SECTION 70. Section 7-13-180 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-13-180. Whenever an amendment to the Constitution of this State shall be voted upon at any election, the commissioners of election of each county in the State shall have such amendment conspicuously posted at each voting precinct in the county upon the day of the election. Such printed amendments shall be furnished to the commissioners of election by the Secretary of State State Election Commission."
SECTION 71. Section 7-13-320 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-13-320. General election ballots shall conform to the following standards and specifications:
(A) The ballot shall be printed on paper of such thickness that the printing cannot be distinguished from the back and shall be of such size and color as directed by the State Election Commission. If more than one ballot is to be used in any election, each such ballot shall be printed upon different colored paper;
(B) Across the top of the ballot shall be printed `Official Ballot, General Election,' beneath which shall be printed the date of the election, the county and the precinct. Above the caption of each ballot shall be one stub, with a perforated line between the stub and the top of the ballot. The stub shall have printed thereon `Official Ballot, General Election' and then shall appear the name of the county, the precinct and the date of the election. On the right side there shall be a blank line under which there shall be `Initials of Issuing Officer.' Stubs on ballots for each precinct shall be prenumbered consecutively, beginning with No. 1;
(C) On the ballot for presidential electors there shall be printed, under the titles of the offices, the names of the candidates for President and Vice President of the United States nominated by each political party qualified under the provisions of Section 7-9-10 and those nominated by petition. A separate column shall be assigned to each political party with candidates and to each separate petition slate of candidates on the ballot and each party and each petition candidate's columns shall be separated by distinct black lines. At the head of each column the party or petition name shall be printed in large type and below it a circle, one-half inch in diameter, and below the circle the names of the party's and petition candidates for President and Vice President in that order. On the face of the ballot above the party and petition candidate's column division the following instruction shall be printed in heavy black type:
b. A vote for the names of a political party's candidates or petition candidates for President and Vice President is a vote for the electors of that party or petition candidates, the names of whom are on file with the Secretary of State State Election Commission.
On the bottom of the ballot shall be printed an identified facsimile of the signature of the Executive Director of the State Election Commission.
The official ballot for presidential electors shall not be combined with any other official ballots.
(D) The names of candidates offering for any other office shall be placed in the proper place on the appropriate ballot, stating whether it is a state, congressional, legislative, county or other office.
(E) The names of the several officers to be voted for and the tickets of the parties and petition candidates shall be placed on the ballots in an order as arranged by the State Election Commission as to those ballots for which it is responsible for distribution and by the commissioners of election for the respective counties as to the ballots for which they are responsible for distribution, including those for State Senator and member of the House of Representatives. If the State Senator or member of the House of Representatives or any other officer is to be elected from more than one county, the commissioners of election from the various counties from which they are to be elected shall assure that there shall be uniformity of placement on the ballots of their respective counties and should the commissioners fail to agree within sixty days prior to the general election, and upon receipt of written certification by at least one commissioner, that they have failed to act, the State Election Commission shall determine the order of placing the names on the ballots."
SECTION 72. Section 7-17-290 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-17-290. The Board shall make and subscribe, on the proper statement, a certificate of their determination and shall deliver the same to the Secretary of State Governor."
SECTION 73. Section 7-17-300 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-17-300. The Secretary of State Governor shall record in his office, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, each certified statement and determination which shall be delivered to him by the Board of State Canvassers and every dissent or protest that shall have been delivered to him by a canvasser."
SECTION 74. Section 7-17-310 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
SECTION 75. Section 7-17-320 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-17-320. The Secretary of State Governor shall cause a copy of such certified statements and determinations to be printed in one or more public newspapers of this State."
SECTION 76. Section 7-17-330 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-17-330. The Secretary of State Governor shall prepare a general certificate, under the seal of the State and attested by him as Secretary thereof, addressed to the House of Representatives of the United States in that Congress for which any person shall have been chosen, of the due election of such person as Representative of this State in Congress and shall transmit the same to such House of Representatives at their first meeting."
SECTION 77. Section 7-17-340 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-17-340. The Secretary of State Governor shall enter in a book to be kept in his office the names of the respective county officers elected in this State, specifying the counties for which they were severally elected, their place of residence, the office for which they were respectively elected and their term of office."
