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Current Status Bill Number:View additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.1246 Type of Legislation:Joint Resolution JR Introducing Body:Senate Introduced Date:20020424 Primary Sponsor:Moore All Sponsors:Moore Drafted Document Number:l:\s-resmin\bills\moore\smin1012.tlm.doc Residing Body:Senate Current Committee:Free Conference Committee 89 SFCC Date of Last Amendment:20020606 Subject:Schools, to establish a committee to study the manner in which improvement ratings of schools are determined under Education Accountability Act History Body Date Action Description Com Leg Involved ______ ________ ______________________________________ _______ ____________ Senate 20020606 Free Conference Committee Report 89 SFCC adopted Senate 20020606 Free Conference Powers granted, 89 SFCC Moore appointed Senators to Committee Peeler of Free Conference Giese House 20020606 Conference Committee Appointed 98 HCC Walker Gilham Miller Senate 20020606 Conference powers granted, 88 SCC Peeler appointed Senators to Committee Moore of Conference Giese Senate 20020606 Insists upon amendment House 20020605 Non-concurrence in Senate amendment Senate 20020529 House amendments amended, returned to House with amendment ------ 20020523 Scrivener's error corrected House 20020523 Read third time, returned to Senate with amendment House 20020522 Request for debate withdrawn by Representative Govan House 20020522 Amended, read second time House 20020522 Request for debate by Representative Govan ------ 20020520 Scrivener's error corrected House 20020516 Committee report: Favorable with 21 HEPW amendment House 20020502 Introduced, read first time, 21 HEPW referred to Committee Senate 20020501 Read third time, sent to House ------ 20020501 Scrivener's error corrected Senate 20020430 Read second time, unanimous consent for third reading on the next Legislative day Senate 20020430 Recalled from Committee 04 SED Senate 20020424 Introduced, read first time, 04 SED referred to Committee Versions of This Bill Revised on April 30, 2002 - Word format Revised on May 1, 2002 - Word format Revised on May 16, 2002 - Word format Revised on May 20, 2002 - Word format Revised on May 22, 2002 - Word format Revised on May 23, 2002 - Word format Revised on May 29, 2002 - Word format
May 29, 2002
S. 1246
S. Printed 5/29/02--S.
Read the first time May 2, 2002.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. (A) A committee of nine members is established to study and make recommendations concerning revisions to the manner in which the improvement ratings of schools under the Education Accountability Act is determined. The study of the committee shall include, but is not limited to, consideration of the following matters:
(1) revisions to consider:
(a) any significant improvement made by all students between one performance level to the next,
(b) the constant performance of students who perform consistently well from one year to the next, and
(c) students who fall one to five points of reaching the desired performance level, given that many of these same students may have been ten to twenty points short of the mark the previous year;
(2) revisions so that the improvement rating will not be determined under a weighted scheme, which disallows the consideration of individual student improvement, and revisions to avoid the requirement that in order for improvement to be calculated, the student has to move to a different performance level;
(3) adjustments to the improvement rating scale because differences are much too small between the levels at which a rating is assigned, and there is no margin for natural fluctuation. These adjustments should, therefore, include expanding the data points in the scale.
(B) The committee shall consist of nine members, three of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, three shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and three shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The committee shall meet as soon as possible after organizing and elect a chairman and such other officers as it considers necessary. The task force shall issue their report to the House Education and Public Works Committee and the Senate Education Committee no later than January 15, 2003.
(C) Task force members shall receive the usual mileage, subsistence, and per diem provided by law for members of state boards, commissions, and committees while on official business of the task force to be paid from the funds of their appointing authority. Upon issuance of their report, the task force shall be abolished.
SECTION 2. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
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