SECTION 525. Section 50-3-315 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 1258, Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read:
"Section 50-3-315. (A) The director may appoint deputy enforcement officers to serve without pay and shall establish their territorial jurisdiction. The officers, when acting in their official capacity, may enforce all laws and regulations relating to wildlife, marine, or natural resources within their territorial jurisdiction. The powers and duties of the officers must be established by regulations of the department. Deputy enforcement officers serve at the pleasure of the director. The Secretary of State Governor shall transmit to the director the commissions of all officers. The director shall transmit each commission to the office of the clerk of court for the county in which the officer resides only after he files the oaths and bonds required by Section 50-3-330.
(B) Deputy enforcement officers commissioned by the director are volunteers covered by Chapter 25 of Title 8 and not employees entitled to coverage or benefits in Title 42.
(C) Every two years the department shall conduct a criminal records check on each deputy enforcement officer."
SECTION 526. Section 50-3-320 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 1258, Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read:
"Section 50-3-320. The Secretary of State Governor shall transmit to the board the commissions of all enforcement officers and the director shall deliver such commissions to the enforcement officers only after the enforcement officers have filed oaths and bonds as required by Section 50-3-330."
SECTION 527. Section 50-19-2240 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 1267, Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read:
"Section 50-19-2240. The department shall also negotiate for and enter into a reciprocal agreement with the authorized officials of the state of Georgia, adopting rules and regulations for the preservation and propagation of fish and game within the area described in Section 50-19-2220, the recognition of the licenses and permits of one state by the other and the enforcement of the laws of the two states over the area involved. If necessary to reach such an agreement or it is deemed advisable for the better protection and management of the game and fish of this area, the department may increase the bag limit to not more than twelve bass and thirty other game fish in possession at one time and may
SECTION 528. Section 50-19-2640 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 50-19-2640. The Department shall also negotiate for and enter into a reciprocal agreement with the authorized officials of the state of Georgia, adopting rules and regulations for the preservation and propagation of fish and game within the area, the recognition of the licenses and permits of one state by the other and the enforcement of the laws of the two states over the area involved. If necessary to reach such agreement or it is deemed advisable for the better protection and management of the game and fish of this area, the Department may increase the bag limit prescribed by item (1) of Section 50-19-2620 to not more than twelve bass and thirty other game fish in possession at one time and may make and agree to other reasonable rules and regulations with the Georgia authorities, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, and may change or alter them from time to time. Any rules and regulations so adopted by the authorized officials of the two states, on the above subjects and not inconsistent with the laws of this State, shall have the force and effect of law after being published in newspapers circulating in the area at least once a week for three weeks and after copies thereof have been filed with the Secretary of State Governor, as provided by law. Any reciprocal agreement so entered into shall contain a provision that either party thereto may cancel it upon ninety days' written notice to the other party."
SECTION 529. Section 51-11-40 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 1278, Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read:
"Section 51-11-40. The department shall file a copy of its South Carolina Outdoor Recreation Plan of 1970 with the Secretary of State Governor. The plan, and amendments thereto, and such formulas and priorities promulgated by the department for the purpose of administering it, shall serve as a guide for the expenditure of these funds."