SECTION 78. Section 7-19-70 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-19-70. Unless otherwise provided, the election of presidential electors shall be conducted and the returns made in the manner prescribed by this chapter for the election of state officers.
The names of candidates for electors of President and Vice President nominated by any political party recognized in this State under Section 7-9-10 or by a valid petition shall be filed with the Secretary of State State Election Commission but shall not be printed on the ballot. In place of their names, in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-13-320, there shall be printed on the ballot the names of the candidates for President and Vice President of each political party recognized in this State and the names of any petition candidates for President and Vice President. A vote for the candidates named on the ballot shall be a vote for the electors of the party by which those candidates were nominated or the electors of petition candidates whose names have been filed with the Secretary of State State Election Commission.
Upon receipt of the certified determination of the Board of State Canvassers and delivered to him in accordance with Section 7-17-300, the Secretary of State chairman of the State Election Commission, under his
It shall be the duty of the Governor, as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the appointment of the electors pursuant to the laws of the State providing for the election and appointment of the electors, to communicate by registered mail under the seal of the State to the Administrator of General Services a certificate of appointment of the electors, setting forth the names of the electors and the canvass or other ascertainment under the laws of this State of the number of votes given or cast for each person for whose appointment any and all votes have been given or cast. It shall also thereupon be the duty of the Governor to deliver to the electors of the State, on or before the day on which they are required by law to meet, six duplicate originals of the same certificate under the seal of the State. If there shall have been any final determination in the manner provided for by law of a controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors, it shall be the duty of the Governor, as soon as practicable after the determination, to communicate under the seal of the State to the Administrator of General Services a certificate of such determination."
SECTION 79. Section 7-19-80 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-19-80. Each candidate for presidential and vice-presidential elector shall declare which candidate for president and vice-president he will vote for if elected. Those elected shall vote for the president and vice-president candidates for whom they declared. Any person selected to fill a vacancy in the electoral college shall vote for the candidates the elector whose place he is taking had declared for. The declaration shall be made to the Secretary of State State Election Commission on such form as he may require not later than sixty days prior to the general election for electors. No candidate for president and vice-president elector shall have his name placed on the ballot who fails to make such declaration by the prescribed time. Any elector who votes contrary to the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of violating the election laws of this State and upon conviction shall be punished according to law. Any registered elector shall have the right to institute proper action to require compliance with the provisions of this section. The Attorney General shall institute criminal action for any violation of the provision of this section. Provided, the executive committee of the party from which an elector of the electoral college was elected may relieve the elector from the obligation to vote for a specific candidate when, in its judgment,
SECTION 80. Section 7-19-90 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-19-90. The electors for President and Vice President shall convene at the capitol, in the office of the Secretary of State State Election Commission, at eleven in the forenoon, on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment, and shall proceed to effect a permanent organization by the election of a president and secretary from their own body. The electors shall next proceed to fill by ballot and by plurality of votes all vacancies in the electoral college occasioned by the death, refusal to serve, or neglect to attend, of any elector. The electors shall then and there vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves.
The electors shall make and sign six certificates of all the votes given by them for President and Vice President, each of which certificates shall contain two distinct lists, one of the votes for President and the other for Vice President, and shall annex to each of the certificates one of the lists of the electors which shall have been furnished to them by the Secretary of State State Election Commission by direction of the Governor. The electors shall seal up separately the certificates and lists of the electors so made by them, and certify upon each that the list of all the votes of the State given for President, and of all of the votes given for Vice President are contained therein."
SECTION 81. Section 7-19-100 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-19-100. The electors shall dispose of the certificates so made by them and the lists attached thereto in the following manner:
First. They shall forthwith forward by registered mail one of the certificates and lists to the President of the Senate at the seat of government.
Second. Two of the certificates and lists shall be delivered to the Secretary of State State Election Commission of South Carolina, one of which shall be held subject to the order of the President of the Senate, and the other shall be preserved by him for one year and shall be a part of the public records of his office and shall be open to public inspection.
Third. On the day thereafter they shall forward by registered mail two of the certificates and lists to the Administrator of General Services at the seat of government, one of which shall be held subject to the order of the President of the Senate.
