Current Status Bill Number:3525 Ratification Number:35 Act Number:162 Type of Legislation:Joint Resolution JR Introducing Body:House Introduced Date:19970225 Primary Sponsor:Sharpe All Sponsors:Sharpe Drafted Document Number:pt\2947jm.97 Date Bill Passed both Bodies:19970306 Governor's Action:S Date of Governor's Action:19970331 Subject:Karnal bunt disease, emergency measures for controlling; Agriculture
Body Date Action Description Com Leg Involved ______ ________ _______________________________________ _______ ____________ ------ 19970918 Act No. A162 ------ 19970331 Signed by Governor ------ 19970325 Ratified R35 Senate 19970306 Read third time, enrolled for ratification Senate 19970305 Read second time, unanimous consent for third reading on Thursday, 19970306 Senate 19970305 Recalled from Committee 01 SANR Senate 19970304 Introduced, read first time, 01 SANR referred to Committee House 19970227 Read third time, sent to Senate House 19970226 Read second time House 19970225 Introduced, read first time, placed on Calendar without referenceView additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.
(A162, R35, H3525)
Whereas, Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica Mitra) is a disease which infects or is transmitted by common wheat, durum wheat, triticale, and possibly ryegrass seed; and
Whereas, Karnal bunt causes a loss of yield and a diminution of the value of these crops; and
Whereas, the United States Department of Agriculture has already quarantined specific areas of the United States; and
Whereas, wheat seed infested with spores of Karnal bunt has already been introduced into and planted in South Carolina; and
Whereas, the development and spread of Karnal bunt within this State will affect a crop worth over forty-four million dollars to the state's agricultural industry; and
Whereas, the situation demands emergency action by both the State Crop Pest Commission and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
Sales prohibited; regulations; etc.
SECTION 1. (A) No wheat, triticale, and/or ryegrass seed may be offered for sale or increase in South Carolina unless each lot of seed has either been:
(1) tested negative for the spores of Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica Mitra); or
(2) treated with an approved fungicide in accordance with label directions.
(B) Proof of negative test and/or treatment shall accompany each lot.
(C) For purposes of this section, a "lot" is any increment of five hundred bushels, or any part thereof.
(D) No wheat, triticale, or ryegrass seed may be introduced into South Carolina from any county or any state where the presence of the spores of Karnal bunt has been determined by the United States Department of Agriculture or other appropriate state regulatory agencies, unless the wheat, triticale, or ryegrass seed has tested negative for the presence of the spores of Karnal bunt.
(E) The South Carolina Department of Agriculture shall enforce the provisions of this section by appropriate action and regulations.
Karnal bunt declared plant pest; etc.
SECTION 2. (A) Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica Mitra) is declared a plant pest in accordance with Section 46-9-50, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976.
(B) The South Carolina State Crop Pest Commission shall, subject to the availability of federal and/or state appropriations, take measures to suppress and control Karnal bunt as are authorized by Sections 46-9-40 and 46-9-60 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976.
(C) Indemnity payments must be based on the value of the crop at the time of destruction. If the commission and the producer are unable to agree on a proper valuation, three appraisers must be appointed to determine the crop's value: one by the producer, one by the commission, and one by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. The persons appointed must be familiar with grain production and pricing.
(D) The producer, if not satisfied with the crop's valuation, may thereafter bring suit in the circuit court in the county in which the crop was located. It is the producer's burden to demonstrate that the crop was not infected with Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica Mitra).
(E) Prior to using any state funds for indemnity payments, the commission shall determine that no federal funds are available. Payment of indemnity by the State of South Carolina is contingent upon funds being appropriated.
Time effective
SECTION 3. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor and expires on June 30, 1998.
Approved the 31st day of March, 1997.