"Section 51-13-750. The Authority shall have jurisdiction over the lands, waters, shores, spoil areas and marshes of that area in Charleston harbor in Charleston County consisting of lands, shores and marshes known as Hog Island and lands, shores, marshes and spoil areas immediately adjacent to said Island; being bounded on the north by the rights-of-way of U.S. Highway 17 and of the Cooper River bridges, on the northeast by a creek running from said right-of-way to Shem Creek, on the east by Shem Creek, on the south by Hog Island channel, and on the west by the Cooper River, all of which area is hereby designated as Patriot's Point and shall be known and described as such; and the Authority may take, exclusively occupy, use and possess, to the extent necessary for carrying out the provisions of this article, any lands owned by the State within the area hereinabove described, including shores, waters, marshes, swamps and overflowed lands, bottoms of streams, and bays within the area, and the riparian rights pertaining thereto; excluding the adjacent navigation channels of Charleston harbor; provided such use may be limited by navigation rights or other easements reserved by the State or the United States and by operation and maintenance of the harbor, channels and port of Charleston by the State Ports Authority. When so taken and occupied, due notice of such taking and occupancy having been filed with the Secretary of State Governor, such areas are hereby granted to and shall be the property of the Authority, subject to the limitations for navigation and harbor and port uses above provided, and the laws of the United States with respect to navigable waters. For the purposes of this section, the meaning of the term `use' shall include the removal of material, including spoil or fill material, from and the placing of such material on any part of the lands, shores, marshes and areas hereinabove described. In the event it shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction that there is any property in the above described areas which may not be so granted by the State, the provisions of this section shall continue of full force and effect as to all other areas so granted to the Authority, and the remainder may be purchased or condemned by the Authority in the manner hereinafter provided."
SECTION 531. Section 51-15-520 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 51-15-520. Any such city or municipality may create corporations, own stock therein and name directors and officers for the management thereof, for the purpose of having the corporations acquire properties in like manner as provided in Section 51-15-510 for the uses set
SECTION 532. Section 53-1-160 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 134 of 1995, is amended to read:
"Section 53-1-160. (A) In addition to other exemptions provided by statute, the county governing body may by ordinance suspend the application of the Sunday work prohibitions provided in Chapter 1 of Title 53 in a county which does not qualify for the exemption provided in Section 53-1-150. If the county governing body suspends the application of Sunday work prohibitions, any employee of any business which operates on Sunday under the provisions of this section has the option of refusing to work in accordance with Section 53-1-100. Any employer who dismisses or demotes an employee because he is a conscientious objector to Sunday work is subject to a civil penalty of treble the damages found by the court or the jury plus court costs and the employee's attorney's fees. The court may order the employer to rehire or reinstate the employee in the same position he was in prior to the dismissal or demotion without forfeiture of compensation, rank, or grade. No proprietor of a retail establishment who is opposed to working on Sunday may be forced by his lessor or franchisor to open his establishment on Sunday nor may there be discrimination against persons whose regular day of worship is Saturday.
(B) In addition to other exemptions provided by statute, the Sunday work prohibitions provided in Chapter 1 of Title 53 may only be continued:
(1) in a county which does not qualify for the exemption provided in Section 53-1-150 within ninety days before the 1996 general election; or
(2) in a county in which the county governing body has not suspended application of the Sunday work prohibitions by ordinance as provided in subsection (A) within ninety days before the 1996 general election; if a majority of the qualified electors of that county voting in a referendum at the time of the 1996 general election vote in favor of the continued prohibition on Sunday work.
(C) The county election commission shall place the question in subsection (G) on the ballot in November 1996 in a county:
(1) which does not qualify for the exemption provided in Section 53-1-150 within ninety days before the 1996 general election; or
(D) The state election laws shall apply to the referendum, mutatis mutandis. The State Board of Canvassers shall publish the results of the referendum within each county and certify them to the Secretary of State State Election Commission.
(E) If a county in which the referendum is to be held qualifies for the exemption provided in Section 53-1-150 after September 1, 1996, and before November 5, 1996, the county governing body shall direct the county election commission not to place the question on the ballot and not to hold the referendum.
(F) If the result of this referendum is not in favor of a continuation of the prohibition on Sunday work within the county, Chapter 1 of Title 53 shall not apply within such county after the result of the referendum is certified to the Secretary of State State Election Commission. Any employee of any business which operates on Sunday under the provisions of this section has the option of refusing to work in accordance with Section 53-1-100. Any employer who dismisses or demotes an employee because he is a conscientious objector to Sunday work is subject to a civil penalty of treble the damages found by the court or the jury plus court costs and the employee's attorney's fees. The court may order the employer to rehire or reinstate the employee in the same position he was in prior to the dismissal or demotion without forfeiture of compensation, rank, or grade. No proprietor of a retail establishment who is opposed to working on Sunday may be forced by his lessor or franchisor to open his establishment on Sunday nor may there be discrimination against persons whose regular day of worship is Saturday.