SECTION 82. Section 7-19-110 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-19-110. Every elector for this State for the election of a president and vice-president of the United States who shall attend at any election of those officers and give his vote at the time and place appointed by law shall be entitled to receive for his attendance at such election and for traveling to and from his place of residence by the most usual route the regular mileage, subsistence and per diem allowance authorized for state boards, committees and commissions to be paid from appropriations to the office of the Secretary of State State Election Commission."
SECTION 83. Section 7-19-120 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 7-19-120. The Governor, Secretary of State and other State officers shall perform such duties and functions in respect to the election of electors, the election of the President and Vice-President of the United States and certification of electors and results of such election as provided by the acts of Congress in relation thereto."
SECTION 84. Section 8-3-40 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-3-40. The Secretary of State Governor shall ascertain the number of officers in this State for whom bonds are required and cause an equal number of such bonds to be printed annually at the expense of the State. Such forms shall include space for the proper officers to approve securities and for probate. The Secretary of State Governor shall distribute to each county, annually, the number of such bonds equal to the number of officers for whom bonds are required in that county."
SECTION 85. Section 8-3-140 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-3-140. The bonds of all public officers of the State shall, before they are accepted or recorded, be examined by the Attorney General or by one of the solicitors, who must certify in writing upon the bond that he approves the form and execution thereof. When so examined, approved and certified the bonds of State, district or circuit officers shall be filed with the Secretary of State Governor and shall be recorded by him, without charge, in suitable books kept by him for the purpose and when so recorded shall be filed with the State Treasurer except that the bond of the State Treasurer shall be filed with the Governor."
SECTION 86. Section 8-3-150 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-3-150. Every county officer who is required to give bond for the faithful performance of the duties of his office shall, within thirty days after notification of his election or appointment, have his bond recorded in the office of the register of mesne conveyances or, if there be
SECTION 87. Section 8-11-20 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-11-20. All persons who hold or are appointed to any of the positions in the departments of the State government referred to in this section, or who shall be appointed by any of such departments as accountants to investigate and report the condition of any State or county officer, shall take oath of office in the usual form and the constitutional oath and give good and sufficient bond in the form of official bonds as prescribed by Section 8-3-30. Such bonds shall be approved and filed as the bonds of other State officers. In the instance of individual bonds to be given pursuant to this section by employees of each of the departments referred to below, the penal sums of such bonds shall be as follows: For each clerk in the office of the Secretary of State, four thousand dollars; For each clerk in the office of the Comptroller General, five thousand dollars; for each clerk in the office of the State Treasurer, ten thousand dollars; for each clerk in the office of the State Superintendent of Education, twenty-five hundred dollars; for each stenographer or typist in the office of the State Treasurer, twenty-five hundred dollars; for each Assistant Attorney General, twenty-five hundred dollars; and for each accountant appointed by any of such departments, five thousand dollars.
In lieu of the individual bonds as provided above, the heads of the respective departments referred to in this section may, with the approval of the State Budget and Control Board, procure bonds in form to be approved by the Attorney General covering all persons employed in or by such department, including, if practical, such accountants mentioned above. In such event the penal sum of such bonds shall be in such amount as the State Budget and Control Board shall approve.
Any individual or blanket bonds given pursuant to the requirements of this section shall be executed by a fidelity or surety company licensed to do business in this State. In all cases, the premium or annual payment
SECTION 88. Section 8-11-92 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-11-92. A. Nonprofit charitable organizations for which such payroll deductions may be made shall include any nonprofit, eleemosynary corporation, association or organization which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, health, or welfare services to the public and meets all of the following qualifications:
(1) Is and continues to be organized and qualified to solicit and operate under the laws of this State, pursuant to Chapter 55 of Title 33;
(2) Provide direct and continuing services to or on behalf of the citizens of the State. For purposes of this section, `direct and continuing services' means: (a) services other than legal advocacy services which are provided directly to and specifically for one individual or one family; or, (b) services which are in the nature of medical research; or, (c) services which involve the collection and administration of funds by umbrella organizations for other organizations, all of which qualify under this act;
(3) Is recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of Title 26, United States Code (the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended);
(4) Is not an organization contemplated by Section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) of Title 26, United States Code (the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended) and is not an organization primarily engaged in the propagation of a religious faith or belief; this prohibition shall include, but not be limited to, organizations primarily engaged in lobbying or political activity;
(5) Is operated without discrimination in regard to all persons served, and complies with all requirements of law, including administrative regulations, respecting nondiscrimination and equal opportunity regarding its officers, staff, employees and volunteers;
(6) Has neither a parent organization nor a subsidiary organization which fails to meet qualifications herein contained in items (1) through (5).
