South Carolina General Assembly
112th Session, 1997-1998

Bill 3523

                    Current Status

Bill Number:                    3523
Ratification Number:            34
Act Number:                     12
Type of Legislation:            General Bill GB
Introducing Body:               House
Introduced Date:                19970225
Primary Sponsor:                Jennings
All Sponsors:                   Jennings, Boan, Sheheen, Neilson,
                                H. Brown, Baxley, Allison, Altman,
                                Askins, Bailey, Barfield, Barrett,
                                Battle, Bauer, Beck, Bowers, Breeland,
                                G. Brown, J. Brown, T. Brown, Byrd,
                                Campsen, Canty, Carnell, Cato, Cave,
                                Chellis, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cooper,
                                Cotty, Cromer, Dantzler, Davenport,
                                Delleney, Easterday, Edge, Felder,
                                Fleming, Gamble, Gourdine, Govan,
                                Hamilton, Harrell, Harrison, Harvin,
                                Haskins, Hawkins, J. Hines, M. Hines,
                                Hinson, Hodges, Howard, Inabinett,
                                Jordan, Keegan, Kelley, Kennedy, Kinon,
                                Kirsh, Klauber, Knotts, Koon, Lanford,
                                Law, Leach, Lee, Limbaugh, Limehouse,
                                Littlejohn, Lloyd, Loftis, Mack,
                                Maddox, Martin, Mason, McCraw, McKay,
                                McLeod, McMahand, McMaster, Meacham,
                                Miller, Moody-Lawrence, Mullen, Neal,
                                Parks, Phillips, Pinckney, Quinn,
                                Rhoad, Rice, Riser, Robinson, Rodgers,
                                Sandifer, Scott, Seithel, Sharpe,
                                Simrill, D. Smith, F. Smith, J. Smith,
                                R. Smith, Spearman, Stille, Stoddard,
                                Stuart, Townsend, Tripp, Trotter,
                                Vaughn, Walker, Webb, Whatley, Whipper,
                                Wilder, Wilkes, Wilkins, Witherspoon,
                                Woodrum, Young and Young-Brickell
Drafted Document Number:        jic\5469htc.97
Date Bill Passed both Bodies:   19970306
Governor's Action:              S
Date of Governor's Action:      19970331
Subject:                        Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage
                                Award named, Arts and Prints, Arts


Body    Date      Action Description                       Com     Leg Involved
______  ________  _______________________________________  _______ ____________

------  19970423  Act No. A12
------  19970331  Signed by Governor
------  19970325  Ratified R34
Senate  19970306  Read third time, enrolled for
Senate  19970305  Read second time
Senate  19970304  Unanimous consent for second
                  and third reading on the next two
                  consecutive Legislative days
Senate  19970304  Introduced, read first time,
                  placed on Calendar without reference
House   19970227  Read third time, sent to Senate
House   19970226  Read second time
House   19970225  Introduced, read first time,
                  placed on Calendar without reference

View additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.

(Text matches printed bills. Document has been reformatted to meet World Wide Web specifications.)

(A12, R34, H3523)


Whereas, the members of the General Assembly have been deeply saddened at the untimely passing of their dear friend and colleague, Representative Jean Laney Harris; and

Whereas, her devotion to the recognition and preservation of the best in South Carolina's cultural, artistic, and historic heritage was a feature of her career of community and legislative service that the members of the General Assembly desire to be remembered and recalled in her generation and in the lifetimes of generations of South Carolinians yet unborn; and

Whereas, to keep alive the legacy of the great service of so distinguished a daughter of South Carolina, it is appropriate forever to attach her name to the state's premier award recognizing the folk arts. Now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

Name changed

SECTION 1. Chapter 66, Title 2 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 458 of 1996, is amended to read:


Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award

Section 2-66-10. (A) There is created the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award which may be presented to no more than four recipients each year by the General Assembly. At the discretion of the awards advisory committee, an additional Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award may be presented to no more than one folk arts advocate each year by the General Assembly.

(B) The purpose of the award is to recognize lifetime achievement in this State for traditional folk art. The award recognizes individuals or groups who have used their lives to create beauty and meaning for their communities and the State as a whole in ways that are significant because they have lasted, often for hundreds of years. Winners of the award represent those who have demonstrated excellence in folk art, and have maintained and enriched the lives of all persons of their communities and of the State through their unique talents.

(C) Criteria for the award are as follows:

(1) emphasis on authenticity of tradition, giving the highest priority to those crafts with a long history of practice in this State;

(2) the significance of the individual folk artist or folk art group in maintaining or stimulating the craft to higher levels of artistic achievement; or, the significance of the folk arts advocate in supporting authentic South Carolina traditional craft or interpreting it to a wider audience;

(3) the award must be given to folk artists living and practicing in this State.

(D) There is established an awards advisory committee to the South Carolina Arts Commission whose purpose is to choose award recipients. This advisory committee must be composed of six members who shall serve two-year terms. The members of the advisory committee shall receive no mileage, per diem, or subsistence unless provided for by private funds. The advisory committee is comprised of:

(1) one member of the South Carolina Arts Commission, or a designee;

(2) the Folk Arts Coordinator at McKissick Museum;

(3) two citizens, one of whom represents the Afro-American community, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;

(4) two citizens, one of whom represents the American Indian community, to be appointed by the President of the Senate.

(E) No state funds may be used for this award. Private funds must be raised to cover any expenses incurred or associated with presenting the award and these funds must be remitted to and managed and disbursed by the South Carolina Arts Commission."

Time effective

SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.

Approved the 31st day of March, 1997.