(G) The question put before the voters shall read as follows:
`Shall the prohibition on Sunday work continue in this county subject to an employee's right to elect not to work on Sunday if the prohibition is not continued after certification of the result of this referendum to the Secretary of State State Election Commission?
(H) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (A) through (G), the referendum provided by subsection (B) must be held in a county which qualified for the exemption provided in Section 53-1-150 after May 8, 1985."
SECTION 533. Section 54-3-170 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
SECTION 534. Section 55-5-180 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 1289, Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read:
"Section 55-5-180. The division shall keep on file with the Secretary of State Governor and at the principal office of the division for public inspection a copy of all its rules and regulations. On or before December thirty-first, in each year, the division shall make to the Governor a full report of its proceedings for the year ending December first in each year and may submit with such report such recommendations pertaining to its affairs as seem to it to be desirable."
SECTION 535. Section 55-11-210 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 55-11-210. The commission is authorized to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations governing the use of roads, streets and parking facilities on lands of the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District. Such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with any state law and all state laws shall be applicable to the roads, streets and parking facilities under the control of the commission. Rules and regulations of the commission shall become effective when filed with the Executive Secretary of the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport and in the office of the Secretary of State in accordance with Section 1-1-210.
The commission is authorized to employ police officers commissioned by the Governor to enforce all laws and the rules and regulations authorized in this section, and such officers shall be authorized to issue summonses for violations in the manner authorized for state highway
All fines and forfeitures collected pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be forwarded weekly to the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport Commission by the enforcing court for deposit in the general operating fund of the district."
SECTION 536. Section 56-21-70 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 56-21-70. The South Carolina Department of Mental Health may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations governing and controlling use of the roads, streets and parking facilities by operators of vehicles within the area and lands of the State Hospital and Midlands Center. No such rules and regulations shall be in conflict with any State law on the subject, all of such State laws being hereby declared in force and applicable to the roads, streets and parking facilities under the control and authority of the Department. Copies of the rules and regulations shall be filed with the administrative heads of both institutions, the Secretary of State, the Code Commissioner, the city of Columbia and the magistrate's office in Upper township in Richland County."
SECTION 537. Section 57-1-325 of the 1976 Code, as added by Section 1504, Act 181 of 1993, is amended to read:
"Section 57-1-325. Legislators residing in the congressional district shall meet upon written call of a majority of the members of the delegation of each district at a time and place to be designated in the call for the purpose of electing a commissioner to represent the district. A majority present, either in person or by written proxy, of the delegation from a given congressional district constitute a quorum for the purpose of electing a district commissioner. No person may be elected commissioner who fails to receive a majority vote of the members of the delegation.
The delegation must be organized by the election of a chairman and a secretary, and the delegations of each congressional district shall adopt such rules as they consider proper to govern the election. Any absentee may vote by written proxy. When the election is completed, the chairman and the secretary of the delegation shall immediately transmit the name of the person elected to the Secretary of State State Election Commission
SECTION 538. Section 57-1-340 of the 1976 Code, as added by Section 1504, Act 181 of 1993, is amended to read:
"Section 57-1-340. Each commission member, within thirty days after his election or appointment, and before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall take, subscribe, and file with the Secretary of State Governor the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of the State."
SECTION 539. Section 57-5-180 of the 1976 Code, as amended by Section 1509, Act 181 of 1993, is amended to read:
"Section 57-5-180. Upon execution of an agreement with the Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of Transportation shall file with the Secretary of State Governor a copy of the agreement and shall publicly declare the date on which the highway shall be a part of the state highway system. After such execution, the terms of the agreement shall have full force notwithstanding any other provisions of law relating to highways in this State."