B. The Secretary of State State Treasurer shall determine on an annual basis, based upon the applications of nonprofit, charitable organizations and groups of such organizations, those which are eligible to participate in payroll deductions for state-employee contributions. His decision shall be final unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be arbitrary, capricious or unsupported by any credible evidence."
SECTION 89. Section 8-11-94 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-11-94. The names of state employees authorizing deductions of charitable contributions and the amount of the individual contributions shall be confidential and shall not be made public. This
SECTION 90. Section 11-15-20 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 11-15-20. (1) Definitions:
(a) `Bonds' shall include general obligations of the issuer and obligations of the issuer payable in whole or in part from any special fund or other source, any part of which is expressed to mature more than twelve months from the date thereof but shall not include obligations issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes or in anticipation of the issuance of bonds.
(b) `State agency' shall mean the State of South Carolina, its agencies and institutions.
(c) `Governing board' shall mean the board, commission, board of trustees, authority, or any other public body upon which is devolved by law the administrative and executive duties relating to the issuance of bonds of any State agency.
(2) In every instance where the governing board of any State agency shall propose to effect the issuance of bonds, it shall make a full record of the proceedings relating to the issuance of such bonds, exclusive of papers and documents relating to the delivery of such bonds, and shall, prior to the delivery of such bonds, file a copy of such record in the office of the Secretary of State State Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State State Treasurer to file and index the record in a special book to be kept by such officer for such purpose. The Secretary of State State Treasurer shall be authorized to prepare and deliver certified copies of the records as thus filed and to deliver them to the purchasers of the bonds or other interested parties. For each such certification a reasonable fee may be charged."
SECTION 91. Section 11-25-260 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 11-25-260. The faithful performance for printing for each House shall be certified by its presiding officer and clerk. In the absence of either of such officers from the seat of the government, the Secretary of State, to whom the work may be delivered, shall certify to its proper execution."
"Section 11-31-10. Whenever the holder of any general obligation bonds of the State of South Carolina shall request the State Board to exchange outstanding coupon bonds for fully registered bonds of the same issue and of the same maturity and interest rate, the State Board shall be empowered to authorize the proper offices of the State, being the then Governor, and the then State Treasurer and the then Secretary of State, to execute and deliver fully registered bonds in denominations of multiples of five thousand dollars upon such terms and conditions and upon payment of such charges as the State Board shall deem appropriate."
SECTION 93. Section 12-6-5520 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 76 of 1995, is amended to read:
"Section 12-6-5520. (A) The department shall notify a domestic or foreign corporation, as defined in Section 12-20-10(3) and (4), of its failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 20 of this title requiring the filing of returns. If the corporation fails to file the required return within sixty days of the notice, the department may provide the taxpayer's name to the Secretary of State Governor. The department may not make an estimated assessment or issue any warrant based on an estimated assessment against a taxpayer prior to referring such taxpayer to the Secretary of State Governor for administrative dissolution or revocation.
(B) After referral from the department, the Secretary of State Governor shall administratively dissolve a domestic corporation or revoke a foreign corporation's authority to transact business in this State."
SECTION 94. Section 12-8-540 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 76 of 1995, is amended to read:
"Section 12-8-540. (A) A person making rent or royalty payments to a nonresident of twelve hundred dollars in any calendar year or more annually for the use or privilege of using property in this State shall withhold seven percent of each payment to a nonresident individual, partnership, trust, or estate and five percent of each payment to a nonresident corporation or any other nonresident entity.
(B) This section does not apply:
(1) to a person for the rental of residential housing units, including short-term rentals, when four or fewer units are owned by the nonresident.
(2) to an individual who pays rent directly to a nonresident solely for a residential housing unit which is his legal residence;
(3) to a nonresident which has registered with the Secretary of State Governor or the Department of Revenue and Taxation and by that registration has agreed to be subject to the jurisdiction of the department