
Harrell              Harris, J.           Harvin
Haskins              Herdklotz            Hutson
Jaskwhich            Keegan               Kelley
Kinon                Kirsh                Knotts
Koon                 Lanford              Law
Limbaugh             Limehouse            Littlejohn
Marchbanks           Mason                McCraw
Meacham              Phillips             Quinn
Rhoad                Rice                 Riser
Robinson             Sandifer             Seithel
Sharpe               Sheheen              Shissias
Simrill              Smith, D.            Smith, R.
Spearman             Stoddard             Stuart
Tripp                Trotter              Vaughn
Waldrop              Walker               Whatley
Wilder               Wilkins              Witherspoon
Wofford              Wright               Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Anderson             Askins               Breeland
Brown, T.            Byrd                 Canty
Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter          Hines, M.
Hodges               Kennedy              Keyserling
Lee                  McElveen             McMahand
McTeer               Moody-Lawrence       Neilson

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Richardson           Rogers               Scott
Stille               Whipper, L.          White


So, the veto was continued.


Veto 43 Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation, page 173, line 3, Commissioners Salaries, $84,257

Rep. H. BROWN explained the veto.

Rep. HASKINS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 44 Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation, page 173, line 7, Unclass. Positions, $71,668

Rep. TROTTER moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

Rep. ROGERS demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 74; Nays 30

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison              Bailey               Brown, H.
Brown, J.            Cato                 Cotty
Cromer               Dantzler             Davenport
Delleney             Easterday            Felder
Fleming              Fulmer               Gamble
Hallman              Harrell              Harris, J.
Harvin               Haskins              Herdklotz
Huff                 Hutson               Jaskwhich
Jennings             Keegan               Kelley
Kinon                Kirsh                Klauber
Knotts               Koon                 Lanford
Law                  Limbaugh             Limehouse
Littlejohn           Marchbanks           Martin
Mason                McKay                Meacham
Neilson              Phillips             Quinn
Rhoad                Rice                 Riser

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Robinson             Sandifer             Seithel
Sharpe               Shissias             Simrill
Smith, D.            Smith, R.            Spearman
Stille               Stuart               Thomas
Tripp                Trotter              Vaughn
Waldrop              Walker               Wells
Whatley              Wilkes               Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wofford              Worley
Young                Young-Brickell


Those who voted in the negative are:

Anderson             Breeland             Brown, G.
Byrd                 Canty                Chamblee
Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter          Harris, P.
Hines, J.            Hines, M.            Hodges
Howard               Inabinett            Kennedy
Keyserling           Lee                  Lloyd
McAbee               McElveen             McTeer
Moody-Lawrence       Neal                 Rogers
Scott                Tucker               Whipper, L.
Whipper, S.          Wilder               Williams


So, the veto was continued.


Veto 45 Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation, page 173, line 9, Other Personal Service, $1,820

Rep. EASTERDAY moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 46 Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation, page 173, line 36, Class. Position, $53,245

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

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