SECTION 540. Section 57-5-1410 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 57-5-1410. All turnpike bonds must be executed in the name of and on behalf of the State of South Carolina and must be signed by the Governor and the State Treasurer. The Great Seal of the State must be affixed to, impressed, or reproduced upon each of them and they must be attested by the Secretary of State. If approved by the State Board, any one or two of the officers may, in lieu of manually signing, employ the use of the facsimile of their signatures in executing any turnpike bonds."
SECTION 541. Section 57-15-10 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 57-15-10. The governing body of every county may grant charters for ferries and establish ferries under the provisions of this chapter and shall report all such charters to the Secretary of State Governor immediately after they are granted."
SECTION 542. Section 57-21-20 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
(1) A petition signed by a majority in number of the owners of record of the property lying within the area proposed to be included in the district shall be filed with the governing body of the county. The petition shall contain a brief statement requesting that the area be constituted a paving district and giving the boundaries of the same and the type of paving desired and requesting that a special election be held in such paving district to vote upon the question whether an ad valorem tax shall be levied upon the property in the proposed paving district to provide a special fund to repay the cost of improving and paving the streets and roadways in the proposed paving district.
(2) Upon the filing of such petition, the governing body of the county shall cause a survey and plat to be made of the proposed paving district and shall obtain estimates of the cost of improving and paving the streets and roadways which it is proposed to improve and pave in the district and, from such estimates, shall determine the approximate cost of such paving. The estimates and plat shall be filed with the governing body of the county.
(3) Within thirty days after the filing of the petition with the governing body of the county, the governing body shall hold a meeting to consider the petition, and if the governing body shall, in its judgment, determine that the public interest would be promoted by the paving of the streets and roadways in the proposed paving district, it shall adopt a resolution approving the petition; or if, in its judgment, it should determine that the public interest would not be promoted by paving such streets and roadways, it shall adopt a resolution disapproving the petition. If the governing body of the county shall disapprove of the petition, the proposed paving district shall not be created.
(4) Upon the adoption by the governing body of the county of a resolution approving the petition, the governing body shall forthwith transmit a certified copy of such resolution to the Governor of the State, who shall thereupon, upon the recommendation of a majority of the legislative delegation of such county, appoint three qualified electors or owners of record of property residing in the proposed paving district, who shall constitute the paving district commission of the district.
(5) Upon the appointment of the three commissioners by the Governor, he shall forthwith file a notice of such appointment with the Secretary of State, and from the time of the filing of such notice such paving district
SECTION 543. Section 58-11-260 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 58-11-260. If the articles of incorporation of any radio common carrier are revoked by the Secretary of State Department of Commerce, the Public Service Commission shall immediately revoke the certificate of authorization granted to such carrier. Whenever such certificate is revoked for any cause, the appropriate bureau of the Federal Communications Commission shall be promptly notified of such revocation by the Public Service Commission."
SECTION 544. Section 58-15-10 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 58-15-10. Three or more persons desiring to form themselves into a corporation for the purpose of building and operating a railroad or for the purpose of carrying on a street railway, steamboat or canal business may file with the Secretary of State Department of Commerce a written declaration and petition, signed by themselves, setting forth:
(1) The names and residences of the declarants;
(2) The name of the proposed corporation;
(3) The place at which it proposes to have its principal place of business;
(4) The general nature of the business it proposes to do, giving in detail all the powers and privileges which it proposes to assume or claim under the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State and
(a) in case of a railroad corporation, its termini and route and the counties, townships, cities and towns through which the proposed road shall pass; the total length of the road; whether any portion of it has already been constructed and, if so, how much; the motive power proposed to be used, whether steam or electricity; the gauge of the road, whether standard or narrow; whether the proposed road will be altogether within the limits of this State or will be extended into some other state and, if it is proposed that such road shall be constructed to a point without the State, whether the corporation organizing expects to operate the line as an independent corporation or to consolidate with some other established railroad or company; and any other matter which the declarants may deem important,