Journal of the House of Representatives
of the Second Session of the 111th General Assembly
of the State of South Carolina
being the Regular Session Beginning Tuesday, January 9, 1996

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Veto 47 Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation, page 173, line 43, Other Operating-Case Services, $115,000

Rep. H. BROWN explained the veto.

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 48 Part IA, Section 26, State Library, page 183, line 3, Director, $63,971

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 49 Part IA, Section 26, State Library, page 183, line 5, Classified Positions, $209,870

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 50 Part IA, Section 26, State Library, page 183, line 7, Unclass. Positions, $59,954

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 51 Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission, page 185, line 3, Director, $60,867

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 52 Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission, page 185, line 7, Other Personal Service, $33,067

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 53 Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission, page 185, line 19, Other Personal Service, $43,545

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Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 54 Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission, page 185, line 27, IPP - Note, $44,619

Rep. SIMRILL moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 55 Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission, page 188, line 7, Other Operating, $16,461

Rep. EASTERDAY moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 56 Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission, page 188, line 19, Other Operating, $39,331

Rep. EASTERDAY moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 57 Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission, page 188, line 42, Other Operating, $5,768

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 58 Part IA, Section 28,. Museum Commission, page 187, line 23, Permanent Improvement, $28,760

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 59 Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission, page 187, line 38, Other Operating, $76,496

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

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Veto 60 Part IA, Section 29, Health and Human Services Finance Commission, page 193, line 18, Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, $100,000

Reps. SHISSIAS and CROMER spoke against the veto.

Rep. H. BROWN moved to continue the veto.

Rep. CROMER demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 49; Nays 61

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison              Brown, H.            Cain
Cato                 Cooper               Dantzler
Easterday            Felder               Fleming
Fulmer               Hallman              Harrell
Harrison             Haskins              Herdklotz
Huff                 Hutson               Keegan
Kelley               Kirsh                Knotts
Koon                 Law                  Limbaugh
Limehouse            Littlejohn           Marchbanks
Mason                McKay                Quinn
Rice                 Riser                Robinson
Sandifer             Sharpe               Smith, D.
R. Smith             Tripp                Trotter
Vaughn               Waldrop              Walker
Wells                Whatley              Wilkins
Witherspoon          Wofford              Young

Those who voted in the negative are:

Anderson             Bailey               Breeland
Brown, G.            Brown, J.            Byrd
Canty                Cave                 Chamblee
Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter          Cromer
Davenport            Delleney             Gamble
Govan                Harris, J.           Harris, P.
Harvin               Hines, J.            Hines, M.

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Hodges               Howard               Inabinett
Jaskwhich            Jennings             Keyserling
Kinon                Lanford              Lee
Lloyd                Martin               McCraw
McElveen             McMahand             McTeer
Meacham              Moody-Lawrence       Neal
Neilson              Phillips             Rhoad
Richardson           Rogers               Scott
Seithel              Sheheen              Shissias
Simrill              Spearman             Stille
Stoddard             Stuart               Thomas
Tucker               Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.
White                Wilder               Wilkes


So, the House refused to continue the veto.

The question was then put, shall the item become a part of the law, the veto of his Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 59; Nays 51

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Anderson             Bailey               Breeland
Brown, G.            Brown, J.            Byrd
Canty                Cave                 Chamblee
Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter          Cromer
Davenport            Delleney             Gamble
Govan                Harris, J.           Harris, P.
Harvin               Hines, J.            Hines, M.
Hodges               Inabinett            Jaskwhich
Jennings             Kennedy              Keyserling
Kinon                Lanford              Lee
McAbee               McCraw               McElveen
McMahand             McTeer               Meacham
Moody-Lawrence       Neal                 Neilson
Phillips             Rhoad                Richardson
Rogers               Scott                Seithel
Sheheen              Shissias             Simrill

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Spearman             Stille               Stoddard
Thomas               Tucker               Whipper, L.
Whipper, S.          White                Wilder
Wilkes               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Brown, H.            Cain                 Cato
Cooper               Cotty                Dantzler
Easterday            Felder               Fleming
Hallman              Harrell              Harrison
Haskins              Herdklotz            Huff
Hutson               Keegan               Kelley
Kirsh                Klauber              Knotts
Koon                 Law                  Limbaugh
Limehouse            Littlejohn           Marchbanks
Mason                McKay                Quinn
Rice                 Riser                Robinson
Sandifer             Sharpe               Smith, D.
Smith, R.            Stuart               Tripp
Trotter              Vaughn               Waldrop
Walker               Wells                Whatley
Wilkins              Witherspoon          Wofford
Wright               Young                Young-Brickell


So, the veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 61 Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control, page 195, line 13, Other Operating, $1,731,467

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 62 Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control, page 202, line 3, Other Operating, $44,703

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Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 63 Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control, page 202, line 15, Other Operating, $260,662

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 64 Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control, page 203, line 13, Other Operating, $152,513

Rep. TROTTER moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 65 Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health, page 206, line 3, Other Personal Service, $61,495

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 66 Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health, page 205, line 12, Other Operating, $1,423,347

Rep. H. BROWN moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 67 Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health, page 206, line 8, Project Stride, $46,416

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 68 Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health, page 207, line 9, Total Case Svc/Pub. Asst, $15,167

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Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 69 Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health, page 207, line 24, Other Operating, $775,418

Rep. SHARPE moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 70 Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, page 210, line 8, Other Operating Expenses, $756,282

Rep. H. BROWN explained the veto.

Rep. H. BROWN moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

Rep. ROGERS demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 61; Nays 30

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bailey               Brown, H.            Cain
Cato                 Cooper               Cotty
Dantzler             Easterday            Felder
Fleming              Gamble               Harrell
Harris, J.           Harrison             Haskins
Hutson               Jaskwhich            Jennings
Keegan               Kinon                Kirsh
Klauber              Knotts               Koon
Law                  Limbaugh             Limehouse
Littlejohn           Marchbanks           Mason
McKay                Meacham              Neilson
Phillips             Quinn                Rhoad
Richardson           Riser                Robinson
Sandifer             Seithel              Sharpe
Sheheen              Shissias             Smith, D.
Smith, R.            Spearman             Stuart
Thomas               Tripp                Trotter
Vaughn               Waldrop              Walker
Wells                Whatley              Wilkins

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Witherspoon          Wofford              Wright


Those who voted in the negative are:

Anderson             Breeland             Brown, G.
Brown, J.            Byrd                 Canty
Cave                 Clyburn              Cobb-Hunter
Davenport            Harris, P.           Herdklotz
Hines, J.            Hines, M.            Hodges
Inabinett            Kennedy              Keyserling
Lee                  Lloyd                McTeer
Neal                 Rogers               Scott
Stille               Stoddard             Tucker
Whipper, L.          Whipper, S.          Wilder


So, the veto was continued.


Veto 71 Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, page 210, line 10, Public Asst. Case Services, $464,262

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 72 Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, page 210, line 30, Case Services, $6,000

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 73 Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, page 211, line 3, Other Operating Expenses, $2,569,758

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

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Veto 74 Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, page 211, line 33, Other Operating Expenses, $474,914

Rep. MARCHBANKS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 75 Part IA, Section 44, Forestry Commission, page 254, line 10, Field Trial and Recreation Area, $50,000

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 76 Part IA, Section 46, Clemson-PSA, page 260, line 11, Classified Positions (Other Operating), $3,383,973

Rep. HASKINS moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

Rep. G. BROWN demanded the yeas and nays, which were not ordered.

The veto was continued by a division vote of 47 to 10.


Veto 77 Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources, page 265, line 39, Other Operating, $1,321,256

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 78 Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources, page 266, line 9, Planner IV, $90,000

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 79 Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources, page 264, line 4, Other Operating, $243,602

Rep. TROTTER moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

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Veto 80 Part IA. Section 47, Natural Resources, page 267, line 12, State Geologist, $50,000

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 81 Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources, page 265, line 32, Environmental Planner, $45,000

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 82 Part IA. Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission, page 285, line 12, Other Operating, $199,814

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 83 Part IA, Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission, page 286, line 13, Commission Other Operating, $10,649

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 84 Part IA, Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission, page 286, line 10, Other Personal Services, $1,000

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 85 Part IA, Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission, page 286, line 23, Other Personal Services, $1,000

Rep. ROBINSON moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.


Veto 86 Part IA, Section 59, Department of Insurance, page 292, line 25, Classified Positions, $269,626

Rep. HUFF moved to continue the veto, which was agreed to.

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